Eventos Sin Fronteras - May 2009 Edition

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sin fronteras

Spanish-English Newspaper


Vol. 9 No. 5 Mayo 2009

El sistema de Colegios Universitarios y Universidades del Estado de Minnesota lanza iniciativa de diversidad para reclutar más estudiantes no representados Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system launches diversity initiative to recruit more underrepresented students INSIDE Tiene dolor? le podemos ayudar! Vea la columna del Dr. Ed Page 18 Spotlight On Community Leaders: Umbelina Cremer Page 24 Directory of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Page 12 Energy Assistance Providers Directory Page 7 Quinceañera FREE Dream Prize Package Annual Sweepstakes Give-Away Drawings West St. Paul, MN Oct 3, 2009 Page 8 Quinceañera EXPO West St. Paul, MN Oct 3, 2009 Page 17 Quinceañera Directory Page 30



A new brochure, “Make college a part of your future,” answers common questions about college and is available in English and eight other languages – Dakota, French, Hmong, Ojibwe, Russian, Spanish, Somali and Vietnamese. High school counselors across the state will be encouraged to hand out brochures and hang posters to attract attention. And advertisements featuring Minnesota State College and University students will be posted in buses and light rail cars in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and in various news outlets.

Un nuevo folleto, “Haga la universidad parte de su futuro”, responde preguntas comunes acerca de la universidad y está disponible en inglés y en otros ocho idiomas: dakota, francés, hmong, ojibwe, ruso, español, somalí y vietnamita. Se les pedirá a los consejeros de escuelas secundarias que repartan estos folletos y que peguen posters para atraer la atención. También habrá anuncios en buses y trenes y en las noticias que mostrarán estudiantes de universidades y colegios de Minnesota.

n light of Minnesota’s rapidly diversifying population, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system has launched an initiative that encourages more students of color and lowincome students to attend college.

otivados por la rápida diversificación de la población, el sistema de Colegios Universitarios y Universidades del Estado de Minnesota ha lanzado una iniciativa que motiva a más estudiantes de color y de bajos recursos a ingresar a la universidad.

“We no longer can afford to leave anyone on the sidelines,” said Chancellor James H. McCormick. “We must raise the educational attainment of groups that traditionally have not attended college. Many of them are new immigrants who haven’t fully mastered the English language. Nevertheless, Minnesota’s employers – even with the current economic downturn – must have a skilled workforce when the economy rebounds here and abroad. ”

“No podemos permitir más que dejemos a nadie en el camino” dijo el Director James H. McCormick. “Debemos incrementar el bagaje educacional de grupos que tradicionalmente no han asistido a la universidad. Muchos de ellos son inmigrantes nuevos quienes no manejan completamente el idioma inglés. Sin embargo, los empleadores de Minnesota – aún con el cambio negativo en la economía – deben tener una fuerza de trabajo educada cuando la economía se mejore aquí y en el extranjero.”

Students from non-English speaking backgrounds often are uncertain about whether they can afford college and will fit in college life because they are the first in their families to go to college, said Whitney Harris, the

Los estudiantes para quienes el inglés no es su primer idioma frecuentemente no están seguros acerca de si pueden costear la universidad y acerca de calzar bien en la vida universitaria porque ellos son los primeros en

system’s executive director of diversity and multiculturalism. He noted that up to 80 different languages are spoken on some campuses. “By reaching out to potential students and their families in their native languages, we hope they will understand that they are welcome on our campuses and that they can succeed in college programs,” Harris said. “Although classes are conducted in English, college and university staffs can help students find English language resources.” The system’s three Access and Opportunity Centers, based at St. Cloud State University, Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Century College and Inver Hills Community College also are at work on improving students’ college readiness by developing rigorous college-preparatory and collegeContinued on Page 3

ejecutivo de diversidad y multicul ir a la universidad en su familia, dijo Whitney Harris, director turalismo del sistema. El afirmó que en los centros universitarios se hablan cerca de 80 lenguajes diferentes. “Al contactar a estudiantes potenciales y a sus familias en sus lengua de origen, esperamos que ellos entiendan que son bienvenidos en nuestros centros y que ellos pueden ser exitosos en los programas universitarios”, dijo Harris. “Aunque las clases se dan en inglés, los funcionarios de las universidades y colegios pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar recursos en inglés.” Los tres Centros de Acceso y Oportunidad del sistema, localizados en St. Cloud State University, Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Century College e Inver Hills Community College también se encuentran trabajando en mejorar la preparación de los estudiantes al Continua en la pagina 3



mayo 2009

EVENTOS sin fronteras 118 2nd Ave NW, Ste 106 Hayfield, Mn 55940 Tel: 800-507-3782 x 8900 Local: 507-951-7658 Fax: 507-477-3325 Email: [email protected] Publisher/Editor Larry Thompson CEO/President Richard Erickson V.President/Sr. Editor 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901 [email protected] ´ Servicios de Traduccion/Editora: Sheila Rojas ~ Diseno Grafi ´ co: Gabriela Nguyen Keli Retzlaff

Webmaster: Garreth Price Global Village Networks Miss Eventos Latina Beauty Pageant: Annette Olson Miss North Dakota 2007 Pageant Director Contribuyen en esta edicion: ´ Nicole Pokorney ´ University of Minnesota Extension

To our Readers: We receive many inquiries as where you can pick up your free copy of Eventos, so to help in that regard, following is a reprint of our distribution system.

Eventos is distributed in bulk quantities, for sub-distribution and circulation to: • Admissions, Latino Affairs, Marketing, Multi-Cultural Diversity, New Student Recruitment, Spanish Language/ESL, and Student Union Departments at college, tech school, and university campuses: Minnesota Career College Association Minnesota State Colleges & University System Minnesota Private Colleges University of Minnesota; • 178 non-profit, community outreach organizations that provide free, or nominally-priced services for Minnesota’s Latino Community;

Michelle Abel: Big Brothers Big Sisters

• University of Minnesota Extension Offices; and,

Michael Johnson Sevicios Funerarios Dr. Edward Lequire Inner Strenght Chiropractic ´ Rev. Gerardo Rodriguez Iglesia Bautista Hispana Asistentes de Edicion: ´ Daniel Donnelly Immigration Law Annette Olson, Olmsted County Public Health Para Anuncios: LLama al 507-951-7658 © Copyright 2009. Eventos, Inc All Rights Reserved ERRORES Eventos s in Fronteras hace todo lo posible para ofrecerle material sin errores. Per a su vez sabemos que estos suceden. Nuestra politica es corregir cada error, si esto sucede en la edicion inmediatamente posterior. Agradecemos nos informe de cualquier error que usted note a nuestro departamento editorial. Telefono: 1-800570-3782 Ext. 8900 PUBLICIDAD Las artes son de propiedad intelectual de Eventos, INc. Por lo tanto su reproduccion debe ser autorizada por la correspondiente campana publicitaria. En algunos casos los logotipos e isotopos han sido entregados directamente por los clientes.


Minnesota Statewide

• 68 churches that conduct services in Spanish

• Public and school libraries. Regionally Eventos is made available to the public by rack distribution in various locations: • • • • • • • • • •

Latino-owned/operated businesses; Convenience stores; Grocery stores; Laundromats; Chambers of Commerce; Economic Development Agencies; Financial institutions; Local and State Government Agency Offices Healthcare facilities; and, Latino employer giant’s employee entrances.

All locations are provided with contact information to order more copies as needed.

Larry Thompson

(el Gringo Feliz) Eventos Sin Fronteras

EVENTOS sin fronteras


Thank you for you continued interest in and support of Eventos Sin Fronteras. Your Readership is grately appreciated.

Barbara Boelk Girl Scouts of America

Umbelina Cremer Three Rivers Community Action

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901


............................................ 18 Affiliated Group Albert Lea Medical Center - Mayo Health System ....................................... 31 Belles and Beaus ........................................... 27 Big Brothers Big Sisters ..................................... 20 Boys & Girls Club of America ............................ 28 Cardenas Bros. Auto Repair Shop ...................... 18 Civil Society .................................................... 5 Courtesy Corporation McDonald’s ..................... 11 Donnelly Law Office ......................................... 19 Department of Education ............................... 21 El Carambas Taqueria y Restaurante ................ 27 Gabriela Nguyen ............................................ 16 Girls Scouts - MN & WI River Valleys ................ 20, 31 Hayfiled Hay Days ........................................... 25 Iglesia Hispana Bautista .................................. 23 Immigrant Law Center ......................................14 Inner Strength Chiropractic .............................. 18 James Llanas ............................................. 25 Lettuce Cater ............................................. 19 Lowell’s Auto Sales .......................................... 32 Migrant Health Services ................................... 31 Minnesota Literacy Council .............................. 20 Minnesota State University - Mankato ............... 4 Minnesota Department of Commerce ............... 6 Minnestona Artworks by Ted Thompson ..............29 PAC USA Promotional Products ....................... 19 Parenting Resource Center ............................... 20,26 Qiunceanera Dream Prize Give-Away ................ 8 Qiunceanera EXPO ........................................ 17,29 Quinceanera Directory ...................................... 30 ............................................. 25,26 Rae’s Salon Red Wing Public Library .................................... 20 Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce ............ 20 Rochester Cremation Services ........................... 21 Rochester International Event Center ............... 11 Rochester Feed Store ...................................... 16 Rochester Public Library ................................... 20 Rochester Women Magazine............................... 25 .................................................... 7 SEMCAC Servicios a los Hispanos ................................... 23 Sheila Rojas .................................................... 29 South Central College ....................................... 3 Southwest Crisis Center .................................... 20 Studio Seven Photography ............................... 25 The Affiliated Group ........................................ 31 Three Rivers Community Action ...................... 14 TriValley Opportunities .................................... 5 University of Minnesota - Extension ................... 20,26 .................................................... 7 WCMCA Wells Fargo Bank .......................................... 9 Wellstone Center ........................................... 27 West Side Community Health Services .............. 4 West Suburban Teen Clinic ............................... 20 Your’s for the Day ............................................. 3

EVENTOS sin fronteras

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Continued from page 1

Viene de la pagina 1

preparatory and college-level courses, advising students and their parents on education and career paths and providing professional development for K-12 teachers.

al entrar a la universidad o colegio. Esto lo están realizando a través de cursos rigurosos de preparación, cursos de nivel universitario, informando a los estudiantes y sus padres sobre educación y carreras y proveyendo desarrollo profesional para maestros de K-12.

Historically, American Indian, black and Hispanic students have had significantly lower high school graduation rates than white and Asian students. In 2006, for example, high school graduation rates for Minnesota’s American Indian, black and Hispanic students were from 19 to 29 percentage points lower than for whites and Asians, according to the Minnesota State Department of Education. These underrepresented groups also have significantly lower rates of college participation. At the same time, the shrinking pool of high school graduates and aging population points to a shortage of qualified workers for the state’s employers, according to State Demographer Tom Gillaspy. Already, more than a fifth of many important occupation groups, such as registered nurses, pharmacists, secondary teachers, materials and biomedical engineers, truck drivers and tool and die makers, are over age 55, he said. Improving educational attainment in underrepresented groups can help fill that gap. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system comprises 32 state universities and community and technical colleges serving the higher education needs of Minnesota. The system serves about 242,000 students per year in credit-based courses and an additional 140,000 students in non-credit courses.

Al mismo tiempo, el decrecimiento en el número de estudiantes que se gradúan de la escuela secundaria y el aumento en la población que envejece pueden conducir a un faltante de trabajadores calificados disponibles para los empleadores del Estado, de acuerdo con el encargado de la demografía del Estado Tom Gillaspy. En este momento, más de un quinto de los grupos de muchas ocupaciones importantes, como enfermeros/ as registrados, maestros de secundaria, ingenieros bioquímicos y de materiales, farmacéuticos, choferes de camiones grandes, y personas que hacen herramientas son mayores de 55 años, dijo él. El mejorar la adquisición de educación por parte de grupos no representados puede ayudar a llenar el faltante.

MNSCU continua ´ en la pagina 5

mayo 2009


Al pa ístese ra a de el Se hora Oto me st ño 200 re 9

Más Opciones. Mejor Calidad. Oportunidades Sin Límites.

Históricamente, los estudiantes indio-americanos, negros e hispanos han tenido tasas más bajas de graduación que los estudiantes blancos y asiáticos. En el 2006, por ejemplo, las tasas de graduación de la escuela secundaria de estudiantes indio-americanos, negros e hispanos fueron de 19 a 29 porciento más bajas que las de los blancos y asiáticos de acuerdo con el Departamento de Educación de Minnesota. Estos grupos menos representados tienen tasas significativamente más bajas de participación en la universidad.

