Forest Information Update Vol 10 No 10

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FOREST INFORMATION UPDATE VOL. 10 NO. 10 October 2009 Welcome to this edition of Forest Information Update. Much of the forestry world’s focus this month is on Buenos Aires, Argentina, the location for the XIII World Forestry Congress. The attendees have a huge task ahead of them, coming at a time of great change as the world struggles out of recession and leaders prepare for a meeting in Copenhagen many are already predicting is unlikely to pave the path towards meeting the challenges of climate change. May those attending travel safely and take care in their deliberations. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about content or sponsorship. Kind regards, Mike Smith, Editor and Director [email protected] Forward to a friend You may wish to download this edition from the Forest Information Update Current Edition web page at Or INTRODUCTION Forest Information Update (FIU) is a free monthly email newsletter sent to people interested in the inventorying and monitoring of natural resources and reaches about 7000 natural resource specialists worldwide. FIU is produced by Trade and Media Services Ltd ( and is supported by organizations, agencies and individuals working in the natural resources field. FIU is sent to each of the following international lists - all are free, low volume and secure: . Conserve Africa Group- send a blank email to: [email protected] . Forest list – See . Global Association of Online Foresters (GAOF) - see . International Forest List (IFL) - . Nepalese Foresters - . Wetlandfriends – see and . Global e-Forum on Climate Change and Global Warming . Applied-GIS-RS homepage - . Carbon, Environment, Society - You may receive FIU by joining one of the above. If you wish to receive FIU only - send a blank email to [email protected]. For questions, to submit material, or to sponsor FIU, please contact me at [email protected] Mike FIU SPONSORS - This issue of FIU is sponsored in part through the generous support of the follow sponsors – please visit their web sites, learn about what they do and utilize their services: . GIS/REMOTE SENSING SPECIALIST - Pöyry Forest Industry are seeking to recruit an additional GIS specialist within the remote sensing/GIS team located in our office in Auckland, New Zealand. The position involves processing, mapping and analyzing GIS and remotely sensed data to support the forest valuation resource assessment and remote sensing activities of the company. Preferred skills are: experience with ArcGIS, good analytical and written communication skills, ability to travel periodically. Familiarity with image processing (optical, radar and LiDAR), remote sensing packages (ENVI and IDL) and forestry experience would be an advantage. Applications close 12 November 2009. For further information please contact Pete Watt on +64 9 918 1090 or email your application to [email protected] . CONTINUING EDUCATION IN FOREST FINANCE AND ECONOMICS COURSE - The Department of Forest and Wood Science, Stellenbosch University, will again present the “Continues Education in Forest


Finance and Economics Course” in 2009. This two week block course will cover the theory of discounting and financial analysis procedures, financial decision tools, land valuation and relevant contemporary South African forestry economic topics. For more information see or contact Cori Ham at [email protected]. . LASER TECHNOLOGY, INC. is the innovator and pioneer of reflectorless distance measurement and the leading manufacturer of pulse-laser products and mapping systems. Introducing the Criterion RD1000, the first patented electronic BAF-scope/dendrometer that displays direct read-outs of heights, diameters and BAF values for IN/OUT determinations. The illuminated and adjustable bar scales is what makes this product so unique! The TruPulse series, a low-cost professional rangefinder that measures horizontal, vertical and slope distance as well as height...and now azimuth! It provides crystal-clear optics and superior performance with +/-1 ft. (30 cm) distance accuracy and +/- 1 degree azimuth accuracy. Visit: for more info! . ESRI - As the leader in GIS technology, ESRI offers innovative solutions that will help you create, visualize, analyze, and present natural resources information better and more clearly. Working with location information, ESRI's GIS software and solutions give you the power to solve problems you encounter every day. Forestry and other natural resource organizations around the world are using this ESRI software to make smart and timely decisions. ESRI provides powerful GIS solutions to more than 300,000 clients in more than 189 countries and offers mapping technology to meet today's global needs. Using ESRI technology, you too can unlock the spatial component of your valuable data and see your organization's information from a new perspective. For more information, contact them at 800-4479778 in the US or 909-793-2853, ext. 1-1235. Or go to the web site at ad&utm_source=forestryinfoupdate&utm_content=forestry Or SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE FOREST INDUSTRY JOURNAL - The latest edition of the Southern Hemisphere Journal features developments in bioenergy forestry plantations. We highlight the psychological impact of bushfires on younger members of our communities; and delve into management and communications messages coming out of the interim report of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission of Inquiry. Preview the latest edition at: option=com_content&task=view&id=1065&Itemid=31 INPUT - This month's input comes from: Gyde Lund, Gary Krupnick, Nelson Wong, Lance Olsen, Tina Etherington, Gandhiv Kafle, Artur Gil, Ross Mayhew, Infosylva, Peter Mayer, Sudiksha Joshi, Edmund Madaj, Charles Harper, Aurélie C. Shapiro, Benktesh Sharma, Madhav Pandey, Pierre Marchand. Thank you all for sharing your information! HAVE YOU HEARD? NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD . ‘URGENT NEED’ FOR ADOPTING INTEGRATED, SUSTAINABLE LAND AND FOREST MANAGEMENT - “The need to adopt integrated, sustainable approaches to land and forest management has never been more urgent. By considering forests as an integral part of wider economic and social development goals, we will make giant strides in our efforts to reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition.” Read the interview with Dr Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) who will be speaking at the opening Ceremony of the XIII World Forestry Congress in Argentina. . U.S. FOREST SERVICE INITIATES REVIEW OF STATION FIRE - U.S. Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell announced today the agency's decision to initiate an interagency review of the suppression efforts of the Station Fire on the Angeles National Forest in the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service in


