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Dekan FKIK Muhammadiyah University of Yo g y a k a r t a

d r. H . A r d i P r a m o n o , S p . A n , M . K e s A s s a l a m u a l a i k um wr.wb Fa k u l t a s Ke d o k t e ra n d a n I l m u Ke s e h a t a n P rog ra m Stu di P e n di di ka n Dokt e r U n i v e rsi t a s M u h a m m a d i y a h Yo g y a k a r t a s e j a k p e r t a m a d i d i r i k a n t a h u n 19 93 s a m p a i s a a t i n i t e l a h m a m p u m e l u l u s k a n l e b i h d a r i 20 0 0 d o k t e r islami yang berbeda daripada alumni f a k u l t a s k e d o k t e ra n l a i n d i I n d o n e s i a . F K I K U M Y m e r u p a k a n p e n y e l e n g g a ra p e n di di k a n ked ok tera n p e r t a m a d a n t e r t ua di l i n g kun g a n perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah di I n d o n e s i a . P ro s e s p e n e m p a a n p e n di di k a n di dasrkan pada keikhlasan dan kedislipinan p a ra p e ng a j a r se n i or ya n g b e rkom p e t e n . Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter terbagi atas 2 tahap, yaitu Pendidikan Sarjana Ke d o k t e ra n d a n P e n d i d i k a n P ro f e s i D o k t e r. Perkuliahan berlangsung di kampus, rumah sakit, dan praktek di lapangan dengan metode pembelajaran Problem Based Learning, yaitu mahasiswa sejak duduk di s e m e s te r a w a l a ka n b e l a j a r se ca ra i n t e g ra si dalam blok-blok menggunakan pendekatan b i o m e di k d a n k l i n i k , s e d a n g k a n p e n di di k a n profesi dokter akan berlangsung penuh di Rumah Sakit pendidikan utama, berbagai

Rum a h S akit Umum D aerah, dan Puskesmas/ m a syarakat sebagai jejaring/afiliasi. Program Sarjana Pendidikan Dokter FKIK UMY menggunakan sistem pembelajaran y a n g t e r p a d u u n t u k m e ra n g s a n g m a h a s i s w a belajar, yaitu sistem PBL (Problem Based Learning) dengan kurikulum blok yang b e r b e d a d e n g a n k u r i k u l u m ko n v e n s i o n a l . D i t a h un 2009 metode PB L ini telah di modifikasi dengan menerapkan Case Based Learning ( C BL) sebagai bagian early c linic al exposure bagi mahasiswa agar mampu menyesuaikan di ri p ada lingkungan rumah sakit. Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang R e p u b l i k I n d o n e s i a n o m o r 2 0 t a h u n 2 013 tentang Pendidikan Kedokteran, ada 3 m a ca m dokter yaitu, dokter , dokter layanan primer, dan dokter spesialis klinik. Di era J a m i n a n Ke s e h a t a n N a s i o n a l ( J K N ) , m a k a p a ra dokter dan dokter layanan primer dapat b e ke rjasama meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat di layanan primer, sebelum nantinya di rujuk ke fasilitas kesehatan di a t a s n y a . P ro g ra m s e t a ra s p e s i a l i s b e r n a m a Dokter Layanan Primer (DLP) dapat diikuti oleh para dokter yang berminat untuk

b e r k a r i r di l a y a n a n p r i m e r , d a n n a n t i n y a di h a ra p k a n d a p a t m e n j a d i g a t e k e e p e r d i e ra Universal Coverage (2019) saat sem u a o ran g s u d a h t e r d a f t a r s e b a g a i a n g g o t a B PJ S . D i m a s a m e n d a t a n g , di h a ra p k a n 8 0 % m a s a l a h kesehatan dapat diselesaikan di layanan primer oleh DLP ataupun Dokter, sisanya 20 % m e r u p a k a n p a s i e n y a n g p e r l u d i r u j u k kepelayanan tingkat sekunder maupun tersier. Era DLP ini tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi seluruh dokter yang ada di Indonesia sehingga harus dipersiapkan calon-calon dokter masa depan dengan bakal ilmu dan praktik yang memadai mulai dari strata satu, oleh karena itu s a n g a t d i h a ra p k a n k e p a d a m a h a s i s w a d a n mahasiswi pendidikan dokter UMY tahun 2 013 k e s a d a r a n a k a n s e m a n g a t b e l a j a r dalam menempuh pendidikan kedo k te ran in i. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat dalam rangka menjaga silaturahmi antara mahasiswa, dosen staf f, ser ta selu r uh civ itas akademika FKI K UMY. Wassalamualaikum wr wb


some greeting from -

Sambutan Kaprodi you’re now entering the page -

d r. A l f a i n a W a h y u n i , S p . O G , M . K e s


sarjana kedokteran. Setelah lulus sarjana kedokteran, mahasiswa masih harus menempuh p e n d i d i k a n p ro f e s i s e l a m a 2 t a h u n d i r u m a h s a k i t pendidikan dan rumah sakit jejaring UMY. Anak anakku mahasiswa mahasiswi angkatan 2013 , s e t e l a h m e n e m p u h p e r j a l a n a n p a n j a n g t a h a p sarjana, alhamdulillah kalian sudah menyandang g e l a r S . Ke d y a n g a r t i n y a s u d a h s e j a j a r d e n g a n sarjana lain, namun demikian kalian jangan terlalu lama terlena dengan euforia ini, karena perjuangan yang lebih besar sudah menanti ditahap pendidikan selanjutnya. S elalu bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah b e r i k a n , s a l a h s a t u n y a d e n g a n m e m p e rs i a p k a n d a n menjalani tahap profesi dengan sungguh-sungguh. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

A s s a l a m u a l a i k um wr. wb Program studi pendidikan dokter UMY merupakan pendidikan kedokteran berbasis Problem Based Learning dimana mahasiswa dan mahasiswinya belajar mengenai ilmu kedokteran secara te r i nteg r i ta s . Sel a i n m e l a l u i p e rkul i a h a n , m a h a si swa j ug a b e l a j a r ilmu kedokteran melalui praktikum di beberapa d ep a r tem e n a nt a ra l a i n a n a t om i , fi si ol og i , h i st ol og i , biokimia, farmakologi, patologi anatomi, patologi k l i n i k , p a ra s i t o l o g i , d a n m i k ro b i o l o g i . Ke t ra m p i l a n m e di s m a h a s i s w a U M Y j u g a di l a t i h m e l a l u i s k i l l s l a b di m a na di ha ra pka n n a n t i l ul usa n U MY d a p a t m e n j a di l u l u s a n y a n g d a p a t b e rs a i n g d a n h a n d a l d a l a m h a l s k i l l p ena ng a nan t e rh a d a p p a si e n . PSPD UMY terdiri dari 4 angkatan yang setiap angkatannya harus menempuh 8 semester untuk menimba ilmu dan untuk kemudian lulus menjadi

Reza Arief Fauzan

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Sambutan KOSEMA A s s a l a m u ’a l a y k um .wr.wb Seg a l a p u j i ha n ya m i l i k Al l a h , Ra b b se m e st a a l a m y a ng te l a h m e l i m p a h -l i m p a h ka n ra h m a t d a n ni k m a tN y a ke p a d a se m e st a d a n se m og a kita senantiasa bisa mensyukuri setiap anugerah yang telah diberikan olehNya. Shalawat serta salam semoga selalu te rc u ra h ke p a d a t e l a d a n ki t a , p e m i m p i n ki t a , R a s u l u l l a h M u h a m m a d S AW, s e m o g a k i t a di b er i ke k u a ta n un t uk se n a n t i a sa m e n e l a d a n i b el i a u d a n m e l a ksa n a ka n sun a h -sun a h n ya . A l ha m d u l i l l a h sa t u fa se p e rj ua n g a n p a n j a n g telah kita lalui, segala rutinitas sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran akan segera kita ti ng g a l k a n. M e m a n g t i d a k m ud a h , t a p i t e t a p harus kita syukuri. Kita harus selalu ingat betapa beruntungnya kita bisa menempuh p e r j a l a n a n y a n g di c i t a - c i t a k a n o l e h b a n y a k s a ha b a t k i ta , mun g ki n di l ua r sa n a a d a ya n g banyak yang bersedia memberikan apapun a g a r b i s a b era d a di p osi si ki t a sa a t i n i . Bicara soal perjuangan, apalagi dalam

