Forest Information Update Vol 10 No 6

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FOREST INFORMATION UPDATE VOL. 10 NO. 6 June 2009 Welcome to this edition of Forest Information Update. Forward to a friend You may wish to download this edition from the Current Edition web page at Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about content or sponsorship. Kind regards, Mike Smith, Editor and Director, Trade and Media Services Ltd. INTRODUCTION Forest Information Update (FIU) is a free monthly email newsletter sent to people interested in the inventorying and monitoring of natural resources and reaches about 7000 natural resource specialists worldwide. FIU is produced by Trade and Media Services Ltd ( and is supported by organizations, agencies and individuals working in the natural resources field. FIU is sent to each of the following international lists - all are free, low volume and secure: . Conserve Africa Group- send a blank email to: [email protected] . Forest list – See . Global Association of Online Foresters (GAOF) - see . International Forest List (IFL) - . Nepalese Foresters - . Wetlandfriends – see and . Global e-Forum on Climate Change and Global Warming. . Applied-GIS-RS homepage - You may receive FIU by joining one of the above. If you wish to receive FIU only - send a blank email to [email protected]. Back issues of FIU may be found at for 2007; or for earlier editions, go to and For questions, to submit material, or to sponsor FIU, please contact me at [email protected] Mike FIU SPONSORS - This issue of FIU is sponsored in part through the generous support of the follow sponsors – please visit their web sites, learn about what they do and utilize their services: . FORSight Resources LLC – FORSight Resources, LLC, is a private consulting firm that specializes in forest management planning and related services to the forestry and natural resources sectors. Our staff brings together decades of combined forestry and GIS/GPS experience to provide a full suite of decision support offerings for natural resource management. The company’s offerings include forest planning, inventory, acquisition due diligence, wood and fiber supply studies, growth and yield modeling, GIS analysis and custom programming, as well as other decision support services geared specifically towards natural resource management. FORSight Resources is an authorized Business Partner for Trimble and ESRI, offering sales and support for their respective products. With 3 offices located in South Carolina, Wisconsin and Washington, FORSight Resources is well-positioned to serve clients throughout North America and abroad. For more information, please contact Bruce Carroll (SC) +1-843.552.0717, Chuck Stiff (WI) +1608.868.2799, or Karl Walters (WA) +1-360.882.9030, email us at [email protected] or visit our web site


. CONTINUING EDUCATION IN FOREST FINANCE AND ECONOMICS COURSE - The Department of Forest and Wood Science, Stellenbosch University, will again present the “Continues Education in Forest Finance and Economics Course” in 2009. This two week block course will cover the theory of discounting and financial analysis procedures, financial decision tools, land valuation and relevant contemporary South African forestry economic topics. For more information see or contact Cori Ham at [email protected]. . LASER TECHNOLOGY, INC. is the innovator and pioneer of reflectorless distance measurement and the leading manufacturer of pulse-laser products and mapping systems. Introducing the Criterion RD1000, the first patented electronic BAF-scope/dendrometer that displays direct read-outs of heights, diameters and BAF values for IN/OUT determinations. The illuminated and adjustable bar scales is what makes this product so unique! The TruPulse series, a low-cost professional rangefinder that measures horizontal, vertical and slope distance as well as height...and now azimuth! It provides crystal-clear optics and superior performance with +/-1 ft. (30 cm) distance accuracy and +/- 1 degree azimuth accuracy. Visit: for more info! . ESRI - As the leader in GIS technology, ESRI offers innovative solutions that will help you create, visualize, analyze, and present natural resources information better and more clearly. Working with location information, ESRI's GIS software and solutions give you the power to solve problems you encounter every day. Forestry and other natural resource organizations around the world are using this ESRI software to make smart and timely decisions. ESRI provides powerful GIS solutions to more than 300,000 clients in more than 189 countries and offers mapping technology to meet today's global needs. Using ESRI technology, you too can unlock the spatial component of your valuable data and see your organization's information from a new perspective. For more information, contact them at 800-4479778 in the US or 909-793-2853, ext. 1-1235. Or go to the web site at ad&utm_source=forestryinfoupdate&utm_content=forestry PODCAST: CARBON FARMING – Dr Murray McClintock's firm, Carbon Farming, is part of a new era of businesses established to help foresters and land owners manage their way through emissions trading schemes.. INPUT - This month's input comes from: Gyde Lund, Robert Froese, Suchith Anand, Gary Krupnick, Nelson Wong, Lance Olsen, Tina Etherington, Gandhiv Kafle, Infosylva, Artur Gil, Ross Mayhew, Saied Pirasteh, Robert Froese, Arun Dhakal, Richard Schneider. Thank you all for sharing your information! HAVE YOU HEARD? NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD . GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS IN THE UNITED STATES – This U.S. Government report summarizes the science and the impacts of climate change on the United States, including impacts on forests, now and in the future. It focuses on climate change impacts in different regions of the U.S. and on various aspects of society and the economy such as energy, water, agriculture, and health. It’s also a report written in plain language, with the goal of better informing public and private decision making at all levels. . AUSTRALIA HOME TO WORLD FOREST CARBON WINNER - Australia has the world’s most carbondense forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria, according to researchers from The Australian National