El sistema de Colegios Universitarios y Universidades de Minnesota incluye 32 universidades estatales y colegios comunitarios y técnicos que atienden las necesidades de educación superior de Minnesota. El sistema sirve cerca de 242,000 estudiantes por año incluyendo los cursos que tienen créditos y un número adicional de 140,000 estudiantes que atienden cursos sin créditos.

MNSCU continued on page 5

´ Educacion

Fall Semester Begins August 24, 2009

FARIBAULT CAMPUS phone: 507-332-5800 web: explore.southcentral.edu A Proud Member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator. SCC has ADA accessible facilities.

EVENTOS 4 mayo 2009


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For the First Time, Hispanic Children are Majority in Texas’ FirstGrade Classrooms Reprinted from: Fort Worth Star-Telegram February 16, 2009 By: Bud Kennedy We have known for years that Texas will soon again be predominantly Hispanic. What we have not known so clearly — until a couple of recent reports — is that the white population is dwindling. In a new report on population trends in public schools, the Texas Education Agency reports that Texas now enrolls 130,000 fewer white children than 10 years ago. For the first time, Hispanic children dominate firstgrade classes, adding about 4,000 children last year to become the outright majority with 50.2 percent of students.

Saturday Shows 12 pm: La Hora Comunitaria 2 pm: Confrontaciones 3 pm: Ritmo y Algo mas 4 pm: Radio Machine 5 pm: La Musica mas Popular 6 pm: Dreadbeat


But Hispanic children would have become dominant without even one new student, because white firstgrade enrollment dropped by about 2,000. White children are now fewer than one-third of the first-graders in Texas. If this is a surprise to us, it’s not one to Karl Eschbach of the University of Texas-San Antonio, appointed by Gov. Rick Perry as the official state demographer. “What people don’t realize is the sheer inevitability of this change,” Eschbach said Friday. It isn’t about immigration, he said. It’s about native-born Texan and American children growing up. Some white conservatives — not all of them but certainly all the ones with radio shows — fear the “Latinization” of Texas. No reason to fear. “It’s already happened,” Eschbach said. In a separate new report on population projections, Eschbach and the Texas State Data Center now predict that Texas will become pre

EVENTOS sin fronteras

“If the state is goingwithin to be10 h “If dominantly Hispanic the state going be healthy, years, andisthat theto current white the presentation he gives across population of about 11.5 million the state. “We have to invest in is near its peak and will begin education.asWebaby haveboomers to investdie in shrinking preparing children for 2040. a global out between 2020 and economy.” (The African-American populaIn other words, Texas’ future detion willongrow, slowly.) pends how but wellmore we prepare If you’re minority wonderingchildren. why all this today’s Esis important, it’s because aging chbach was blunt. white Texans will face decisions “The children who don’t ‘look about and education for like us’taxes will have the greatest aealthy, generation of mostly minority we have to invest in chilchildren. dren,” Eschbach said, repeating

part thestate presentation “If of the is goinghetogives be across the state. to healthy, we have to “We investhave in chilinvest in education. We have to dren,” Eschbach said, repeating invest preparing children for a part ofinthe presentation he gives global economy.” across the state. “We have to In other words, Texas’ future invest in education. We have to depends on how well we preinvest in preparing children for a pare global today’s econom inority my.” children. Eschbach was In other blunt. words, Texas’ “The chil-defuture dren pendswho on don’t ‘lookwe how well like us’ will prepare tohave day’s the minorgreatest ity children. Eschbach was blunt. “The children who don’t ‘look like us’ will have the greatest say in the state’s future success,” he said. If Texas were surrounded by a wall tomorrow and all illegal immigrants were removed, the result would be the same. (According to federal estimates, only 1 in 4 Hispanic schoolchildren in Texas is the child of an illegal immigrant, and only a small percentage are illegal immigrants themselves.) “If you live your life in the Anglo-majority- dominated world” — like suburban North Texas, one of the whitest parts of the state — “then you might not see the change,” Eschbach said. “But it would be tough to find a schoolchild who thinks of Texas as Anglo. With every passing year, Texas is going to be more Hispanic.” This isn’t about how we teach the Texas Revolution, or whether our 4.7 million schoolchildren learn more than one language. It’s about our shared future as Texans.

EVENTOS sin fronteras

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Diversity and Multiculturalism at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Diversidad y Multiculturalismo en las Universidades y Colegios Universitarios de Minnesota La División de Diversidad y Multiculturalismo del Sistema de Colegios Universitarios y Universidades de Minnesota existe para proveer servicios de calidad y apoyo para las instituciones y oficinas del Sistema. La división se enfoca en medidas y servicios destinados a lograr mantener profesores, funcionarios y estudiantes de diversos trasfondos culturales.

The Diversity and Multiculturalism Division at the Minnesota Colleges and Universities system exists to provide quality services to and support for the system’s institutions and offices. The division focuses on policies and services designed to foster a diverse faculty, staff and student body. Under the direction of the chancellor, the division is responsible for managing and coordinating the policies, procedures and programs that govern affirmative action, diversity and equal opportunity. The division consults, advises, trains and provides policy development in the areas of non-discrimination investigations, diversity, multiculturalism and affirmative action. The Diversity and Multiculturalism Division also develops partnerships with business, community and civic and educational organizations that assist Minnesota State Colleges and Universities in achieving its goal of providing high-quality education that prepares students to live and work in diverse societies.

Bajo la dirección del Director, la división es responsable por el manejo y coordinación de las medidas, procedimientos y programas que gobiernan la acción afirmativa, la diversidad y el acceso equitativo a las oportunidades. La división consulta, aconseja, entrena y provee el desarrollo de medidas en las áreas de investigaciones sobre la no discriminación, diversidad, multiculturalismo y acción afirmativa. La División de Diversidad y Multiculturalismo también desarrolla relaciones de cooperación con negocios, y organizaciones comunales y cívicas que asisten a los Colegios y Universidades de Minnesota en alcanzar su meta de proveer una educación de alta calidad que prepare estudiantes para vivir y trabajar en sociedades diversas.

’ Educacion

mayo 2009


Energy Assistance Program Minnesota EAP

¿Necesitan ayuda para pagar sus facturas de energía?

El Programa de Asistencia de Energía de Minnesota (EAP) ayuda a los propietarios o inquilinos a pagar sus cuentas de gas. Los propietarios de viviendas también pueden recibir ayuda para reparar o reemplazar su calefacción. Llamen al

1.800.657.3710 para contactar con el programa más cercano Ejemplo para calificar: Tamaño de Familia 1

Últimos 3 meses de ingresos $ 5,296

2 $ 6,926 3 $ 8,555 4 $ 10,185

El dinero está disponible para ayudar con las facturas de energía si no ha recibido Asistencia de Energía desde el 1 de septiembre de 2008. Las subvenciones oscilan entre $ 100 y $ 1325 dependiendo de el tamaño de la familia, últimos 3 meses de ingresos y el consumo de combustible. La subvención media es de $ 500. Las solicitudes se tendrán hasta el 2 de julio de 2009. Por favor comparta esta información con otros.


EVENTOS sin frontera s

Energy Assistance Provider Directory

Do you need help with your winter heating bills? If you live in; Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Steele, or Winona counties ... Call SEMCAC 1-800-944-3281 (English) Or 507-373-1329 – English and Spanish The Energy Assistance Program has been extended to July 2, 2009 Applications must be in the Rushford office by 4:30 on July 2,2009 The Energy Assistance Program is funded by the Minnesota Department of Commerce through a block grant from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services.

´ Necesita ayuda para pagar la calefaccion? Si usted vive en; Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Steele, or Winona counties ... Llame a SEMCAC 1-800-944-3281 - Ingles ~ o 507-373-1329 – Espanol

mayo 2009


Continued from page 5

The Many Faces of Campus Outreach Expert Advice

Continued Support

New student specialists build trusting relationships by providing reliable information and quality programming. They meet with prospective students and their families; share information about the importance of college and the benefits of attending a community college, such as North Hennepin; and attend high schools, college fairs, and community events to promote the college. They also facilitate summer youth programs, which help prepare K-12 students for college.

Students can turn to the Campus Outreach Office throughout their educational journey with questions about available student resources or how to become more involved on campus and within the com munity.

Hennepin’s doors are the friendly faces at the Information Desk. Campus Outreach staff, student workers and student ambassadors welcome guests here. They answer questions, conduct campus tours, help with new student orientations, provide college and program information, promote student activities and services, and assist with special events on and off campus.

Information sessions are hosted every Tuesday at 6 p.m. to introduce the college. Some sessions highlight specific areas of study, such as business or studio arts. This fall, Campus Outreach also in troduced family information meetings to students and their support members which were very well received.

share their success stories,” said Assistant Director of Campus Outreach Melissa Leimbek. “It’s the reason I do what I do.”

“Student workers and student ambassadors relate especially well to prospective and fellow students because they share similar situations and common interests,” says Julie Horn, a customer service specialist. The Student Ambassador Program also includes a community service project each semester so students give back to the community and learn the importance of philanthropy.

This summer’s Youth Academy successfully ran a “Safety City” camp to share first aid and babysitting tips with approximately 70 grade-schoolers, while the Students to Achieve Rewarding Success (STARS) Program introduced teacher-recommended junior high students to business concepts with an “Apprentice” theme.

As the name implies, North Hennepin Community College’s Campus Outreach Office “reaches out” to those who have an interest in going to college. Customer service specialists on the college’s Brooklyn Park campus help students understand options and benefits of attending a community college, such as paying less for the first two years of a four-year degree, flexible class scheduling and individualized attention. First Impressions The first things students notice when they walk through North

Students stop by often to visit and share their good news of being accepted to the four-year university they wanted or landing a great job. Often, they credit the Campus Outreach staff as being their motivators and consider them friends. “I feel honored when students

El programa de Asistencia energetica ha ´ sido extendido hasta el 2 de Julio del 2009. Las aplicaciones deberan estar en la oficina en Rushford antes de las 4:30 el 2 de julio ´ El Programa de Asistencia Energetica es financiado por el Departamento de Comercio de Minnesota a traves de un subsidio del Departamento Federal de Salud y Servicios Humanos.

Energy Assistance Program help is available for your energy costs. • Average grant is $541. • Funding is provided for oil, propane, wood, and electric or natural gas costs. • Certain income guidelines must be met. • There is no asset limit. • This program is funded by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services.

Residents of Pope, Traverse, Clay, Wilkin, Douglas, Grant & Stevens counties call : West Central MN Communities Action at 1-800-492-4805 for an application. Our Moorhead office is located at 715 11th St N. Call 218-299-7846. Applications must be received by July 2, 2009.

Youth Outreach

Since 2000, North Hennepin’s enrollment has increased more than 33 percent. This growth can be attributed, in part, to the expanded efforts of the college’s Campus Outreach office.

For more information about the college or its Campus Outreach Office, visit: www.nhcc.com or call 763-488-0390.

Call at th to locat e e low est p the best p r Quin ices for roducts all o ce n f you eeds . r

Starting in 2009, Eventos Sin Fronteras will ~ sponsor a 15-month Quinceanera promotional campaign, wherein there will be a FREE ~ Drawing to give away a Quinceanera Dream Prize Package. The first drawings will be on Oct 3, 2009, at ~ the Quinceanera EXPO in St. Paul (time to be announced). There will be drawings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prize Packages. ~ Some lucky Quinceaneras-to-be will soon win ~ a Quinceanera Dream Prize Package, and you could be one of them! ~ ~ Designer Quinceanera Dress ~ Formal Wear Consultation ~ Fashion Wear Accessories ~ Hair Style, Manicure and Pedicure ~ Skin Care Consultation ~ Skin Care Facial Treatment ~ Makeup Kit ~ Photography Package ~ Invitations ~ Guest Register Book ~ Event Planning Consultation ~ Limousine Service ~ Floral Design Consultation ~ Floral Arrangements and Corsage ~ Menu Planning Consultant ~ DJ Entertainment Package ~ ~ Quinceanera Cake ~ Newspaper Announcement ~ Party Favors and Gifts ~ Tiara and Jewelry

Octʼ ~ YES! Please enter my name in your FREE Drawing for the Quinceanera Dream Prize Package Annual Sweepstakes Give-Away. ~ YES! I want to receive special offers regarding Quinceanera products.

I understand that I may submit only one drawing form for each drawing and that I must submit a new entry form for each additional drawing in which I wish to participate. Entry forms are available in Eventos Sin Fronteras Spanish-English Newspaper only.