konteks kehidupan dan cita-cita, memang t i d a k mudah untuk menemukan kata “selesai”. Ke t i k a m a s i h m e n j a di m a h a s i s w a b a r u d u l u kita sempat membayangkan bagaimana sulitnya menjalani perkuliahan sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran, ketika menjalani p un kita sering ber tanya “ini kok gak kelar2 s i h . . ” ( k h u s u s o n p a ra p e j u a n g b l o k 6 , X D ) , setelah fase ini pun perjuangan yang lebih b e ra t s u d a h m e n a n t i , b e g i t u j u g a f a s e - f a s e berikutnya. Artinya memang jalan yang kita pilih ini benar-benar panjang dan penuh p e rj uangan. Pasti ada saat-saat kita merasa lelah, jenuh atau bahkan nyaris putus asa, tapi sekali lagi harus kita ingat bahwa kita beruntung bisa berada di sini dan kitalah yang memilih untuk berada di sini, dan yang paling penting yang harus kita ingat adalah orang tua kita. Di saat kita lelah, sejatinya ada yang lebih lelah lagi tapi t i d a k k e h i l a n g a n h a ra p a n a k a n k e s u k s e s a n kita. Di saat kita merasa sudah bekerja

keras, sejatinya ada yang bekerja lebih k e ra s d a n t i d a k b e r h e n t i m e n g i m p i - i m p i k a n k i t a m e n j a d i s e o ra n g , m e re k a l a h o ra n g t u a kita, semoga kita termasuk anak yang bisa membahagiakan dan berbakti kepada o ran g tua kita. 4 tahun perjuangan kita menjadi m ah asisw a k e d o k t e ra n s e b e n t a r l a g i a k a n b e ra k h i r. Antrian finger print setiap hari aka n be rgan ti dengan visit pasien setiap pagi, malamm a l a m s u n t u k b e l a j a r t u t o r i a l a k a n b e rg a n t i dengan malam panjang jaga bangsal, dan jas praktikum lusuh yang jarang dicuci a k a n b e rg a n t i d e n g a n j a s ko a s s ke re n y a n g m u n g k i n j u g a b a k a l j a ra n g d i c u c i . S e m o g a Allah menguatkan kita di fase apapun kita berada dan semoga kita bisa menjaga silaturrahim sampai kapanpun. S ee you on top! Wassalamu’alaykum.wr.wb







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our beloved staff


The Annual Book Of UMY Faculty Of Medicines

our beloved staff


The supre me qualit y fo r leader shi p i s unquest ion a bl y integr it y. W it h ou t it, n o rea l s u cce s s is po ssible , no matter w h e t h e r it is o n a s e c t ion gan g , a foot ba ll field , in a n a r my, o r in an of f ice .



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our beloved staff


The Annual Book Of UMY Faculty Of Medicines

the lecturer assistant

//2017 THANK YOU FOR TEACHING US Th e s u p re m e q u ality for lead ers h ip is unq ues tionably integr it y. W i t h o u t i t , n o real success is possibl e, no m atter w h eth er it is o n a s e c t i o n ga n g, a footbal l fiel d, in an army, or in an office.

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2 0 1 7


t h e

a n n u a l

b o o k

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Faculty of Medicines

g -

r e

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a t

t /

/ r o

m i f

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m s u

o / s

Our future requires courage, not fears. All of us is ready to do a jump and spread confetti of joy around.


To b e i n s p i r e d i s g o o d , to inspire is incredible. Because not all of human being has the same chance as ours, we should make it clear then future will shine brighter to the dreams we state at night.

A you’re here



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Faculty of Medicines


“What’s important is that you make the leap. Jump high and hard with intention and heart. Pay no mind to the vision that the commission made up. It’s up to you to make your life. Take what you have and stack it up like a tower of teetering blocks. Build your dream around that.”


Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar


There’s a famous quotes said that experience

in learning could happen after failures. We

is the best teacher. We absolutely have no

a l s o h ave t h e s a m e s t at e of d re a m , n eve r

doubt on it. But after years of studying,

stop till we get tired.


- c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //

we a l s o fo u n d t h at t h at t h e b i g ge s t j u m p

Don’t wait ‘till we get failure to learn more kind of good things


Only in library we could suffer in tiny worlds called books

We d o b e l i e v e i n o u r dreams. Perhaps, it’s the forefront reason why we s t i l l s t a n d s t ro n g to d ay. We a l s o b e l i eve i f ot h e r


people still get stuck in their egos, only the ones who believe and willing to move forward will win. Every day, there will be something good to remember, not to regret.

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a

conceptual photographs.

Don’t try to be what you’re not. If you’re nervous, go get up

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a


conceptual photographs.

Be co nf i d e nt i n yo u r o w n w ay ! T h e r e w i l l s o m e d ay yo u r e a l i z e that you don’t have to fo l l ow o n s o m e o n e’s path. Go get your own! Nothing’s gonna s c a r y yo u u n l e s s yo u bring your fears to explore a big world behind.

Mo s t p e o p l e t h i n k t h at g i r l a l w ays b e a m o o d y person to see. It might not be a lie when you could find a strong confidence through their smile. Moreover, she always looks attractive even when she gets mad. No beauty will lie to you, but only the natural parts will last longest.

• THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017 - c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //


Yes or no, girls will always be girls

O17. We m i g h t n e v e r b e e n a g o o d p l a c e a s we have today without a help from good friend. Days might get harder day by day. But by all great support they give around, t h e re ’s n o d o u b t t h a t o u r f e a r s w i l l b e • THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017

decreased by all smile we do every day.

- c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //

I saved a big thanks to the ones who stand around me

There’s no elevator to success, you just have to keep learning

O18. Maybe it’s true that being young is the best part of the entire life journey. But there’s only few people who consider to make days at youth leave a bigger mark to future. If it’s not because of these friends, I might forget which road I should take to bring joy following the dreams.

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a conceptual photographs.


Under the palm trees and bright sky, days are better when you’re smiling

conceptual photographs.

A smile that contagious really could help more human being to live out their reality. Sometimes the day is easy, but in another t i m e i t j u s t g e t s h a r d . Le t j u s t d o m o r e smile so our self has no worry about the dark sky or scary night will come later.

Guess what we gotta do: get a good capture between these microscopes

Some parts of journey looks happy to play it back. But in another time, all pain and hurt feeling made us want just forget the fears. Because we know that a good journey isn’t

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta


always about joy, this time we j u s t w a n t t o c a p t u re a g o o d moment to remember.

• THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017 - c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //

No dream comes easy unless you have a

ability and make it bigger through practice.

trust to make it real. Instead of just sitting

Just keep going on something positive!

around and looking down on tomorrow, you have more than enough time to maintain your


- c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //

Nothing worth comes easy, you just need to keep practicing


Some big smile come after hardwork

conceptual photographs.

What things do make your smile looks bigger? Is that s o m e t h i n g t h a t f u n n y o r j u s t o n e t h i n g t h a t m a ke s h a p py o u t l o u d ? No m at t e r i s w h at , a l a u g ht e r co u l d really lead into something good to your life. When it’s good, just keep it good.


M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a

M u h a m m a d i y a h

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

Y o g y a k a r t a

Did you see us? Addicted to science couldn’t deny our smile

Some people might say that science is just a stack of boring books. For us, it n eve r b e e n l i ke t h at . Learning is like we’re healing all positive vibes around. No food is bad except it served in a bad design. So does science, we take it simply then it leads more good vibes count to our mind.



conceptual photographs.

That should be my friend that complete my journey with good advices and simply jokes to make me happy. Because without them, all of moments we took on behind is such harder to get and even good day seems far to go. I owe them for making my days as colorful as the rainbow.

• THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017 - c o n c e p t u a l p h o t o s //

Learn for the 1st rule of being doctor: we keep our hands clear and clean


Index photos • the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines


•20130310001 •20130310002 Bobby Fahmi Muldan Ridham Ismu Pahlevi Prahantyo

•20130310003 Agam Meureza Prabowo

Garut, 3 September 1994 Sleman, 12 Juli 1995 • Jl. • Perum. Graha Mutiara Kaliurang Km. 5 Gg. Mijil Indah 2 No. 15, Tarogong, No. 21 085643975423 Garut, 44151 0818221753 Ridhamismu Bobbyspurs

Bandung, 2 Desember 1995 • Komplek Fadjar Raya Estate B2-45, Cihanjuang, Cimahi 085861194932 Agammeureza

•20130310008 Silvia Rakhmadani Bantul, 9 Februari 1995 • Gumuk RT 01, Ringinharjo, Bantul , DI Yogyakarta, 55712 085878760330 Silviarakhma

•20130310019 Cindra Pramesthi Wandansari Bondowoso, 03 April 1994 • Desa Jatitamban RT 03/RW 01, Kec. Wringin, Kab. Bondowoso, Jatim 082300031895 Cind0304Pws

•20130310004 Erika Diana Wati

•20130310005 Hasna Nur Sajidah

Bantul, 9 Desember 1993 • Manukan RT 02, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul 082326110465 Erika.Dna

Kuningan, 25 November 1994 • Komp. Mega Endah Blok G No. 15 RT 003/RW 004, Kel. Karyamulya, Kec. Kesambi, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 085601529898 Hasnanursajidah

•20130310010 •20130310012 Ambar Putri Widjaya Dhimas Prasetya Tenggarong, 27 Oktober Nugraha

