Food Nutirition Jaito(g) Faridkot

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 848
  • Pages: 22
PROJECT Food Nutrition By: For AllSuman & Chandarkanta Govt.Girls Sen. Sec.School Jaito. Distt. Faridkot

Why this project? • We all know that for healthy sound future of the country, every one should be of sound health. This project is intended to analyse the nutritional values of different foods so that every one is able to plan his/her diet.

Why do we eat food? Food is the vital breath of living beings. Complexion, cheerfulness, good voice, happiness, strength and intellect-all these dependent on food.

WHAT IS BALANCED DIET? • Our food should be such that it takes care of our daily energy need. Such a diet is called ‘Balanced Diet’. A balanced diet contains all major components of food. These components are contained in different proportions in different food items.

COMPONENTS OF BALANCED DIET Carbohydr ates Fats Proteins Minerals Water Vitamins

CARBOHYDRATES • Their sources in our diet are cereals ( rice, wheat, maize), potatoes, milk. Carbohydrates provide energy for life processes. One gm. gives 4Kcal. of energy.

FATS • These are organic compounds which are insoluble in water but soluble in non polar organic solvents. Sources of fats are vegetable cooking oil, vanaspati ghee, desi ghee, butter, cream, oilseed, nuts, milk, cheese etc. One gram gives 9.45KCal. of energy.


• These are natural polymers, they are essential for growing children and very beneficial during pregnancy. They are building material and present in pulses, oil seeds, nuts, meat, fish, eggs etc.

Recommended Allowances of Protein Age 0-12 months 1-6 yrs. 7-18 yrs Boys 7-18 yrs Girls

Qty. 2.0 gm/Kg. wt.

29.4 gm 51.7 gm 44.0 gm

Age Qty. Adult 55 gm Man Adult 45 gm Woma n Pregna 45+14 nt lady gm Feedin 45+25 g gm Mother

Minerals • They form about 4% of our body weight, They are required in more than 100 mg/day. • Sources of minerals are milk , egg, meat, vegetables , fruit and table salt. • The mineral salts have variety of functions like formation of cells, tissues, bones and muscles.

Requirements of Minerals by Adults Subject



Adequate amount is needed


- Do -


150 mg


1200 mg


1200 mg








Adequate amount is needed




Traces to small amount

Water Human body contains about 65 % of water. Water is essential for life due to its multiple role. Water acts as solvent for many organic and inorganic compounds. Water is temperature stabilizer. It keeps surface of tissues and organs moist.

Vitamins • They are organic compounds required in minute quantity in diet. They are helpful for general health and growth. They are obtained from fresh fruits and raw vegetables. They are of two types : Fat soluble and Water soluble.

Fat Soluble Vitamins • Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K are fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is necessary for physical growth of children. It is present in cod liver oil, milk, cheese and carrot and other leafy vegetables. Vitamin D is also called anti –rachitic. It is necessary for pregnant ladies. Vitamin E helps in growth of muscles and ductless glands. Vitamin K is found in tomatoes, carrot and leafy vegetables. It helps in coagulation of blood.

Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamins which are soluble in water are called water soluble vitamins. They are of two types: 2) Vitamin B complex 3) Vitamin C

Vitamin B complex • • • • • • • • • • •

Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins which are as following: Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Pyridoxine Folic acid Biotin Cobalamin Panthenic acid Choline Inocital

Vitamin C • Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits, guava, turnip, tomato, lemon etc. It is helpful in absorption of iron . • It makes teeth and bone strong,It increases healing power. It also gives strengh to respiratory organs.

Daily requirements of vitamin C Age


1-12 YR.

20 mg

0-1 YR.

40 mg


40 mg


40 mg


40 mg


80 mg

Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitamins 1)Vitamin A

Night blindness, skin diseases

2)Vitamin D

osteomalacia, ostesporosis, rickets

3)Vitamin E

Causes sterility in women

4)Vitamin K


5)Vitamin B

Beri beri, Pellagra, anaemia

6)Vitamin C


Mal-Nutrition • About 1/3rd population of India is poor and the people are not able to get balanced diet. The situation is more critical in the rural areas where most of the people are suffering from mal-nutrition due to lack of carbohydrates in their diet. It is found that about 2-5% deaths in the villages are due to mal-nutrition. The people of the villages are not aware of the food adulteration, balanced diet and deficiency diseases.

Conclusion • The main aim of this project is to make the people aware about proper and balanced diet . The food should be according to the requirements of body . Our less eating leads to many problems. So we should aware of balanced diet.

“ Eat balanced diet, Make future bright.”

BIBLIGRAPHY • Text Book of Class 9th and 10th • Encyclopedia

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