These “bonus items” will be included only with ~ the first prize Quinceanera Dream package:


Our Quinceanera Dream Prize Package Give -Away does not include deposits required by vendors for the above products and services



Parent/Guardian Signature Consent:


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© 2009 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Todos los derechos reservados. Miembro FDIC. (120953_12314)


Continued from page 7

Minnesota State Colleges & Universities

NE-Rainy River Community College International Falls

Northland Community & Technical College Thief River Falls

Northland Community & Technical College East Grand Forks

NE-Mesabi Range Community & Technical College

Bemidji State University

NE-Hibbing Community College

NE-Mesabi Range Community & Technical College



Minnesota State Community & Technical College



Northwest Technical College Minnesota State University Moorhead

NE-Vermilion Community College


NE-Itasca Community College

Minnesota State Community & Technical College

Grand Rapids

Lake Superior College

Detroit Lakes

Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College

Minnesota State Community & Technical College


Minnesota State Universities Minnesota State Colleges




Minnesota State Community & Technical College

Central Lakes College

Central Lakes College




Pine Technical College

Fergus Falls

Anoka Technical College

Pine City

Alexandria Technical College Alexandria

St. Cloud Technical College

St. Cloud State University Ridgewater College Willmar

Minnesota West Community & Technical Minnesota West College Community & Canby Technical College

Coon Rapids


Anoka-Ramsey Community College

St. Cloud

Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Hennepin Technical College


North Hennepin Community College

Minneapolis Community & Technical College


Minneapolis St. Paul

Hennepin Technical College

Eden Prairie

Granite Falls

Metropolitan State University Minneapolis Metropolitan State University St. Paul


Normandale Community College

Saint Paul College Inver Hills St. Paul Community College

Bloomington Southwest Minnesota Minnesota State University State College– South Central Dakota County Marshall Southeast College South Central Technical College Technical North Mankato Rosemount College Minnesota Red Wing Minnesota State Faribault Minnesota West State College– University, Mankato Community & Southeast Technical Riverland Mankato Technical College Winona Rochester Community Pipestone Minnesota West Community & College Winona Community & Owatonna Technical College State Minnesota West Technical College Rochester University Community & Jackson Technical Riverland Riverland College Community College Community College Worthington

Albert Lea


White Bear Lake

Brooklyn Park

Brooklyn Park

Ridgewater College

Century College

Inver Grove Heights


Continue on page 12

EVENTOS sin fronteras Child and Teen Checkups What Parents need to know.

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901 Even older kids and teens need exams. This is a time when a young person’s body goes through many changes and the doctor will make sure the changes are occurring as they should. Well child exams are an excellent time to visit with your child’s doctor about any concerns you may have. The doctor can give you guidance on difficult parenting issues like toilet training, bedtimes, safety, puberty, and talking to your child about alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and sexual activity. Well child exams should occur at the following intervals: • •

by: Annette Olson Health Educator Olmsted County Publich Health Services You do everything you can to keep your kids healthy. You chase them to bed early, teach them how to brush their teeth, and insist that they try just one more spoonful of vegetables. You are doing a great job! Teaching your child healthy habits like good dental hygiene and nutrition will prevent diseases and will help them become healthy adults. Additionally, one of the most important ways you can ensure that your child reach his or her full, healthy potential is by regularly taking your child to the doctor for a checkup. These regular checkups are called well-child exams. Of course, you take your children to the doctor when they are babies, when they need immunizations, and when they are sick. But, did you know it is also very important for them to see their doctor when they are well?

• •

Between birth and 1 month At 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 months of age At 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years Every two years after age 6

If your children are enrolled in Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, they are eligible to receive FREE well child exams from birth until they are 21 years old. This program is called Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC). C&TC exams are available from your doctor, clinic, and some local public health departments. Children enrolled in a health plan must get their C&TC services from providers in their health plan. Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare pay for the exams. C&TC exams include: A complete physical examination, shots, hearing and vision checks, lab tests, checks on development and growth, and referral to the dentist.



mayo 2009

~ era Reception Site Hea an e c dquar n i u Q


ters !

Rochester, MN 507.529.0033 www.rochestereventcenter.com


me encanta


Courtesy Corporation McDonald’s has a restaurant in your neighborhood! Rochester, MN – 6 locations

(N Broadway, Apache Dr, 19th St NW, 55th St NW, and Hwy 63/48th St SW)

Byron, MN • Red Wing, MN

Lobby hours 6am to midnight, seven days a week. 24 hour drive-thru at 2nd St SW, 55th St NW, and Red Wing.

Come Join Our Team Today!

We have Full and Part-time positions on all shifts.

For more information about the Child and Teen Checkups program, or if you need help scheduling an appointment, finding transportation to your clinic, or need an interpreter, call:

¡Courtesy Corporation McDonald’s tiene un restaurante cerca de su vecindad!

A well child exam is a complete review of your child’s health, including a thorough physical examination, vision and hearing checks, and developmental screening.

(N Broadway, Apache Dr, 19th St NW, 55th St NW, and Hwy 63/48th St SW)

Sometimes problems you may not notice (autism, developmental delays, vision, hearing, or speech problems, lead poisoning) can be spotted early and treated.

For transportation under MinnesotaCare, call (800) 657 3672 (tollfree) or (651) 431 2792 (Twin Cities).

Your County Public Health Department, and ask for a C&TC staff person Your Health Plan member services number

Rochester, MN – 6 locales

Byron, MN • Red Wing, MN

Horario de servicio 6 de la mañana hasta la madrugada, siete días a la semana. Drive-thru abierto las 24 horas en la 2nd St SW, 55th St NW, y Red Wing.

¡Sea parte de nuestro equipo ahora!

Tenemos horarios de tiempo aparte y tiempo completo en todos los turnos.



Continued from page 10

Directory of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Alexandria Technical College, Alexandria Web site: www.alextech.edu Admissions: (320) 762-4520 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: 1-888-234-1222, ext. 4520 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,506 Enrollment: 3,647 Percent female: 43.1% Percent male: 56.9% Percent students of color: 2.6% Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Cambridge and Coon Rapids Web site: www.anokaramsey.edu Admissions: (763) 433-1450 TTY: (763) 433-1450 To arrange a campus visit: (763) 433-1100 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,100 Enrollment: 10,265 Percent female: 63.6% Percent male: 36.4% Percent students of color: 10.8% Anoka Technical College, Anoka Web site: www.anokatech.edu Admissions: (763) 576-4850 TTY: 711-763-576-4850 To arrange a campus visit: (763) 576-4850 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,669 Enrollment: 3,143 Percent female: 55.9% Percent male: 44.1% Percent students of color: 16.7% Bemidji State University, Bemidji Web site: www.bemidjistate.edu Admissions: (218) 755-2040 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: 1-877-236-4354 Tuition and fees (2007-2008): $6,756 Enrollment: 6,533 Percent female: 55.3% Percent male: 44.7% Percent students of color: 5.3% Central Lakes College, Brainerd and Staples Web site: www.clcmn.edu Admissions: (218) 855-8037 TTY: (218) 855-8224 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 855-8037 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,540 Enrollment: 3,942 Percent female: 57.3% Percent male: 42.7% Percent students of color: 4.5%

Century College, White Bear Lake Web site: www.century.edu Admissions: (651) 773-1700 TTY: (651) 773-1715 To arrange a campus visit: (651) 773-1700 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,565 Enrollment: 11,709 Percent female: 58.4% Percent male: 41.6% Percent students of color: 22.2% Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount Web site: www.dctc.edu Admissions: (651) 423-8302 TTY: (651) 423-8621 To arrange a campus visit: (651) 423-8302 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,909 Enrollment: 4,582 Percent female: 45.7% Percent male: 54.3% Percent students of color: 14.0% Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College, Cloquet Web site: www.fdltcc.edu Admissions: (218) 879-0808 TTY: (218) 879-0805 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 879-0808 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,440 Enrollment: 2,724 Percent female: 58.9% Percent male: 41.1% Percent students of color: 19.7% Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie Web site: www.hennepintech.edu Admissions: (763) 488-2500 TTY: (763) 488-2571 To arrange a campus visit: (763) 488-2450 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,265 Enrollment: 8,120 Percent female: 43.9% Percent male: 56.1% Percent students of color: 25.7% Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove Heights Web site: www.inverhills.edu Admissions: (651) 450-8500 TTY: (651) 450-8369 To arrange a campus visit: (651) 450-8500 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,655 Enrollment: 8,027 Percent female: 58.8% Percent male: 41.2% Percent students of color: 16.3%

Lake Superior College, Duluth Admissions: (218) 733-7601 TTY: (218) 722-6893 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 733-7601 Web site: www.lsc.edu Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,254 Enrollment: 8,084 Percent female: 53.1% Percent male: 46.9% Percent students of color: 7.1% Northeast Higher Education District Hibbing Community College, Hibbing Web site: www.hibbing.edu Admissions: (218) 262-7207 TTY: (218) 262-7294 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 262-6713 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,481 Enrollment: 1,850 Percent female: 52.1% Percent male: 47.9% Percent students of color: 11.0% Itasca Community College, Grand Rapids Web site: www.itascacc.edu Admissions: (218) 322-2300 TTY: (218) 322-2433 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 322-2340 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,489 Enrollment: 1,547 Percent female: 52.3% Percent male: 47.7% Percent students of color: 6.7% Mesabi Range Community & Technical College, Virginia and Eveleth Web site: www.mesabirange.edu Admissions: (218) 749-0313 TTY: (218) 749-7783 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 749-0314 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,481 Enrollment: 2,040 Percent female: 51.8% Percent male: 48.2% Percent students of color: 7.2% Rainy River Community College, International Falls Web site: www.rrcc.mnscu.edu Admissions: (218) 285-2207 TTY: (218) 285-2261 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 285-7722 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,517 Enrollment: 518 Percent female: 57.9% Percent male: 42.1% Percent students of color: 26.2%

Continues on page 13


Continued from page 12

Directory of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Vermilion Community College, Ely Web site: www.vcc.edu Admissions: (218) 235-2191 TTY: (218) 235-2120 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 235-2191 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,511 Enrollment: 1,009 Percent female: 34.7% Percent male: 65.3% Percent students of color: 9.5% Metropolitan State University, St. Paul and Minneapolis Web site: www.metrostate.edu Admissions: (651) 793-1300 TTY: (651) 772-7687 To arrange a campus visit: (651) 793-1300 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $5,473 Enrollment: 9,184 Percent female: 59.3% Percent male: 40.7% Percent students of color: 27.1% Minneapolis Community & Technical College, Minneapolis Web site: www.minneapolis.edu Admissions: (612) 659-6200 TTY: (612) 659-6731 To arrange a campus visit: (612) 659-6282 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,532 Enrollment: 11,886 Percent female: 54.6% Percent male: 45.4% Percent students of color: 44.6% Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical, Red Wing and Winona Web site: www.southeastmn.edu Admissions: 1-877-853-8324 TTY: (507) 453-2785 To arrange a campus visit: 1-877-853-8324 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,584 Enrollment: 2,450 Percent female: 58.2% Percent male: 41.8% Percent students of color: 9.7% Minnesota State Community & Technical College, Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead and Wadena Web site: www.minnesota.edu Admissions: 1-888-696-7282 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: 1-888-MY MSCTC (696-7282) Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,730 Enrollment: 8,212 Percent female: 59.6% Percent male: 40.4% Percent students of color: 7.1%

Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato Web site: www.mnsu.edu Admissions: (507) 389-1822 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: (507) 389-1822 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $5,971 Enrollment: 16,350 Percent female: 53.8% Percent male: 46.2% Percent students of color: 7.3% Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead Web site: www.mnstate.edu Admissions: 1-800-593-7246 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: www.go.mnstate.edu Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $5,764 Enrollment: 8,968 Percent female: 58.9% Percent male: 41.1% Percent students of color: 5.8% Minnesota West Community & Technical College, Canby, Granite Falls, Jackson, Pipestone and Worthington Web site: www.mnwest.edu Admissions: (507) 825-6800 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: 1-800-658-2330, ext. 6811 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,807 Enrollment: 4,452 Percent female: 57.0% Percent male: 43.0% Percent students of color: 7.8% Normandale Community College, Bloomington Web site: www.normandale.edu Admissions: (952) 487-8201 TTY: (952) 487-7032 To arrange a campus visit: (952) 487-8201 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,607 Enrollment: 12,848 Percent female: 57.2% Percent male: 42.8% Percent students of color: 21.5% North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park Web site: www.nhcc.edu Admissions: (763) 424-0702 TTY: (763) 424-0949 To arrange a campus visit: (763) 424-0702 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,623 Enrollment: 9,229 Percent female: 59.8% Percent male: 40.2% Percent students of color: 28.7%