University. The research team – Professor Brendan Mackey, Professor David Lindenmayer and Dr Heather Keith of the Fenner School of Environment and Society at ANU – found that the world’s most carbon dense forest, that has currently been measured, is a mountain ash forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. . PRICING NATURE TO SAVE IT – Canada’s entire Boreal Forest is said to be valued at C$77 billion, and that is just for some of the ecological work it does. . STATE FORESTERS CONGRATULATE NEW FOREST SERVICE CHIEF TOM TIDWELL – The National Association of State Foresters praised the appointment of Tom Tidwell as Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, announced today by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Tidwell was selected to replace Gail Kimbell, who has served as chief of the agency since January 2007. . OPEN SOURCE GIS CONFERENCE - Presentations and recordings of the Open Source GIS conference will be available on the OSGIS 2009 Conference site for the benefit of the wider Geospatial community. Go to: . XIII WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS - “We have all the elements in our industry, the willingness and the potential to contribute, to be part of the solution to climate change.” Teresa Presas, Managing Director of CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries), will be a key-note speaker on Opportunities for Development at the XIII World Forestry Congress in Argentina. . PINE BEETLE’S ROLE IN SPREAD OF FOREST FIRE - The pine beetle is helping spread a British Columbia, Canaa, forest fire, reports the Vancouver Sun. Since the 1980s, the beetle has been laying its eggs inside trees in the Bridge River Valley, the site of a forest fire burning 65 kilometres east of Lillooet, fire information officer Mary Ann Leach is reported as saying. . SATELLITE NAVIGATION COMPETITION - The sixth European Satellite Navigation Competition awards prize money and start-up assistance totalling €500,000 across 17 global partner regions with prize money of €20,000 for the overall winner. Industry and research partners offer eight special topic prizes with the intention to facilitate cooperative realisation of the winning idea with the respective sponsor. Register and submit innovative ideas for satellite navigation before 31 July 2009 at:

BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED... This section is devoted to resource inventory tips and miscellaneous blurbs for whatever uses you care to make. Please limit contributions to one paragraph or so. Thanks, Mike Smith.

HELP! FEEDBACK TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – “Pay it forward!” If you can help with any of the requests below, please


take the time to do so. Your kind assistance will be appreciated and rewarded. . PANAMA AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Justin Fischer requests: I am looking for recent aerial photography (or satellite imagery) for central Panama. Any help would be appreciated. . ACCIDENT GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Dr. Saied Pirasteh requests: We are working on Tracking system for accident: geoinformation Technlogy. I would be very much thankful if any of the list member has information, papers, websites and other information that can help us to get background information. These information will help us to see the advantages and disadvantages of the system. [email protected] . GIS BASED FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - Shattri writes: We are working on GIS based Facilities Management System. I would be very much thankful if any of the list member has information, papers, websites and other information… OPPORTUNITIES - Several readers of FIU are seeking employment in the forestry field. If you have jobs available and are in need of good people, please consider posting your vacancies in FIU (there is no charge for this service) and the following outlets: . FOREST MANAGEMENT CHIEF - The Georgia Forestry Commission seeks a Forest Management Chief to oversee programs in Water Quality, Forest Health, Rural Forestry Assistance, the Forest Stewardship Program, and Forest Inventory Analysis. . GIS ANALYST - Solstice Canada Corp. - GIS Analyst/Technician Drafting Technician. . FOREST MODELLING - Manitoba Conservation, Forestry Branch - Forest Modelling Specialist - F03. . PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE - Applications are invited for a full-time, academic year faculty position in the Division of Forestry, Natural Resources, and Recreation at Paul Smith’s College, New York, USA. . PH.D. AND M.SC. ASSISTANTSHIPS - Michigan Technological University, USA. Ph.D. and M.Sc. positions are available in environmental sustainability of biomass for biofuels and bioenergy. Topics include biomass inventory and availability, GIS/RS models of biomass, quantitative silviculture, energy crops, carbon and nutrient cycles and native and cultivated forest and agricultural systems. Forestry, ecosystem or soil science or agrology background required with interest in quantitative methods. GIS/RS experience ideal; proficiency in English necessary. Stipend, tuition and fees included. Start date is fall semester 2009 for all positions. See; for more information contact Robert Froese, email: [email protected]


