Acara 3 Respirasi Manusia.docx

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Name Student ID Group Subgroup Assistant

: Mellya Rizki Pitriani : B1B017031 : VI :2 : Ita Purwati



I. INTRODUCTION A. Background Respiration is the process of decomposing complex organic compounds into simple compounds. Most respiration processes occur in mitochondria. The other part of the process takes place in the cytosol (Dartius, 1999). The amount of breathing can indicate the heart rhythm and the exchange of gas in the blood. Based on medical research, the amount of breathing is considered a marker of lung dysfunction (Das, 2013). Respiration is the process of exchanging gas oxygen (O2) from the air by living organisms that are used for a series of metabolisms that will produce carbon dioxide (CO2) that must be released. Every living thing does breathing to get O2 oxygen which is used for burning food substances in body cells. Respiratory devices and breathing mechanisms between invertebrate animals and vertebrate animals are different (Waluyo, 2010). All body cells of living things need oxygen for the process of producing energy that occurs in cells, but only a small amount of oxygen available in the body, therefore the supply of oxygen must continue (Supeni, 1994). The main respiratory system functions to carry out oxygen uptake by blood and for the disposal of carbon dioxide. Respiratory tissue is the place where the gas exchange occurs in the lungs, located inside the chest cavity. The chest cavity is a closed cavity. The lungs are connected to the external environment through a series of channels, namely the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. The channel is relatively rigid and remains open, and the whole is a conduction part of the respiratory system (Leeson & Paparo, 1996). B. Purpose The purpose of this laboratory activity is to measure the normal inspiration and expiration volume from the respiration (tidal volume), to measure the amount of lung capacity that could be filled with respiration air (vital capacity), and measure the amount of lung volume that could accommodate the normal respiration air during a minute (total volume).

II. MATERIAL AND METHODS A. Material The materials that used in this practice are human and water. The tools that used in this practice are beaker glass, measuring glass, plastic hoses, and aquarium. B. Methods 2.1. Tidal Volume 1. Exhale to the end of the hose is channeled into beaker in a basin and then loose ends of the hose. 2. Seeing the scales of the beaker, observe the volume of air that arise after you exhale. The volume of air shows the tidal volume respirations. 3. Repeat measurements on: male, female, and running people. 2.2. Vital capacityof the lung 1. Inhale deeply as hard as possible, then quickly exhale into the beaker glass throw the tip of the hose as hard as possible. 2. Detach the hose from your mouth immediatelly. 3. Observe the scale on the beaker glass that showing the volume of air thas has been exhaled. That volume is defined as the vital capasity of your lung. 4. Repeat measurments on male and female. 2.3. Total volume 1. Calculate the number of respiration per minutes (15” x 4). 2. The number of tidal volume X the number of respiration per minutes cnorinal respiration and after perform and running activity).

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result Table 3.1. The Result of Observation of Human Respiration Entourage VI Volume Tidal (mL) Volume Total (mL) Group Before After Before After M F M F M F M F 1. 1930 980 1740 1354 >2000 >2000 >2000 >2000 2. 1730 1180 >2000 1500 >2000 >2000 >2000 >2000 3. 1500 925 940 1155 >2000 >2000 >2000 >2000 4. 1800 1250 1380 1530 >2000 >2000 >2000 >2000

Calculation of Group 2 : a. Volume Total Before (Male) Number of breaths per minutes = 8 x 4 = 32 mL/minute Tidal volume mL water

= 1730 mL

Total Volume

= Volume tidal x Number of breaths per

minutes = 1730 x 32 = 55.360 mL/minute b. Total Volume Before (Female) Number of breaths per minutes = 7 x 4 = 28 mL/menit Tidal Volume mL air

= 1180 mL

Total Volume

= Volume tidal x Number of breaths per

minutes = 1180 x 28 = 33.040 mL/minute c. Volume Total After (Male) Number of breaths per minutes