southern California. . UPM CEO: DYNAMIC WOOD MARKETS AND ENERGY POLICY ESSENTIAL FOR FINLAND’S FUTURE BIOFOREST INDUSTRY - UPM's CEO Jussi Pesonen highlighted the Finnish forest industry's competitiveness and future possibilities at Finnish Chamber of Commerce Forum 2009 event held in Helsinki, Finland, the company said. . WORLD BANK ON KEY FOREST $$ MISSION. A World Bank team arrived in Guyana to engage stakeholders and determine whether Guyana is sufficiently ready to initiate an active phase of preparation that would enable it to receive financial incentives from the international community to reduce deforestation. . GOVERNMENT UPROOTS ‘INVADERS’ TO SAVE KENYA’S HEART - Mau forest is Kenya's largest water tower - it stores rain during the wet seasons and pumps it out during the dry months. But during the past 15 years, more than 100,000 hectares - one quarter of the protected forest reserve - have been settled and cleared. Tearing out the trees at the heart of Kenya has triggered a cascade of drought and despair in the surrounding valleys. The finger of blame is being pointed at the settlers in Mau. And the solution, according to a special task force appointed by Prime Minister Raila Odinga, is to uproot the invaders and replant the trees. Of 20,000 families living in the forest, they estimate that as few as 1,962 have genuine title deeds. . FOREST TRAVEL MAP EXPLAINED - The record of decision for the motorized travel management map of the Ashley Forest in Utah, USA, is now complete and ready for public inspection, review and ultimately acceptance.

BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED... This section is devoted to resource inventory tips and miscellaneous blurbs for whatever uses you care to make. Please limit contributions to one paragraph or so. Thanks, Mike Smith.

HELP! FEEDBACK TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – “Pay it forward!” If you can help with any of the requests below, please take the time to do so. Your kind assistance will be appreciated and rewarded. . DOWNLOADING MULTIPLE LANDSAT SCENES - Aurélie C. Shapiro, Conservation Science Program, World Wildlife Fund US writes: “I’m trying to download a large number (~100) Landsat archive scenes from USGS. The way Earth Explorer or Glovis work is that once you select your scenes, you have to download each scene individually. It will take me years to download all these scenes. Does anyone know how to get direct ftp access or something? The scenes I am interested in are not in GLCF and we cannot purchase 100 Landsat scenes. Many thanks, Aurelie [email protected] . QUESTIONS - Tatsiana Hubina writes: “Would you be so kind helping me answering some questions: 1. What is the best software to use for "object-oriented" classification? 2. Have u any material regarding proceeding images with Feature Analyst ? 3. Is IDRISI object oriented classification module quite