. PHD STUDENTSHIPS IN REMOTE SENSING AND GIS - Assessment of habitat condition and conservation status for lowland British woodland using earth observation techniques.GIS, remote sensing, ecology, geography, environment, habitat: sci&searchtype=b&keyword=remote+sensing&scip=15&scif=0&socp=1&socd=0&socf=0&pd=0&page=1 . BIOMASS AND BIOENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY - Ph.D. and M.Sc. positions are available in environmental sustainability of biomass for biofuels and bioenergy. Start date is fall semester 2009 for all positions. See; contact Robert Froese at [email protected]

HAVE YOU READ? Obtain from your local library or from the sources provided. THE PUBLICATION LIST . NEW FAO PUBLICATIONS Asia-Pacific Forestry Week – Forestry in a changing world. A summary of the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Week. The Week was a virtual kaleidoscope of diverse issues – woven together by a common theme: the interactions between forests and people of the region. This resulting publication is a testimony to the varied voices, perspectives and insights that emerged over the week. The future of forests in Asia and the Pacific: Outlook for 2020. The "Future of Forests" conference, convened in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 16 to 18 October 2007, was an important effort to understand the views of a wide spectrum of stakeholders on how forestry in Asia and the Pacific will unfold in the future in view of larger societal changes. All the topics and discussions were drawn together to help describe potential futures for forests in the region and to chart prospective ways forward. Contribution Of The Forestry Sector To National Economies, 1990-2006 - FAO is frequently asked for information about the economic contribution of the forestry sector. In response to this, an update report on this subject has been published recently. This paper presents information about the contribution of the forestry sector to national economies at the global, regional and country levels. The paper presents figures for employment, value-added and exports earnings in the sector from 1990 to 2006, as well as information about trends in productivity. The figures include a mixture of statistics taken from published sources and FAO estimates. Unfortunately, statistics are not available for many countries or for activities in the informal sector, so these figures must be treated with some caution. However, the figures probably give a reasonable indication of the importance of the sector at the global and regional level and highlight broad changes over time. They also show some of the main differences in the structure of the sector between different countries and regions. The report is available online at: . Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH) - Headlines Himalaya is the newsletter of EGH, which is a forum for all science and development related graduates. Items in a recent include: Although 95% of vultures have been lost in 15 years, Nepal brings the good news of an innovative and successful conservation model for vulture conservation through a vulture restaurant. A food subsidy has left the land fallow, while in other parts the poor and recently freed bonded laborers have no choice but to convert forests into human settlements and farms. . Vital Forest Graphics – Stopping the Downswing? Published by UNEP/GRID-ARENDAL. ISBN:


978-92-807-2903-0. . The Overstory #219. The need for organic farm forestry and the potential for organic timber. By Nick Pasiecznik. June 14, 2009. [email protected] ARTICLES OF INTEREST

BIODIVERSITY . Impact of climate change on biodiversity and environmental stewardship. Article prepared by Bill Finch-Savage for the Fresh Produce Journal. . Kevin J. Gaston. Global patterns in biodiversity. Nature 405, 220-227 (11 May 2000) | doi:10.1038/35012228. . Arne Ø. Mooers. Conservation biology: The diversity of biodiversity. Nature 445, 717-718 (15 February 2007) | doi:10.1038/445717a; Published online 14 February 2007. . Egoh, B., et al. 2009. Spatial congruence between biodiversity and ecosystem services in South Africa. Biol. Conserv. 142(3):553-562. Abstract. _sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=22&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=c41cb e53b9416f7859b0b92370e5db1e BIOFUEL . Vicki Glaser. Alternative Feedstocks Boost Ethanol Production. Industry Increasingly Relies upon Cellulosic Biofuels to Meet Government Mandates. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. June 15 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 12). . Igniting Cellulosic Biofuel Production. To produce biofuels that reduce carbon emissions and do not compete with food crops, biofuel producers need to scale up production of cellulosic biofuels, particularly those made from waste materials and crops that do not compete with food. Posted by Andrew Plemmons Pratt. June 11, 2008. CLASSIFICATION/MAPPING . Jennifer Barrett and David Cairns. Application of the Random Forest Classification Method to Peaks Detected from Mass Spectrometric Proteomic Profiles of Cancer Patients and Controls. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2008, vol. 7, issue 2, pages 4. . T. B. Plair. A Forest Land Capability Classification. Published in Soil Sci Soc Am J 16:316 (1952)

