Final Pumpkin Lesson Plan

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Daily Lesson Plan Your Name: Alison Gilchrist and Ashley Kaminski Grade Level: 1st CT: Kiersten Meis

Date: 10/12/07

School: Kendon Elementary

Overall lesson topic/title: To further student’s understanding of the text/deepen their thoughts of text by asking open-ended questions, many of which are based on prior experience. Grade Level Content Expectation(s): R.CM.01.01: make text-to-self and text-to-text connections and comparisons by activating prior knowledge and connecting personal knowledge and experience to ideas in text through oral and written responses. R.NT.O1.03: identify problems/solutions, sequence of events, and sense of story (beginning, middle, and end) R.NT.O2.03: identify and describe character’s actions and motivations, setting (time and place), problems/solutions, and sequence of events R.NT.01.05: respond to individual and multiple texts by finding evidence, discussing, illustrating and/or writing to reflect, make connections, take a position and/ or show an understanding

Goals/Objectives: Knowledge Goal: Primary Goals • Each student will understand sequence of events.

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Each student will understand setting. Each student will understand the concept of characters.

Each student will understand different emotions. Secondary Goals • Each student will understand how to ask interpretive questions to better understand the text. Each student will understand how to answer interpretive questions. Capacity Goal: Primary Goals • Each student will identify sequence of events • Each student will identify setting • Each student will identify characters • Each student will identify emotions

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Each student will comprehend text

Each student will make self-to-text connections Secondary Goals • Each student will ask interpretive questions • Each student will answer interpretive questions Fall 2007


Martin TE401-08

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Each student will share ideas about the text Each student will expand on their own ideas Each student will reflect on classmate’s ideas

Commitment Goal: • Each student will enjoy the text • Each student will be motivated to read independently for pleasure • Each student will include their classmates in discussion • Each student will respect each other’s thoughts and ideas Materials & supplies needed: • The book, The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin

Assessment worksheet Pencils

Crayons C.T.’s popsicle sticks with the students names to assign partners.

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Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event Introduction to the lesson (about 5-10 minutes)

For focus student: Emily (Alison):

1. Students will be called to the carpet where they have reading every day. 2. We will tell the students that we will be reading them a story called The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin (Ashley) 3. We will tell the students that we expect them to listen quietly when we are reading and whenever we ask a question they are to raise their hands and speak when called on, in order to hear everyone’s great ideas! 4. Show the students the cover and read the title, The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin. (Ashley) 5. Ask the students what they think fierce means. (Ashley)  We will call the students by name to acknowledge their right to speak. 6. Read the author’s name, Margaret Wise Brown, and ask the students what the author does. (Ashley) 7. Read the illustrator’s name, Richard Egielski, and ask the students what an illustrator is. (Ashley) 8. Ask the students to recall their visit to the pumpkin patch on Thursday, October 18th. Have the students share their ideas. (Ashley) OUTLINE of Key Events during the lesson ( 20-25 minutes) 1. Show the students the title page and ask them to predict where the story is going to take place. (Alison) 2. Begin reading the text and stop at page 3. Ask the students, “What do you think will happen to the pumpkin now that the sun is gone?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Alison)  We will listen to their ideas by allowing them to speak and making only positive comments. We will Fall 2007


Martin TE401-08

If no students seem to want to answer a question, ask her directly what her thoughts are on the question  Examples: “What do you think about that?”  “Can you say what ___ was thinking in a different way?” Invite her to compare her experience about the pumpkin patch with that of the character’s experience in the book. How was it similar and how was it different.

