Genomic Imprinting

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Department of animal biotechnology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Anand Agricultural University Anand - 388 001.

Topics to be Discussed Introduction Evidences that gene are Imprinted Imprinted genes in Mice How does Imprinting occur Imprinting Mechanism Imprinting Cycle X-Chromosome inactivation Imprinted gene in sheep Imprinting Disorder Conclusion Future prospects 2

INTRODUCTION People inherit two copies of their genes—one from their mother and one from their father Usually both copies of each gene are active, or “turned on,” in cells Sometime only one of the two copies is normally turned on Which copy is active depends on the parent of origin Some genes are normally active only when they are inherited from a person’s father or a person’s mother Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon by which the two parental alleles3

Conti… Genomic imprinting in mice was first deduced from nuclear transplantation experiments

(McGrath and Solter, 1983)

The nonequivalence of maternally and paternally contributed genomes was first identified in elegant nuclear- transfer studies

(McGrath and Solter, 1984)

 There is conservation of imprinting between mice and humans, But one exception, the Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (Igf-2r) (Barlow et al., 1991)

 Imprinted genes are organized in clusters, and two of the clusters, on mouse chromosomes 7 and 17, contain both maternally and paternally expressed genes (Zemel

et al., 1992)



DNA, once methylated, will tend to stay methylated, thus providing a mechanism for the stable maintenance of an imprint during cell division and differentiation

(Bestor and Verdine , 1994)

Imprinted genes are often characterized differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs)


In somatic cells, DMRs such that for one parental allele CpGs in a region are methylated, while for the other parental allele they are not (Shemer and Razin , 1996)

Methylation is further supported by the demonstration that mice deficient in Dnmt1-gene function show a loss of imprinting at almost all loci tested

(Shemer et al,. 1997)5

Pedigree of imprinted maternally expressed phenotype (Barlow and Stewart, 1991)



Evidences that gene are Imprinted


Neuclear Transplantation Studying An early observation pointing to

genomic imprinting was the finding of aberrant development of artificially constructed isoparental embryos in mice

Gynogenetic (two female pronuclei) Androgenetic (two male pronuclei) (McGrath & Solter , 1984)


Neuclear transplantation

Fertilized diploid embryo (zygote) the maternal and paternal nuclei do not fuse for 12 hours 10

Neuclear Transfer shows both Parental Genomes needed for Mouse Embryonic Development

McGrath & Solter (1984) Cell 37:179, Surani et al., (1984) Nature 308:548





Uniparental Disomy Uniparental disomy (UPD) occurs when an individual receives both copies of a chromosome from one parent only Child inherits the genes from one parent only (uniparental) In mice with certain translocations that produced uniparental disomies for particular chromosomes (Cattanach and jones, 1994)

One type of cross generated foetuses containing two copies of a large portion of one types of 14 chromosome


Cont… In mice chromosome no 7 shows such types of translocation One crossed foetuses containing two copies of a large portion of maternal chromosome no 7 but no copies from paternal side These mice fetuse were developmentally retarded, small placenta and died in utero at midgestation Reciprocal cross, resulting in two paternal and no maternal chromosome 7 homologues, conceptuse died much earlier 16

Haig's Model The evolutionary conservation of imprinting suggests that the phenomenon might provide some selective advantage The challenge is now to determine the function and mechanism of allelic inactivation by imprinting To date the most compelling model has been provided by Haig and his colleagues That is know as ‘‘Conflict Theory’’ (Moore and Haig, 1991) 17

Haig' Model: Conflict Imprinting evolved in mammals because Theory the conflicting interests of maternal paternal genes within a litter

of and

In non monogamous, the mother provides significant maternal resources to the offspring both during intrauterine and suckling after birth Successful passage of paternal genes into the next generation is best ensured by having the embryos consume maternal resources The mother's interests are best served by distributing her resources more equitably among litters 18 (Moore and Haig, 1991)


cont… Mouse embryos are sensitive to the levels of the paternally expressed growth factor insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-2) (Robertson, 1991)

A complete loss of function of the gene encoding the growth factor, Igf-2, leads to a 40% reduction in birth weight Fetuses that lack Igf-2r are approximately 30% larger than normal, have elevated circulating levels of IGF-2, and die around birth (lau and Barlow , 1994) 20


Imprinted Genes in Mice In the early l990s, experiments with either gene “knock-out” or naturally occurring strains of mice in which the two parental alleles could be distinguished, showed that:


growth factor 2 (Igf2) gene was expressed only from the paternal allele Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor(Igf2 R) gene was expressed only from the maternal allele (DeChaira et al,. 1991)

