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  • Pages: 11

By: Aficko Razaky Pratama B1B017040 Manggala Yudha Putra B1B017041 Gayatri Lega Aini B1B017042 Ananda Putri Ramadhani B1B017044 Entourage : D2 Group :4 Assistant :Eka Juniati





A. Background CAM plants are plants that can change like C3 plants. In the morning (low temperatures) and can change as C4 plants during the day and at night. CAM plants are plant whose stomata open at night and close during the day, have a low photosynthetic rate when compared to C3 and C4 plant. Plants are living things that get their own food with photosynthesis. Based on photosynthesis type, plants are divided into three major groups, namely C3, C4, and CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism). C4 and CAM plants are more adaptive in hot and dry areas compared to C3 plants (Kimball, 2002). Plants C3 and C4 are distinguished by the way they bind CO2 from the atmosphere and the initial product produced from the assimilation process. In C3 plants, the enzyme that unites CO2 is RuBP in the initial assimilation process, which can also bind O2 at the same time for the photorespiration process. If the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is increased, the result of competition between CO2 and O2 will be more beneficial for CO2, so that photorespiration is inhibited and assimilation will increase (Salisbury & Ross, 1995). CAM plants in this group add CO2 as in C4 plants, but are carried out at night and compounds are formed with 4-C groups. Stomata during the day in a closed state occurs decarboxylase of the C4 compound and re-tethering CO2. C4 plants have space separation, while in CAM the separation is temporary. Included in the CAM group are Crassulacea, Cactaceae, Bromeliacecae, Liliacecae, Agaveceae, Ananas comosus, and Oncidium lanceanum. Some CAM plants can switch to the C3 path if the environment is better. Type of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a type of plant that takes CO2 at night, and uses it for photosynthesis during the day. CAM plants that can be easily found are pineapple, cactus, and lilies (Gardner, 1991). B. Purpose The purpose this practical class is to know the function of malic acid content in CAM plant.



CAM plant are plants that can change like C3 plants in the morning (temperature low) and can change like a C4 plant during the day and night. CAM plants are found in succulent plants, which have fleshy leaves or stems. This plant adapts to dry conditions with very low transpiration (evaporation of plant surfaces) needed in order to survive. In conditions of low humidity, stomata are open at night to absorb CO2, and closed during the day to reduce the transpiration load of plants. Characteristic CAM plant namely photosynthesis occur in mesophyll, CO 2 fixation occurs at night, cycle Calvin (dark reaction) occurs during the day, usually grows in desert areas, stomata open at night and close during the day, and form a 4-carbon compound (oxaloacetate) for store CO2 (Kimball., 2002). Malic acid is a dicarboxylic acid which provides a deep acidic and bitter taste various fruits like green apples and grapes. Malic acid forms the basis of the malolactic acid fermentation (John et al., 2014). Malic acid can be synthesized in the body through cycles Citric acid (Krebs) to increase energy metabolism. Malic acid has a basic compound chain which includes carbon atoms bound to double bonds of oxygen atoms and hydroxide compounds. Malic   acid   is   metabolized   in   plant

mitochondria by reaction of malic enzyme (Talebi et al., 2014). Acid Malate is an organic compound that has the chemical formula C4H6O5. This substance also plays a role in the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Dwidjoseputro, 1990). C3 plants are subtropical plants that produce glucose by processing CO2 through the Calvin cycle, which involves the enzyme Rubisco as a CO 2 inhibitor. C4 plants are tropical plants that involve two enzymes in the processing of CO 2 to glucose. Namely the enzyme phosphophenol pyruvat carboxilase (PEPco). PEPco is an enzyme that will bind CO2 from the air and then it will become oxaloacetate which will be converted to malate. CAM plants are plants that can change like C3 plants in the morning (low temperatures) and can change like C4 plants during the day and night (Gardner, 1991). C4 and CAM plants are more adaptive in hot and dry areas compared to C3 plants. 1 but C3 plants are more adaptive to the conditions of CO 2 content high atmosphere. rice, potatoes, soybeans, nuts, and cotton are included in the C3 group. Food crops that grow in the tropics, especially wheat, will experience a marked decline in yields with a slight increase in temperature because wheat is generally

cultivated at maximum tolerance temperature conditions. Climate change affects the types of pests and diseases, will also affect the speed of development of pests and diseases, the number of generation of pests, and the level of pathogenic inoculums, or the sensitivity of host plants (Ma’ruf et al., 2016). CAM photosynthesis is characterized by nocturnal CO2 fixation by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) to generate oxaloacetate (OAA), which is rapidly converted to malate and transported into the vacuole. During the day, when stomata are closed, the C4 organic acids are remobilized from the vacuoles and decarboxylated, generating CO2 as a substrate for Rubisco in the Calvin cycle (Zhang et al., 2014).