potential as well? 4. Please would you be so kind suggesting me some literature according Remote Sensing for agriculture, SPOT images analysis for agriculture issues, land/cover land/use classification.” [email protected] . REMOTE SENSING INVASIVE SPECIES - Ciprian Samoila, research assistant, PhD student (Biology), the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Ovidius University Constanta, Romania writes: Do you have any scientific publications, study cases or any materials to support the idea of sensing alien species such as Ailanthus, Amorpha or Eleagnus using satellite images such as Ikonos or SPOT 5, or aerial imagery (0.5m resolution)? I am basically trying to approximate this species cover within a national park. So far we have located individuals throughout the park and marked their position with a GPS device (within 3m horizontal accuracy).” [email protected] . TREE COVER MAPPING METHODS AND TOOLS - Meshack Nyabenge, GIS Unit Manager, World Agroforestry Centre writes: “I am looking for literature focused on tree cover mapping methods and tools, predominantly using either Landsat or Modis satellite products. I am working at some watershed levels in Kenya and Tanzania. Could I get help?” [email protected] OPPORTUNITIES - Several readers of FIU are seeking employment in the forestry field. If you have jobs available and are in need of good people, please consider posting your vacancies in FIU (there is no charge for this service) and the following outlets: . RURAL COMMUNITY ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE MAPPING PROJECT – ASIA. The Arkleton Trust in cooperation with the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP) offer one final Arkleton Trust Fellowship for 2009. Following the successful appointment of four fellowships to map community initiatives in adaptation to climate change across Europe and the north, Australasia, Africa and the Americas we are now seeking applications for coverage of the Asian countries. The fellowship is for one year and is worth £5,000. It is open to researchers from organisations working in this field or PhD researchers with faculty support. Preference will be given to researchers who live and work in an Asian country. The closing date for applications is October 30, 2009. Information of the project and application forms can be provided by contacting Nicola Swan: [email protected] NEW FORESTRY CHIEF FOR FOREST ENTERPRISE SCOTLAND - Simon Hodge has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer for Forest Enterprise Scotland (FES), the agency that manages 665,000 hectares of national forest land. Currently, Simon holds the post of Head of Policy within Forestry Commission Scotland, and will take up his new role in early December. He succeeds Dr Hugh Insley, who is retiring. . GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS AT UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI – Graduate fellowships include a number relating to natural resources and sciences.

4 . PHD SCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT - Tenable at University College Dublin (UCD) with field research at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and its partners conduct research on agroforestry in about 25 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The PhD candidates will work under the guidance and supervision of both UCD-based and ICRAF-based scientists, providing them with the ideal environment to develop the expertise that will be of benefit to both science and development practice. . REDD POST DOCTORAL FELLOW, NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES - As part of CIFOR's global comparative REDD project (component 3 on reference levels and MRV), candidates are sought for a 2-4 year post doctoral position at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. . REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) LISTINGS AND RESOURCES. RFP project lead: UK-Llandovery: agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services. Deadline: November 18, 2009 Forestry Commission Wales (FCW) will be awarding this as a Framework Agreement to one or more suppliers, who are able to provide FCW with fully trained operators / fully operational machines, to carry out a range of ground preparation techniques. CONSULTANT/PROJECT MANAGER - LAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Use your consulting and project management experience in the land management and land records market to support our users with the implementation of solutions throughout the entire life cycle--from requirements to rollout. Our projects range from small focused technology transfer to large enterprise implementations of missioncritical systems. . PHD OPPORTUNITY IN IRELAND - Project title: TREEMODEL - Development of single tree volume models and stem profile models. Supervisor: Prof M Nieuwenhuis. Funding Status Directly Funded Project (European Students Only). Application Deadline 30/10/09. For inquiries contact Professor Nieuwenhuis at 01 716 7004 or email [email protected] . COPENHAGEN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE PROJECT - Nelson Wong writes: One of our clients of our New York City based consulting firm wishes to conduct a phone in consultation with someone who is familiar with the issues & challenges of climate change, as well as matters related to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. The person in mind must also be prepared to address an audience in London, UK, in early December 2009 for the same purpose. This is a paid assignment. Anyone who is interested in this project may contact me soonest possible. Please provide your full name, email address & contact/telephone number. We will then contact you directly for more details.” Contact Nelson Wong [email protected] . PREPARE POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER - Environmental Systems Science Centre. University of Reading - School of Mathematics, Meteorology & Physics. This appointment is full-time, fixed-term for 3 years. Grade 6 - £27,183 to £30,594 per annum. We need a motivated Post-doctoral Researcher to drive a collaborative project seeking to monitor and explain current changes in the global water cycle in relation to Earth's climate. . SCIENCE-JOBS-DE STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (vacancies). 5 PhD positions are open in the Department of Forest Ecology, Forest Research Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Freiburg (Projects 1 and 4), Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Population Genetics, University of Hohenheim (Project 2), Institute for Landscape Matter Dynamics in Müncheberg (part of the Leibnitz-Institute für