= 20 x 4 = 80 mL/menit

Tidal Volume mL air

= 2000 mL

Total Volume

= Volume tidal x Number of breaths per


Vital Capacity (mL) M F >2.000 1880 >2000 1730 >2000 1490 >2000 1980

= 2000 x 80 = 160.000 mL/minute

d. Volume Total After (Female) Number of breaths per minutes

= 17 x 4 = 68 mL/menit

Tidal Volume mL air

= 1500 mL

Total Volume

= Volume tidal x Number of breaths per

minutes = 1500 x 68 = 102.000 mL/minute

B. Discussion Based on data from human respiration trial results of group VI, it was found that total volume respiration in normal male (before running) group 2 was as much as 55,360 ml / minute, while in female (before running) it was 33,040 ml / minute. The total volume in male (after running) as much as 160,000 ml / minute, while in female (after running) as many as 102,000 ml / minute. The air volume of breathing in each person varies, depending on the size of the lungs, the strength of breathing, and how to breathe. This is in accordance with Pearce (2009), namely the longer the activity, the frequency of breathing increases due to strong body movements using a lot of oxygen in the muscle that gives energy to activity, will cause an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and consequently enlargement of lung ventilation the lung so that the impulse stimulates the respiratory center. Respiration is a process of exchanging oxygen gas (O2) from the air by living organisms that are used for a series of metabolisms that will produce carbon dioxide (CO2) that must be released because it is not needed by the body. Every living thing does breathing to get O2 oxygen which is used for burning food substances in body cells. Respiration of every living creature is not the same, in invertebrate animals have respirators and respiratory mechanisms that are different from vertebrate animals (Waluyo, 2010). Respiration is the process of exchanging air between organisms and the environment. Respiracy consists of the process of taking oxygen (O2) and then circulating it to cells and removing carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxygen obtained from extracellular respiration is then used for intracellular respiration. This oxygen is then used in intracellular respiration to remodel carbohydrates to produce energy. The respiratory process requires oxygen to oxidize glucose. This intracellular respiration produces a residual substance called CO2. This remaining substance must be removed because of toxicity (Mayasari, 2018). Intracellular respiration is an aerobic metabolism that produces CO2. This residual level rises in the cell's extracellular fluid and blood. The combination of CO2 with water in the blood plasma or between red blood cells forms carbonic acid (H2CO3) which is a combination of H and HCO3-. Breathing is taking oxygen from the air and delivering it to the tissues. Oxygen is used for glucose oxidation, so that energy is released in phosphate bonds (ATP). There are creatures that do not need oxygen from the air as an oxidizer, called breathing anaerobically (without air).

Whereas creatures that need oxygen as an oxidizing agent to produce energy are called breathing aerobically (with air). In fact, the two breathing methods can occur in one individual, as found in tall animals (mammals). If oxygen is lacking or absent, tissue can breathe anaerobically. The chemical reaction that occurs when the food is called the Embden-Meyerhorf reaction, and ATP that occurs is far less than what happens when breathing aerobically (Yatim, 1987). The inspiratory phase of nasal breathing was associated with increased power in the delta frequency range in each of five patients in PC, and seven patients in amygdala and hippocampus, with effects surviving statistical correction for multiple comparisons. The relevance of nasal airflow for respiratory cortical entrainment was established in separate experiments where three patients breathed through either the nose or the mouth. The effects of nasal breathing on cognition were sustained even when subjects were asked to hold their mouth open, helping to control for attentional confounds that might have arisen during the oral breathing experiment (Zelano et al., 2016). According to Haq (2011) respiration mechanisms in humans are of two kinds, namely chest breathing and abdominal breathing. 1. Chest breathing Breathing The chest is breathing that involves the muscles between the ribs. Chest breathing takes place in 2 stages, namely: • Inspiration, occurs when the muscles between the outer ribs contract, the ribs lift, the volume of the chest cavity enlarges, the lungs expand, so that the air pressure becomes smaller than atmospheric air, so that air enters. • Expiration, occurs when the muscle between the outer ribs relaxes, the ribs will be attracted to the original position, the volume of the chest cavity decreases, the air pressure of the chest cavity increases, the air pressure in the lungs is higher than the atmospheric air, resulting in air coming out. 2. Abdominal breathing Abdominal breathing is a breathing whose mechanism involves the activity of the diaphragm muscles that restrict the abdominal cavity and chest cavity. Abdominal breathing also takes place in two stages, namely: • Inspiration, occurs when the diaphragm muscles contract, the diaphragm flattens causing the volume of the chest cavity to enlarge so that the air pressure shrinks and followed by the expanding lungs resulting in air pressure in the lungs smaller than atmospheric pressure, so that air enters the lungs.

