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Department of Education Division of Iligan City Region X – Northern Mindanao North III District Iligan City North Central School Tibanga, Iligan City Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology College of Education

A Detailed COT Lesson Plan in English for Grade IV Demonstrator Cooperating Teacher Date

Shahadah Finn G. Briñosa English March 27, 2019

Subject Grade & Section No. of learners

English Grade IV – SPJ 34

I. OBJECTIVE At the end of the session, the learners will be able to identify the cause-and-effect relationship. A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies

LC - The learner demonstrates an understanding of the elements of literary and informational texts for comprehension. LC - The learner recalls details, sequence of events, and shares ideas on texts listened to. LC – Identify cause-and-effect relationship. EN4LC-IVh-2.16

II. CONTENT Cause and Effect Relationship III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. Teacher’s Guide pages B. Learner’s Material pages

 

Curriculum Guide 95 Teacher’s Guide pp 244-248

Learner’s Material pp 258-262

C. Materials

ICT, printed pictures, graphic organizer, cartolina, flaglets

IV. PROCEDURES 1. Preliminary Activities A. Prayer

Teacher’s Activity (The teacher will call a pupil to lead the prayer.) “Good Morning class!”

B. Greetings

“Leaders in each row, are all your members present today?” C. Checking of Attendance

“Good Morning Ma’am Finn! Good Morning Sir Fuentes! Good Morning Ma’am Tampos! Good Morning Ma’am Ibañez! Good Morning Ma’am Hairulla! Good Morning Salisid! Good Morning classmates! Maayong Iligan and Mabuhay! “Yes, Ma’am”

“That’s good!” “Are you excited to start our lesson?

D. Unfreezing song

Learner’s Activity (The learners will pray.)

“Before that, let us sing and dance first. Our song today is entitled “Rubbish Belongs in the Rubbish

“Yes, Ma’am!”

Bin” (The teacher will play the video of the song.) Altogether let us sing and dance. Are you energize and ready for our lesson today?

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“That’s good to hear.” “Yesterday, I gave you an assignment about Fact and Opinion, right?” “Yes, Ma’am.” “Okay, please pass it in front. I will be the one to check it.” “Let us answer your assignments.” Identify if the given sentences are fact or opinion. Write your answers on the line. E. Checking of Assignment

1. Global warming is the process of our world heating/warming up. _________ 2. Climate change is the result of global warming. ______________ 3. Animals are greatly affected by climate change. ____________ 4. Throwing trash everywhere causes pollution. _______________ 5. You should keep your trash in your bag if there is no trash bin. _____________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fact Fact Fact Fact Opinion

2. Lesson Proper Drill. (The teacher will distribute a pair of flaglets with different colors.)

A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

(Indicator 1) “Okay, listen to me. I have few pictures here and I want you to classify them whether they are Biodegradable materials or Nonbiodegradable materials. You’ve learned in ESP about segregation, right? So, if you think it is a biodegradable material, raise your green flag; if it is a nonbiodegradable material, raise your blue flag. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” “Biodegradable”





“Very good! Give yourselves a 3 million clap.”

(The learners will do the 3 million clap.)

Review. (The teacher will show two statements.) “Some places in the world are not clean.” “We should clean our environment.” Ask: in the two statements, which is the fact and which is the opinion? And why?

“Statement 1 is a fact because it is true and statement 2 is an opinion because it can be argued.”

“Correct. A fact has evidences and opinion does not but it can be argued.” “Now, are you excited to learn a new topic?” “That’s good to hear! As we start our lesson, do not forget our class rules. (Indicator 5) D – do not stand or roam around the classroom R – respect O – Observe Silence P – Pay Attention P – Participate What was it again?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Motivation: (Indicator 3)

D – do not stand or roam around the classroom R – respect O – Observe Silence P – Pay Attention P - Participate

“What will you feel if you are surrounded with different kinds of flower? “Why?”

“Uhuh. What if it’s the opposite? What will you feel if you are surrounded with trash? Explain your feeling.”

Motive Question

“I’ll be happy and gay.” “Because flowers are beautiful and fragrant and they make the environment beautiful too!”

“I’ll be disappointed and sad because trash is very odorous and it doesn’t make the environment beautiful.”

Ask: “What would happen to us if we throw our trash everywhere?” “The environment will be dirty and the earth will be destroyed.” “There will be no beautiful place anymore like parks because there are trash everywhere.” Unlocking of terms: “Moving on, read each sentences and choose the meaning of the underlined word from the word/s in the sentence.” (The teacher will show a number of sentences and pictures.) We should throw our trash in the rubbish bin. C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Ask: What does it mean by rubbish?