•20130310013 Linda Wijayanti

•20130310014 Ammalia Mutiara Hikmah

•20130310015 Tiara Kusuma Dewi

Kebumen, 2 November 1994 • Dk Krajan RT 04/04, Klapaasawit, Buluspesantren, Kebumen 082324694833 Ammalia_Mh

• Kebokuning RT 03, Terong, Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55783 081804342899 Tiarakdewi

Pangkalan Bun, 31 Agustus 1995 • Jl. Jendral Sudirman RT 15, Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah 082134550650 Orizamalta

•20130310020 •20130310021 Kiara Rindang Sinoel Tommy Akroma

•20130310022 Aldi Effando Aditya

•20130310024 Yullytia Franika Maryati

•20130310025 Fajar Rifki Prasetya

1994 • Jl. Stadion No. 40, Loa Ipuh, Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur 081351270394 Ambarastrada

Denpasar 7 Februari 1995 • Harmoni Griya Kirana No. B2, Jl. Timor-Timur, Sleman, Yogyakarta 081269906166 Microcuts729

Kebumen, 1 Februari 1995 • Ds. Karangsari RT 1/01, Kec. Buayan, Kebumen, Jateng 085712620009 Dhimasprs

Banyumas, 11 Mei 1994 • Kramat RT 02/03 No. 33, Kec. Kembaran, Kab. Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 085875836030 Lindaa_Wijayanti

Muntok, 04 Januari 1995 Madiun, 7 November • Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kp. 1993 • Ds. Pule, Kec. Jawa Lama, Muntok, Sawahan, Kab. Madiun 082244611016 Bangka Barat 085273659202 Aldieffando Tommyakroma

•20130310023 Anggita Ratna Damayanti

•20130310006 Zhara Nur Azizah Azwar Kotabumi, 5 April 1995 • Jl. Manunggal No. 3, Rejosari, Kotabumi, Lampung Utara 081271917154 Zharanazizah

•20130310007 Dimas Adhi Pradita Yogyakarta, 11 November 1995 • Jl. Masjid 3, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta 081215202124 Dimasprdt11

•20130310017 Oriza Malta Sleman, 26 Januari 1995 Damayanti

Jepara, 12 April 1995 • Klaten, 27 Januari 1996 • Sampit, 05 Juli 1994 • Jl. Bulungan RT 04 /RW 05, Mudal Lor, Karanganom, Yos Sudarso Gg. Sulawesi Pakis Aji, Jepara, Jawa Klaten Utara, Klaten No. 67, Sampit, Kalteng Tengah 085725654484 085251115010 082242271915 Anggitard Yullytia Fajarifki

•20130310028 Fernanda Arifta Hutama

•20130310029 Irawati Hidayah

•20130310030 Ade Ayuningsih Kudus, 8 April 1995 • Ds. Utami

•20130310031 Latifah Amalia Zati

•20130310032 Syukurina Isnaini

•20130310033 Nurun Alan Nur

•20130310034 Ami Puspitasari

Yogyakarta, 15 Februari 1995 • Jl. Tanjung No. 1, Purbosari, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, 55812 087839865989 Riftahutama

Mejobo RT 1/RW 1, Kec. Mejobo, Kab. Kudus 082313660667 Irawatihidayah2

Nganjuk, 21 April 1995 • Jl. Gatot Subroto 13A RT 03/RW 04, Kauman, Nganjuk, Jawa Timur 081333233213 Latifahzati

Tulungagung, 21 Agustus 1995 • Dsn. Krajan RT 01/RW 02, Ds. Sukoanyar, Kec. Pakel, Kab. Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 085334128886 Nainisnaini

Bima, 20 Mei 1995 • Jl. Pdam Air Bersih, Kel. Nungga, Kec. Rasanae Timur, Kota Bima 085333141322 Nurunalannur

Samarinda, 25 Januari 1994 • Lingk. Pintu Singa RT 001/RW 018, Banjar, Jawa Barat 081313814343 Amipuspitasari

•20130310037 Amalia Nindya Ayuputri

•20130310038 Nadia Salsabila

•20130310041 Berlian Nila Sukma

•20130310042 Nindy Ellena

•20130310043 Gisti Adiasta

• Perum. Bumi Sentra Yogyakarta, 15 Juli 1995 Mas Blok D 36, Indihiang, • Notoprajan, NG II/592, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat Yogyakarta 085795353736 081379673824 Nanatdia Faizalher

Samarinda, 28 Maret 1995 • Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 6, Sangatta, Kutai Timur, Kaltim 085250521187 Berlianns

Bantul, 8 Juli 1995 • Kasihan RT 02, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul 085643552224 Nindyellena

Kudus, 25 September 1995 • Quantum Residence D-7 085751575484 Sungkono

•20130310044 Reyhandi Ermawan Sardjono

Palangka Raya, 12 April 1995 • Jl. Kenari No. 3, Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah 085391628895 Amalianindya

•20130310040 Muhammad Faizal Jakarta, 14 Oktober 1995 Herliansyah

•20130310045 Muhammad Akbar Fakhrurrozi

•20130310046 Raditya Widyo Ananto

•20130310047 Fany Lukinaning Tyas

•20130310048 Wilda Nur Diansari

•20130310049 Muhammad Shiddiq Dwisurya

•20130310050 Asri Auliana Anggraeni

•20130310051 Agung Bima Putera

Yogyakarta, 4 Maret 1995 • Jl. Sadewa No. 22, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta 082138256663 Akbarfakhrurrozi

Sleman, 8 Juli 1995 • Jl. Sulawesi Nomor 1 Perumahan Nogotirto II, Yogyakarta 081391803678 Radityawidyo

Pekalongan, 5 Juni 1995 • Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata Gg. H. A. Hasan No. 20, Baros, Pekalongan Timur, Pekalongan 085740791582 Fanyluki

Bekasi, 15 September 1994 • Jl. Barito No. 318, GPA Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 085752109939 Shiddiq.Dwisurya

Bengkulu, 26 Juni 1995 • Banjarnegara, 18 April Jl. Irian, Kel. Semarang RT 1995 • Kutabanjar RT 03/ 01 No. 33, Kota Bengkulu RW 5, Banjarnegara, Jawa 089653829927 Tengah Agungputera 082243788789 Asriaulianah

•20130310052 Alfina Soraya Ahsanallaela

•20130310053 Faris Bariqi

•20130310054 Fauzan Kurniawan

•20130310056 Wahyu Kurniawati

•20130310057 Fahmi Nugraha

•20130310058 Arifin Nugroho

Kulon Progo, 21 Januari 1995 • Patuk Lor Pedukuhan XII RT 054/ RW 027, Tirtorahayu, Galur, Kulon Progo 085743753085 W_Kurniawati

Pasir Pengarayan, 8 Juni 1995 • Perum. Mutiara Citra Asri I2/12A, Candi, Sidoarjo 082137665932 Fahmigahara95

Pati, 26 Juni 1994 • Ds. Wirun 4/2, Kec. Winong, Kab. Pati, Jateng 082135989111 Arifinnugroho

Cilacap, 31 Maret 1995 • Jl. Raya Maoskidul No. 899 RT 05/RW 03, Maos, Kab. Cilacap 085869332345 Alfinasoraya7

Samarinda, 5 Juli 1997 • Jl. A. M. Sangaji No. 99 RT 26/RW 07, Karangwaru, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta 085350030602 Farisbariqi

Kudus, 22 Juni 1995 • Mlati Norowito Gg. 1 RT 04/RW 02, Kab. Kota Kudus 081237823958 Uutaamii

Garut, 13 Mei 1994 • Jl. Pembangunan, Komplek Bumi Jaya Asri I Blok C 28, Garut, Jawa Barat 085721653334 Wildanurdiansari

•20130310055 Lutfi Trisna Palembang, 25 Desember Oktaningrum 1995 • Banuwitan, Plakaran RT 04, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul, DIY, 55197 081228273635 Fauzankurniawan

Temanggung, 6 Oktober 1994 • Jurang RT 03/RW 03, Bandongan, Magelang 085290772850 Lutfitrisna

Temanggung, 19 April 1995 • Greges RT 01/RW 01, Temanggung 089661661598 Reyhandiermawan

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Faculty of Medicines


“Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.”