A. Material The tool that used in this practical class are Erlenmeyer, buret & statif, bunsen burner, drop pipette, measuring glass, cutter, filter paper, ice box/ freezer and stationeries & label. The material that used in this practical class are slice of pineapple leaves (Ananas comosus) NaOH 0,01 N solution, PP indicator and aquades (distilled water). B. Methods


Cut the leaves at: - 06.00 am - 06.00 pm - 09.00 am - 09.00 pm - 12.00 am - 12.00 pm - 03.00 am - 03.00 pm

Collect the extract until 50 ml with aquades pp 10 ml Take the extract 10 ml and add 1% pp as musc as 5 drops


Weight the leaves 2 gr each treatments

Filter the extract

Add 20 ml of aquades heating the extaction for 25 minutes and pour into anotherTitrate erlenmeyer the extract with 0,01 N NaOH. Stop the titration if reached the point of titration (a pink change occurs)

IV. A.


Result Table of Malic Acid Content on CAM Plants No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


% Malic Acid

03.00 06.00 09.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00

3,015 1,005 1,37 1,695 2,435 2,68 5,695 3,685

Graphics 4.1.1 Fluctuations in Malic Acid Content on CAM Plants. % Malic Acid 5.7

6 5


4 3.02



2 1.01

1 0








20% As am Ma 25 l at


Figure 4.1.1 Pineapple Leaf Pieces in Aquades

Figure 4.1.1 Water from Pineapple Leaves after Titration

B. Discussion In C3 plants, enzymes that unite CO 2 with RuBP (RuBP is a substrate for carbohydrate formation in the process of photosynthesis) in the initial process of assimilation, it can also bind 2 at the same time for the photorespiration process (photorespiration is respiration, the process of dismantling carbohydrates to produce energy and byproducts, which occurs during the day). If the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere enhanced, the results of competition between CO2 and O2 will benefit CO2, so that photorespiration is hampered and assimilation will increase. In C4 plants, CO2 bound by PEP Carboxylase (CO enzyme binder 2 on C4 plants) which cannot bind O2 so there is no competition between CO 2 and O2. The location of this initial association is in mesophyll cells (a group of cells that have chlorophyll located under the cell-leaf cell). CO2 those who are bound by the PEP are then transferred to cells "bundle sheath" (a group of cells around xylem and phloem) which then binds to RuBP. Because of the high concentration of CO2 on sheathini bundle cells, then O2 do not get the opportunity to react with RuBP, so photorespiration is very small and G is very low, PEP has a high binding capacity to CO 2, so that photosynthesis reacts to CO2 below 100 m mol m-2 s-1 is very high. the assimilation rate of C4 plants only increases slightly with increasing CO2 (Salisbury & Ross, 1998) CAM, closing the stomata during the day, is different from other plants. Closing stomata helps these plants convert water, but blocks CO2 to get into the leaves. Day after night, CO 2 taken and stored in various acids organics. Mesophyll cells store organic acids that are stored from night to day. During the day, the bright reaction times supply ATP and NADPH for the calvin, CO cycle 2 released from organic acids that have been made and used to produce sugar in chloroplasts (Reece, 2011). Factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis are divided into two, namely: 1. Genetic factors 2. Environmental Factors (Lakitan, 2004). There are differences that occur in CO2 fixation between plant species. Based on these differences, plants are grouped into plants C-3, C-4, and CAM. These differences will also affect the ability or efficiency of plants in synthesizing carbohydrates. Differences between species, namely plants in C-4 generally have the

highest photosynthesis rate, while CAM plants have the lowest photosynthesis rate, while C-3 plants are in between these two extremes (Lakitan, 2004). Although CAM plants are genetically determined, this ability can also affect the environment. In general, CAM benefits more on hot days with high levels of light, cold nights, and dry land, a condition common in deserts. High salt concentrations in the soil, which cause osmotic dryness, also benefit CAM (Salisbury & Ross, 1995). Some species (especially cacti) can survive in drought conditions for several weeks with closed stomata, without gaining or losing much CO 2, but still using light energy for phosphorylation during the day. More generally, CAM plants include facultative C-3 plants, and switch to higher CO 2 tethering by C-3 photosynthesis after a rainstorm during the day, or when night temperatures are high. Thus, stomata remain open longer during the day (Salisbury & Ross, 1998).



A. Conclusion Light (temperature) situated on the outside plant environment greatly affects the speed of the plant transpiration. The higher the light intensity of the light and the temperature the higher the speed of plant transpiration. The lower the light intensity and temperature then the lower the rate of transpiration of plants. B. Suggestion It would be better if the practicum table has a proper in lightning, it can be easier to observe the object

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