6 . W. D. Hudson. Evaluation of several classification schemes for mapping forest cover types in Michigan. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 8, Issue 12, 1987, Pages 1785 – 1796*|mapping* CLIMATE CHANGE/CARBON . Anthony Giddens. The Politics of Climate Change. Polity Press: 2009. 256pp. £12.99. . Why is the Ozone Hole in the Less Polluted Southern Hemisphere? From NASA Earth Observatory news. . Andrew Plemmons Pratt. Offsets We Can Trust. An Interview With David Hayes on How to Get Carbon Offsets Right. INVENTORY/MONITORING . Susanne Winter, Gherardo Chirici, Ronald E. McRoberts, Elmar Hauk and Erkki Tomppo. Possibilities for harmonizing national forest inventory data for use in forest biodiversity assessments. Forestry 2008 81(1):33-44; doi:10.1093/forestry/cpm042. . Jian-Kang Wu; Quin-Fen Zheng; Wen-Tao Wang; Ke-Wei Li. A forest inventory using LANDSAT imagery in the Mao-shan area of China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 6, Issue 12 December 1985 , pages 1783 – 1795. . Jonathan D. Phillips and Lisa Park. Forest blowdown impacts of Hurricane Rita on fluvial systems. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Volume 34 Issue 8, Pages 1069 - 1081 REMOTE SENSING/GIS . Michael A. Wulder, Joanne C. White, Richard A. Fournier, Joan E. Luther and Steen Magnussen. Spatially Explicit Large Area Biomass Estimation: Three Approaches Using Forest Inventory and Remotely Sensed Imagery in a GIS. Sensors 2008, 8(1), 529-560; doi:10.3390/s8010529. . Bédard, Serge. 2006. GIS in 20 Years: Where is the Future Taking Us? 11 p. . CEC. 2006. GREEN PAPER on Satellite Navigation Applications. 14 p. RESOURCE ANALYSIS/MODELING . Peng Jiang, Haonan Wu, Wenkai Wang, Wei Ma, Xiao Sun and Zuhong Lu. MiPred: classification of


real and pseudo microRNA precursors using random forest prediction model with combined features. Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, Vol. 35, No. suppl_2 W339-W344. . Kang-tsung Chang Shou-Hao Chiang, Feng Lei. Analysing the Relationship Between TyphoonTriggered Landslides and Critical Rainfall Conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Volume 33 Issue 8, Pages 1261 – 1271. Published Online: 29 Oct 2007. . Teixeira, A.M.G., et al. 2009. Modeling landscape dynamics in an Atlantic Rainforest region: Implications for conservation. Forest Ecol. Manag. 257(4):1219-1230. Abstract. _sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=22&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=405cc 2bdc30d10a4251d310dbfe3952c SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT . Zouhar, Kristin; Smith, Jane Kapler; Sutherland, Steve; Brooks, Matthew L. 2008. Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative invasive plants. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 355 p. Free of charge at: . Land Degradation & Development. . Alan Grainger. The role of science in implementing international environmental agreements: The case of desertification. Land Degradation & Development. 2 March 2009.

CAPTURED ON VIDEO Download videos from the web or from the sources provided. . VIDEOS AND PODCASTS - View a range of videos and podcasts on forestry, trade and carbon topics at the Mystery Creek Fieldays 2009.

YOU'RE INVITED! For a more complete listing of upcoming inventory and monitoring related meetings, see:

8 . 28 June – 2 July 2009. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2009. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. IUFRO 2.04.06 Contact: Conference Secretariat, treebio2009(at) . 13-17 July. San Diego, USA. 2009 ESRI International User Conference (ESRI UC). ESRI users across the globe are invited to attend the world’s largest gathering of GIS professionals. file:///C:/Mike%27s%20files/FIU/March%202009/ESRI%20user%20conference%20April%202009.htm . 13-19 July 2009. Natural Environment Management, Monitoring and Conservation. The 4th ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Student Consortium and Working Group VI/5 Summer School, Warsaw. On the 18th, as part of the summer school, the 1st Student Consortium Conference will be organized. For details see or or contact Krzysztof Sterenczak at [email protected]. Tel. 0048 22 59 38 217. . 15-19 June 2009. Representatives of the leading countries in forest standardization will hold a meeting in Minsk on June 15-19, Belarus will host the Eighth Plenary Session of the International Technical Standardization Committee ISO/TC 218 Timber. Taking part in this session will be 11 delegations from Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Malaysia, England, US, Canada, China, New Zealand, Japan and Botswana. Included, will be a practical conference on standardization Towards the global system of timber standardization. . July 16-19, 2009. Symposium on Computational methods in image analysis. 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM X) Columbus, Ohio, USA. . 20-24 July 2009. Proposal of Special Session on Fuzzy Geographical Information - to be organized at the Joint 2009 IFSA World Congress and 2009 EUSFLAT Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. . 4-8 August 2009. First World Congress of Environmental History; at Copenhagen, Denmark.