Northland Community & Technical College, East Grand Forks and Thief River Falls Web site: www.northlandcollege.edu Admissions: (218) 683-8552 TTY: (218) 683-8801 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 681-0854 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,893 Enrollment: 5,655 Percent female: 41.6% Percent male: 58.4% Percent students of color: 10.0% Northwest Technical College, Bemidji Web site: www.ntcmn.edu Admissions: (218) 333-6647 TTY: (218) 333-6691 To arrange a campus visit: (218) 333-6645 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,808 Enrollment: 1,892 Full-year equivalent enrollment: 755 Percent female: 72.8% Percent male: 27.2% Percent students of color: 14.6% Pine Technical College, Pine City Web site: www.pinetech.edu Admissions: (320) 629-5100 TTY: (320) 629-1030 To arrange a campus visit: (320) 629-5100 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,341 Enrollment: 1,071 Percent female: 68.9% Percent male: 31.1% Percent students of color: 4.9% Ridgewater College, Hutchinson and Willmar Web site: www.ridgewater.edu Admissions: (320) 222-5977 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: (320) 222-5200 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,606 Enrollment: 5,615 Percent female: 55.9% Percent male: 44.1% Percent students of color: 5.6% Riverland Community College, Albert Lea, Austin and Owatonna Web site: www.riverland.edu Admissions: (507) 433-0820 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: (507) 433-0820 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,701 Enrollment: 4,664 Percent female: 53.9% Percent male: 46.1% Percent students of color: 7.9%

Continues on page 15


´ Bienes Raices

mayo 2009

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

EVENTOS sin fronteras

¿Le gustaria recibir ayuda para comprar su primera casa? Nosotros podemos ayudarle! Por: Accion Comunitaria Three Rivers

Accion Comunitaria Three Rivers (Three Rivers Community Action Inc.) y la Sociedad de vivienda del Suroeste de Minnesota (Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership), junto con otros socios estrategicos quieren ayudarle a comprar su primera casa. Tenemos una red extensa de profesionales que pueden ayudarle. Contamos con funcionarios de Bancos, agentes de bienes raices, consejeros de finanzas y educadores, agencias de la comunidad, funcionarios del gobierno y de la ciudad y otros profesionales. Tambien tenemos asistencia para pagar la prima o primer pago hasta por la cantidad de $30,000 dependiendo de las necesidades de su familia. Hay varios pasos a seguir para comprar una casa:


 Monday, May 11, 2009 6:00pm – 7:30pm 450 N. Syndicate Street St. Paul, MN 55104

Come learn about citizenship through naturalization!

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota is a private non-profit organization that provides immigration services to low-income immigrants in Minnesota.

You may qualify for free legal representation! Learn about: • • • • • •

I mmi g rant L aw C ent er of M i nnes ot a 4 5 0 N o r t h S yn d i cat e S t r eet Suite 175 S ai n t P au l , M N 5 5 1 0 4 P hone: 6 5 1 - 6 4 1 - 1 0 1 1 F ax : 6 5 1 - 6 4 1 - 1 3 1 1 E - mai l : o fi ci n al egal @ i l cm. o r g

The requirements to become a citizen The risks and benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen New citizenship educational requirements and exceptions How to apply for citizenship Application process and timeline If you qualify for a free attorney

***All personal information is confidential*** Please reply to 651-641-1011 or [email protected] if you are interested in attending. Please forward this information to interested immigrants and community members!

1. Busque ayuda! 2.Tome una clase de educacion para propietarios de casa. 3. Escoga al prestamista. 4. Seleccione a su agente de Bienes Raices. 5. Conocimiento del programa Las agencias Acción Comunitaria Three Rivers y SW MN Housing Partnership se complacen en anunciar el programa de asistencia de pago de prima. Nos hemos enfocado en 38 condados y hemos contactado a líderes comunitarios para introducir nuestros programas. Estamos estableciendo ¨grupos de enfoque cultural¨ en cada uno de las ciudades y pueblos que queremos cubrir. Estos grupos están formados por individuos que están involucrados en servir a la comunidad y nos ayudan a entender las necesidades de cada comunidad. Las agencias Three Rivers y SW MN Housing Partnership han contactado a la mayoría de los prestamistas en cada comunidad para explicarles el proceso de nuestros programas. Los prestamistas deben ser aprobados para poder beneficiarse de nuestros programas de préstamos. Nuestros programas de pago de prima van desde cantidades pequeñas de $2,500 hasta los $30,000 los cuales se cancelarán en pagos aplazados al 0% negocios. Queremos estar seguros de que los corredores conocen nuestros programas y de que los prestamistas aprobados usen estos programas para que ayuden a los clientes a tomar las mejores

decisiones al escoger un prestamista. Estos son programas muy buenos que pueden ser utilizados por los deudores que estamos tratando de beneficiar. Estos programas han sido diseñados para los inmigrantes latinos y africanos de Rochester, Faribault, Owatona, Albert Lea, Austin, Mankato, Marshall, Worthington, Willmar, St. James, Madelia y áreas aledañas. Si usted desea saber cuál prestamista ha sido aprobado para usar estos programas en su área por favor llame a Umbelina Cremer al (507) 421-1214. La agencia Acción Comunitaria Three Rivers se ha asociado con la Agencia de Financiamiento MN housing y la Asociación de Corredores de Bienes Raíces para dar entrenamiento a los corredores acerca de los clases de préstamos disponibles que ofrecen estas agencias. Estas clases se están dando a los corredores como créditos de educación continuada en el tema de nuevas opciones en el mercado de préstamos. En estas clases hemos podido presentar nuestros programas de préstamos que ayudarán a incrementar sus Nuestra meta es educar a nuestras familias para que entiendan el proceso de compra de sus casas. Tenemos un consejero de pre-compra que ayuda a nuestras familias a dar el primer paso hacia la compra de casa. También hemos podido establecer clases en español e inglés para compradores de casas en los 38 condados. Nos hemos asociado con el programa de Extensión de la Universidad de Minnesota el cual brindará las clases en español y clases de educación financiera en su área. Para mayor información sobre la compra de casa o para registrarse en la próxima clase de propietarios de casa por favor contacte a: Umbelina Trevino Cremer al 507421-1214 o a Gabriela Burk de la Universidad de Minnesota al 507261-4277 para Rochester, Red Wing, Owatona, Austin y áreas aledañas. Antonio Alba de la Universidad de Minnesoa al 507-389-6764 paraFaribault, Mankato, Worthington, y areas aledañas. Para clases en Willmar, contacte a Odalis Bastian en la agencia Heartland Community Action al 1-800-992-1710 o al 320-2350850 ext. 1102.

EVENTOS sin fronteras

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

’ Educacion

Directory of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Continued from page 13 Rochester Community & Technical College, Rochester Web site: www.rctc.edu Admissions: (507) 285-7265 Toll-free: 1-800-247-1296 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: (507) 280-2916 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,820 Enrollment: 7,443 Percent female: 62.9% Percent male: 37.1% Percent students of color: 13.4% St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud Web site: www.stcloudstate.edu Admissions: (320) 308-2244 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: 1-877-6547278 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $5,905 Enrollment: 20,208 Percent female: 55.8% Percent male: 44.2% Percent students of color: 6.8% St. Cloud Technical College, St. Cloud Web site: www.sctc.edu Admissions: (320) 308-5089 TTY: (320) 308-5988 To arrange a campus visit: (320) 308-5089 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,614 Enrollment: 5,218 Percent female: 46.9% Percent male: 53.1% Percent students of color: 6.4% Saint Paul College, St. Paul Web site: www. saintpaul.edu Admissions: (651) 846-1600 TTY: (651) 846-1548 To arrange a campus visit: (651) 846-1666 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,399 Enrollment: 7,645 Percent female: 53.9% Percent male: 46.1% Percent students of color: 44.4%

South Central College, Faribault and Mankato Web site: www.southcentral.edu Admissions: (507) 389-7220 TTY: (507) 389-7200 To arrange a campus visit: (507) 389-7220 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $4,515 Enrollment:4,857 Percent female: 53.2% Percent male: 46.8% Percent students of color: 5.9% Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall Web site: www.southwestmsu.edu Admissions: (507) 537-6286 TTY: 1-800-627-3529 To arrange a campus visit: (507) 537-6286 Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $6,412 Enrollment: 7,456 Percent female: 59.6% Percent male: 40.4% Percent students of color: 6.2% Winona State University, Winona Web site: www.winona.edu Tuition and fees (2008-2009): $6,301 Admissions: (507) 457-5100 TTY: (507) 457-2410 To arrange a campus visit: 1-800-DIAL-WSU (342-5978) Enrollment: 9,344 Percent female: 62.3% Percent male: 37.7% Percent students of color: 4.6%

mayo 2009


Descubre Costa Rica by Sheila Rojas

Descubierta por Cristóbal Colón en 1502, conquistada por los españoles entre 1561 y 1573, y liberada del poder español en 1821, Costa Rica es un país de habla española caracterizado por la actitud amigable de su gente y por la renombrada tradición democrática de sus ciudadanos. Tr a d i c i o nalmente la religión del país es la Católica R o m a na, pero muchos ciudadanos practican otras religiones.

La economía de Costa Rica ha estado basada tradicionalmente en agricultura. Recientemente el turismo y la producción de alta tecnología se han convertido en importantes pilares de la economía nacional.

La población de Costa Rica es de aproximadamente 4,253,877 incluyendo inmigrantes de Nicaragua y Colombia.

francés en la secundaria.

Costa Rica está localizada en América Central entre el mar Caribe y el Océano Pacífico. Los países fronterizos son Nicaragua y Panamá. De acuerdo con los historiadores, a esta tierra se le dio el nombre de Costa Rica por la gran cantidad de riquezas que poseía al momento de ser descubierta. El territorio de Costa Rica alberga 5% de la biodiversidad del planeta (el número total de especies de plantas y animales), aún cuando su área representa sólo el 0.03% del total de tierra del planeta. Su sistema de áreas protegidas cubre 6,000 km2, lo cual representa 12% de su territorio. La gran variedad de paisajes de Costa Rica y su buen clima hace de este pequeño país el sitio perfecto para una vacación. Por estas razones, miles de personas de muchos lugares visitan el país cada año.

Los centros de estudio en Costa Rica son excelentes. Actualmente, debido a la globalización, el idioma inglés es ofrecido desde la escuela primaria y el

De acuerdo con las Naciones Unidas el país tiene uno de los niveles más altos de desarrollo humano. A pesar de los esfuerzos para mejorar la economía Costa Rica sigue luchando contra una taza alta de inflación y con serios problemas sociales. Costa Rica es reconocida como un país de paz debido a su estabilidad política y a su democracia fuerte. Costa Rica abolió el ejército en 1948. Quizás uno de los legados más importantes de Costa Rica para el mundo es su ejemplo de respeto a las libertades públicas y derechos humanos. Tal y como dice la famosa frase de un ex-presidente uruguayo: “Donde hay un costarricense hay libertad”.



mayo 2009

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

EVENTOS sin fronteras

Que chula es Puebla: Celebrando el 5 de Mayo

by: Gabriela Nguyen

Stop by and visit us. We think you’ll be surprised at what you may find!

