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By : Name Student ID Entourage Group Assistant

: Mellya Rizki Pitriani : B1B017031 : VIII :3 : Munayatul Khayah Almusyarofah




A. Background The phylum Chordata, which includes vertebrates and two non-vertebrate subphyla (Urochordata and Cephalochordata), it is presently recognized only on the base of certain morphological characteristics are the notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal gills and a muscular post-anal tail. These characteristics are seen at certain stages of development. The vertebrate species represents the overwhelming majority of the chordates, and in them the notochord of the formation of a vertebral column (Gupta, 2015). Vertebrate animals which have a much more perfect body structure compared to invertebrate animals. Vertebrate animals have a rope which is an arrangement where nerve cells accumulate and has an extension of a collection of nerves from the brain. This rope is not owned by a backbone. Fulfilling their needs, vertebrate animals have a perfect working system in the form of blood circulation that is centered on the heart with the vessels being the channel. The shape and size of the body of vertebrate animals vary but have the same basic body structure. Generally vertebrate animals consist of the head and body. The body consists of the chest and abdominal cavity. Vertebrate animals already have a perfect work system, blood circulation is centered on the heart organ with the vessels that become the channel. The characteristics of a vertebrate animal body are having bones stretching from the back of the head to the tail; have a brain protected by skull bones; bilateral symmetrical body; have a head, neck, body and tail even though the tail and neck are not absolutely there, for example in frogs (Djuhanda, 1982). Vertebrates are sub-phylum chordata and the animals that have a backbone. The characteristics of vertebrate animals are that they have a small set of bones (vertebrae) that extend in the dorsal part from head to tail, the body consists of the head, body, two pairs of limbs, and tail in some vertebrates. The endoskeleton is composed of bone or cartilage, the muscle is attached to the endoskeleton to move, has a split pharynx, which is the place of gills in fish but in land animals is only at the embryo level, the digestive system has digestive glands, liver and pancreas, bear heart 2 to 4 , the body cavity contains a visceral system, has a pair of kidneys with channels to secrete waste, has a pair of gonads in females and males, blood contains white blood cells and hemoglobin red blood cells. Vertebrates live in various habitats both land and sea (Jasin, 1989).

B. Objectives The objective of this laboratory activity are :


Students learn the definition and some examples of taxonomic characters in vertebrate.


Students learn morphological characters of several vertebrates.

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Vertebrates have several taxonomic characters. Vertebrates have internal skeletons composed of cartilage or true bones that strengthen notokorda. The cartilage or true bone is the vertebrae that surround the notokorda. Notokorda in high-level vertebrates is only present at the beginning of development and the vertebrae will completely replace it. Vertebrates have a brain container that is composed of cartilage or true bone, the cranium that wraps and protects the brain, the fine nerve fibers of the dorsal enlarge at the anterior end. Vertebrates have a pair of eyes that develop as bumps that come out laterally from the brain. Vertebrates have a pair of auditory organs which are the main organs of balance which in low-level vertebrates are called cochlea and contain cells that are sensitive to sound vibrations. The vertebrate circulation system is a closed circulation system (Campbell, 2004). Chondrichthyes is a low-level vertebrate, for example, cartilage and jaw fish. Chondrichthyes has a perfect cranial cartilage bone, a sculpting organ and an otic capsule joined together. Meckel cartilage and cartilage are cartilage that will form the upper jaw and lower jaw, so that they have a sturdy jaw. The Chondrichthyes class is fish whose skeleton is cartilage and actually this cartilage does not show its primitiveness but is a secondary feature. Other characters possessed are paired fins, nostrils in pairs, scaly, the heart consists of two spaces, namely one atrial space and one ventricular space (Sukiya, 2001). Chondrichthyans (sharks, rays and chimaeras) are a relatively small evolutionarily conservative group of cartilaginous fishes (Bester-van der Merwe & Katie S Gledhill, 2015). Sarcopterygii has the characteristics of paired fins, has a hump at the base of the flesh, has nostrils that empties into the mouth and has scales which are supported by strong bone elements. According to Kanwal et al. (2015), scales are one of the derivatives of special skin in the mesoderm layer. While the paired fins do not have a protruding base in the body, so that the fins that are outside the body can only be supported by fin fingers, scales are called thylakoid / ganoids, and homocercal / bicercal stubs and dark dorsal bodies blackish brownish or greenish. The (lateral) side is yellowish, mostly on the bottom, with dark and irregular lines. A black spot (sometimes not clearly visible) is on the back end of the gill lid. The back side of the gill lid is sharp like a thorn (Radiopoetro, 1991). Actinopterygii comes from Greek, which is actin which means light and pteryx which means fin, because they have fins that do not contain muscles. Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii are hard-boned fish (Miller & Harley, 2001). Sarcopterygii has apomorphy in the form of plicidentine which is generally found in most of its members. Plicidentine is a tissue with a true dentinal lobe (Meunier et al., 2015).