. 17-21 August 2009. III International Conference on Remote Sensing In Archaeology. Tiruchirappalli, India. For more information, go to: . 19-21 August 2009. First Global Forum on Ecological Economics in Forestry, "Building a Harmonious Future for Human Well-being". Nanjing, China. IUFRO 6.11.05 Contact: Zuomin Wen, zmwen(at), zmwen(at) Contact: David Bengston, dbengston(at) . 20-29 August 2009. The 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, 20-29


August 2009. The overall Congress theme is Agroforestry - The Future of Global Land Use. For the latest information, visit . . 29 August - 2 September 2009 - 1st Call for Papers: Geomorphometry 2009, 29 August - 2nd September, Zurich, Switzerland. Go to: http://2009.GEOMORPHOMETRY.ORG Or e-mail: [email protected] . 2-4 September 2009 - 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography. Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham. For further information go to: . 10-12 September - CALL FOR PAPERS - International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Changes – EcoHCC’09. Tomar (Portugal) . 15-18 September 2009. The first International Community Forestry Workshop. Pokhara, Nepal. The theme of the workshop is Thinking globally – Acting Locally: Community Forestry in the International Arena. . 21-25 September 2009. Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT '09. Location: France, Aber Wrac'h COSIT aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines for intensive scientific exchanges. The ninth International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2009, is especially concerned with theoretical aspects of space, time, and spatial information. For more information, go to . 5 to 15 October 2009. International Training Course on Participatory Integrated Watershed Management; at Godavari, Kathmandu, Nepal. . 12-16 October. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is hosting a celebratory scientific conference on 12-16 October 2009, Plant Conservation for the Next Decade: A Celebration of Kew's 250th Anniversary. Kew now invites interested parties to submit abstracts for posters and oral presentations, to be considered for inclusion in this exciting conference. . 13-16 October 2009. 2nd International Conference on Wind Effects on Trees. Freiburg, Germany. . 14-16 October 2009. Processing and Classification of Satellite Imagery. Thematic Session within the VipIMAGE2009 - II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. Porto, Portugal. and . 18-23 October 2009. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires – Argentina. . 22-22 October 2009. 6th International Oak Society Conference. Puebla, Mexico. Contact: Maricela Rodriguez-Coombes, herbario.jardinbotanico(at)


. 20-23 October 2009. The international conference, Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), will be held in Sydney, Australia, and is now open for registration. 27–28 October 2009. 2nd Call for Papers: Decentralization, Power and Tenure Rights of ForestDependent People. Sadguru Foundation, Gujarat, India. Submission deadline: 10 August 2009. Download details at: . 28-30 October 2009. Introduction to Wetland Remote Sensing and Mapping. Abdalla Hall, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. For more information contact Lindsey A. Broussard:Intern, National Wetlands Research Center/USGS. 337-266-8502. Email: [email protected] . 23-27 November 2009. The East Asian Seas Congress 2009. Manila, Philippines. The international conference theme is "Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices". Email: [email protected] Website: . 28-30 December. ICECS - Dubai 2009: The 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science . 2 February 2010-. World Wetlands Day 2010 - Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change. . 23-28 August 2010. XXIII IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment", Seoul, Republic of Korea. Invitation: 1st Announcement: . Forestry Information Session - At the World Forestry Congress there will be a session on “The evolving role of information specialists in today’s rapidly changing world: are libraries still relevant?” Visit: Contact: vanda.ferreira(at) . 27 September-1 October 2010. Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, to be held in Valencia, Spain, from. For further information please visit the website at

WHILE SURFING THE WEB…INTERESTING LINKS For a complete listing of links go to . Forestry Philosophy - University of Maine at Fort Kent . Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (Ph.D.) - SFA - College of Forestry. . New Envirocheck Tool Puts Phase 1 Map Analysis Online.


. Plan-it-Green


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