Richard Shaull, Pedagogy of the Oppressed


029 Girls are always be girls. No need to carry out many things, every girl has their own way to look beautiful. Whenever she’s happy, you’re gonna find a smile shine bright from her pretty face. Besides, nobody surely wants to d e n y a g i r l f ro m m ov i n g attractively.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s

catching your attention


These girls in floral dress are just

in one side, nothing’s

U n i v e r s i t y

will break

M u h a m m a d i y a h

When two soul are trapped

o f Y o g y a k a r t a

// 2 0 1 7

Growing up is such the best chance to get closer to every sweet things alive. No fault would come easy as long as we learn into positive things, right? Moreover, the more good things we learn to get is the more good vibes count to our history


// 2 0 1 7

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y

o f

Y o g y a k a r t a

As doubt as the clouds above,

we bring this pair of black, white and pink

As a future woman, the years we learn at college isn’t only about science


and knowledge. There are more time we’re dropped into new things such as social life, big changes, and higher dreams. We also realize that we aren’t teenager anymore. You could look through our face that we’ve grown well.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


Y o g y a k a r t a

2 0 1 7


We d o b e l i e v e i n o u r d r e a m s . P e r h a p s , i t ’s t h e f o r e f r o n t re a s o n w hy we s t i l l s t a n d s t ro n g to d ay. We a l s o b e l i eve i f other people still get stuck in their egos, only the ones who believe and willing to move forward will win. Every day, there will be something good to remember, not to regret.

Are we gonna wait again or s ta r t m a k i n g s o m e t h i n g n e w ?

Though the best teacher was on the past, we’re never going that way again. All we need is move forward into something better, something that leads our self to a greater person. Moreover, no matter what kind of past we do have, our future is bright from any distraction.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s • THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017


No need to look back, you can look who’s beside you

We k n o w t h a t f u t u r e o n l y n e e d o u r s e l f t o

the upcoming things will be covered well. Plus,

b e b r ave a n d b o l d t o f a c e eve r y p o s s i b i l i t y.

we n e e d a h e l p f ro m e a c h ot h e r t o m a ke o u r

Because if it’s not, there is no guarantee that

ability works more than just a thought.

M u h a m m a d i y a h

W e j u s t h a v e a w i s h t h a t f utu r e shines as bright as our smile today


U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a

// 2 0 1 7

// 2 0 1 7


Life will only change at the time you choose to leave your comfort zone and start living the dreams. No dream is impossible unless you have no trust to yourself to make it real. Little thing will just be a small thing to your life if you don’t do more things to make it bigger.

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Y o g y a k a r t a YOU’RE NOW ENTERING THIS SECTION

When you found a girl matches in black and white, don’t let her go

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s



In the middle of the road, we figure out each other as friends

Y o g y a k a r t a 2 0 1 7

In this chapter of life, I found that the best isn’t about the one who come first. The more important is just about who stay longest. Though it takes more time to learn about the right ones, good friend really could give such a big help to our career and life journey.

037 be remembered as good partners

h ave k n ow n l o n ge s t . C l e a r l y,

than the ones you meet for the

there’s one day you gonna

entire journey. So let’s get yours

realize that only less people will

some friends to talk.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


Friendship isn’t about whom you

Side by side, troubles are being easier when we face it together

What else makes us so good except these jackets? Being a doctor mostly be kid’s biggest

p a i n m i g h t b e t h e b e s t a p p re c i a t i o n

dream. Years ago, get closer to cure

every doctor wants to get. For them,

people’s disease is such the best wish

making people be healthy again is such

every kid could do. Seeing a pure smile

a big mission.

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

// 2 0 1 7

f ro m t h o s e w h o g e t re c o v e re d f ro m


Obstacles happen not to make us weak or even step back. It only comes to challenge our self to jump a bit and face a better step in future. When it seems impossible to pass over it, we’re allowed to go around and go on

conceptual photographs.

different road.

Even though the sky is dark, I still c o u l d s e e m y f utu r e shines bright

// 2 0 1 7



I believe that the first requirement to m a ke t h e d r e a m s c o m e t r u e i s h av i n g a trust on it. The road to make it real will never be as harder as when obstacle come to t a ke a p a u s e . C a u s e w h e n eve r t h i n g s get harder to face, a trust could save my soul back to the right road.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s

By steady steps, we’re ready to face the next step of dreams come true


Index photos • the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines


•20130310059 Aulia Rahmah

•20130310060 Shafaa Shafiyah

•20130310061 Hapsari Kartika Koba, 16 Maret 1995 • Jl. Dewi

•20130310062 Bella Trisnawati

Bima, 16 Juli 1995 • Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 1 Sumbawa Besar, NTB 085312052990 aulia96

Batin Tikal Koba Bangka Tengan No. 826 082371040512 shafiyahshafaa

Kebumen, 05 Juli 1995 • Jl. P. Diponegoro 119 A, Pati, Jawa Tengah 085760602069 hapsarikd

•20130310067 Risdi Dwi Pambudi

•20130310068 Tika Kurnia Illahi

Cilacap, 23 Mei 1995 • Tinggarjaya RT 03/03, Kec. Sidareja, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah 085647974720 risdipambudi

Yogyakarta, 7 Mei 1995 • Jl. Mangunnegaran Pb1 No. 245, Panembahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta 082134734607 drtika

•20130310069 Armellia Sandra Tamara

•20130310070 •20130310071 •20130310072 •20130310074 Rizka Ayuditha Putri Maya Putri Kharisma Rijal Dwika Saputro Aldila Istika Praya, 30 Maret 1994 • Magelang, 8 Desember Kebumen, 16 Maret 1995 Andamari

•20130310075 Nur Laela

•20130310076 Fitria Setianingsih

Pangkalan Bun, 13 September 1995 • Jl. Alipandi Sarjan No. 35 RT 09, Kel. Raja, Pangkalan Bun 085752509713 elaabdullaah

Ciamis, 14 Maret 1995 • Jl. Pasar Lama Kalipucang, Dusun Empangsari RT 01/ RW 04, Desa Kalipucang, Kec. Kalipucang, Kab. Pangandaran 083826988169 v3aset

Bantul, 3 Agustus 1995 • Salakan 163B RT 06, Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 085868912355 armelliasant

•20130310064 Nanda Yusuf Ngawi, 12 Agustus 1995 • Batang, 21 Oktober 1994 Wijayanto Mantingan 01/06, Ngawi, • Ds. Bawang RT 02/ Jawa Timur RW 01, Kec. Blado, Kab. 081225924552 Batang bellatrisnawati 085742886609 afifariyanwar

Perum. Candi Mendiro Permai I No. E-4, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 13, Sleman, Yk 085747534433 ditharap

•20130310077 •20130310079 Sri Pramesthi Wisnu Firdha Kumala Bowo Negoro Indriyani Tegal, 27 April 1995 • Perum. Quantum Residence B1, Tegalrejo, Kasihan, Bantul 087830352914 spwisnubn

•20130310063 Afif Ariyanwar

Sragen, 9 April 1995 • Ngrampal RT 31/RW 08, Kebonromo, Ngrampal, Sragen 085786314395 nandaayusuf

•20130310065 Hanum Maftukha Ahda Bengkulu, 21 Juni 1995 • Jl. Amerta IV, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, DIY 089609846987 hanummaftukha

1995 • Mendalan RT 02/RW 02, Tanjungsari, Borobudur, Magelang 082136162233 kharismayyaa

• Banjurmukadan RT 05/01, Buluspesantren, Kebumen 085270372600 rijaldwika

Purwokerto, 8 Maret 1995 • Jl. Sukajati, Perum. Pemda Bantarsoka 77, Purwokerto 085643727510 aldilaistika

•20130310082 Tabita Nur Amalina

•20130310084 Dianatun Nafisah

•20130310085 Talitha Inas Lailina

Bantul, 01 Agustus 1995 • Kloron, Segoroyoso, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta 085640440223 dianafisah

Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 1995 • Suryodiningratan MJ 2/749 Kav. B2, Yogyakarta 085921027255 talithalailina

Yogyakarta, 1 Januari Semarang, 13 September 1995 • Kadipaten 1994 • Jl. Kenanga VI, Wetan, KP I/123, Kraton, Perum. Wiku 2, Katonsari, Yogyakarta Demak 089654337132 082328810142 tabitalina 1313firdha

•20130310086 Dita Putri Hendriyani

•20130310087 Muhammad Irham Fanani

•20130310088 Lilyana Ulfa Wulandari

•20130310089 Rista Nurul Fitria

•20130310090 Muhamad Fakhri Wildana

•20130310091 Mochamad Saeful Bachri

Temanggung, 10 Maret 1995 • Balekkerso RT 02/RW 01, Bejen, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 082111649784 ditaph

Pekalongan, 27 Oktober 1995 • Banyurip Ageng IV RT 05/04, Kota Pekalongan Jawa Tengah 08562577873 irhamfanani87

Salatiga, 24 Maret 1995 Grobogan,15 Juli 1995 • Jl. Raden Rahmat No. • Jl. Brigjend Soediarto 16, Kalibening, Tingkir, 79, Kalongan, Purwodadi, Salatiga Grobogan, Jateng 082246513672 087733077693 ristanurul lily150795

Semarang, 22 September 1994 • Jl. Sawo Japunan, Danurejo, Mertoyudan, Kab. Magelang 085726476550 fwildana

Tegal, 21 Desember 1994 • Jl. Waringin No. 23, Ds. Tembok Luwung, Adiwerna, Tegal 087784939842 ipulb21