Agrarlandschaftsforschung and located close to Berlin (Project 3) and Institute of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology, University of Freiburg (Project 4). For more information, contact Ingo Ensminger: [email protected] . POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - WATERSHED HYDROLOGY. University of Hawaii - Manoa (EUA). Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Postdoctoral Position: Watershed Hydrology. Closing Date: Continuous, review of applications begins: Immediately. Stipend: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Duties and Responsibilities: Participate in research training on watershed hydrology. Conduct independent research in the areas of water flow and solute transport, irrigation management, surface/subsurface water quality monitoring, numerical modeling and spatial and temporal data analyses using GPS and GIS. For Inquiries call Dr. Ali Fares; 808-956-6361. [email protected]

HAVE YOU READ? Obtain from your local library or from the sources provided. THE PUBLICATION LIST . New Book Announcement, The Impact of Large Landowners on Land Markets (Land Lines Article). Author(s): Bostic, Raphael W. Publication Date: October 2009. . Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation. A collection of case studies, policy reviews and issue papers published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Editors Jessica Campese, Terry Sunderland, Thomas Greiber and Gonzalo Oviedo have brought together original research that shows how adopting rights-based approaches to conservation can provide benefits both for nature and for the people who live and work in environmentally sensitive areas. . New scientific journal: Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, now published by Springer on behalf of the Senckenberg Nature Research Society. ARTICLES OF INTEREST

BIODIVERSITY . Sueur J, Pavoine S, Hamerlynck O, Duvail S, 2008 Rapid Acoustic Survey for Biodiversity Appraisal. PLoS ONE 3(12): e4065. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004065. . Naoto Kamata and Kurt W. Gottschalk. Special feature: alien pests threatening biodiversity of forest ecosystems. Journal of Forest Research. Springer Japan. ISSN 1341-6979 (Print) 1610-7403 (Online). Issue Volume 12, Number 5 / October, 2007. p=c08aa8e8087943cc95ca1483558c7ac0&pi=0 . Thomas G. Northcote (Editor), G. F. Hartman (Editor). Fishes and Forestry: Worldwide Watershed Interactions and Management. ISBN: 978-0-632-05809-9. Hardcover. 800 pages. May 2004, Wiley-