Amphibi is a class of vertebrate animals. Amphibian characteristics are having 3 heart chambers consisting of 2 atria and 1 ventricle. Amphibious circulation is referred to as a closed double circulation, which is a double, which means that it passes through the heart twice and is closed which means that blood does not come out of the blood vessels. Poikilotermic temperature amphibia means that the temperature changes according to the environment. Amphibi has a membrane on the foot of the "natataria membrane" which functions to swim, also has a membrane on the eyes of the "membrane of nicotine" serves to protect the eye from water friction (Prowel, 2010). Reptiles are one of the vertebrate class animals. The whole life has adapted to land life, does not need more water for embryo growth because it has no larval level. The skin is coated with hard scales or pieces of horn material. On the large body under the scales there are bone fragments, to strengthen the protection power equipped with exoskeletons, long tails, clawed fingers, poikiloterm, breathing with the lungs only, fertilization in the body and ovipar (Iskandar, 2000). Aves is a class of vertebrate subphylum. The main characteristics of the aves class are having feathers, the front limbs have been modified into wings, the rear limbs have been adapted to walk, swim and perch, in the limbs there are scales, the mandible has teeth, small skeletal bones and many unity, the heart consists of four chambers, air sacs extending throughout the body and breeding ovipares (Salsabila, 1985). Mammals are the highest class in the vertebrate sub phylum. As for the special characteristics of the mammalian class, the body is usually covered with feathers or loose hair periodically, the skin contains many glands, namely sebaceous glands, sweat, smell and milk. Cranium or shell has occipitale condyle, the neck bone usually consists of 7 segments, the tail is usually long and can be moved. Has four members or legs (except seals and sea lions do not have hind legs, each foot has approximately 5 different fingers that are adjusted to the needs of walking, running, climbing, making holes, swimming or jumping, fingers hooked horns or hooves or scrambled with meat pads. The perfect heart is divided into four rooms (two auricular, two ventricular), breathing only with the lungs. The larynx has a voice strap, has vesica urine and excretions in the form of urine fluid (Jenkins, 2002).


A. Materials The instruments used in this laboratory acitivity are specimen tray, forceps, magnifying glass, microscope, stereo microscope, camera, gloves, surgical mask, and stationary. The material used in this laboratory activity are invertebrate specimens, and 70% ethanol. B. Methods The method used in this laboratory activity are: 1. The characters on several vertebrate specimens is observed by each group. 2. Some vertebrate specimens is identified based on the morphological characters. Description based on the identification observation is maked by each student . 3. The table of vertebrate characters observation and identification is completed by students. 4. The interim reports is completed by students.


B. Discussion

IV. CONCLUSION Based on the result can be concluded that chemoreceptor function in shrimp (crustaceans), is as follows: As a sense of smell, plays a role in finding and finding food, to determine the position of the body, as a medium of communication between animals that captures the chemical stimulus in the form of pheromones from the opposite sex.

REFERENCES Bester-van der Merwe, A. N., & Kathie, S., Gledhill., 2015. Molecular Species Identification and Population Genetics of Chondrichthyans in South Africa: Current Challenges, Priorities and Progress. African Zoology Journal, pp. 1-13. Campbell, A. N., 2004. Biologi Edisi Kelima Jilid Kedua. Jakarta: Erlangga. Djuhanda, T., 1982. Anatomi dari Empat Species Hewan Vertebrata. Bandung: Armico. Gupta, Radhey, S.., 2015. Molecular Signatures that are Distinctive Characteristics of the Vertebrates and Chordates and Supporting a Grouping of Vertebrates with the Tunicates. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Journal, pp. 9. Iskandar, D.T., 2000. Kura-kura & Buaya Indonesia & Papua Nugini.Bandung: PALMedia Citra. Jasin, M., 1989. Sitematik Hewan Invertebrata dan Vertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya. Jenkins, B., 2002. Learning Mammals Frought Latest Portfolio Theory and Practice. New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distribution. Kanwal, Ambareen., Tehmina, Zahid., Zubia, Masood., Hameed, U. R., Asim, Ullah., Shaista, Ramazan & Nelofer, Jamil., 2015. Linear Regression Relationships Between Different Scale Parameters and Body Size of Labeorohita (Family Cyprinidae) Collected from Baran Dam of Bannudistrict, Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Province, Pakistan. World Journal of Zoology, 10 (2), pp. 78-82. Meunier, F. J., Mondéjar-Fernández, J., Goussard, F., Clément, G., & Herbin, M., 2015. Presence of Plicidentine in the Oral Teeth of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith 1939 (Sarcopterygii; Actinistia). Journal of Structural Biology, 190(1), pp. 31-37. Miller, S. A. & Harley, J. P., 2001. Zoology. Fifth Edition. New York: The McGrawHill Companies. Prowel, 2010. Biologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Book Publisher. Radiopoetro.1996. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga. Salsabila, A., 1985. Vertebrata. Padang: Universitas Andalas. Sukiya., 2001. Biologi Vertebrata. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.

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