Final Lesson Plan

  • May 2020
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After the film viewing and discussion students should able to;

A. Cognitive 1. Identify the multicultural aspects of learning. 2. Discuss the difference between cultural and ethnic groups. 3. Develop factual knowledge about different cultures.

B. Psychomotor 1. Arrange the types of learning from the simplest to the most complex. 2. Show the different cultural backgrounds. 3. Combine those people with the same cultural backgrounds.

C. Affective domain 1. Accepts all the suggestions from the other group mates. 2. Influence everyone to respects other culture.




SUBTOPIC 1. Learning about culture. 2

2. The cultural of teachers and learners. 3. Knowledge about different cultures. 4. Communication issues. REFERENCES Health Strategies for Nurse Educators Sandra deYoung, EdD, RN Pages 77-96 MATERIALS 1. Laptop 2. LCD 3. Handouts

PROCESS/STRATEGY 1. Lecture discussion 2. Film viewing VALUES -Cooperative -Knowledgeable -Discipline


1. PRAYER O God and Father of our Lord and Teacher, Jesus Christ, grant us diligent and attention to our vocations as students and teacher that our knowledge and wisdom may increase to the blessing of our neighbor, through the same, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

2. ROLL CALL (attendance)

3. REVIEW OF THE PAST LESSON 1. What are the different characteristics of Learner Characteristics? 2. You are preparing to teach a young woman recently diagnosed with lupus how best to manage her illness. How could your approach differ if you base your teaching on the health belief model theory versus self-efficacy theory?


What data would you need in order to determine what stage of change a person is in according to the Transtheoretical Model?



GAMES; Role-Playing Games MECHANICS; The participants assume the roles of characters acting in a fictional setting. The original role-playing games-or at least those explicitly marketed as such-are played with a handful of participants, usually face-toface, and keep track of the developing fiction pen and paper. Together, the players may collaborate on a story involving those characters; create, develop, and “explore”.



Learning about culture.

The cultural of teachers and learners.

Knowledge about different cultures.

Communication issues.




CULTURAL DIVERSITY Characteristics of Culture •




Sexuality Identity


Physical Ability

Social Circumstances


Following points about Culture 1. Culture is learned and transmitted from one generation to another. 2. Culture is localized and is created through specific interactions with specific individual. 3. Culture is patterned. 4. Culture is evaluative. 5. Culture has continuity, with change. Three approaches to promoting cultural knowledge and competency.

1st. the fact-centered approach,, which provides information about the health beliefs and behaviors of specific ethnic groups.


2nd. Culture is attitude centered, emphasizing the importance of valuing and respecting all cultures.

3rd. An ethnographic approach to cultural competence.

CULTURAL AWARENESS The process whereby the nurse becomes respectful, appreciative, and sensitive to the values, beliefs, practices, and problem-solving strategies of a client culture.

a. Ethnocentrism- a behavior in which a person is totally unaware of others cultural beliefs and values.

b. Ethnorelativism- reflects an attitude of nurses who value, respect, and integrate cultural differences into their practice.

CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE Involves the process of seeking and obtaining factual information about different culture. 1. Unconscious incompetence is identified as an individual’s being unaware that he or she lacks cultural knowledge.


2. Conscious incompetence is the awareness that he or she lacks knowledge about another culture and is willing to seek and obtain the knowledge.

3. Conscious competence is the act of learning about a client’s culture, verifying generalization, and providing culturally responsive nursing intervention.

4. Unconscious competence is the ability to automatically apply knowledge and the culturally congruent care to clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. The nurse who has unconscious competence interacts naturally and easily with clients from diverse cultures.

CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS Is the process whereby a nurse engages directly in cross-cultural interactions with the clients from culturally diverse backgrounds. One of the purpose of this encounter is to refine or modify one’s belief about those groups to prevent possible stereotyping CULTURAL SKILLS The ability to collect relevant cultural data about a client health history and health problems, as well as to accurately perform culturally specific assessment.

CULTURAL DESIRE The nurse motivation to engage in the process of cultural competence. Nurses need to want to work toward cultural competence as they individualized and self care to clients.