Selatpanjang, 12 September 1995 • Jl. Pusaka RT 01/RW 02, Alah Air Timur, Selatpanjang, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Riau 085364934966 riantycece

•20130310093 Sanka Dipta Upahita

•20130310095 Tisa Susanti

•20130310097 Andi Yusrizal

•20130310098 Arum Sari Asmoro

•20130310099 Amina Noor Aisyah

Boyolali, 02 Mei 1996 • Sp IV, Natai Kondang, Permata Kecubung, Sukamara, Kalimantan Tengah 082153762642 arumsariasmoro

•20130310100 Kusumaningrum Wijayanti

Tangerang, 28 April Bantul, 26 Februari 1995 1995 • Jl. Kemiri No. 199A, Nologaten, Depok, • Carikan, Mulyodadi, Bambanglipuro, Bantul Sleman, Yogyakarta 081329172694 085641774050 aminanoor kusumaningrum. wijaya

•20130310101 Nurul Hafizhah Suria Saputri

Yogyakarta, 21 Maret 1995 • Jl. Kenari, Gondangan, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman 081578779668 sankadipta

Ciamis, 12 April 1995 • RT 002/RW 009 Ling. Babakansari Pataruman, Banjar, Jawa Barat 085223249677 tisaca

Magelang, 14 November 1995 • Sedayu 2 RT 08/ RW 11, Sedayu, Kec. Muntilan, Kab. Magelang, Jawa Tengah 081215628487 andiysrzl

•20130310103 Yan Annanto Sudibyo

•20130310104 Vidi Alfiansyah

•20130310105 •20130310106 Aisyah Liputa Indeka Reza Arief Fauzan

•20130310107 Qanita Khairunnisa

•20130310108 Yusroiz Aghna

•20130310109 Devi Fitri Aryani

Kebumen, 20 Januari 1994 • Jl. Yos Sudarso 192, Gombong, Kebumen 081326567854 yanannanto

Ponorogo, 27 Agustus 1994 • Jl. Raya Ponorogo Pacitan RT 03/RW 02, Desa Singkil, Kec. Balong, Kab. Ponorogo 085735614112 vidigun

Manna, 13 Agustus 1995 • Jl. Raden Kuning No. 6, Kel. Gunung Ayu, Kec. Kota Manna, Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 085764211855 aisyahliputin

Lampung, 25 Januari 1994 • P. Kencana, Tulang Bawang Barat, Lampung 082324297179 rezarieff

Pekalongan, 5 Juni 1995 • Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Sedan No. 100, Yogyakarta 087838885000 nitanisa

Tulungagung, 25 Oktober 1994 • Perum. Purimas J No. 5, Botoran, Tulungagung 085855661290 yusroiz

Kudus, 03 Maret 1995 • Mlati Kidul RT 02/01, Kudus, Jawa Tengah 087833676283 devifaryani

•20130310111 Venty Nur Amalina

•20130310112 Rizalurrosidin

•20130310113 Pradita Novadiana

•20130310116 Nurul Arafah

Sleman, 20 Januari 1994 • Jl. Yaqowiyu No. 78 RT 02/RW 13, Gergunung, Klaten Utara, 57434 081226543255 ventychan

Tasikmalaya, 31 Agustus 1994 • Jl. Karangnunggal No. 17, Desa Janggala, Kec. Sukaraja, Kab. Tasikmalaya 085223212402 rizalurrosidin

Tasikmalaya, 18 November 1994 • Jl. Babakan Siliwangi No. 9, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 085793564848 praditanovadiana

•20130310114 Andralia Mayangsasati

•20130310117 Chairunissa Anindita Putri

Samarinda, 20 Mei 1994 Jakarta, 29 Agustus 1995 • Jl. Kahoi 1 No. 06, • Jl. Abdul Muis No. 34, Samarinda, Kalimantan Pekanbaru, Riau Timur 082137152208 085387104666 andraliamyg nurularfh

Yogyakarta, 27 Desember 1996 • Jl. Perdana, Komp. Bali Agung III M-117, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 081329316888 aninditawjy

•20130310092 Rianti

Yogya, 11 Maret 1995 • Cokrowijayan 01/18, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman 085600956000 hafizahss

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Faculty of Medicines


“The barrier during self-improvement is not so much that we hate learning, rather we hate being taught. To learn entails that the knowledge was achieved on one’s own accord - it feels great but to be taught often leaves a feeling of inferiority. Thus it takes a bit of determination and a lot of humility in order for one to fully develop.”


Criss Jami, Killosophy




M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a

Are you going that way without these beautiful friends in another side?

MMXVII There’s two things that finally we could remember forever, family and friends. For all good things that possibly have a limited time to spend, these two priorities of time just will get bigger when you treat ‘em well.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


Only best friends come as good partners to share with 46

Four years ago, I have a doubt that my college would be as fun as this c a pt u re . Bu t n ow yo u got t h i s p i c t u re w i t h o u t a ny d e s c r i pt i o n b u t i t still looks incredible. I have these people not just make journey be great again, they’re worth to remember all of the time.

M u h a m m a d i y a h

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

Yo g y a k a r t a

Walking around in these pastels side and act like stars 47



Sunny day is such a good chance to explore more good things around. It’s like we’re ready to go anywhere before the sky start raining. Just like these young people in this people, you could see a big confidence through their happy face.

If there’s someone I owe for making journey be great, that s h o u l d b e t h e s e p e o p l e w h o c h a n ge d to b e f a m i l y. Th e re aren’t just college partners, they also be mood booster for myself whenever I get low to keep haunting for my dreams


come true.

Y o g y a k a r t a 2 0 1 7 c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s

conceptual photographs.

There’re two things could make you proud, always practice and learning

There’s nothing I could ask for more after friends and family stay close as what I ever dreamed. I know that without them, all memories will never be as colorful as I have t o d a y. I u s e d t o l o o k for another option, but my present worth better to remember.


Muhammadiyah University of Yo g y a k a r t a


Let just people say what they want to say, we have smile to take it easy

The first step to make the dreams come true happens after the comfort zone

Y o g y a k a r t a

2 0 1 7


My friends always taught me to not stop trying make the dreams come true. They also said that whenever my step gets harder to move on, just look at the way I taken before. I really owe them for making my trust stand still so I don’t need to regret about the fault I possibly taken.

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


M u h a m m a d i y a h

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

Yo g y a k a r t a

As the stairs we take in, we know that great thing take steps For all years I’ve taken at school, I already know that all big things in life take more step to make it real. Because if those things come instantly, they will just have shorter time to stay. No time will be wasted in nothing, I know that in the end only good thing will last longer.




Someone said that talk to a best friend is the simplest therapy we could ever get. Well, I absolutely have no doubt about it. These people are not just makes my troubles get easy. I also find out that they give me more than just a talk, they also entertain and support me into the best way ever.

I have no idea what are these girls trying to hide it off

Y o g y a k a r t a

2 0 1 7

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i ve r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a

As your life changes, s o yo u r c i r c l e . Fo r a l l step you made before, it will worth if there’s something good count to yo u r j o u r n ey. B u t there’s one thing you should hold it forever, don’t let your curiosity d o w n s o yo u w i l l s t o p to learn on. Remember, good friend will always remain you to move on positive changes.



I got something good, do you mind to know?

conceptual photographs.

When you’re happy, all eyes are into you

This picture shows you that happy girls always be the prettiest. No need a doubt, whenever she found a reason to stay happy, her curve upon the face will just get up. Moreover, her smile that contagious could lead you into another happy day again.


Having mission to make other people be happy is such a big

Because smile always be contagious, it would be easier to

deal. By all difference we have in behind, it would be easy

make these smile stand longer.

that everyone could find their simplest reason to be happy.

All we want to be is being a doctor that hires more smile around




conceptual photographs.

Y o g y a k a r t a

2 0 1 7

I have a big hope that some friends I met at school and college would turn as good partners in the future. I’m sure that there would be such a big difference because all we know that we were just growing up and trying to get known the world b e t t e r. Th e n e w g a t e i s co m i n g c l o s e r, d i d yo u s e e u s re a d y t o share thoughts to a new big things?


