Purposes • To explain the cause and treatment of atherosclerosis disease • To explain the symptoms of atherosclerosis disease
Outlines • • • • •
Definition Causes Symptoms Treatments Conclution
Definition what is atherosclerosis...? Atherosclerosis is a systemic condition wall thickening and luminal narrowing arteries that occur mainly in the elastica artery, such as the aorta and the carotid artery, as well as the arteries large and medium muscularis
Causes • Smoke • High blood pressure • High cholesterol levels These three points will damage the blood vessels then cholesterol will settle and constrict blood vessels
symptoms Cramps or pains that occur in areas experiencing atherosclerosis Clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis are stroke, and coronary heart disease, which can lead to death
Treatments / preventions • Controlling blood pressure to keep it normal • Controlling blood sugar levels for people with diabetes mellitus • Stopping smoking • Exercising regularly • Lose weight if too fat • Lower LDL cholesterol levels by reducing the consumption of foods high in saturated fats
• Increase HDL cholesterol levels by increasing the consumption of foods high in unsaturated fats • Consume foods or beverages that contain antioxidants to prevent damage to blood vessels • Consume foods that contain lots of folic acid and vitamin B to lower levels of homocysteine in the blood
conclusion So let us take care of our health by not eating foods that contain lots of saturated fat or bad fats and exercise regularly. So that we avoid atherosclerosis disease
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