Final Technology Lesson Plan

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,085
  • Pages: 6

Teacher Deborah Egger

Title Eyes on Washington.

Description of Activity This lesson will integrate art, social studies,and technology to better understand George Washington.

Suggested grade level Suggested grade level: Intermediate fourth or fifth grade

Pennsylvania Subject Area Standards 8.1.6 B Explain and Analyze historical sources. 8.1.6 C Explain the fundamentals of historical interpretation. 8.1.6 D Describe and Explain historical research 8.3.3 B Identify and Describe historical sites inportant to U.S. history 9.2.5 A Explain the historical, cultural, and social context of an individual work in the arts.

9.2.5 B Identify critical processes in the examination of works in the arts and humanities.

NETS Standards Creativity and Innovation 1A and 1B Communication and Collaboration 2A Research and Information Fluency 3A , 3B and 3C Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making 4A

Learning objectives Given an art print from Picturing America titled "Washington Crosses the Delaware" by Emanuel Leutze, the student will interpret and describe the picture using vocabulary that demonstrates an understanding of the interpretation of art. Students could be asked to assess how the picture is the artist's own interpretation of history by looking at when the artist was born and the picture was created. Students will be asked to research George Washington and his presidency using bookmarked internet sites and library resources using a graphic organizer. Given Think Dot choices, students will complete one of the following activities which include visual/kinesthetic, auditory, and linguistic choices.

Materials requiredI 15 PC's, projector and screen, internet access, flash drive, color printer, microphones. Library resources on George Washington, bookmarked internet sites for classroom research.

Approximate number of class periods and length 6 to 8 (45 minute class periods)

Classroom management strategies: This lesson will involve individual and small group activities. Assignments will be completed in the classroom, library and computer room.

Warm up To introduce the idea and assess prior knowledge, we will read Washington Crossed the Delaware by Lynne Cheney. Other books of interest would include George-isms by George Washington, and We the People by Lynne Cheney. Students will start biographical research on George Washington in the classroom and at the library before visiting the computer lab.

Activities/ Procedures Lesson One:Through guided questions, students will observe the art print and look at light how it surrounds the group at the center of the boat), perspective (illusion of depth in the picture),

color(red keeps our attention), motion(how diagonal line and angled form suggest movement.Students may also view the art print on Students could be asked to comment on a video at which is on Washington Crossing the Delaware and the structure of the man and the elements of the times. Lesson Two: In small groups, student will choose and complete an activity in a time period designated by the teacher: Think Dot activities include; 1. Research George Washington (using the graphic organizer, find an image of Washington at and use to give a short auditory biography. 2. Research George Washington (using the graphic organizer, given a website to create a newspaper, compose questions a reporter may have asked Washington and predict how he would answer them. Create a newspaper from the information. 3.Research George Washington(using the graphic organizer given a website students create a poster using graphics and text. Using the website , they will identify a quote to include on the poster. 4. Research George Washington (using the graphic organizer, using the website, students will name words that describe Washington and create a wordle. 5. Given a video on George Washington students will create a timeline using the website of events in the presidency of George Washington. For information on how to use think dots refer to article in this site Lesson Three through Six: Students will work on research of George Washington for the project that they have chosen. They will use library and classroom time to research books, encyclopedias and bookmarked internet sites and include a list of references.

Student will take the information to the computer lab and work on the internet activity. Lesson Seven and Eight: Students present their projects to the class.

Assessment strategies Rubric to access the art, technology, and research done in the lesson plan Multimedia Project : Eyes on Washington







Student gives a complete description of the subject matter and elements seen in the work.

Student gives a detailed description of the subject matter and elements seen in the work.

Student gives a somewhat complete description of the subject matter and elements seen in the work,

Descriptions are not at all detailed of the subject matter and elements of the work.


Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes many supporting details on the graphic organizer.

Information relates to the main topic. It includes some supporting details on the graphic organizer.

Information somewhat relates to the main topic. It includes a few supporting details on the graphic organizer

Information has little to do with the main topic. It includes no supporting deails on the graphic organizer


Successfully uses Usually able to suggested internet successfully use links to find the internet links information and to find create activities. information and create activities.

Somewhat able to Need assistance to use the internet use the internet links and find links and find information and information or create activities. create activities.

Think Dot Activities

Product shows a large amount of creativity and thought.

Product shows some amount of creativity and thought.

Product shows a good amount of creativity and thought.

Product shows little evidence of creativity and thought. Graphic organizer will be used for assessment of information skills

Related Web Sites provides lesson plan using the Picturing America art prints. on the artist Emanuel Leutze with activities such as crossword puzzles, word searches.

Back-up plan: If the technology fails, the art print itself from the Picturing America collection will be used. Research on Washington will be done in the library. Poster board, markers. scissors, glue, and suggested reading books will be added to the materials list

Branching out Think Dot activities are differentiated to accomodate all learners. Extended activities could include: American Revolutionary play performed by the students at Compare and contrast composition of art print and closer view of Washington at Creating an acrostic poem of Washington using the website Biographical research on Emmanuel Leutze using the website on Power library

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