Some great partners formerly were good friends

Index photos • the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines


•20130310118 Atika Puspa Irawati 27 September 1994 • Mantang, Kec. Batukliang, Lombok Tengah, NTB 087879387814 atikapuspa94

•20130310119 Nachtaya Bintang Irpawa

•20130310121 Bimo Bagaskoro

02 November 1995 • Jl. Kotabumi, 26 Juni 1995 Kadrie Oening No. 43, • Jl. Irigasi No. 27, Kebun Samarinda, Kalimantan Lima, Kotabumi, Lampung Timur Utara 085247678445 081226470707 bmbgskr bintangirpawa

•20130310127 •20130310128 Winata Fika Permata Mohammad Rizki Sari Pratama

•20130310125 Rizka Kharisma Tangerang, 18 April 1996 Putri

•20130310126 Damar Arya Bagaskara

12 Juli 1994 • Jl. Gerakan • Perum. Karaba Indah Blok Bg No. 14, Karawang, Koperasi No. 55 RT 4/RW 2, Majalengka, Jawa Barat Jawa Barat 089667506631 081382213137 rizkakharismaputri ekkyandhika4

Jakarta 07 Januari 1996 • Jl. Anggrek Viii Blok H No. 17 RT 5/RW 10 Hbtb, Cimanggis, Depok 08568078618 bgskarra

•20130310131 Muhammad Irfan Rizaldy

•20130310133 Denis Hati Hananti Sakti

•20130310130 Anita Riau Chandra

Kebumen, 7 April 1995 • Jl. Kartini No. 12 RT 03/RW 02, Gombong, Kebumen 089665623401 ndrnrkrtk

Wonosobo, 27 Mei 1996 Yogyakarta, 31 Desember • Jl. Raya Banjarnegara Km 5,5 No. 72 RT 2/RW 4, 1995 • Jl. Lowanu No. 17 Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta Selomerto, Wonosobo 087839523510 085729846196 irfanrizaldy nitatjandra

Jakarta, 30 November 1995 • Perum. Griya Wirokerten Indah, Jl. Mangga No. 64, Banguntapan, Bantul 081213331527 novihanihidayati

•20130310138 Rizkiriyanti Supardi

•20130310140 Yusuf Susanto

Ponorogo, 29 Juni 1995 • Jl. Semeru No. 45, Nologaten, Ponorogo 08984908278 arespulsa

•20130310134 Amalia Rahmawati

•20130310136 •20130310137 Quiznul Fatuf Defita Irfan Abdurraafi Musmarf Ciamis, 24 April 1995 • Bantul, 7 Maret 1996 • Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul 087839845900 qfdefitam

15 Agustus 1994 • Aikmel, Lombok Timur, NTB 081804335272 ida_lines

•20130310124 Ekky Andhika Ilham

•20130310129 Nadira Nur Kartika

Purbalingga, 8 Juni 1995 • Jl. Cemara Angin 14, Sukajadi, Batam 082243888895 winatafika

Yogyakarta, 24 April 1996 • Medika Regency No. 9, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah 081215684224 amalia.rahmawati24

•20130310123 Raudatul Maulida

14 Juli 1994 • Kalangan Jl. Gerilya No. 61-Z RT UH 5 716 Z RT 049/ 004/019, Desa Mekarsari, RW 004, Pandeyan, Kec. Banjar, Kota Banjar, Umbulharjo 081578123484 Jawa Barat 082243812282 RIZKI1407

•20130310139 Aprilliana Risma Nugrahella

•20130310132 Novihani Hidayati

Kampar. 23 November Magelang, 30 April 1995 • Jl. Pelita No. 11, 1994 • Perum. Bhumi Sari Makmur, Pelalawan, Menoreh A1-11, Salaman, Riau Magelang, Jawa Tengah 085271035115 085868855512 yusufzakirnaik aprillianarisman

Sragen, 1 Oktober 1996 • Jl. Kapten Piere Tendean No. 44, Nglorog, Sragen 085329264128 denishati

•20130310141 Muhammad Rediansyah Pratama Pontianak, 27 Oktober 1995 • Jl. Husein Hamzah Gg. Zurriat No. 1 081253623792 rediansyah27

•20130310142 Nindya Putri Prasasya

•20130310143 Sugeng Riyanto

•20130310144 Aferita Sari

Tanjung Pandan, 18 Juli 1995 • Griya Prima Timur 409 RT 06/RW 18, Belang Wetan, Klaten 082226699224 putriprasasya

Perangat Selatan, 27 Okt 1993 • Perangat Selatan RT 10/RW 3, Marangkayu, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur 085350013204 sugeng_r27

Kalianda, 13 April 1995 • Jl. Veteran, Pasar Baru RT 10/RW 05, Kalianda, Lam-Sel 082242814341 aferita_sari

•20130310149 Salasatul Aisiyah

•20130310150 Diyan Rasikhah

Kudus, 29 September 1996 • Karangmalang RT 04/RW 02 No. 354, Gebog, Kudus 087733934343 aisiyaah

Sleman, 14 Juni 1994 • Jl. Dieng No. 134, Wonosobo 082226076890 putri_diyana

•20130310152 Dea Karima Purbohadi

•20130310157 Aisyah Rossandy Rahmasari

•20130310158 Prili Ajeng Lintangsari

Purworejo, 14 April 1996 • Perum. GKP Blok H-21, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55752 085740074604 rossunday

Tulungagung, 21 April 1995 • Dsn. Duwet RT 04/RW02, Ds. Wates, Kec. Sumbergempol, Kab. Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 082257574863 priliajeng

Boyolali, 06 Februari 1996 • Tegalmulyo RT 01/RW 01, WB 01, Yogyakarta 081229424313 deakrm

•20130310160 Avina Aroisa Yogyakarta, 30 Oktober 1994 • Pathuk RT 09/ RW 15, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY, 55293 08562548709 avinaaroisa

•20130310166 •20130310167 Mutiara Adnin Hilmy Hanif Febrian Akbar

•20130310168 Kalam Majid Biruni

Surakarta, 23 Juli 1994 • Jambon RT 19/RW 20, Sabranglor, Trucuk, Klaten 082325354550 mutiaradnin

Bantul, 2 September 1994 • Perum. Sonosewu Baru 473, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul 081225772512 kalammajidbiruni

Jakarta, 28 Februari 1996 • Jl. MT Haryono, Perum. Balikpapan Baru Windsor Ib8, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 082153405296 haniffebrian_

•20130310145 Ananta Humar Pramodana

•20130310146 Goustaf Pandy Hatta

•20130310147 Bagus Putra Raharjo

•20130310148 Ventrica Afini Zulkaisi

Yogyakarta, 16 September 1994 • Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo 66, Yogyakarta 085643319327 anantahumar

Temanggung, 2 Juli 1994 • Jl. Raya KeduTemanggung Km 4.8 RT 03/RW 01, Candimulyo, Kedu, Temanggung 081227145822 goustafp

Pacitan, 9 Desember 1993 • Krajan RT 01/RW 03, Mentoro, Kec/Kab. Pacitan, Jatim 089661108220 bagus.pr

Yogyakarta, 7 September 1994 • Tukangan DN II/695, Yogyakarta 085643127036 vika_afini

•20130310153 •20130310154 Nicko Rolla Pratama Oky Somang Setiawan Palembang, 30 April

•20130310155 Dewi Citrawati

1996 • Dukuh No. 141A RT 05/08, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman 089625025741 nickorolla

Magelang, 15 Oktober 1995 • Bagongan RT 02/RW 02, Sukorejo, Mertoyudan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 081327777848 okysomangs

•20130310161 Ulinna`Ma Hayati Wardhani

•20130310162 Nafi’Atus Syarifah

•20130310163 •20130310165 Adnal Khemal Pasha Riska Anggraeni Husein Putra Wonosobo, 11 April

Surabaya, 23 Februari 1996 • Nangka III 58, Sanggrahan, Maguwoharjo, Sleman 085879915900 ulinwardhani

•20130310169 Muhammad Rosamanillah

Pemalang, 23 Februari 1995 • Jl. Raya Jatirejo RT 02/RW 01, Ampelgading, Pemalang, Jawa Tengah 085799206790 nafisyarifah

•20130310170 Alfian Prabowo

Semarang 15 April 1995 Cirebon, 26 April 1995 • • Jl. Kesehatan No. 01 Jl. Cideng Raya No. 169, Salatiga Desa Kertawinangun, Kec. 081326042377 Kedawung Kab. Cirebon prabowodjojominarso 082137912030 mrosamanillah

•20130310156 Hendrian Ade Madiun, 12 Mei 1995 • Jl. Hardianto

Lubuk Jawi, 18 April Panglima Sudirman No. 17 RT 01/RW 01, Ngepeh, 1995 • Jl. Merapi Triwung Lor, Probolinggo Saradan, Madiun, Jawa 081363654719 Timur hendrian2013 085336733225 dewicitra12

Banyumas, 25 September 1995 • Perum. Sidoarum 1995 • Jl. Pasukan Jl. Mawar No. 3 Blok 1, Tentara Pelajar Imam No. Godean, Sleman 2 RT 02/RW 04, Pamijen, 082138115940 Sokaraja, Banyumas riskanggra 081329803217 adnalkemal

•20130310171 Yulia Rachmi Widiastuti

•20120310122 Fahrizal Irsyad

Pati, 11 September 1994 Mojokerto, 4 Juli 1995 • Desa Cengkalsewu RT • Jl. Flamboyan, Perum 3/RW6, Sukolilo, Pati Amandari No. 5, Deresan, 081332752589 Sleman, DIY, 55281 fahrizalirsyaad 082232338888 amiwidianto

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Faculty of Medicines


“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.”