“Rubbish means trash!”

The signboard says “Do not litter” but the boy still left his trash. Ask: What does it mean by litter?

“Litter means left trash everywhere.”

The pavement, the hard surface on the road, has become the children’s playground. Ask: What does it mean by pavement?

“Pavement means the hard surface on the road.”

An animal doctor needs to see the condition of my pet dog that’s why we went to the veterinarian the next day. Ask: What does it mean by veterinarian? “That’s right. Give yourselves a round of applause.” ACTIVITY “Okay, I will show you a video about a boy who would not stop throwing rubbish. As you watch the story, I want you to remember the following:

(Indicator 5) “Now, let us watch the story.” (Indicator 8) The Boy Who Would Not Stop Throwing Rubbish Arunima Shekhar Adapted Aljay lives at Brgy. Canaway. He’s a charming boy who loves his pup, Doggy and candies. There is just one problem. Every time Aljay eats a candy or a chocolate, he does not bother looking for a trash bin to throw the wrapper into. Instead he just throws it on the ground. Definitely not a good habit! All his neighbors are tired of his habit of littering. Even the boys and girls who play on the pavement below are very angry. They decided to put all their heads together and teach him a lesson. Next evening, the kids collect all the chocolate and candy wrappers from the pavement, dumped them outside Aljay’s door and away they run. Doggy sniffed the sweet scent of the wrappers. Oh no! He’s eating the wrappers! He will choke!.. He is choking!!! Aljay and his father saw Doggy

“A veterinarian is an animal doctor!”

and rush him off to the vet. They return home after an hour. The doctor managed to get the wrapper out of Doggy’s throat. Doggy was saved. Aljay has learnt his lesson. What happened to Doggy, could happen to any dog, or any animal for that matter. He promised to be more careful in the future and never litter again.

“Did you enjoy what you have watched?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Okay, let us watch it again so that you will really understand.” (video plays again) “Did you understand the story?” “That’s good. Now who can give me a recap about the story?” (The teacher will call several learners to do a recap of the story.)

“Thank you for that. Give your classmates a round of applause.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” “Aljay, the main character, loves to eat candies but he throws the wrappers everywhere. His neighbours got tired of his habit of throwing that is why they decided to teach him a lesson. They collected all the candy wrappers that he ate and put them in front of their door. And then his dog choked because he ate the candy wrappers. Aljay and his dad saw the dog choking and took him to the veterinarian to save him. The dog was saved and Aljay learned his lesson that what happened to his dog might also happen to any other animal. He promised not to litter again in the future.”

“Now, let us check if you really learn.” (The teacher will ask the following questions through PowerPoint Presentation) (Indicator 8)

Comprehension check: 1. What does our main character do with the candies? 2. Is it a good habit? Why or why not? (Indicator 3)

“He eats them but throws the wrappers everywhere. “No, Ma’am. It’s a bad habit because he’s throwing everywhere and it disturbs his neighbors.”

“What else?” 3. How did his neighbours respond to this? (Indicator 3)

“The environment also gets dirty because he’s throwing everywhere.” “They taught him a lesson by collecting all the chocolate and candy wrappers that he ate and put them all in front of their door.”

4. What happened at the end of the story?

“Aljay learned his lesson.”

5. If you were Aljay, will you do the same? Why or why not? (Indicator 3)

(Pupils have varied answers.)

“You’re so smart! Everybody give yourselves a Good Job Clap.”

(The learners will do the Good Job clap.)

“This morning, we are going to discuss about the Cause and Effect Relationship. Kindly read our objective.”

“Identify cause and effect relationship.”

“That’s right. Today, you should be able to identify what is a cause and what is the effect. Let’s go back to the story.” “What do you think is the reason why his neighbors taught him a lesson?” “Because Aljay does something that disturbed them.” “Right. So what happened after they put all those wrappers in front of their door?” “His dog almost died.” D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

“That’s it! He did something and something has also happened in return. Remember that I told you that everything that we do has consequences right?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“The reason why something happens is called the Cause and the result of it is called the Effect.” “Take for instance, if I ask you to close your eyes what will happen?” “If I ring this bell, what does it mean?”

“We’ll see darkness/nothing, Ma’am!” “We should keep quiet.”