Blackwell. US $303.99.,subjectCd-AG70.html . Abigail R. Kimbell and Hutch Brown. Using Forestry to Secure America’s Water Supply. Discussion Paper. USDA Forest Service. Washington, D.C. BIOFUEL . Biomass project brings more jobs to East Texas. Issue date: 12 October 2009. The Pine Log. Rep. Wayne Christian (R-Center) has announced that the 100-megawatt Nacogdoches Power LLC biomass project, located in Sacul, is under new ownership and will begin construction this fall. file:///E:/Mike%27s%20files/FIU/Oct%202009/Biomass.Project.Brings.More.Jobs.To.East.Texas3800414.shtml CLASSIFICATION/MAPPING . Milla Hilli and Markku T. Kuitunen. Testing the Use of a Land Cover Map for Habitat Ranking in Boreal Forests. Environmental Management, Volume 35, Number 4 / April, 2005 . Rock Ouimet, Paul A. Arp, Shaun A. Watmough, Julian Aherne and Ian DeMerchant. Determination and Mapping Critical Loads of Acidity and Exceedances for Upland Forest Soils in Eastern Canada. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Volume 172, Numbers 1-4 / May, 2006. . Karpievitch YV, Hill EG, Leclerc AP, Dabney AR, Almeida JS, 2009 An Introspective Comparison of Random Forest-Based Classifiers for the Analysis of Cluster-Correlated Data by Way of RF++. PLoS ONE 4(9): e7087. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007087 CLIMATE CHANGE/CARBON . P. E. Thornton et al. Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. Biogeosciences. Vol. 6 No. 10. Page(s) 2099-2120 . Ashwini Chhatrea and Arun Agrawalb. Trade-offs and synergies between carbon storage and livelihood benefits from forest commons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. Published online before print October 6, 2009. Bruno Locatelli et al. Facing an uncertain future: How forests and people can adapt to climate change. Center or International Forestry Research. 2008. 100 pp. %5Cpdf_files%5CBooks%5CBLocatelli0801.pdf . Protecting the Climate Forests; Why reducing tropical deforestation is in America’s vital national interest - The Commission on Climate and Tropical Forests – a bipartisan group of leaders from business, government, advocacy, conservation, global development, science and national security – released its report on October 7, 2009, calling on policymakers to make halving emissions from tropical


deforestation by 2020 a cornerstone of the U.S. climate change response. . Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary and Dexter Thompson-Pomeroy. Innovation in Responding to Climate Change: Nanotechnology, Ocean Energy and Forestry. UNU-IAS, November 2008, 46 pages. . Huntley B, Collingham YC, Willis SG, Green RE, 2008 Potential Impacts of Climatic Change on European Breeding Birds. PLoS ONE 3(1): e1439. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001439. . D. A. Peltzer, R. B. Allen, G. M. Lovett, D. Whitehead, D. A. Wardle. Effects of biological invasions on forest carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology. Early View, Date: September 2009. INVENTORY/MONITORING . Jari Liskia, Aleksi Lehtonenc, Taru Palosuoa, Mikko Peltoniemic, Thies Eggersa, Petteri Muukkonenc and Raisa Mäkipääc. Carbon accumulation in Finland's forests 1922-2004 - an estimate obtained by combination of forest inventory data with modelling of biomass, litter and soil. Ann. For. Sci. 63 (7) 687-697 (2006). . Hans T. Schreuder, Timothy G. Gregoire, Geoffrey B. Wood. Sampling Methods for Multiresource Forest Inventory.. ISBN: 978-0-471-55245-1. Hardcover. 464 pages. March 1993. US $226.00. . Min Zhao and Guang-Sheng Zhou. Estimating net primary productivity of Chinese pine forests based on forest inventory data. Forestry. Published online January 16, 2006. MISCELLANEOUS . Proceedings, Conference on Meeting Multiple Demands for Forest Information: New Technologies in Forest Data Gathering. 17-20 August 2009, Mount Gambier, Australia. IUFRO 4.01.00, 4.02.03, 6.15.00, 3.01.00 . The Weeping Goldsmith: Discoveries in the Secret Land of Myanmar. - A distinguished Curator and Research Scientist at the Smithsonian Institution, W. John Kress recounts his natural history exploration over the course of nine years in the wild lands of Myanmar in search of rare, beautiful, and scientifically unknown plants in the new book The Weeping Goldsmith: Discoveries in the Secret Land of Myanmar (2009; Abbeville Press). REMOTE SENSING/GIS . Nicholas Chrisman. Exploring Geographical Information Systems, 2nd Edition, Published 05/2001 . John R Jensen. Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective (2nd Edition)


(Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science). te-Sensing-of-the-Environment-An.aspx . Josh A. Goncalves. Digital Mono-Plotting Within a GIS Application in Forestry. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation. June 6 - 8, 1994. Antlers Doubletree Hotel. Colorado Springs, CO. file:///E:/Mike%27s%20files/FIU/Oct%202009/view_abstract.cfm.htm . Bertram Husch, Thomas W. Beers, John A. Kershaw, Jr. Forest Mensuration, 4th Edition. ISBN: 9780-471-01850-6. Hardcover. 456 pages. December 2002. US $136.50. RESOURCE ANALYSIS/MODELING . M. Jung, M. Reichstein, and A. Bondeau. Towards global empirical upscaling of FLUXNET eddy covariance observations: validation of a model tree ensemble approach using a biosphere model. Biogeosciences. Vol. 6 No. 10. Page(s) 2001-2013. . Y. Ye, C. Völker, and D. A. Wolf-Gladrow. A model of Fe speciation and biogeochemistry at the Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory site. Biogeosciences. Vol. 6 No. 10. Page(s) 2041-2061 . Purves DW, Lichstein JW, Pacala SW, 2007 Crown Plasticity and Competition for Canopy Space: A New Spatially Implicit Model Parameterized for 250 North American Tree Species. PLoS ONE 2(9): e870. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000870. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT . Rogerio Carneiro de Miranda, Stuart Conway and Afranio Cesar Migliari. Sustainable commercial firewood: the role of Forest Replacement Associations in Brazil and Nicaragua. This article has been adapted from a paper presented to the XII World Forest Congress, FAO, Quebec City, Canada, September 2003 by the author. . C. M. Tucker, J. C. Randolph and E. J. Castellanos. Institutions, Biophysical Factors and History: An Integrative Analysis of Private and Common Property Forests in Guatemala and Honduras. Human Ecology, Volume 35, Number 3 / June, 2007. p=4dc88eddfe85416889579d3f1eba3728&pi=5 . Monik Oprea; Poliana Mendes; Thiago B. Vieira; Albert D. Ditchfield. Do wooded streets provide connectivity for bats in an urban landscape? Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 18, Number 9 / August, 2009. Springer Netherlands (pp. 2361-2371). . John A. Parrotta, Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, Joseph Cobbinah (editors). Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge and Sustainable Forest Management in Africa: Conference Papers. Accra, IUFRO, 2009 – 213 p. ISSN 1016-3263. ISBN 978-3-901347-81-8. Available online:


CAPTURED ON VIDEO Download videos from the web or from the sources provided. NEW APPROACH TO RESEARCH ARTICLES A new approach for discovery and communication of research articles.

YOU'RE INVITED! For a more complete listing of upcoming inventory and monitoring related meetings, see: . 14-16 October 2009. Silvilaser 2009, the 9th international conference on lidar applications for assessing forest ecosystems. Texas A&M University (Campus Map), Rudder Theatre. College Station, TX, USA. . 14-16 October 2009. Processing and Classification of Satellite Imagery. Thematic Session within the VipIMAGE2009 - II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. Porto, Portugal. and . 18-23 October 2009. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires – Argentina. . 20 October 2009. Challenges in sharing forest information today – Moving forward through cooperation. Retos en el intercambio de información forestal hoy. Global Forest Information Service (GFIS). Side Event at World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina.. Pabellón Azul, Sala Pehuén. 15:00 – 17:30 pm. Organized by IUFRO and sponsored by ITTO . 21 October 2009. In preparation for Copenhagen 2009, the XIII World Forests Congress invites the global forest community to a Forum on Forests and Climate Change, a unique occasion for debate which aims to produce a recommendation of a technical nature, which will be presented to the UNCCC COP 15. . 22-22 October 2009. 6th International Oak Society Conference. Puebla, Mexico. Contact: Maricela Rodriguez-Coombes, herbario.jardinbotanico(at)