The maternally expressed H19 gene also functions to lower the concentration of Igf2 by suppressing its transcription on maternal22


24 25 inting



DNA Methylation Covalent modification of the DNA is important for gene silencing Most genes have GC rich areas of DNA in their promoter regions, These are referred to as CpG islands Methylation of the C residues within the CpG islands leads to gene silencing DNA methylation is restricted to C in a 5’-CpG -3’ dinucleotide (Ariel et al,. 1994)



Enzymatic control of DNA Methylation

Three mammalian DNA methylases:


Cytosine Methylation  5-methylcytosine  Chemically unstable  Prone to deamination  Resulting in thymine  Inefficient recognition of mismatch by DNA repair mechanisms  Cytosine deamination gives Thymine, which is recognized by DNA repair systems 31


ØMT = DNA methyltransferase ØHDAC = Histone Deacetylase ØMeCP2 = Methyl-CpG-binding protein 33

Morgan et al. (2005) Hum Mol Genet 14, 47-58 34

DNA Methylation Experiment  Improper or absent of DNA methylation

of imprinted gene may lead to abnormal growth

 Mouse embryos with a targeted deletion of the DNA methyltransferase gene showed abnormal expression of at least three imprinted gene (Li et al,. 1993)

 DNA methyltrasferase inhibitor ‘5azacytidine(AzaC)’ can reactivate transcription from this allele


DNA Methylation Experiment

(Li et al., 1993 Nature 266:362) 36

What happens to mouse embryos that lack DNA methylation?

Colum P. Walsh, J. Richard Chaillet & Timothy H. Bestor. Nature 37 Genetics 20:116 (1998)


Mechanism of Imprinted Gene Silencing

To dissect the molecular mechanism of imprinting, we have to focused on a region of approximately 300 kb on the distal portion of mouse chromosome 7

An imprinted region on the distal end of mouse chromosome 7. The positions of the imprinted genes Mash-2, Ins-2, Igf-2 and H19 on mouse chromosome 7 (Guillemot et al,. 1995)


Molecular Mechanism


Molecular Mechanism


DNA Methylation at CpG island The clustering of four imprinted genes raised the possibility that, they are controlled by a signal or signals that act over large distances

A search for candidates for the epigenetic mark focused from parent-specific DNA methylation The best candidate for the epigenetic mark at the H19/Igf-2/Ins-2 locus is paternal-specific DNA methylation of the


DNA Methylation at CpG island Evidence in favor of DNA methylation as the epigenetic mark at the locus comes from a targeted disruption of the DNA methyltransferase gene in mice Embryos that are homozygous for a null mutation in the gene, and therefore have dramatically reduced levels of DNA methylation, express both alleles of H19 and have silenced both Igf-2 genes (Li et al,. 1993) 43

Enhancer Competition Model model rests on the The enhancer competition premise that H19 and Igf-2 utilize the same enhancers Only two enhancers have been identified in the vicinity of the Igf-2 and H19 genes, at + 9 and + 11 kb relative to the start of transcription of the H19 gene H19 promoter is activated by enhancer, Igf-2 gene is not expressed from maternal allele H19 is methylated, enhancer is unable to interact with the H19 and Igf-2 gene is expressed from paternal side


Enhancer Competition Model IGF2


Insulin-like growth factor receptor 2

non-coding RNA



Endoderm-specific enhancer


Enhancer Competition Model OFF











3 3 3





Deleting Enhancer To ask whether enhancer are required for expression of both H19 and Igf-2, a line of mice was generated in which the enhancers were deleted, and the consequence to the expression of H19 and Igf-2 was assessed

(Leighton et al,. 1995)



When the enhancer deletion was inherited from females, decline in H19 RNA in all tissues of endodermal origin The levels of Igf-2 RNA were unaffected by the maternal deletion of the enhancers, Igf-2 is normally silent

(Leighton et al,.



When the enhancer deletion was inherited from males, the levels of Igf-2 RNA declined in exactly the same manner as H19 RNA in the maternal heterozygotes, while the levels of H19 RNA were unaffected

(Leighton et al,.


Deleting H19 Gene To test the dependence of Igf-2 imprinting on the H19 gene, a strain of mice was generated that carries a deletion of the paternal-specific methylation domain, including the structural H19 gene itself and 10 kb of 5' flanking sequence

(Leighton et al,.


C ont … H19 deletion

Paternal inheritance of the would have no phenotypic consequence This proved, both the maternal H19 allele and the paternal allele of Igf-2 were unaffected When the H19 deletion was inherited from a female, the neonatal progeny expressed both paternal and maternal Igf-2 alleles in all tissues examined

(Leighton et al,.


Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs) Imprinted genes are often characterized by differential DNA methylation There are two types of DMRs: Primary DMRs- In oocytes and sperm Secondary DMRs -after fertilization For most imprinted genes examined, DMRs are closely associated with CpG islands and direct repeats (Jeffrey et al,. 2001) 53

Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs) DMRs acquire their allelic methylation after fertilization

The local spacing and co operativitybetween DMRs and core DMRs may be important for the propagation of the imprinting signal Also important for stabilization of specific epigenotypes in imprinting clusters The disruption of any of these elements could result in failure to maintain or establish a parental epigenotype (Reik and Walter. 1998)


Role of Tandem Repeats in Allele Specific Methylation

 (+) methylation and (-)de-methylation signals  (R) may act as methylation centers  Gray/Red disks- The extent of methylation may be limited by counteracting demethylation signals  Trefoilstructures-Trans-acting factors interfere with methylation or its spreading  A gradient of methylation is represented by differently shaded circles: (Miguel et al,. 55 (white circles) lack of methylation 1998)

Role of Tandem Repeats in Allele Specific Methylation

 (+) methylation and (-)de-methylation signals  (R) may act as methylation centers  Gray/Red disks- The extent of methylation may be limited by counteracting demethylation signals  Trefoilstructures-Trans-acting factors interfere with methylation or its spreading  Trans-acting factors (black ovals) may act alternatively in the demethylation pathway resulting in a dominant demethylation (Miguel et al,. 56 signal, spreading over the entire region (allele 1998) 2)

Imprinting Control Regions How does an ICR (ICRs) act to regulate

monoallelic expression in somatic cells? (A)  ICRs appear to be gene regulatory elements that can significantly affect the expression of genes in cis  The Igf2/H19 ICR is a chromatin insulator that blocks the interaction of enhancers with the Igf2 promoter  When H19 gene is methylated, CTCF cannot bind to the insulator, and the activator is able to activate the transcription of the Igf2 (Jeffrey gene et al,.


Imprinting Control Regions How does an ICR (ICRs) act to regulate

monoallelic expression in somatic cells? (B)  These ICR regulatory elements can be turned “off” on one parental allele and “on” on the other parental allele by the presence and absence of DNA methylation  This brings about allelic activity and inactivity in trans, or monoallelic (Jeffrey et al,. expression 2001)


Imprinting Control Regions (ICRs)

(Jeffrey et al,.


Role of RNA in IMPRINTING Imprinted gene clusters contain

multiple imprinted mRNA genes and at least one imprinted noncoding RNA (ncRNA)

Two imprinted ncRNAs have now been shown to act as cis-acting domain silencers This indicate that RNA-mediated silencing may be a central feature of genomic imprinting 60

Most imprinted clusters






Each imprinted cluster is regulated by one imprint control element or ICE In an imprinted cluster are imprinted protein-coding mRNA genes; however, at least one is always an imprinted ncRNA Imprinted ncRNAs is that they show reciprocal parental-specific expression The reciprocal expression of imprinted mRNAs and ncRNAs has long been thought to indicate that ncRNAs play a role in and Denise, silencing the mRNA genes in(Florian an imprinted 2006)


ncRNA- Mediated Silencing Transcription of ncRNAs could induce silencing of genes laying several hundred kilobase pairs upstream and downstream Two possibilities could be considered [A] ncRNA transcription could activate a domain repressor contained within the ncRNA transcription unit

(Florian and Denise, 2006)


ncRNA- Mediated Silencing Transcription of ncRNAs could induce silencing of genes laying several hundred kilobase pairs upstream and downstream Two possibilities could be considered [B] ncRNA transcription could repress a domain activator contained within the ncRNA transcription unit

(Florian and Denise, 2006)


Antisense RNA The Igf2r and Kcnq1 ICRs contain the promoter of an antisense RNA that may cause repression of the sense transcript in (Florian and Denise, cis 2006)


Chromatin Accessibility Model Imprinted domains must contain particular

DNA sequences that distinguish them from the rest of the genome

According to this model open chromatin would allow modification of multiple changes Methylation of CpG or binding of repressive chromatin proteins or both , lead to compacted chromatin In compacted chromatin modification is prevented


Hypercondensation over Chromatin Domains causes Transcriptional Silencing


Chromatin Accessibility Model



(Jeffrey et al,. 2001)


Imprinting Cycle SOMATIC TISSUE


p m





Imprinting Cycle PGCs, like somatic cells, presumably also inherit one maternally and paternally imprinted genome They develop and differentiate at 11.5 dpc, both genomes must become maternalized or paternalizedaccording to germ cell sex (new imprints) For the female germ line, both alleles become fully methylated or maternalized in fetuses at 16.5 days post-coitum (dpc) The male germ line, both alleles become fully (Jeffrey methylated or paternalized by 18.5 dpcet al,. 2001)