Lao Tzu


COLLEGE IS THE BEST PLACE TO FIND GREAT EXPERIENCE AND GREAT PEOPLE FA C U LT Y O F M E D I C I N E S M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a


Wh e n a l l t h o s e k i n d of s c i e n ce a re k i n d a b o r i n g , I ge t these people that always remain me to stay up. Though our dreams might be different, but we have the same vision to go after this chapter. People might come and go, but the best will stay and make things get better.

The ones who always look happy with their jobs surely could find a chemistry and best reason why they should l i v e i t l o n g e r. C a u s e i f i t ’s n o t , t h ey m i g h t g e t some troubles to get a higher position and even harder to keep a smile stands longer. They should be stronger than


people’s judgment too.

T.2K17 conceptual photograph




What’s left in every journey called memory. So w hy d o you still get trapped in something unnecessary rather than save yourself more good things to remember? The one you should believe that doing good things will give you more good things back.

FA C U LT Y O F M E D I C I N E S M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a

G et your suit ready cause we ’ re gonna capture in a good shoot

D o you see us sparkling , happy to chase our dream comes true

I mig ht get envy to t h e ones that having big d rea ms to make it real. It’s not about how far they’ve stepped in, it surely about how they could maintain their thoughts and bring the spirit always high. It should be harder if we kept our fears inside. But once aft e r we s t at e d it , nothing should take it back.


P.O64 T.2K17

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a


W e were born with the ability to change someone ’ s life , so we won ’ t waste it Before we decided to take a step of being doctor, it surely there was a reason why we state this dream up. Helping people isn’t about what kind of service we do the best, it


also about the dedication that possibly could inspire more people to do more positive things to all human being.

A s you see us in colors , as beautiful we want this world to be

Y O U ’ RE N O W E N T ER I N G T H I S S E C T I O N c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s

We h o p e t h a t t h e r e a r e n o t o n l y u s who want to see this world in a better landscape. There should be more people that join us in this mission and bring more good vibes to make a better place to live. Then, what we’re going to see is a big world full of happy color.


For us, there’s no fault to s tate a b ig d ream in life. Because the bigger our dream was, the greater i m p a c t we co u l d p re s e nt t o t h i s wo r l d . A n d i f l i fe is too short to complete the journey, we hope that there will be next generation that willing to

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a


continue the changes.


T o the ones who have a doubt to woman ’ s dream , they could give you the answer

c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s Y o g y a k a r t a 2 0 1 7 • THE ANNUAL BOOK //2017

P.O68 W e come in a full excitement , big curiosity , and high spirit

Being young gives us more than enough spirit to make all dreams be more than just a thought. That’s why young people a l w a y s l o o k s a t t r a c t i ve w h e n t h ey t a l k about the future wish and all things they w a n t t o g e t . I n t h e i r m i n d , t h e re’s a l s o a hope that precious thing could inspire more people in a better way.

I f the time is allowed to take capture , a smile couldn ’ t deny Young people, full of spirit, and high attention is surely be a curious person to talk with. With them, you won’t lose idea to share thoughts and build a bigger dream. Moreover, you wouldn’t regret to have friends like these.

M u h a m m a d i y a h U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo g y a k a r t a


W hen a woman come in her best dress , she ’ s ready to face the future

• the annual book // 2017

If there’s a woman that looks excited when she’s talking to her dream, that should be the most beautiful face she could give. I’m also sure that even there’s an obstacle come in between, she could still put a big smile to her beautiful face. Every woman isn’t only look beautiful in a different way, she also deserves the same way to achieve her dream.

Y O U ’ RE N O W E N T ER I N G T H I S S E C T I O N c o nc e ptual p h o t o g r ap h s


M u h a mm a diy a h U ni v e r si t y o f Yo g ya k a r ta

Y outh is a wonderful thing , don ’ t let the fears be criminal cause stole it

When all those kind of science are kinda boring, I get these people that always remain me to stay up. Though our dreams m i g h t b e d i f fe re n t , b u t we have the same vision to go after this chapter. Pe o p l e m i g ht co m e a n d go, but the best will stay and make things get better.



Y o g ya k a r ta 2 0 1 7



umy// y k

Index photos • the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines


•20130310172 Lidhah Sutramanden Astriaka Banyumas, 17 Juli 1996 • Jl. Raya Notog 40 003/002, Patikraja, Banyumas 085227306666 lidhahsutra

•20130310180 Audy Marsha Melinda Semarang, 30 Mei 1995 • Jalan Nangka No. 2A RT 001/RW 002, Srondol Wetan, Banyumanik, Semarang 085641149976 audymarsha

•20130310188 Tri Inayatun Fadhilah

•20130310174 Arnita Anindira

•20130310175 R. B. Deni Wardhana Adiputra

•20130310176 Amelia Nur Rachmalina

•20130310177 Kesowo Pangestu Adji

Yogyakarta, 18 Desember 1994 • Tegalrejo Gg Tirto No. 447, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 085803442284 deniadiputra46

Ambarawa, 25 April 1995 • Baran Dukuh RT 01/ RW 03, Ambarawa, Kab. Semarang 085875258391 amelia_med

Wonogiri, 04 Desember 1994 • Jl. Pandan VI No. 16 Klemboran RT. 04/ III Baturan, Colomadu, Karanganyar 087835477440 kesowo

•20130310181 Dista Arifany Luthfi

•20130310182 Randa Putra Joni

•20130310183 Nesya Ayu Tresika

Pati, 23 Mei 1995 • Desa Sitirejo RT 3/1, Kec. Tambakromo, Kab. Pati 085641644027 distaarifany

Padang, 22 Desember 1995 • Jl. Ujung Tanah, Lubuk Begalung Nan Xx, Padang 081270515338 randapjoni

Jepara, 1 Juli 1996 • Jl. Purwogondo No. 167 RT 013/RW 003, Kalinyamatan, Jepara 085292644794 nesyaayutresika

•20130310185 •20130310186 Hanggoro Kharisma Alika Anisa Agung Nishihara

•20130310189 Shofi Dhia Aini

•20130310190 Anna Rosmalinda

Purbalingga, 26 Desember 1996 • Karangtalun RT 2/5, Bobotsari, Purbalingga 085747874009 arnitanin

Yogyakarta, 21 Agustus Kendal, 8 Februari 1994 • 1995 • Tangkilan RT Sumberagung Kemiri RT 015/RW 007, Jatinom, 3/9, Weleri, Kendal Jatinom, Klaten 085641900297 085728493405 ina_fadhilah shofidhia

Cilacap, 21 November 1995 • Jl. Palem Blok B5 No. 135 RT 001/RW 010, Sokanegara, Purwokerto Timur, Banyumas 085701409950 annarosma

•20130310178 •20130310179 Ika Anis Nur Nadhira Ajeng Ayu Larasati Blora, 26 Juni 1992 • Jl. Raya Tonjong Brebes 081391604044 aniznadh

Jakarta, 17 Januari 1996 • Jl. Kalibata Tengah No. 43 RT 002/RW 003, Kalibata, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 081391529696 ajengalarasati

•20130310187 Ulvia Nurtiara Sari

Bantul, 23 Agustus 1995 • Jl. Gilang Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul 08156863315 Hgr95

Pringsewu, 23 Juli 1996 • Jl. Kartini No. 140, Pringkumpul 1, Pringsewu, Lampung 082135019001 alikanisa

Karta Raharja, 25 Mei 1995 • Mulya Jaya/RW 04/RT 20 Kec. Tulang Bawang Tengah, Kab. Tulang Bawang Barat, Lampung 082178923889 ulvianurtiara

•20130310192 Dio Resna Oktavinanda

•20130310193 Maz’Uliyah Ansor Pratama

•20130310194 Hafiidz Fatich Rosihan

•20130310195 Kharisma Dwiarum Amarillah

Jember, 18 Oktober 1995 • Jl. Watu Ulo No. 2 RT 3/ RW 5, Ambulu, Jember 082231256650 dioresnao

Mataram, 9 Februari 1996 • Jl. Pantai Bakau RT 05/RW 02, Tanjung, Kota Bima 085219402700 ansorpratama

Lampung, 29 Desember 1997 • Jl. A. Yani Gg. Mawar No. 23, Bandar Jaya, Lampung Tengah 082135817575 hafiidz007

Bekasi, 22 November 1995 • Perum. Bahagia Permai Blok B2 No. 123A, Jakasampurna, Bekasi Barat 081282877689 kharismaw

•20130310196 Faiz Ikram Pranoto Surakarta, 25 Juni 1995 • Jl. Manggis IV No. 13 RT 05/RW 06, Jajar, Laweyan, Surakarta 082226195041 faizikram

•20130310203 Salma Karimah Sleman, 14 Agustus 1995 • Jl. Salatiga-Solo Km. 8, Gintungan Butuh, Tengaran Kab. Semarang 085642791131 kareema140895