507-285-5547 www.rochesterfeed.com

New Location: 11 1\2 ST SE (the corner of hwy 14 and 63) M-F 8:30-7 Sa 8:30-5 Su 11-4

507-285-5547 • www.rochesterfeed.com New location: 11-1/2 St SE (the corner of hwy 14 & 63) M-F 8:30-7 / Sa 8:30-5 / Su 11-4

Una buena imagen hace la diferencia... A good image makes the difference... Mejora la imagen de tu negocio y vende mas: Improve your business’ identity and sell more:

• • • • • • • • • •

Tarjetas de presentacion - Busines cards Folletos - Brochures Posters Volantes - Flyers Papeleria Membretada - Stationery Catalogos - Catalogs Anuncios publicitarios - Advertising Design Diseno Editorial - Editorial Design Consultoria Bilingue- Bilingual Advertising Consultant And more... 507-573-2773 [email protected]

Gabriela Nguyen

Graphic Designer

Asi dice la popular cancion que describe la belleza de este Estado. Puebla es el estado mexicano mejor conocido por su tradicional mole y chiles en nogada, por el vestido brillante de china poblana y los dulces camotes, por la ceramica talavera y el Cinco de Mayo. Situado en el sureste mexicano, a solo dos horas del Distrito Federal, Puebla es un hermoso estado nacido de entre los volcanes Popocatepetl, Ixtacihuatl y Malinche, surgiendo de entre la Sierra Madre Oriental con uno de los mejores climas templados del pais. En Puebla se encuentra una de las catedrales mas hermosas de Mexico, que data del siglo XVII. Se dice que el campanario de dicha cathedral fue alzado por angeles, de ahi el famoso nombre del estado, “Puebla de los Angeles”. Puebla cuenta con una gran historia y gran tradicion cultural, gastronomica y artistica. De su historia podemos decir que lo mas significativo es la batalla del Cinco de Mayo. Lo que mucha gente no sabe es que el verdadero Cinco de Mayo tiene sus origenes en Puebla, cuando el ejercito del General Ignacio Zaragoza derroto al Ejercito Frances del General Lorenzez en el año 1862. Esta batalla fue significativa porque el ejercito frances tenia ventaja tecnologica y estrategica sobre el ejercito Mexicano, al cual se unieron en la lucha una gran cantidad de campesinos poblanos. El lugar de la Batalla del cinco de Mayo todavia se preserva en la colina de Loreto donde todo sucedio. Aun se pueden ver los cañones de Guerra y las fortalezas de piedra que se usaron de de

fensa, de ahi el nombre del lugar “Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe” en honor a la virgen de Guadalupe. En estos Fuertes, se encuentra un museo, un recinto ferial, un auditorio y un cinema 3D, siendo este uno de los lugares mas turisticos de la ciudad de Puebla, capital del Estado. Gastronomicamente, Puebla esta en el nivel mas alto de la comida mexicana, siendo aqui donde se creo el famoso mole poblano, los complicados chiles en nogada, los tacos arabes, los dulces camotes y las tortitas de Santa Clara. Todos estos platillos catalogados hasta en los mejores y mas finos restaurantes, se sirven en la famosa vajilla de talavera, cuya belleza y tradicion adornan las mejores mesas del pais y del mundo, pues la ceramica talavera poblana es exportada mundialmente. Asi mismo, Puebla cuenta con las mejores universidades del pais, como la Universidad del Estado que tiene uno de los mejores niveles educativos del pais en educacion publica, tambien se encuentran aqui las universidades privadas mas destacadas de America Latina: Universidad de las Americas, Universidad Iberoamericana y el Tecnologico de Monterrey entre otras. En Puebla se encuentran lugares de atraccion turisitica para cada personalidad. Para los amantes de la historia y el arte, la capital poblana es la mejor opcion con muchos museos de arte e historia entre los que destacan el Museo Amparo, el Convento de Santa Rosa, la Casa de los Muñecos, Continua en la pagina 28



- A limited number of 8’ x 10’ exhibitor booths are available - Booth location on a first-right-of-refusal basis until July 1st, 2009, then it’s on a first-come, first-serve basis. ~ -Full page ads promoting attendance of our Quinceanera EXPO will appear in Eventos sin Fronteras monthly, until October. -Show Sponsorship Packages include monthly ads in Eventos thru Oct. ‘09

CALL FOR DETAILS: (507) 951-7658

Call at th to locate e low t est p he best p Quin rices for roducts ce n eeds all of yo u .

~ Attending our Quinceanera EXPO is a great way to shop for products and services for your Quinceanera celebration. ~ You will have the opportunity to meet the vendors in person and you will find many Quinceanera ~ professionals showcasing their products and services, so you can see first hand what they have to offer. When you attend our ~ Quinceanera EXPO, you will see samples of work from photographers, videographers, formal wear shops, cake designers, caterers, decorators, florists, gift registries, limousines, beauty salons and spas, reception halls, party rental stores, etc.

EVENTOS 18 mayo 2009


Le duele algo?

Podemos Ayudarle!

~Accidentes de tránsito ~Lesiones de trabajo ~Artritis ~Nervio ciático ¡Haga su cita hoy! ~Dolor de espalda y cuello 507.208.8122 ~Dolor de hombro Se habla español ~Dolor de cabeza ~Dolor de rodilla y pies ~Dolor de brazo, pierna y cadera

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Las emergencias son bienvenidas. Se aceptan pacientes con Medicare Se aceptan casos de lesiones personales. Se cobra a los seguros

El cuidado quiropráctico la hace mejor Dr. EDWARD LEQUIRE, Quiropractico 2518 Superior Drive NW, Suite 1018 Rochester, MN 55901 www.innerstrengthchiropractic.com

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

Mantenga un Nivel de Salud Optimo con la Ayuda del Quiropráctico Muchos creen que la salud es la ausencia de dolor o síntomas. Actualmente, cada vez más personas están interesadas en un nivel más alto de salud descrito como bienestar. Más allá de simplemente sentirse bien o de prevenir problemas, queremos disfrutar la vida plenamente al sentirnos de la mejor manera mentalmente, físicamente y socialmente. La salud verdadera sólo es posible al tener un funcionamiento óptimo del sistema nervioso. Un enfoque de la salud basado en el bienestar significa adoptar una variedad de hábitos saludables para un funcionamiento óptimo en todos los niveles: físico, mental, social, y espiritual. Debido a este enfoque en el sistema nervioso, el cuidado quiropráctico puede ser una parte importante de un estilo de vida de bienestar. El sistema nervioso controla el funcionamiento de prácticamente cada aspecto de nuestra vida. El mantener un apropiado funcionamiento del sistema nervioso es esencial si usted quiere estar en el mejor estado de salud. Pocas cosas tan complicadas como su cuerpo pueden ser arregladas y después ignoradas. Es por esto que su quiropráctico puede recomendar un horario de chequeos regulares. Al igual que usted mantiene sus dientes, su coche, su familia o su fe, el mantener la salud de su sistema nervioso requiere de una inversión constante. Las personas que quieren estar en un estado óptimo de salud añaden el cuidado quiropráctico a sus otras prácticas de salud. El resultado placentero es frecuentemente mayor vitalidad, resistencia y la capacidad de disfrutar la vida al máximo. Esto es lo que los pacientes han dicho:

EVENTOS sin fronteras

“He sufrido dolores de cabeza por un largo tiempo y el dolor lo tenía en el cuello, hombros y cabeza. Estaba tomando dieciséis aspirinas al día. Mi doctor en medicina me mandó a un terapista físico que me hacía sentir mejor durante la sesión pero cuando regresaba al estrés de la vida ordinaria los dolores volvían. También fui con un terapista de manejo de estrés que fue muy bueno y me ayudó mucho. Traté de controlar el estrés pero siempre volvía y los dolores de cabeza continuaban. Los dolores de hombros y cuello eran tan serios que no soportaba que me tocaran. Ya yo no podía más hasta que un amigo encontró a Dr. Ed. Yo no pensaba que un quiropráctico pudiera ayudarme pero en ese momento no tenía nada más que perder. Después de una semana tuve un alivio significativo de los dolores de cabeza y muy pronto se habían desaparecido. El doctor Ed me informó que tenía FHP (postura adelantada de cabeza) y que esto contribuía a mis dolores constantes. El también revisó mis rayos x y me informó que mis caderas estaban desalineadas. Yo tuve un accidente cuando era niña y nadie encontró ningún problema. Ahora con la ayuda del doctor Ed me siento mucho mejor, mi nivel de estrés se ha bajado y los dolores de cabeza han desaparecido. Sé que con el tiempo me pondré mejor y no tengo cómo agradecerle al doctor Ed.” Nancy En nuestra oficina nos gusta que los clientes tomen decisiones basadas en información y no sólo por nuestras recomendaciones. Es por esto que llevamos a cabo un examen quiropráctico completo que incluye historia, análisis de la postura, exámenes del sistema nervioso, y exámenes completos de la espina dorsal por solamente $25. Llame hoy para obtener su cita.

EVENTOS sin fronteras

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

Conozca sus leyes

mayo 2009


The Economy and Its Effect on Foreign Workers ´ y sus Efectos en los Trabajadores La Economia Extranjeros By: Dan Donnelly

In the last few months we have all become keenly aware of the trouble in the U.S. economy. Whether you have personally lost your job or had hours cut or know of a family member or friend who has it, is unlikely any of us have not been touched by the recent economic downturn. What does this mean for a person seeking to obtain Permanent Resident status in the United States ?

En los ultimos meses hemos estado ´ conscientes de los problemas eco´ nomicos en E.U. Ya sea que usted perdio´ su trabajo, le cortaron horas ´ lo o conoce a alguien que todavia tiene, es improbable que no haya ´ de la ecosido tocado por la caida ´ Y que significa esto para una nomia. persona que busca obtener el estatus de Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos?

For one, certain avenues towards permanent residency may not be available to an intended immigrant. Most significantly, employment based petitions. Greencards through an employer require active recruitment of U.S. workers and proof to the Department of Labor that no qualified U.S. workers are available for the offered position.

Primeramente, ciertos caminos para obtener la residencia permanente no ´ disponibles para el inmigranestan te. Sobretodo las peticiones basadas en el empleo. Las tarjetas verdes ´ de un empleque se sacan a traves ador requieren reclutamiento activo de trabajadores estadounidenses y prueba al Departamento de Trabajo de que no hay trabajadores estadounidenses disponibles para llenar las posiciones de empleo.

In recent years this was not hard to do as there seemed to be a surplus of jobs and a lack of qualified workers. However, with the recent downturn, employment based petitions will most likely be unsuccessful. Put simply, U.S. workers need jobs right now and if they are qualified and apply a U.S. employer cannot file for a foreign worker. Thus, it is would not be surprising if many immigrants return to their home countries in the next several months or even years if the U.S. economy continues to struggle.

~ recientes esto no era tan En anos ´ difi´cil de hacerse porque habia abundancia de empleos y falta de trabajadores calificados. Sin embar´ ´ go, con esta caida economica, las peticiones basadas en el empleo no ´ exitosas. Simplemente los traseran bajadores estadounidenses necesitan los trabajos ahora y si piden empleo, el empleador no puede pedir un trabajador extranjero. Entonces, no seria ´ sorprendente si muchos in´ migrantes regresan a sus paises en ~ si la eco´ los proximos meses o anos ´ asi. ´ continua ´ nomia

This would be particularly true for individuals in the U.S. on temporary work visas such as the H-1B who in the past almost always were able to ultimately remain in the United States through employer sponsorship for a Greencard. Nevertheless, The U.S. continues to be a land of opportunity and jobs will return. In the meantime it is important to remember that everyone is affected, including new arrivals.

´ particularmente cierto Esto seria para personas que tienen visas de trabajo temporales como la H-1B, con la cual era posible permanecer ´ de un patrocinio por en E.U. a travez medio del empleador para obtener una tarjeta verde. ´ E.U. continua ´ siendo una Aun asi, tierra de oportunidad y los traba´ Mientras tanto es imjos volveran. portante recordar que todos somos ´ afectados, incluyendo los recien llegados.

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Advertise with us:Ext 8901 800 570-3782 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

EVENTOS sin fronteras

´ Educacion


Girl Scout troops and groups are forming in your area! To learn more about Girl Scouts and how you can join a troop or volunteer today, visit www.girlscoutsrv.org

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Servicios Sociales ¿Quiere aprender inglés? Llámenos para pedir información sobre el programa que le quede más cerca a Usted. • Aprenda inglés • Infórmese de como obtener su ciudadanía • Prepárese para el GED (en inglés) Línea directa de educación para adultos

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EVENTOS sin fronteras

FOR SALE FREE ADS FOR MINNESOTA Restaurant/Bar (Tex-Mex Decor) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Austin, MN Eventos sin Fronteras is offering three FREE business card size Asking: $75,000 (Financing Available - Owner will ads per year for Minnesota-based non-profit community outreach Carry) your ad will run. There is no organizations. You select the months charge for this service; however, we do request that you provide TURN-KEY Opportunity (This is a great opportunity ads in ready-to print final art form. If you require asssistance with translation to and designing ad, there willisbe a one-time charge take over ayour business that already of $84. You are invited to call directly with any questions. upfor and running. Call: (507)951-7658...ask Larry Thompson (El Gringo Feliz).

612 750-7399

For Submission Instructions Email: [email protected]

Salud Red Wing Public Library Offering a wide selection of Spanish language books, magazines, newspapers and movies. Tenemos ahora una bibliotecaria que habla español. Pregunte para Liria. 225 East Ave. Red Wing, MN 55066

(651) 385-3673 www.redwing.lib.mn.us

Diversity in Business An initiative of the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce


SAVE THE DATE www.rochestermnchamber.com

EVENTOS sin fronteras

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

Servicios a la comunidad

Servicios Funerarios y de Cremación al Alcance de su Presupuesto

De acuerdo con Michael D. Johnson, el director de funerales del Centro de Cremación de Rochester, “Nos sentimos orgullosos de ser el centro de cremación más barato sin que esto implique que sacrificamos nuestro servicio profesional”. Nuestros servicios incluyen pero no se limitan a cremación directa, servicio de funeral tradicional, servicio de recordatorio y arreglos previos. La cremación directa es una opción para aquellos que podrían decidir tener los servicios en un día posterior o no tener un servicio del todo. Trasladamos al difunto desde el lugar en que murió hasta el crematorio, lo cremamos, llenamos la documentación y lo entregamos a la familia. En el caso de que se vaya a realizar un servicio de recordatorio trasladamos el difunto desde el lugar en que murió hasta el crematorio, cremamos el cuerpo y llevamos a cabo un servicio de visita o vela y el servicio de recordatorio. Después del servicio de recordatorio vamos al cementerio para realizar el entierro. Hacemos todos los arreglos con el pastor, y otras actividades como la música y el almuerzo, notificamos al cementerio, honores militares, escribimos y enviamos los obituarios a los periódicos y llenamos toda la documentación Un servicio tradicional incluye el traslado del difunto hasta nuestra funeraria, preparación y vestido del cuerpo y el ponerlo en el ataúd. Puede haber una visita pública o privada seguida de un servicio de funeral en la iglesia. Después del funeral nos trasladamos al cementerio para el entierro.

