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: Almira Hadita : 4.2 English PBIG : Speaking For Formal Setting

METHOD IN LEARNING ENGLISH The method according to Sudjana is a way that has been organized and thought well to achieve a purpose. The method contains elements of procedures that are arranged regularly and logically and set forth in an activity plan to achieve the objectives. Thus, the elements of the method include procedures, systematic logics, planned and activities to achieve goals. English has a very important role in efforts to communicate and as a bridge with the outside world. In relation to the field of basic education, english has a strategic role. To determine the success of education, the quality of learning and teaching must be improved. Good and correct learning of english must be supported by quality human resources. For this reason, it is necessary to develop various choices of learning methods that can increase motivation and interest in speaking English. At present english learning is necessary and important at an early age, so the quality of learning must be improved. In this globalization era where english is one of the languages of international communication and requires every individual to be able to speak English well and correctly verbally and in writing following developments in science, technology and communication. Therefore, so that the teaching and learning process in the classroom runs effectively, it requires a method of learning English. The first is grammar translation method. In the grammar method, students learn the grammatical rules together with lists or vocabulary groups. These words are used as phrases or sentences based on the rules that have been learned. In this method the mastery of the rules takes precedence over their application. Translation method contains activities for translating text from easy things to difficult things. First from the target language to mother tongue and vice versa. Text translation is done by translating words per word and idiomatic phrases. The characteristics of the teaching and learning process in the grammar translation method are translating from one language to another. Often what they translate is reading material in the target language. Students learn grammar deductively ie they are given grammar rules and examples then told to memorize them and are asked to apply these rules to other examples. They also study the grammar paradigm as a conjugate verb, they memorize their native language as well as memorize the target language. The second is direct method. The learning process with direct method, the teacher tells students to read aloud. Then, the teacher gives a question in the language being studied. During the learning process, objects such as maps or objects can actually be used. The teacher can draw or demonstrate. Direct methods can be used such as reading aloud, question and answer exercises, getting students to self-correct, conversation practices, fill-in-the-blanks, map drawing, and paragraph writing. This method is good for applying in teaching english, students can develop their abilities and enrich them through the vocabulary they get from everyday conversation with the original language, without having to open a dictionary, because the language used in this method is the target language.

The third is the silent way. Cognitive psychologists assume that language learning is not necessary through repetition. They believe that learners can create expressions that have never been heard. Furthermore, they argue that language learning is not only imitating, but language rules can help them use the language learned. In the learning process, the teacher only points to a chart that contains vowel consonants. The teacher pointed several times in silence. After a while the teacher just gives an example of how to pronounce it. Then appoint students to pronounce it right. In the learning process the teacher is silent, he only directs or points to the learning material. The teacher's goal is to use the sillent way, because students must be able to use language for self-expression, to express thoughts, perceptions and feelings. To be able to do this, they need to increase the freedom of the teacher, to improve the criteria in themselves to correct it, by relying on themselves they will be more free. The teacher must give them what they really need to support their learning. The fourth is totally physical response. The total physical response method as one of the presentation techniques in teaching, especially in learning foreign languages, both English, Japanese, French, and others. This method is also called the comprehension approach which draws closer to the importance of 'listening comprehension'. In the early stages of foreign language learning focused on listening comprehension. This is based on observations of how children learn mother tongue. In Total Physical Response, students listen and respond to the teacher's verbal instructions. The forms of instruction given are 'Turn around', 'Sit down', 'Walk', 'Stop', 'Jump', etc. The English language introduction activity with this method is expected to be continuous and gradual, especially with interesting learning so that children can be happy and cheerful will be able to maximize the language learning skills of the two children, so that Indonesian children will be able and fluent in the future English. The fifth is the audio-lingual method. The term audio-lingualism was put forward by Prof. Nelson Brooks in 1964. This method states itself as the most effective and efficient method in learning foreign languages. and also methods that have changed language teaching from just a trick to science. The rationale of the audio-lingual method regarding language, teaching, and language learning. Language as oral, not writing, language is a set of habits, and language is as spoken by native speakers. This method is good for practicing in language teaching because this method views language thoroughly and in a more complete way, because this method takes into account all language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The sixth is community language learning. This method believes in the principle of 'whole persons', which means that the teacher not only pays attention to the feelings and intelligence of students but also relationships with fellow students. According to Curran (1986: 89) students feel uncomfortable in the new situation. By understanding the feelings of fear and sensitivity, teacher students can eliminate students' negative feelings into positive energy for learning. In community language learning can be used such as tape-recording student conversation, reflective listening, reflection on experience, and small group tasks. The seventh is suggestopedia. Suggestopedia is a suggestion application in pedagogy where the learner's feeling of failure can be eliminated. In the suggestopedia learning model, learners' psychological constraints can be overcome. In applying this

learning model, classrooms are arranged in such a way that they are different from ordinary classes. Students sit in a semicircular shape with dim lighting. Some posters related to learning materials were installed on the wall. Teachers greet in mother tongue then convince learners that they do not need to try to learn but learning will take place naturally. The teacher playing classical music then directs the learner to relax by taking a deep breath. Next the teacher invites the learners to imagine the material being studied. When they open their eyes, they play roles. After that, the teacher reads while playing music. The teacher does not give homework. The eighth is the communicative approach. Communicative approach originated from a change in the tradition of language teaching in England in the late 1960s and its emergence was confirmed by the audio-lingual method failure which produced fluent or fluent speakers of foreign languages or second languages but were unable to use the language learned in meaningful interactions. Communicative approach aims to make communicative competence the purpose of language teaching and develop teaching techniques and procedures for language skills based on interdependent aspects of language and communication. Communicative competencies include grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategy competencies. Language communicative skills include knowledge or competence and skills in applying these competencies in the use of communicative, contextual, and appropriate languages. Learning English from an early age had a positive impact as the stage of introducing foreign languages before they went on to further basic and tertiary education. In the implementation of learning English can use the whole language method, communicative, and process skills. But educators can apply the method of learning English that is currently developing which we know there are eight models, namely: grammar translation method, direct method, the audio-lingual method, totally physical response, the silent way, suggestopedia, community language learning, and the communicative approach.

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