• Expiration, beginning with the diaphragm muscles relaxing and the abdominal wall muscles contracting causing the diaphragm to rise and curve pressing against the chest cavity, so that the volume of the chest cavity decreases and the pressure increases so that the air in the lungs comes out. Abdominal breathing generally occurs during sleep. The function of the human respiration system is to provide oxygen needed by tissues and eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxygen is transported by blood by reaction with hemoglobin (Hb). CO2 affinity for Hb is 250 times higher than O2. The presence of oxygen in the blood reduces the capacity of the blood to bind O2 which results in the absence of oxygen in the tissues (Neto, 2008). According to Fatmawati (2015), based on where the O2 and CO2 gas exchange occurs, breathing is divided into two, namely: 1. External respiration (external respiration), is the exchange of O2 in the alveolus with CO2 in the blood. 2. Deep breathing (internal respiration), is the exchange of O2 gas with CO2 from the bloodstream with body cells. According to Jasin (1989), there are four types of air volume in the lungs, including: 1. Volume of residue (VR), which is the volume of air remaining in the lungs when exhaling with all its might. 2. Inspiration Reserve Volume (IRV), which is the maximum air volume that can still be inserted into the lungs after carrying out normal inspiration. 3. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV), which is the volume of air that can still be removed from the lungs after normal expiration. 4. Tidal volume (TV), which is the volume of air coming in and out of the lungs during normal breathing. According to Soemantri (2007), there are four types of lung capacity, including: 1. Inspiration Capacity (Inspiration Capacity - IC) Inspiration capacity is the amount of air that can be inserted into the lungs after the end of expiration normally (IC = IRV + TV). This capacity shows the amount of air that can be inhaled after the expiration level normally until the lungs expand optimally. 2. Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) Functional residual capacity is the normal amount of air in the lungs at the end of expiration (FRC = ERV + RV). This capacity is meaningful to maintain O2 and

CO2 levels which are relatively stable in the alveoli during the process of inspiration and expiration. 3. Vital Capacities (Vital Capacity - VC) Vital capacity is the maximum air volume that can enter and exit the lungs during one respiratory cycle, namely after maximal inspiration and maximal expiration (VC = IRV + TV + ERV). Vital capacity is meaningful to describe the ability to develop the lungs and chest. 4. Total Lung Capacity (Total Lung Capacity - TLC) Lung capacity = total lung which is the maximum amount of air that can fill the lungs (TLC = VC + RV). The maximum TCL value in men is ± 6000 ml while in women ± 4200 ml. Several factors that can affect the speed of respiratory frequency according to Irianto (2004) include: 1. Age, toddlers have a faster breathing frequency than seniors, because getting older will make breathing intensity decrease. 2. Gender, male have faster breathing frequency than female. 3. Body temperature, the higher the body temperature (fever), the faster the breathing frequency. 4. Position or state of the body, the frequency of breathing standing position faster than the sitting position, the frequency of breathing sleeping position is seen faster than the prone position. 5. Activity, the higher the activity, the faster the breathing frequency, for example the respiratory frequency increases when walking or running compared to a stationary position.

IV. CONCLUSION Based on the results it can be concluded that human respiration trial results of group VI, it was found that total volume respiration in normal male (before running) group 2 was as much as 55,360 ml / minute, while in female (before running) it was 33,040 ml / minute. The total volume in male (after running) as much as 160,000 ml / minute, while in female (after running) as many as 102,000 ml / minute. The air volume of breathing in each person varies, depending on the size of the lungs, the strength of breathing, and how to breathe.

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