“Estamos orgullosos de ser el centro de cremacion con el precio mas bajo en Rochester, sin que sacrifiquemos nuestro servicio profesional”.

Hacemos todos los arreglos con el pastor, y otras actividades como la música y el almuerzo, notificamos al cementerio, honores militares, escribimos y enviamos los obituarios a los periódicos y llenamos toda la documentación En el Centro de Cremación de Rochester acomodamos todas las peticiones de la familia que sean permitidas por la ley. Como todas las funerarias de Minnesota estamos regidos por el Departamento de Salud de Minnesota y la Comisión Federal de Comercio. Los arreglos previos son un plan para el futuro. Nos reunimos con usted y ponemos sus deseos finales en un documento. Los beneficios son muy grandes para la familia cuando usted toma sus decisiones finales y elecciones en relación con su deceso. Estas son decisiones difíciles de tomar para la familia a menos de que sus deseos han sido ar reglados de ante mano. Uno de los mayores beneficios de los arreglos previos es prevenir el exceso de gasto motivado por las emociones del momento. Para su conveniencia, los arreglos previos pueden hacerse en internet a través del sitio: www. rochestercremationservices. com. Ya sea que los arreglos previos se hagan en internet o en persona nos reuniremos con usted en la oficina o en su casa para finalizar el proceso. También aceptamos arreglos previos o funerales ya pagados en otra casa funeraria. Muchas familias escogen pagar previamente los gastos finales. El dinero es puesto en un certificado de depósito en una póliza de seguro de vida. Su paz y la de sus seres queridos será apreciada cuando ellos deban hacer los arreglos últimos y sepan que están haciéndolo de acuerdo a sus deseos.



Por: Michael Johnson Director funerario En el Centro de Cremación de Rochester nuestra misión es crear y proveer a la familia un ambiente acogedor y libre de prejuicios en el cual puedan expresar su duelo y despedir a su ser querido hacia la eternidad. Nosotros basamos nuestro negocio en honestidad, amabilidad y confianza sin importar la raza o el credo religioso.

mayo 2009

* Servicios de Cremacion *Servicios Funerarios Tradicionales *Servicios pagados del Condado *Servicios Pre-Arreglados y Pre-pagados Venga o llame para recibir su paquete de informacion GRATIS Michael Johnson Director funerario/ Mortuario

Telefono: 507 206 4449 14 Sixth Street, Rochester, MN www.rochestercremationservices.com

New Director, Hispanic Outreach and Communications

U.S. Department of Education

I am delighted to serve as the new Director for Hispanic Outreach and Communications at the Department of Education. In this capacity I will serve as the liaison to Hispanic associations, community groups, and business organizations to foster a two-way conversation about policies, legislation and other resources. As part of this effort, I aim to collaborate with organizations like yours to provide Hispanic and Spanish-speaking students and families with the information and resources to facilitate educational success. Please feel free to contact me with questions and to share your efforts. I look forward to working with all of you.

Ida Eblinger Kelley Director, Hispanic Outreach Office of Communications and Outreach US Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave, SW, 5E308 Washington, DC 20202 Ida.Kelley@ed. gov

Recursos en español

The Department produces materials for Spanish speakers. Recursos en español is a portal of Spanish language resources on topics of particular interest to the Hispanic community, such as special education, financial aid, adult education, and more. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and publications are also available at the site. Please visit: http://www.ed. gov/espanol/ bienvenidos/





St. Theodore Catholic Church 315 E. Clark St. Albert Lea, MN 56007 (507) 373- 0603 Domingos a las 11:00 am

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 520 4th Ave N.E. Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 334- 2266 Domingos a las 11:30 am

Iglesia Asambleas de Dios Mahanaim 1004 Chestnut Ave. Olivia, MN 56277 (320) 523- 1517

San Marcos 350 Atwood At. South Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 445- 1229 Domingos a la 1 pm

Iglesia Hispana Immanuel 204 Railroad Ave Albert Lea, MN 56007 Domingos 1 pm


Austin Queen of Angels Catholic Church 1001 E. Oakland Ave. Austin,MN 55912 (507) 433-1888 Domingos a las 11:00 am Iglesia Comunitaria Belen 1500 4th St Se Austin, MN 55912 Domingos 4 pm

Bloomington Comunidad Bautista Internacional 2600 West 82nd St Bloomington,MN 55430 (952) 888-2103 Domingos 11:15 am

Burnsville Risen Savior Church 1501 E. County Rd. 42 Burnsville, MN 55306 (952) 431-5222 Domingos a las 2 pm

Chaska Angeles de la Guardia 218 W 2nd St Chaska,MN 55318 (952) 448- 4100 Domingos a las 12 pm

Cold Spring Church of St. Boniface 418 Main St. Cold Springs, MN 56320 (320) 685- 7733 Domingos a las 12:30 pm

Eagan St. John Newmann Church 4030 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan,MN 55122 (651) 454- 2079 Sabados a las 7 pm

Church of St. Pious X 1014 9th Ave N. Glencoe,MN 55336 (320) 864- 5162 Domingos a las 11 am

Le Center

Owatonna Sacred Heart Catholic Church 810 S. Cedar Ave. Owatonna, MN (507) 451- 1588 Domingos a la 1 pm

Red Wing

St. Mary’s Catholic Church 165 N. Waterville Ave. Le Center, MN 56057 (507) 357- 4838 Domingos a las 12 pm

Church of St. Joseph 426 W. 8th St. Red Wing, MN 55066 (651) 388- 1133 Segundo Domingo del mes a las 5: 30 pm



Church of St. Philip 306 N. Holcombe Ave. Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 693- 3313 Domingos a las 12:30 pm

Church of the Holy Redeemer 106 S.E. 3rd St. Renville, MN 56284 (320) 329- 3884 Domingos a las 12 pm



St. Peter and Paul Catholic church 105 N. 5th St Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 388- 2995 Domingos a la 1 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 1114 3rd St S.E. Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 228- 7313 Domingos a las 12 pm


Rochester Pentecostal Church 3657 Sheffiedl Ln SE Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 288- 4342 Domingos 10 am y 7 pm

St. Henry 1001 7th St. E. Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2402 Sabados a las 7 pm

Northfield Iglesia de Santo Domingo 116 Linder St. N. Northfield, MN 55057 (507) 645- 8816 Domingos a las 12:30 pm

Marshall Holy Redeemer Catholic Church 503 Lyon St. Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 532- 5711 Domingos a las 12 pm

Iglesia Hispana Bautista 2911 18th Ave. NW Rochester, MN 55901 (952) 888- 2103 Sabados 10 am

Rosemount Iglesia Cristiana del Valle 17297 Glacier Way Rosemount, MN 55068 (952) 431- 5858 Domigos a las 10:30 am

Asambleas de Dios Rios de Agua Viva 2488 E. Vierling Dr. Shakopee, Mn 55379 (952) 402- 9557

Sleepy Eye Church of St. Mary 636 1st Ave. N. Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 (507) 794- 4171 Domingos a las 11:30 am

Willmar Church of St. Mary 713 12th St. S.W. Willmar, MN 56201 (320) 235- 0118 Domingos a las 12 pm Iglesia Luterana de Paz y Esperanza 524 13th St. S.W. Willmar, MN 56201 (320) 235- 9736 Domingos a las 11 am (9:30 am durante el verano) Hispanic Assembly of God 3821 Abbot Dr. Willmar, MN 56201 (320) 235- 2529 Domingos a las 2 pm

Worthington St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1215 7th Ave. Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 376- 6005 Domingos a las 11 am

Si deseas que tu Iglesia aparezca en este directorio, simplemente comunicate al 1- 800-570-3782 Ext. 8902


sin fronteras

Advertise with us: 800 570-3782 Ext. 8901

Servicios religiosos

¿ Y SI LA VIDA TE CAMBIA DE COLOR ? By Gerardo Rodriguez*

Hay una famosa frase que se usa normalmente entre los hispanos mexicanos –y que a mi me agrada mucho aunque no provengo de aquel país- que dice: “cuando las cosas se vuelven color de hormiga”, haciendo alusión de que en ciertos momentos de nuestra vida las cosas pueden cambiar de buenas a malas y de malas a peores, a tal punto de que todo a nuestro alrededor se puede ver oscuro y desalentador. Para muchos, cuando éste oscuro momento de la vida llega, pierden el ánimo, las ganas de vivir y la esperanza les abandona. Todo se ve desesperadamente negativo y sin solución. Esto le puede suceder a cualquiera de nosotros, no importa si eres blanco ó moreno, alto ó chaparro, gordo ó delgado, con educación ó sin ella, hombre ó mujer, viejo ó joven, rico ó pobre, religioso ó ateo. Muchas personas, al ver su vida ó situación “cambiar de color” de lo bueno a lo malo, recurren a “soluciones extremas”: se entregan a algún vicio, caen en depresión, etc. etc., causando así, un daño muchas veces irreparable a su propia vida y a quienes le rodean y aman: generalmente su propia familia! Pero si hoy, por algún motivo tú estás viviendo en carne propia una situación de desesperanza, quiero dejarte saber, mediante éstas breves líneas sobre Uno que dijo lo que sigue: “Venid a mi todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y Yo os haré descansar”. Si mi estimado amigo y amiga..no te dejes echar abajo: ¡hay esperanza para ti! El autor de éstas alentadoras palabras es nada más ni nada menos que Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios! Y El así lo dice porque conoce a ciencia cierta hasta la última fibra de tu ser. El sabe lo que piensas, lo que sientes, lo que sufres, lo que lamentas y lo que necesitas!

El famoso Salmista David dice en uno de sus Salmos: “Alzaré mis ojos a los montes..¿de dónde vendrá mi socorro”? Cuando nosotros los seres humanos nos vemos en problemas... miramos hacia todos los lados buscando solución para los mismos... pero generalmente el último lugar hacia donde dirigimos la mirada es hacia arriba. Y es justamente de arriba de dónde puede llegarte la gracia, la fuerza y la bendición que te ayude a salir del hoyo donde talvez te encuentres hoy!

mayo 2009



´ Atrevete a cambiar! Celebra la vida! • • •

Predicando la sana doctrina ~ ´ Ensenando la solida palabra de Dios ´ Capacitando vidas de adultos, jovenes y ~ ninos Servicios todos los Sabados a las 10 am 2911 18th Avenue NW, Rochester MN 55901 (952) 888-2103 www.baptistsites.net/ro ´ Pr. Gerardo Rodriguez

Si tu vida ó situación ha “cambiado de color” y no encuentras un camino claro, entonces te invito a que pruebes a Jesucristo y Su poder! Talvez eres un hombre ó una mujer con profundas convicciones religiosas, vas a la Iglesia cada Domingo, te bautizaron de bebe, cumples los ritos...pero te das cuenta que nada te ha aprovechado! Si esto es lo que vives y sientes, entonces déjame decirte que debes hacer una cuidadosa evaluación de tu relación con Dios y el resultado que estás obteniendo... No esperes que las cosas se “vuelvan color de hormiga” en tu vida ó en la de tus seres queridos! Busca a Dios hoy y ahora! Búscale mientras estás bien! Búscale mientras no lloras! Talvez mañana podría ser –para ti- demasiado tarde. Piénsalo...

Sin seguro médico? ¿Necesita cuidado médico más ecónomico ? Nosotros podemos ayudar! 

