Filial Imprinting

  • Uploaded by: Stanley Green
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 386
  • Pages: 2
Filial Imprinting (Psychology) See Imprint Psychology The term filial imprinting is used in child development to refer to the process by which a baby learns who its mother and father are. The process is recognized as beginning in the womb, when the unborn baby starts to recognize its parents' voices. Visit Barbara S. Kisilevsky RN BSN University of Pittsburg website for details: Children learn human behaviors through imprinting the behaviors of parents or surrogates. In short, the child mimics what he or she sees or hears. Our children watch our behaviors and listen to what we are saying. We tell our children that God is our heavenly father. We express our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We send our kids to Sunday school for Biblestudy. Our kids learn the truth of the Gospel. Jesus said for us to love our enemies. A child begins to perceive his or her parent or surrogate as a hypocrite. Adults don’t obey the Gospel. Instead, we listen to our police, prosecutors or lawmakers. They tell us that punishment deters crime. We trust our faith in their word as if they were God. Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is when a person elevates him or herself above God. He or she will contradict God’s word same as the Serpent did with Adam and Eve. These persons will persuade naïve minded believers to follow after their advice. The Bible is explicit that pride is not of the Father but of the world. In fact, the pride of life is a Cardinal Sin among the Seven Deadly Sins. Yet, each Christian parent or surrogate is guilty of boasting to instill pride in God’s Children. Pride comes before a fall!

God’s children disobey God’s word because his or her parent or surrogate has dared to disobey God’s word to instill pride in him or her. Who do you think God will blame? The Bible is specific that a tree is known by the fruit it bears. Hanna had produced good fruit in giving birth to Samuel. Eli’s wife had given birth to two rotten fruit in Hophni or Phinehas. Either had committed sacrilege in God’s house. Eli corrected neither son. The repercussion is that Eli has suffered the exact same horrible fate as his two sons. See

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