“That’s the essence of the Cause and Effect Relationship. It describes something that happens and why it happens.” “Do you understand?” E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

ABSTRACTION Guided Practice.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Moving on, we will have another activity. There are pair of pictures here and a set of sentences. Match the sentences with the pair of pictures.” (Indicator 7) A.

B. a) Too much rain results to flood. b) The boy plants a tree so that it will grow big someday. c) The animals have nowhere to live because of the excessive cutting of trees. d) Its sunny day that’s why they are using their umbrellas.

“Very good! Do you get the idea of cause and effect relationship?"

“Yes, Ma’am!”

APPLICATION Independent Practice. “Okay, remember that I told you that in everything that we do, there are consequences? And that is one value we already know in ESP, right? (Indicator 1)

F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment)

There are times that one action can have a lot of result. Example, if a fisherman throws a dynamite in the sea, what will happen?” “Correct. It could result to the death of fishes, destruction of coral reefs, water pollution and many more.” “Okay, for this part you will have a group activity. I will divide the class into 4 groups.” (Indicator 4) “This is what each group are going to do. (Indicator 6 & 7) Group 1 – Make a song about the

“The fishes will die.” “The coral reefs will be destroyed.” “Water Pollution”

effects of throwing trash everywhere to the environment Group 2 – Draw the effects of throwing trash everywhere to humans Group 3 – Create a tree diagram about the effects of throwing trash everywhere to environment Group 4 – Dramatize the effects of throwing trash everywhere to animals “Use these materials and as you do the activity, remember the following rules:

(Indicator 5) “Failure to follow the standards will result to point deduction.” (Indicator 5) “You will be graded based on the rubric:” Group 1 – Make a song about the effects of throwing trash everywhere to the environment Group 2 – Draw the effects of throwing trash everywhere to humans Group 3 – Create a tree diagram about the effects of throwing trash everywhere to environment Group 4 – Dramatize the effects of throwing trash everywhere to animals

“You have 7 minutes to do the activity. After you’re done, paste the cartolina on the board and I will choose from each group 1 representative to explain your output.”

(Representatives will explain their work.)

“You did a great job! Give yourselves (The learners will do the Good Job a Good Job Clap.” Clap.)

G. Finding practical/applications of concepts and skills in daily living

“Listen to this: You are asked to find the GCF of 4 and 8. Now, if you know how to find the GCF, then you will be able to solve the problem easily.” (Indicator 2) “In the given scenario, which is the cause, which is the effect?”

“The cause is if you know the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two given numbers.”

“The effect is you will be able to solve the problem easily.” “Do you understand?” “Who can tell me what is the difference between cause and effect?” I, ma’am Finn. Yes, Jarin. “Cause is the reason why something happens. The result of it is called the Effect.” H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

“Right! Remember that cause-andeffect relationship describes something that happens and why it happens.”  Valuing: What will you do keep our Mother Earth free from pollution?

“I will not throw trash everywhere.” “I will segregate my trash.” “I will help in cleaning the environment.”

(Indicator 9) Direction: Identify the cause and effect in the given sentences by, underlining ONCE the cause and TWICE the effect for each situation. Ex: The baby is crying because she is hungry. 1. Kent is happy because he has toys. I. Evaluating Learning

2. John got a high score in their test because he studied their lesson. 3. Paula Athena practices everyday that’s why she is a good singer. 4. Zack took his piano lesson that’s why he is a good pianist. 5. My dog smells good because I gave him a bath.

Read the story of The Two Travelers J. Additional activities for and the Bear. Analyze it and be ready application or remediation for our discussion tomorrow. I.




A. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities

___# of Learners who earned 80% above

___# of Learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who ___Yes ___No have caught up with the ____# of Learners who caught up the lesson lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of ___ # of Learners who continue to require remediation my teaching strategies worked well? Why did those work? E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized material did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teacher? RUBRIC FOR THE GROUP ACTIVITY CRITERIA

5 points All of the members worked Teamwork together to make the output. There is no Presentation problem with the and Content presentation and the content. The group finished their Timeliness work on or before the given time.

DESCRIPTION 3 points Some members worked together to make the output. There is slight problem with the presentation and the content. The group finished their work but 2 minutes late.

2 points One to two members only worked together to make the output. The presentation and content is messy.


The group finished their worked 5 minutes late. TOTAL

Prepared by: SHAHADAH FINN G. BRIÑOSA BEED-SCH Student Intern

Submitted to and checked by:

CHERRY MAE E. GAVINO Cooperating Teacher

Verified by:

MERCY LYN C. IBAÑEZ School Academic Coordinator

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