. 20-23 October 2009. The international conference, Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), will be held in Sydney, Australia, and is now open for registration. . 27–28 October 2009. 2nd Call for Papers: Decentralization, Power and Tenure Rights of ForestDependent People. Sadguru Foundation, Gujarat, India. Submission deadline: 10 August 2009. Download details at: . 28-30 October 2009. Introduction to Wetland Remote Sensing and Mapping. Abdalla Hall, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. For more information contact Lindsey A. Broussard: Intern, National Wetlands Research Center/USGS. 337-266-8502. Email: [email protected] . 3 November 2009. 2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks (LBSN 09). Seattle, WA, USA. Held in conjunction with the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Adding a location dimension to online social networking. and . 6 November 2009. Forum on non-timber forest resources. Nanaimo, British Columbia. E-mail: [email protected] Website: . 11 Nov 2009. PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: Exploring Issues Facing the Forest Sector. Paris, France. Contact: info(at) . 23-27 November 2009. The East Asian Seas Congress 2009. Manila, Philippines. The international conference theme is "Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices". Email: [email protected] Website: . 26 to 28 November 2009. VII International Pensa Conference Economic Crisis: Food, Fiber and Bioenergy Chain. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Contact email/website: [email protected] . 7-11 December, 2009. Population Viability Analysis IV: Modeling Occupancy for Conservation. Location: NCTC, Shepherdstown, WV. Register online at . 13 December 2009. Forest Day 3. Copenhagen, Denmark. Forest Day 3 will take place alongside the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and will be hosted by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, the Government of Denmark, and CIFOR. . 14-17 Dec 2009. Asia and the Pacific Forest Products Workshop – Green Technology for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Colombo, Sri Lanka. IUFRO 5.00.00 Contact: Sim Heok-Choh, simhc(at); sim(at)


. 14-18 December 2009. NH03: Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards during the Fall AGU meeting to be held in San Francisco, USA. You are invited to submit your abstract for presentation (oral and poster) by September 3, 2009. For more details, go to: . 28-30 December. ICECS - Dubai 2009: The 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science . 3-13 January, 2010. The Smithsonian's Center for Conservation Education and Sustainability and the George Mason Center for Conservation Studies are offering a graduate and professional course, Effective Conservation Leadership, to be held at the Conservation and Research Center, Front Royal, Virginia. Contact [email protected] . 2 February 2010. World Wetlands Day 2010 - Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change. . 10-15 February, 2010. GEOProcessing 2010: The Second International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services. St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles. Submission deadline: October 5, 2009. General page: Call for Papers: . 8–19 March 2010. International Training Event: Third Executive Forest Policy Short Course – Enhancing Forest Policy in the Greater Mekong Subregion. RECOFTC, Bangkok, Thailand, Registration deadline: 31 December 2009> . 12-14 April, 2010. International Conference on the Efforts in Response to Forest-Related Natural Disasters. The 1st Forest Science Forum. Beijing, China. . 6-9 July, 2010. First Call for Papers GI_Forum 2010. The Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI_Forum) at the University of Salzburg, Austria. . 23-28 August 2010. XXIII IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment", Seoul, Republic of Korea. Invitation: 1st Announcement: . Forestry Information Session - At the World Forestry Congress there will be a session on “The evolving role of information specialists in today’s rapidly changing world: are libraries still relevant?” Visit: Contact: vanda.ferreira(at) . 4-6 May 2010. International Biomass Conference & Expo. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. . 11-14 May 2010. 13th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science: “Geospatial Thinking”. Guimarães, Portugal. Call for Papers. Go to:


. 28 Jun – 2 Jul 2010. 18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Organized by the British Forestry Commission. Contact: cfcc(at) . July 20-23, 2010. Accuracy 2010. International Spatial Accuracy Research Association (ISARA). Ninth International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Leicester, UK. . 27 September-1 October 2010. Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, to be held in Valencia, Spain, from. For further information please visit the website at

WHILE SURFING THE WEB…INTERESTING LINKS For a complete listing of links go to . Free Online Resources Center for Irrigation, Climate, Ground Water, GIS, Remote Sensing and Spatial Hydrology FREE data needs. In addition, Tutorials, Articles, Reviews, Hot Jobs and news about GIS, Remote Sensing and Spatial Hydrology. . Ghost Forest - Ghost Forest is an original and ambitious project by Angela Palmer that seeks to raise public awareness of the connections between deforestation and climate change. It involves taking a series of 10 rainforest tree stumps, most with their buttress roots still attached, from a regulated, commercially logged tropical rainforest in Ghana. The tree stumps will be presented as a “ghost forest” firstly in Trafalgar Square in London, and then in Copenhagen to coincide with the UN Climate Change Conference in December. . Satellite data instrumental in combating desertification. With land degradation in dryland regions continuing to worsen, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification has agreed on scientistrecommended indicators for monitoring and assessing desertification that signatory countries must report on. . Climate Change Facts Sheet – Sudan %20Series_2008_2_lowres.pdf


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