•20130310197 Nurmahida Mutia Sari

•20130310198 Roshynta Linggar Andatu

•20130310199 Galmara Nincy Aprilia Dewi

Cilacap, 24 Agustus 1995 • Perum. Tegalreja 32, Donan, Cilacap 081215717136 nurmahidams

Yogyakarta, 6 Desember 1994 • Jl. Garuda Gg. Sembrani I No. 369 RT 10/RW 41, Jaranan, Banguntapan, Bantul 081392475125 roshynta

•20130310204 Fahad

•20130310205 Arum Novia Ratri

Jeddah, 21 Oktober 1994 • Jl. Raya Maneron 1, Maneron, Sepulu, Bangkalan, Madura 087738938681 me.fahd

Bandung, 8 November 1994 • Ds. Tunjung Tejo RT 1/RW 1, Pituruh, Purworejo 085292637088 arumvia

•20130310210 Astari Meidy Rezeky

•20130310211 •20130310212 Nunki Indah Hidayati Seno Aji Nugroho

Kijang, 6 Mei 1995 • Kp. Beringin Indah Barat RT 1/RW 14, Kijang, Bintan Timur, Kepulauan Riau 082145059799 astarimr

Kijang, 15 Maret 1995 • Kp. Beringin Indah Barat RT 1/RW 14, Kijang, Bintan Timur, Kepulauan Riau 082136805420 nunkiindah

•20130310219 Rizka Ulfatin Arifah

•20130310221 Riefki Indira Hudi

Magelang, 17 November Jepara, 18 Desember 1995 • Beningan 3, Bateh, 1994 • Jl. Abdul Syukur Candimulyo, Magelang No. C-1, Cabean, Salatiga 085729085123 081327504477 rizkaua rifkihu

•20130310200 Itqi Rahmatul Laila

•20130310201 Ratna Setiawati

•20130310202 Fatimah Ishak

Tegal, 22 April 1994 • Ciputra Blok A2, Tegal 08112652204 araaprilia22

Magelang, 21 Februari 1995 • Banjarsari RT 02/RW 04, Tempurejo, Tempuran, Magelang 085728456340 itqilaila

Metro, 06 September 1994 • Jl. Imam Bonjol Gg. Subur No. 40, 22 Hadimulyo Barat, Metro, Lampung 081997597132 ratnasetiawati

Tobelo, 18 Februari 1996 • Jl. Kayu Merah, Kel. Kayu Merah RT 007/RW 003, Ternate 081393966687 imaishak

•20130310206 Maulana Iman Saputra

•20130310207 Anatyo Nizar Faiz Aulia

•20130310208 Tahta Rilo Mei Pambudi

•20130310209 Fania Dwi Ariesy Putri

Sleman, 7 Juni 1995 • Jl. Rajawali Gg. Semar No. 20 RT 13, Babadan Baru, Jaranan, Banguntapan, Bantul 081225630705 maulanais

Grobogan, 15 Januari 1996 • Tlogorejo RT 02/RW 03, Tegowanu, Grobogan 082136702995 anatyonizar

Tanah Grogot, 17 Mei 1995 • Jl. Senaken Gg. Alam Permai No. 66 RT 18, Tanah Grogot, Kalimantan Timur 081316541104 tahtarilomeip

Bengkulu, 6 April 1995 • Jl. Intan No. 98 RT 1/1, Bumi Ayu, Slebar, Kota Bengkulu 081224989680 faniadwip

•20130310214 •20130310215 Hafizh Fariezkadilla Himatul Mahmudah Surakarta, 12 Juni 1991 • Aulia Lamongan, 16 Januari Jl. Pemuda 29, Sukoharjo Tuban, 6 Februari 1995 • Jl. D. I. Panjaitan No. 86, 081215215140 Kel. Gunung Samarinda, aji_n. Kec. Balikpapan Utara, Balikpapan 082135860602 hfaulia

•20130310222 Lintang Kusumaratri

•20130310223 Revo Astrada

Wonogiri, 12 Mei 1996 • Perum. Mojoroto Kencana B1, Wonoboyo, Wonogiri 085641535607 lintangriyanto

Kepahiyang, 14 Juni 1995 • Jl. Kartini No. 35, Kel. Pasar Batu, Curup, Bengkulu 081225353837 revoastrada

1995 • Jl. Melati Pambon, Brondong, Lamongan 085647889227 himatulmahmudah

•20130310216 •20130310217 Fauziyah Rifdah Dhia Arifah Azizah Rani Kebumen, 2 Maret 1995 • Kebumen, 19 Agustus 1994 • Roma Gunung RT 02/RW 02, Tunjung Seto, Sempor, Kebumen 085643015949 fauziyahrdr

Desa Selokerto RT 02/RW 03, Sempor, Kebumen 085246657893 arifah.aa

Y O U ’ R E N O W E N T E R I N G T H I S S E C T I O N

Organization K O S E M A



It’s really interesting to me how all of us can experience the exact same event, and yet come away with widely disparate interpretations of what happened. We each have totally different ideas of what was said, what was intended, and what really took place. - Marya Hornbacher


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• the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines






Y O U ’ R E N O W E N T E R I N G T H I S S E C T I O N




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• the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines





Y O U ’ R E N O W E N T E R I N G T H I S S E C T I O N

Organization H M P D

Y O U ’ R E N O W E N T E R I N G T H I S S E C T I O N



It’s really interesting to me how all of us can experience the exact same event, and yet come away with widely disparate interpretations of what happened. We each have totally different ideas of what was said, what was intended, and what really took place. - Marya Hornbacher


Extracurricular Fa l s e F r i e n d s a r e n i c e t o y o u w h e n they want something and stab you in t h e b a c k w h e n y o u ’ r e n o t l o o k i n g . Tr u e

Fr i e n d s w i l l p u l l t h e k n i fe f ro m yo u r back and fling it at those that hurt you while helping mend your heart.



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• the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines

the annual book F U T S A L




Extracurri -cular Fa l s e Fr i e n d s a r e n i c e to you when they want something and stab you in the back when you’re not looking. Tr u e F r i e n d s w i l l p u l l the knife from your back and fling it at those that hurt you while helping mend your heart.



Fa l s e F r i e n d s a r e n i c e t o y o u w h e n t h e y w a n t s o m e t h i n g a n d s t a b y o u i n t h e b a c k w h e n y o u ’ r e n o t l o o k i n g . Tr u e F r i e n d s w i l l p u l l t h e knife from your back and fling it at those that hurt you while helping mend your heart.





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cular • the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines

Adnal Khemal P a s h a H u s e i n P.

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta


Ketua Panitia Buku tahunan Assalamualaikum wr.wb P u j i s y u k u r m a r i k i t a p a n j a t k a n ke h a di ra t Al l ah SWT sehingga buku kenangan akhir tahun ini dapat terselesaikan dengan l a n c a r. S a y a s e l a k u ke t u a p a n i t a , mengucapkan terima kasih yang pertama k e p a d a p a n i t i a Ye a r b o o k M E D A L L I O N yang telah memberikan waktu, tenaga, pikirannya utuk mewujudkan buku kenangan akhir tahun ini. Kedua saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada temanteman MEDALLION atas dukungan dan par tisipasinya dalam proses pembuatan b uku kenangan akhir tahun ini. Ba nyak c erita dan kenangan dalam 4 tahun i n i , baik itu suka maupun duka. B lok demi b l ok berlalu begitu c epat hingga akhirnya k i t a b e rs i a p u n t u k m e n g a h i r i n y a d e n g a n gelar sarjana kedokteran di belakang nama kita. Namun belum berakhir jalan

kita, masih ada langkah-langkah yang harus kita pijak untuk menjadi apa yang kita cita-citakan. Semoga kita senantiasa diberikan kemudahan. Suatu saat nanti kita mungkin berbeda tempat dan waktu tapi bagaimanapun k e a d a a n y a n a n t i d i h a ra p k a n k i t a s e m u a akan selalu menjalin silaturahmi, selalu mengingat MEDALLION sebagai bagian dari perjalanan hidup kita. Saya selaku panitia memohon maaf a p a b i l a a d a y a n g k u ra n g b e r k e n a n s a a t proses pembuatan buku kenangan akhir tahun ini. S emoga buku ini menjadi m e dia kita untuk bernostalgia di masa de pan . Selamat berjuang MEDALLION, see you on top! Wassalamualaikum wr.rb


• the annual book of UMY Faculty of Medicines

our part of committee the ones behind this book

The future is there... looking back at u s . Tr y i n g t o m a k e s e n s e o f t h e f i c t i o n we will have become.

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“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ” ― Hippocrates

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The Annual Book Of UMY Faculty Of Medicines

“Let us be the ones who say we do not accept that a child dies every three seconds simply because he does not have the drugs you and I have. Let us be the ones to say we are not satisfied that your place of birth determines your right for life. Let us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold.”


― Brad Pitt



















The Annual Book Of UMY Faculty Of Medicines


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