¡Dios te bendiga! Rev. Gerardo y Maria Rodriguez *Pastor de la Iglesia Comunidad Bautista Internacional en Bloomington, MN y Pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Hispana en Rochester, MN [email protected]

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mayo 2009

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NUEVA SECCION: REPORTAJES SOBRE LIDERES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA EN MINNESOTA Umbelina Treviño Cremer: Muchos talentos al servicio de la comunidad hispana

NEW SECTION: SPOTLIGHT ON HISPANIC COMMUNITY LEADERS IN MINNESOTA Umbelina Treviño Cremer: Many talents working for the Hispanic Community by: Sheila Rojas

Estamos iniciando una columna dedicada a destacar la vida y experiencia de líderes de la Comunidad Hispana en Minnesota. Esperamos que este espacio nos enseñe y nos motive a seguir el ejemplo de personas que a través del esfuerzo y perseverancia han podido surgir y alcanzar éxito en sus ocupaciones. Una de estas figuras es la señora Umbelina Treviño Cremer quien es oriunda de Nuevo León, México donde vivió hasta los cinco años de edad. Umbelina inmigró con sus padres a temprana edad al estado de Texas. Sus padres comenzaron a laborar como trabajadores migrantes en Mission, Texas, y luego trabajaron en agricultura en California y Colorado. Desde muy joven Umbelina se propuso sacar provecho de las oportunidades educacionales y laborales que estaban a su alcance y de esta forma honrar el esfuerzo que sus padres hicieron al inmigrar a Estados Unidos y comenzar a trabajar fuerte para sacar su familia adelante. Umbelina se graduó de la escuela secundaria, Mission High School en Texas, en 1977. Después tuvo la oportunidad de cursar estudios universitarios por un ano en Pam American University en Edinburg Texas. Umbelina dice ser amante de trabajar con la gente y hacer lo que esté a su alcance para ayudar a las personas. Es por esta razón que en el año de 1982, cuando aun vivía en Texas, decidió iniciar un negocio de guardería de niños en el cual tuvo la oportunidad de dar servicios a familias de muchas nacionalidades. Umbelina señala que aprendió mucho durante este tiempo acerca de la riqueza cultural y humana de cada persona. Posteriormente contrajo matrimonio con su esposo Steve Cremer y al ser él oriundo de Harmony Minnesota, Umbelina se trasladó a vivir a este pueblo pues su esposo debía atender el negocio familiar.

We are starting a column about the life and experiences of leaders of the Hispanic Community in Minnesota. We hope this new space will teach us and motivate us to follow the example of people whom with effort and perseverance have been able to emerge and achieve success in their occupations. One of these relevant leaders is Umbelina Treviño Cremer whom is originally from Nuevo Leon Mexico where she lived until she was five years old. Umbelina immigrated with her parents in an early age to Texas. Her parents became seasonal migrant workers in Mission, Texas, and then they went to work in the fields of California and Colorado. Since she was very young she did her best to take advantage of the educational opportunities that she had, and in this way to honor the effort that her parents had done in moving to United States and in working hard to improve the family situation. Umbelina graduated from Mission High School, Texas in 1977. After this, she was able to do one year of college in Pam American University in Edinburg Texas. Umbelina says that she loves to work with people and to do her best to help others improving their lives. For this reason, in 1982, while she was still in Texas, she started a day care business, and provided services for families of many nationalities.

This experience allowed her to learn a lot about the cultural richness and individual value of every person. Later on she married Steve Cremer and they moved to Harmony Minnesota where he started taking care of the family business. Umbelina’s first job in Harmony was in home health care as an adult companion for elders in 1988 and 1989. Umbelina says that she enjoyed a lot the companion and wisdom of the elders, and she loved listening to their stories.

Una vez instalada en Harmony, Umbelina trabajó del año 1988 al año 1989 proveyendo servicios de cuidado diario y compañía a personas ancianas. Umbelina dice haber disfrutado mucho de la compañía y sabiduría de los ancianos y “le encantaba escuchar sus historias”.

In 1991 Umbelina decided to open a day care again and she had a lot of success with this business. She mentions that she provided a very positive educational structure with the children, and she hired extra help to make sure that they were providing the best care possible to the children.

En el año 1991 Umbelina decidió abrir nuevamente una guardería de niños , empresa en la que tuvo mucho éxito. Durante este tiempo Umbelina se esmeró en proveer una estructura educacional muy positiva para los niños y se aseguró de contratar personal extra para brindar el mejor servicio posible.

In her day care Umbelina taught children from infants to preschoolers, and when the time came for them to attend school they knew their colors, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, seasons and what each season meant, holidays, ABC, reading techniques… they knew all this in English and in Spanish. There was always a waiting list to register in her day care.

En su guardería Umbelina educaba niños de diferentes edades desde bebés hasta preescolares y al llegar el momento de que les correspondía iniciar la escuela, los

As she says: “This job required a person to be organized, creative, self-discipline, self-motivated, keep accurate log books for bookeeping Continues on page 28

niños sabian el nombre de los colores, los números, los días de la semana, los meses del año, las estaciones y su significado, los días feriados, el ABC, y técnicas de lectura… todo esto lo sabían los niños en inglés y español. No es de extrañar que siempre había lista de espera para ingresar a su guardería. Como ella misma lo afirma: “este trabajo requiere que la persona sea organizada, creativa, disciplinada, motivada y que pueda funcionar bien en momentos de estrés fuerte”. En el año 1989, Umbelina decidió incursionar en el mercado como intérprete en el área médica y legal, labor que comenzó en el condado y juzgados de Fillmore. En el año 2001 comenzó estudios en la Universidad de Minnesota en Rochester y obtuvo un certificado en el 2003 de intérprete en materia médica y legal. Umbelina dice haber disfrutado mucho este trabajo pues le daba la oportunidad de servir a la comunidad hispana en momento en los cuales las personas necesitaban una persona que pudiera entender su propio idioma y que les ayudara a expresar sus necesidades y preocupaciones. En el año 2003 Umbelina decidió sacar provecho de otros de sus muchos talentos y comenzó su carrera en bienes raíces. Ella logró obtener su licencia de corredora de bienes raíces y comenzó a explorar el mercado latino en Rochester y áreas aledañas. Ella señala que en ese tiempo “sentí que tal vez la razón por la cual los hispanos no estaban comprando casas era por la barrera del idioma. Esta barrera no les permitía a ellos comunicarse apropiadamente con los bancos y conseguir préstamos”. Durante este tiempo Umbelina investigó ampliamente el mercado latino para poder entender las necesidades de la población. Del año 2003 al ano 2007, Umbelina ocupó las posiciones de Oficial Continua 28 ´ en la pagina ´

Come Celebrate Cinco de Mayo and the release of

May/June 2009 Issue

Friday, May 1, 2009 Featuring Salsabrosa, a Salsa Dance Band

Music from the Caribbean Salsa Merengue ChaCha

Rochester Minnesota Cosmetologist Opening Part Time Fun work place in high-end, classy salon. Competitive compensation plan Bilingual preferred, but not required. Raeʼs Salon 507- 424- 3322

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Salsa Dance Lessons Salsa Basics 7-8 p.m. Combos 8 - p.m. $5/person per lesson Dancing 9 p.m. - Midnight Cash Bar & Refreshments Age 18+ Event Admission $15.00 / person

Blue Moon Ballroom 2030 Hwy 14 East, Rochester, MN 507-288-0556 www.BlueMoonBallroom.com

“Latino Running for Public Office” James Moreno Llanas

Candidate for Maplewood City Council

Help by visiting his website www.jamesllanas.com

EVENTOS 26 mayo 2009


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4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Program CONOCE LOS HECHOS 1. Los pasajeros menores de 18 años de edad TIENEN QUE usar cinturón de seguridad. 2. Es ilegal que los conductores menores de 18 años de edad usen un teléfono celular/inalámbrico, ya sea que uses o no las manos. 3. Es ilegal que conductores de todas las edades compongan, lean, manden mensajes de texto o tengan acceso al internet en un aparato inalámbrico mientras conducen. 4. En un choque de carro, el uso apropiado del cinturón de seguridad reduce el riesgo de una lesión fatal a los pasajeros del asiento delantero con un 45%. 5. Error del conductor es la causa principal de choques fatales entre adolescentes. 6. En un choque, siendo parcial o totalmente expulsado del vehículo es la causa principal de muerte en la gente que no usa su cinturón de seguridad. 7. El alcohol es un factor entre un 30-39% en las fatalidades de tráfico en Minnesota. 8. Estas manejando a 35 millas por hora y chocas con un carro estacionado. El impacto del choque es el mismo que si cayeras del 3 piso de un edificio. 9. En un choque de carro, 3 impactos serios son experimentados por un conductor o un pasajero que no usa el cinturón de seguridad. Minnesota Parenting Rosurces

By: Nicole Pokorney, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development

The Minnesota 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife (SS&W) Program is designed to promote life skills through a safe and educational program. This program is lead by trained and certified 4-H leaders and is found in 55 counties throughout Minnesota. Young people learn by doing, as they experience handson learning in shooting sports and wildlife education. Our program goals are: 1. To encourage understanding of natural resource concepts through participant’s interest in shooting and hunting. 2. To enhance the development of the individuals self-concept, character and personal growth through safe, educational and socially acceptable involvement in shooting activity. 3. To teach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment including sound decisionmaking, self-discipline and concentration. 4. To promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship and ethical behavior. 5. To introduce participants to the broad array of vocation and lifelong vocational activities related to shooting sports. 6. To strengthen families through lifelong recreational activities. 7. To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety and hunter education programs. The youth program is divided up into five disciplines: Archery, Air Rifle/Pistol/.22 Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzleloading, and Wildlife. Each discipline teaches safety, concentration, self-discipline, self-confidence, goal setting, decisionmaking and courtesy as the young people learn basic skills and build toward more advanced activities. Both competitive and cooperative skills are included. Participants are exposed to local policies, regulations, laws and ethical behavior both by repeated demonstration and through personal practice. The MN 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife program places the ut

most importance on the safety and supervision of our youth participating in the disciplines. Adult leaders, teaching these disciplines to the youth, must attend a State 4-H SS&W Leaders Training. The intensive training provides a minimum of 12 hours of specific discipline instruction as well as training in policy and procedures. Every year, youth may choose to participate in the MN 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Invitational that is held in September. In 2008, over 750 youth and their families came together to showcase their skills that they have worked on throughout the year. Youth can also participate in a skill-a-thon, wildlife calling, silhouette shooting, and wildlife displays. In addition, a group of selected youth and coaches attend the National Shooting Sports Invitational, where teams from across the country converge to compete in the various disciplines. In 2009, this event will be held in Grand Island, Nebraska. We work closely with local wildlife and conservation organizations to enhance our shooting sports and wildlife components. These groups include Pheasants Forever, National Wild Turkey Federation, Department of Natural Resources, and US Fish and Wildlife. For more information on the statewide Shooting Sports and Wildlife program, please contact one of the state coordinators: Kia Harries Extension Educator Worthington Regional Office 507-372-3908 [email protected] Nicole Pokorney Extension Educator Rochester Regional Office 507-536-6304 [email protected]

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Servicios a la comunidad

mayo 2009


ROCHESTER FEED STORE: GETTING STARTED WITH POULTRY It’s springtime at Rochester Feed & Country Store. We are located at the corner of Highway 63 and Highway14, and we have been in the feed business for 13 years. We have a unique gift section, carry Ariat and Dansko Shoes, Petrol Jeans and Cowgirl Tuff Shirts.

poultry for pure pleasure, exhibition, meat or fresh eggs? There are over 200 different breeds of chickens. Some have been bred to be good at egg laying, meat production or both. In addition, many fancy breeds of poultry have been developed based on appearance.

Need to set your dinner table with a western theme? When you take Cowboy living home your chicks, dishware will do you need to have the job. There are 3 different place a heat lamp, feeders and waterers settings, stemware and bathroom set up. sets. Day old chicks cannot produce their own body heat. The temFor your special pet we have a large perature on the floor needs to read selection of Dog and Cat food, along 90 degrees, and then temperature with many different treats and toys. is gradually reduced by 5 degree weekly to a minimum of 55 deIf you have a hamster, guinea pig or grees. other caged pets we carry Mazuri, Sunseed and PuGood litter on the rina feeds. floor and no drafts getting to your Backyard bird chicks will help your feeding is the secchicks stay healthy. ond largest hobby in the USA. BirdKeep feed in front feeders and bird of chicks at all times seed is one of our up to 5 weeks of specialties. age, then start letting the feed run You can pick from a full line of feed- out in the feeders at night. ers that cater to specific birds or a This way the birds have to get up birdfeeder that can feed a assort- and walk around. ment of birds. Cornish cross birds have been bred One of springs’ symbols is baby to grow fast and be able to butcher chicks. Have you ever want to raise in 8 weeks. chickens, the following article will help get you started. Egg layers take long to grow but they also live longer. “GETTING Chickens can live up STARTED WITH to 10 years. POULTRY” Order Your chickens Raising poultry is today at a fascinating and rewarding hobby. Rochester Feed & The options are Country Store 5 nearly limitless 11½ ST SE with regard to Rochester type, breed, size, 507-285-5547 and purpose. www. rochesterfeed.com The first thing to consider is your purpose in raising poultry. Will you be keeping

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Hours; Mon;Thur 10am-8pm Tues;Wed;Fri 10am-6pm Sat 9am-4pm Sun Noon-4pm

“One Stop Bridal Shop” Quinceanera Dresses Bridal Dresses Tuxedo Rental Dress Preservation Invitations

EVENTOS 28 mayo 2009


Comes from page 24

Viene de la pagina 24 ´

housekeeper, security duties, a professional and able to function on very stressful moments.”

de Mercado de Préstamos de Vivienda y Consultora de Préstamos de Vivienda en Wells Fargo.