Four major themes emerged from the data; 8

1. Discomfort caused by lack of knowledge, skills, or exposure to groups members. 2. Discomfort caused by disapproval or negative attitudes towards group members. 3. Discomfort as a result of feeling threatened by feeling guilt, sympathy, or pity toward group members. THE CULTURE OF TEACHERS AND LEARNERS Nurse educators who work with the multicultural students should consider the following; 1. Become self-aware of your own cultural values, norms, and beliefs and the influence they have on your view of life, family, and relationship. 2. Develop and maintain an attitude of respect for the broad range of cultural differences and their importance to individuals. Identify and value the strengths in different cultural values and beliefs rather than becoming critical of them. 3. Develop strategy for continuing education about predominant cultures in a given community or institution. 4. Explore the possibility of integrating the appropriate use of the teaching strategies and communications. 5. Consider the use of other professionals and members of the community from other cultures to learn about the culture. ASSESSING THE CULTURALLY DIVERSE LEARNER Educating culturally diverse learners presents a challenge to nurse educators. We must be aware of the fact there are varying cultural behaviors and that these behaviors are the result of past educational experiences, cultural beliefs, and cultural heritage. Cultural differences may have a significant impact on the way learners think and learn. COMMUNICATION Means by which culture transmitted and preserved through the generations. Nurse educators need to be aware of the complexity in communication, especially in learners whose primary


language is other than English. Misunderstandings are not necessarily due to problems in translation. SPACE An individual level of comfort is related to personal space or distance, and discomfort is experienced when one’s personal space is invaded. Personal space is an individual matter and varies with the situation. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Cultural behavior, or how one act in certain situation, is socially acquired and learned. These patterns of cultural behavior are important to the teacher because they provide explanations for the people’s behavior. Individuals are not generally conscious of their cultural behavior. TIME Temporal orientation refers to how time is viewed. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Refer to a person ability to plan activities that control nature. It also refers to the person’s perception of his ability to direct factors in the environment.

BIOLOGICAL VARIATION Educators know that the learners from different backgrounds have genetic biological difference that may affect their classroom performance. One such difference may be susceptibility to disease.



Has been defined as “characteristics cognitive, affective, and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. TEACHING/LEARNING PROCESS Process begins with assessment. Assessment provides the nurse educator with information about knowledge and skills needed as well as the learners characteristics within the context of ethnic and cultural considerations. An understanding of the learners verbal and non-verbal cues, language, level of understanding, and preferred learning styles are important assessment information in this phase.

CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN COMPUTER-BASED LEARNING Nurse educator in designing or using computers as a teaching strategy should consider the importance of using symbols and methods that users can recognize from their own cultural background experience. COMMUNICATION ISSUES •

Cross-cultural communication with Nursing Students communicating and writing effectively in a second language ha been identified as a major challenge facing nursing students.

Cross-cultural communication and in-service education.

Cross-cultural communication with the patients and clients.

Gender differences in communication. 4. GENERALIZATION 1. How can you prepare yourself to be a culturally competent teacher/student in this college? 2. Why should we know the cultural backgrounds of others? 3. Why do we need to adapt other culture? 5. APPLICATION 11

GAMES; Role-Playing Games MECHANICS; The participants assume the roles of characters acting in a fictional setting. The original role-playing games-or at least those explicitly marketed as such-are played with a handful of participants, usually face-to-face, and keep track of the developing fiction pen and paper. Together, the players may collaborate on a story involving those characters; create, develop, and “explore”.

IV. EVALUATION ( Encircle the letter of the correct answer.) 1. What is a shaman? a. Herbolarios b. Doctor. 2. As a learner, I prefer bright light warm temperature and informal design while learning. a. Asian Americans b. Hispanics c. African Americans. d. Native Americans

3. We often can’t understand educators because usually communicate more freely Spanish. a. Hispanics. b. Native Americans c. African Americans 12

d. Asian Americans 4. We used to respond to learning by using advanced organizers, making connections between the content and real life problems. a. African Americans b. Hispanics c. Native Americans. d. Asian Americans 5. A transferee student can’t cope up with their study because he can’t straightly understand the educators language. What is the factor for the learner? a. Time b. Communication. c. Space d.

Social Organization

6. An educator adjust to her student. What consideration the educator use? a. Aware of student’s culture. b. Attitude of respect c. Strategy for continuing education d. Appropriate use of teaching strategy

7. The educator respect the religion of her new student. What consideration the educator use? a. Aware of student’s culture b. Attitude of respect. c. Strategy for continuing education 13

d. Appropriate use of teaching strategy 8. The student is always late for his class. What factor affect the student? a. Space b. Communication c. Social organization d. Time. 9. As a learner, we tend to prefer global learning. a. Hispanics b. Native American . c. African American d. Asian American 10. We require collegial support and presence of authority while learning. a. Hispanics b. Native American c. African American. d. Asian American

V. ASSIGNMENT Give at least 10 different cultures with pictures and differ it from each other.


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