February 2008

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  • Words: 1,076
  • Pages: 4
The Ramey Report !


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Testing God? As many of you know we have had to change our departure date more than once. Although this has been frustrating to us, we have seen God’s hand in each of the delays. We are at a critical point and one that needs much prayer. The building is now almost complete enough to house our family. I am anxious to ‘be on the ground’ to prepare the home for occupation and to start receiving children. My faith is strong enough to go on nothing, but God also calls us to be practical. We are at about 60% support now. We have prayerfully decided that we need to be at 75% support before we leave. I really had a hard time putting a number on my faith. I did this only after rereading how Gideon not only tested God once, but twice! Judges 6:39-40 39 Then Gideon said to God, “Do not be angry with me, but let me speak just once more: Let me test, I pray, just once more with the fleece; let it now be dry only on the fleece, but on all the ground let there be dew.” 40 And God did so that night. It was dry on the fleece only, but there was dew on all the ground.

Our eldest daughter, Genna had surgery on her knee last month. It is healing very well and she will be able to start walking without crutches this week. We give all glory to God for such a quick recovery. She is continuing her physical therapy and will have to keep up her exercises once we arrive in M exico too. She is in need of a good used treadmill, if anyone has one they are not currently using!

We have set out a fleece of 3/4 support. To reach this goal, we need another $400 in monthly support. I am confident that God will provide all our needs, whatever that amount may be. In the meantime we are not going to be idle. We are packing and deciding what goes and what stays. Please help us keep our fleece dry! If God has put it on your heart to support us monthly, NOW is the time start. Once we have a dry fleece it will take us at least two weeks to get on the road. We are already planning as if this prayer has been answered. Thank you for all your prayers and support.


Heavy Heart You may remember a little girl named M atilde that we have mentioned in the past. A few years ago her uncle wanted to give her away to a team from the CM &A in Zanesville. We did not have the authority at that time to help out. When I met M atilde the following year on another a mission trip to that area, she was sitting almost naked in the dirt near her thatched roof home. I wanted to take her right then but it was just not possible. The most recent team to visit Oaxaca was informed that she had left this world for the gates of Heaven. At first I was really distraught with feelings of “what if” and “we should have.” Below is a poem written by Katie Cooke that really helped my sadness. I hope this touches your hearts as much as it did mine.


She closed her eyes to dirt floors and thatched roof. She opened them to streets of gold. She closed her eyes to abandonment, to rejection. She opened them to her Heavenly Father, saying, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Her body was unshapely, crippled. Now she skips and runs. She will never again be naked. She will never again be hungry. She will forever be loved.

Building Progress!

William, Carlos and Victor have been hard at work on the Children’s Home building. As most of you know this will be our home also. We will occupy the lower floor until we have the 2nd story complete. They have completed plastering the inside of the kitchen, dining room, playroom, hallways, one bedroom and one bathroom. William has installed all of the electrical wires, switches, and plugs. They hope to have the electricity hooked up in the next few weeks. This would have been done sooner but a new rule was enacted. The Electrical Commission requires that the two buildings be separated by a fence. William has hired Victor’s cousin Chano to put up a chain link fence to comply with this rule. Money for the building has been coming in steadily and just when it was needed! We have used $21,183 so far. To complete the building (including second story) we need another $45,000 to $50,000. This amount is a “turnkey” figure, which includes furnishings and appliances. Please pray that the money keeps coming in!

e-mail us at [email protected]




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Spanish Word List


(for crossword puzzle):



padre madre hermano hermana abuelo abuela chico chica amigo hola adiós

7 8 9

ACROS S 3. I am your dad 5. A boy 6. I am your big brother 8. A friend 9. I am your mom’s dad

DOWN 1. I am your mom 2. I am your big sister 4. Good-bye 5. A girl 6. A greeting 7. I am your dad’s mom

Support Form Ple ase che ck the following that apply: I will join ___ prayer ___ prayer ___ prayer

the Rame ys in…. & give financially at $_____/month & enclose a one time gift of $____ but I can not give financially now.

Che ck to re ce ive our family ne wsle tte r.


_____ postal mail

I would like to support the Childre n’s Home with building needs, operating expenses, or wherever needed: ____ one time gift of $_______ ____ monthly gift of $_______/month Name_________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State______ Zip _______________ Phone________________ E-Mail___________________________________________

Please return form to: Good Measure 785 Harrison Ave. Charleston, IL 61920

Our Mexico Address:

Face of My Father Children’s Home Tod & Kristi Ramey Quetzal #9 Colonia El Palomar San Marcos, Jalisco 46540 MEXICO

U.S Contact Information Good Measure International 785 Harrison Avenue Charleston, IL 61920 (217)-348-1587 www.goodmeasure.org

The Ramey Report , .

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