In 1989, Umbelina started her carreer as a legal and medical interpreter in Fillmore County and Courthouse. In 2001 she started studying in the University of Minnesota in Rochester and in 2003 she received a certificate as an interpreter in the medical and legal fields. She says that she enjoyed doing this job because she was able to serve the Hispanic community at times when people needed a person who was able to understand their language and whom could help them express their needs and concerns.

Dentro de sus labores durante este tiempo estaban las de implementar los programas adecuados para calzar cada una de las necesidades de sus clientes. Ella se especializó en ayudar a primeros compradores de casas buscando el programa que mejor se adaptara a las necesidades de los clientes. Umbelina menciona que este tiempo ella era la única oficial de préstamo que hablaba español en Rochester.

In 2002 Umbelina decided to take advantage of another of her many talents and started a carreer in Real State. She was able to obtain her license as a realtor and started to explore the Hispanic market in Rochester and surrounding areas. She says that at that time “I felt that maybe the reason why Hispanics were not purchasing homes was because of their language barriers. The language barriers were enabling them to communicate properly with the banks to get their loans. During this period of time I knocked on lots of Hispanic markets researching what were their needs. This job gave me the opportunity to learn the Latino needs in the surrounding markets.” From 2002 to 2008 worked as Emerging Market Officer and Home Mortgage Consultant for Wells Fargo. In this job she had to implement the adequate programs to fit each of my customer’s financial needs. She also specialized on first time homebuyers programs such as the CASA program, MFHA, USDA Rural Development, Home Opportunity, First Home, and CDMP program. At this time she was the only loan officer in Rochester that was able to speak Spanish. Currently, Umbelina is an Emerging Market Officer at Three Rivers Community Action, Inc & SW MN Housing Partnership. In this position she continues helping the Hispanic Community in Rochester and surrounding areas in order to understand the process of buying a house and in finding the best financing situation for them.

El Museo de los Fuertes y el museo de la Revolucion entre otros; o el museo de Arte Virreynal o la Casa del Dean en donde se muestran verdaderas obras maestras del arte. Tambien la gran piramide de la cultura Cholulteca se encuentra a escasos treinta minutos de la capital, siendo esta la piramide mas amplia del mundo. Para los ecoturistas, se recomienda ir a Cuetzalan, que es una Hermosa poblacion situada en la Sierra Norte en la que se pueden explorar cascadas de agua pura, rios y cuevas. El zoologico Africam Safari en el cual ningun animal esta encerrado en jaulas, cuenta con una gran variedad de animales, desde elefantes hasta leones. Y por supuesto, lugares para ir de compras y divertirse no faltan, desde artesanias tipicas en el mercado Parian, hasta lo ultimo en moda o joyeria fina, Puebla cuenta con sinnumero de centros comerciales, cinemas, clubs nocturnos y mucho mas, tan solo en la capital.

Umbelina considera que su misión es “ayudar a las familias a que compren su hogar entendiendo lo que están haciendo. Proveo toda la información que necesitan para que compren la casa de sus sueños. La mejor opción para ellos”.

Sin lugar a dudas, Umbelina ha seguido desde muy joven una jornada de ayuda y servicio a los demás. Es un honor y un privilegio tener a Umbelina como parte de nuestra comunidad latina en Minnesota. El servicio que actualmente presta ha ayudado a muchas familias hispanas a tener vivienda propia y a poder tener acceso a préstamos seguros y adecuados.

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Viene de la pagina 16

Actualmente, Umbelina tiene el cargo de Oficial del Mercado de Vivienda en Three Rivers Community Action Inc. Y SW MN Housing Partnership, posición en la cual continúa ayudando a la comunidad hispana de Rochester y lugares vecinos a entender el proceso de compra de casa y a conseguir el financiamiento más ventajoso para ellos.

Estas compañías facilitan la posibilidad de recibir ayuda financiera para la prima de la casa hasta un total de $30,000 y a cero por ciento de interés, dinero que no debe devolverse sino hasta que se venda la propiedad o se refinancie o se termine de pagar el préstamo de hipoteca.

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Umbelina considers that her mission is to “help the families to buy a house understanding what they are doing. I provide all the information that they need to buy the house of their dreams. The best option for them”. These agencies offer down payment assistance to the Latino and African Immigrants up to $30,000 deferred 0% interest payments to families who quality. Umbelina has followed since she was very young a journey of helping and serving others. It is an honor and a privilege to have Umbelina as a member of our Hispanic Community in Minnesota. The services that she is currently providing have helped many families to have their own house and to have access to safe and adequate mortgages.

En fin, hay miles de cosas que h a c e r, lugares que visitar y comida que probar en este hermoso estado del cual vengo. Con mas de dos millones de habitantes, no hay duda de que a cualquier lugar al que se vaya, siempre se sera recibido con una sonrisa. No puedo esperar para pasarme unos dias en el Estado mas dulce, patrimonio cultural de la humanidad y orgullo de Mexico: Puebla de los Angeles!

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Mayor’s Staffer to Lead Human Rights Department Reprinted from Minneapolis Star Tribune February 12, 2009 By: Chris Havens

A recent audit found that less than 7 percent of $220 million worth of contracts in 2006 went to minorityand female-owned businesses.

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has selected one of his staff members to lead the newly formed Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity.

Lack of accountability, communication and resources were the main problems, the audit said. So a new department was created to combine several functions, from civil rights enforcement to workforce development.

Luz Maria Frias, the administration’ s director of external affairs, will lead the city’s efforts to increase the amount of commerce it does with minority- and womenowned businesses. Her three-year term begins Feb. 23.

Its 2009 budget is about $4.7 million. Luz is a well-known attorney, daughter of Mexican immigrants and a long-time supporter of social justice and equal rights in MN. A self-described optimist, Frias said the job appealed to her because she has a passion for social justice issues. She has master’s and law degrees from the University of Iowa and has been a family court magistrate in Ramsey and Hennepin counties.

“Her capability, dedication and integrity will enable us to further our mission and achieve our goals of increasing economic opportunity for all,” Coleman said in a statement. The appointment caps an arduous process. Years of community prodding and lawsuits, an audit and months of discussion have sought to heal old wounds, remove racial barriers and improve opportunities.

Over the past 20 years she has been a frequent lecturer on civil rights, diversity issues within the courts and immigration reform. Her knowledge of how the city government works could be an asset, said A.L. Brown, chair of the human rights commission and member of the selection committee. “She’s an excellent choice,” he said.


mayo 2009


Written translations from English to Spanish.  Affordable services to translate your brochures, manuals, literature, websites, booklets, books, etc.   High quality services are guaranteed. 

Sheila Rojas, M.A.   [email protected]  (651) 387-6415. 

MINNESTONA Ted Thompson owner/artist

507-477-2182 United Stones of America One-of-a-Kind Artwork made with Stone Semcac to receive Stimulus Funding for Home Weatherization Services

Semcac will be awarded funds through the Department of Energy to weatherize many more homes and rent units for low-income residents of Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Steele and Winona counties. Semcac has been informed that its Weatherization program will see $7.9 million over the next two years to improve the energy efficiency of as many as 1,067 hours. In a time of unpredictable costs, this initiative seeks to reduce fuel consumption in each dwelling by 30 % or more depending on current usage and heating systems. Semcac Weatherization’s current waiting list includes 2000 households. The program’s regular funding permits about 300 homes to be weatherized eahc year. The agency is gearing up for the challenge of tripling its output and will be hiring eight new employees- seven in the field and one to assist with program administration. Applications are also being reviewed from licenced Minnesota contractors who are able to perform the work needed to help keep up with the additional volume over the next two years. For more information contact: 204 South Elm, PO box 549, Rushford MN 55971 Phone: 507-864-7741 Fax: 507-864-2440 Visit: www.semcac.org Email: [email protected]

C pro all to duc l ts a ocate for t t all of y the lo he bes t our wes t Qu ince prices nee ds

Reception Sites Blooms of Love

19392 585th St. Dodge Center, MN 55927 507-951-1619 www.bloomsoflove.org

Rochester International Event Center

7333 Airport View Drive SW Rochester, MN 55902 507-529-0033 www.rochestereventcenter.com

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Servicios a la Comunidad


mayo, 2009


Counselor/Coordinator-Hispanic Program

By: Barbara Boelk

Fountain Centers, a member of the Mayo Health System, and a regional provider of chemical dependency treatment services has an opening for a full-time Counselor/Coordinator-Hispanic Program at our Albert Lea, MN location. Responsibilities would include screening prospective clients to determine appropriateness and eligibility for admission, conducting intakes, performing assessments, and providing individual and group client education for the Hispanic Program. Chemical Dependency Counselor training and licensing as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) or exempt status in accordance with Minnesota Statute 148C.11, subd.1, knowledge of Hispanic Culture, and bilingual with Spanish is required. Albert Lea Medical Center offers an excellent benefit package including health, dental, life, and long term disability insurance, along with an excellent pension plan, paid time off and flexible compensation for day care and medical expenses. Individuals interested in this position should contact:

Latina Leadership Conference Giving girls the tools they need to become successful community leaders was the focus of the Latina Leadership Conference March 2 at Medtronic headquarters, 710 Medtronic Parkway, Minneapolis. Mentors from area businesses who are members of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota were paired with more than 100 girls from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area for a day of leadership seminars, business skills development, and career summaries and pathways. The girls participated in role-playing sessions to simulate interviews, discuss various scenarios and consequences of actions through skits, and heard leadership stories from other successful Latinos. Girls also were treated to lunch where they interacted with professional Latino community members. They watched a professional attire fashion show and took a professional etiquette lesson. The Latina Leadership Conference brings together aspects of the best of Minnesota’s business and nonprofit worlds to help Latina girls in the metropolitan area make plans to reach their fullest potential. Mentorships borne out of the conference will continue over the years as the girls, who are high school-aged, grow into college or other career opportunities.

The day-long conference was sponsored by Medtronic, Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota, Ameriprise Financial, La Escuelita, Qwest, and the Minnesota Mentorship Association.

Color My World On Friday, February 21, nearly 200 people attended the annual Color My World event, aimed at connecting adults of color with Girl Scouting. Despite the snowy weather, current Girl Scouts from the River Valleys cultural initiative groups turned out to met potential volunteers from area businesses and community organizations. Hosted by Hamline University, the Color My World event boasted a dinner with entertainment from Chicas Bonitas, a dance troupe made of Girl Scouts in Latinas Unidas. The keynote speaker, Judge Natalie Hudson from the Minneso ta Court of Appeals talked about the vital need for active adults of color in girls’ lives. She spoke about how strong adult role models in organizations like Girl Scouts help build women leaders of the future. Color My World was sponsored by Marathon Petroleum, Ideal Printers, and Lexington Floral. For information about Girl Scouts and Latinas Unidas, or about the Latina Leadership Conference, contact Celina Martina at 651-251-1221.

Human Resources • Albert Lea Medical Center-Mayo Health System 404 W Fountain St, Albert Lea, MN 56007 (507)377-6259 • [email protected] EOE/M/F • POST-OFFER DRUG & ALCOHOL TEST IS REQUIRED www.almedcenter.org

MIGRANT HEALTH SPECIALIST INC. Job Opening (Willmar) Migrant Health Service is now accepting applications to fill a Community Health Specialist position. This position is located in the Willmar area. Applicants must be self-motivated, have human relation skills, be organized, willing to travel locally, and have the ability to speak and write Spanish and English fluently. Responsible for coordinating group meetings, coordinating services with health center staff, serve as a liaison for migrant and seasonal farm workers and their family members. For a job description and application packet call: 1-800-842-8693, (EEO/AA Veteran Friendly) or e-mail to: [email protected] MIGRANT HEALTH SPECIALIST INC Job Opening (Rochester) Migrant Health Service is now accepting applications for a Community Health Specialist and a Bilingual Health Outreach Worker in Rochester. Applicants must be self-motivated, have human relation skills, be organized, willing to travel locally, and have the ability to speak and write Spanish and English fluently. Responsible for coordinating group meetings, coordinating services with health center staff, serve as a liaison for migrant and seasonal farm workers and their family members. For a job description and application packet call: 1-800-842-8693, EEO/AA Veteran Friendly or e-mail to: [email protected]

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