Kobe (Ashley): •

Make sure he is sitting right in front of us while reading and discussing the story.  Kobe always sits

attempt to limit student’s responses if they are getting too lengthy in order to allow other children turns. In order to transition to reading once again, we will wait until it seems everyone who wishes to has participated then simply begin reading when it is quiet.  Students that are off task (i.e. laying on the floor, staring into space, bothering other students) can be re-engaged by asking them a direct question. If this doesn’t help having the student sit somewhere else may be beneficial. 3. Continue reading the text (Ashley). 4. Stop after reading page 5, and ask the students, “What made the pumpkin change into a fiery orange-yellow pumpkin?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Ashley) 5. Continue reading the text (Alison). 6. Stop after reading page 6, and ask the students, “Why do you think the little girl said, ‘Here is our terrible pumpkin,” and “What does terrible mean?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Alison). 7. Continue reading the text. (Ashley) 8. Stop after reading page 7. Ask the students, “What is different about the character’s experience in getting a pumpkin compared to yours?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Ashley) 9. Continue reading the text. (Alison) 10.Stop after reading page 8. Ask the students “Do you think the pumpkin will remain a one-eyed pumpkin, or do you think he will look different? And if so, how will he look different?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Alison) 11.Continue reading the text.(Ashley) 12.Stop after reading page 9. Ask the students “How do you think the fierce yellow pumpkin feels about himself?” Listen and respond to their ideas. (Ashley) 13. Continue reading the text until the end. (Alison) 14. Ask the students questions about the text: • How did the pumpkin change throughout the story? • Did this book remind you of anything else you did with your pumpkin? • What was the setting of the book and was it the same as your predictions? • What were the characters, including the animals, in this story? Closing summary for the lesson ( 5-10 minutes) 1. Ask the students to recall the beginning, middle, and end of the story. We will scaffold their thinking by giving them a visual representation of the sequence by showing the illustrations. (Ashley) 2. Introduce the assessment sheet. Explain to them that on the front they are going to identify the beginning, middle, and end by circling the correct answer. On the back they will be creating their own pumpkin face. (Alison) 3. Choose partners to work together by drawing sticks out of a cup. (Ashley) Fall 2007


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directly in front of our C.T. because he has problems paying attention, this shouldn’t pose a problem. Ask him individual questions if he doesn’t volunteer his own answers.  Since I am not sure if he doesn’t volunteer because he doesn’t know what to say, is shy, or uninterested, I will keep my questions for him between 2-3, as not to intimidate him but to keep him motivated.  Example questions could be, “What do you think about this page?”, “Tell me about your favorite part of the story?” By keeping the questions fairly one dimensional, it shouldn’t overwhelm him, but get him used to participating.

Post-Assessment: ( 15-20 minutes) • Pass out the worksheets to each student as they are assigned partners. • Monitor the students work and informally assess their progress in the worksheet.  Assessment will be based on the students completion of the task. We collect the worksheets, but allow the students to take their pumpkins home with them.  As behavioral issues occur we will deal with them. If a partnership is not working together we may separate them and have them work with one of us instead. • Answer any questions the students may have.  Students will be told to stay in their seats and raise their hands if they need help, and that they may only ask for help if they have already asked their partner. Knowledge Goals: • Informally assess the student’s responses to the discussion questions about setting, sequence, characters and emotions  This will be done by listening to our lesson recording and taking notes on each student’s responses. • Completion of worksheet  Correctness will be taken into account, but will not be entirely the basis of the lesson. Capacity Goals:

For focus student: Emily: (Alison)

If she finishes early have her go assist other students who are struggling with their worksheet.  She can come up to one of us when she is finished and let us know if she would like to help anyone. If not, she will be allowed to go onto recess.

Kobe: (Ashley)

Assess student’s ability to answer the discussion questions.  Once again, by listening to the recording and taking notes on students ability to comprehend questions and respond. Assess student’s ability to reflect on other student’s ideas during the discussion

Commitment Goals: •

Informally assess the students’ interest in the text

Informally assess the students’ effort in completing the worksheet Informally assess the students’ commitment to their partner while completing the worksheet

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After partners are assigned, make sure that he understands the directions by going up to him and asking if he knows what to do. Make sure that he and his partner are working well together by monitoring this  If not, assist them for a short time or separate them with new partners. Make sure he is receiving positive feedback, such as “Great job!”, “Keep up the good work!” and “I’m so proud of you!”  These feedbacks can be given anytime he is on task and

when he is finished with the assignment.

Fall 2007


Martin TE401-08

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