This establishment of ICR methylation in male germ cells corresponds to the time of genome-wide de novo methylation This is occurring in germ cells of both sexes from approximately 15.5 dpc to 18.5 dpc At that time germ line is not dividing

(Jeffrey et al,. 2001)


Imprinting Cycle

(Jeffrey et al,. 2001)



(Jeffrey et al,. 2001)


DNMTs are active in germ During development cellsof Spermatid and oocyst more amount of DNMTs are find in their nuclei

(Miguel et al,. 1998)


Reik W. et al, Science 293, p1089


Reik W. et al, Science 293, p1089



X-Chromosome Inactivation molecular features are

Many between genomic inactivation


shared and X

Both are cis-acting epigenetic silencing mechanisms Both show a positive correlation between expression of a ncRNA and silencing (Reik and Lewis, 2005)

It has been suggested that X inactivation was a driving force in the evolution of genomic imprinting 79

X- Inactivation Center (XIC) XIST gene, encoded at site of X inactivation center

It is untranslated RNA in regional silencing in cis (Panning et al,. Accumulation of Xist transcripts along the 1997) length of the inactive chromosome


Figure 7 -78 Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th Edition


Mature gametes Primordi al germ cell

X-Chromosome Inactivation Zygot Establishme e nt of M X


X a X a



Germlin e imprinti


Trophectod erm

Erasur e Erasur e


Blastoc yst X a Xi


Inner cell Mass

Xi X a X a Xi

imprinting & X-


X a Xi

Placent a M X P Xi a

Embr yo

Random XInactivation


Imprinted Gene in Sheep


Imprinted Gene in Sheep In common with other mammals, IGF2, PEG1 and PEG3 were paternally expressed in the day 21 conceptus While H19, IGF2R, GRB10 and p57KIP were maternally expressed GNAS was maternally expressed in the foetus, but paternally expressed in the chorioallantois at day 21 (Alexandra et al,. 2008) 84

Cont… Differential methylation of the H19 CTCF III upstream region methylated IGF2R DMR2- Maternaly methylated



In blastocysts, IGF2R, GRB10 and SASH2 were expressed biallelically The majority of ovine imprinted genes examined, monoallelic expression does not occur until after the blastocyst stage (Alexandra et al,. 2008) 85

Imprinti ng Disorde r 86

Imprinting Disorder Any type of condition which leads to loss of imprinting may lead to various disease condition Where the chromosome involved in the UPD is imprinted there may be complication for that individual In maternal UPD, A condition called Prader Willi Syndrome In paternal UPD, A condition called angelman syndrome



The interest in genomic imprinting and epigenetics in animal husbandry :

occurrence of a fetal overgrowth syndrome during assisted reproduction techniques (ART) in ruminants This overgrowth is known offspring syndrome" or LOS It is characterized by



A significant increase in birth weight (8% – 50%) Increase in gestational length Breathing problems at birth 88 An increased frequency of perinatal death

Imprinting Disorder in sheep There is a link between imprinted genes and muscle development in lamb Influence of the imprinted IGF2 gene on muscle growth and fat deposition

(van Laere et al,. 2003)

An even more prominent effect is seen of the so called callipyge mutation on the muscle development of the hind legs of sheep Callipyge lambs are born normal and the first signs of muscular hypertrophy are first detectable in the loin and hindquarters at 4–6 weeks of age


Imprinting Disorder in sheep


Conclusion Major reprogramming of the imprints occurs in the germ lines of developing embryos Regions of differential methylation have been identified at all imprinted genes Genome-wide alterations in methylation occur in the pre implantation and early post implantation embryo Multiple cis-acting sequences are probably required for the creation and maintenance of the methylation state


Cont… DMRs are CpG-rich and associated with direct repeats Imprinted gene clusters should contain at least one ICE ICE will carry an epigenetic mark on one parental chromosome Imprinted DNA sequence modified only in one gamete 92

Cont… Regulation mechanisms such as antisense transcription and enhancer competition play an important role in the imprinting process Mostly imprinted gene are conserved in different species Imprinting and mutation both prevent gene expression , but in mutation DNA sequence is change while in in printing no change in DNA The imprinting process is reversible


Future prospects In animal husbandry our interest is to produce more producible animal For achievement of more production we are going for cross breeding Genomic imprinting may affect the production of traits which is regulated by imprinted gene Thus the emerging area of epigenetics holds promises of being of interest to both the farmer, the veterinarian and for the area of animal models for the years to



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