Ess Questionnaire Staff

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 613
  • Pages: 3
Co.’s name

For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports visit EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (S) How satisfied are you with your job and your organization? Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. You are the person who can give us fair guidance without any bias. Based on your personal experience in this organisation, please fill this form to help us building our organization much better & professional. Share your views by putting a  mark in the boxes against each question. To maintain confidentiality, please don’t mention your name / Employee Code anywhere in this form. A – Strongly Agree Sl. No. 1. 2.

B – Agree

C – Disagree

D – Strongly Disagree

Particulars There is a feeling of mutual trust in our organization.


Management takes sincere efforts to identify and utilize employee’s full potential. I receive prompt feedback to my queries from my Manager**.


I am encouraged to experiment and try out new / creative ideas.

5. 6.

I feel, I am paid fairly considering my qualification, experience, and responsibilities. There is good cooperation among all team members in my department.


I am happy to be part of this organization.


I feel free to express my opinions/problems to my Manager**.


I am paid fairly considering my dedications and performance on the job given to me. My Manager** take special care to appreciate any good work done or contribution made by me. My Performance Appraisal is normally against the responsibilities assigned by my Manager**. I have the freedom and authority to perform my responsibilities.

10. 11. 12. 13.


I feel, I can handle additional …..% responsibility if my remuneration is increased by 10% / 20%/25% (Please mark  as applicable). In the organization difference of opinions with Managers is taken positively. Personnel and administration policies here facilitate employee development. Relevant information is freely accessible and readily shared by management with all employees. I feel, the amount of pay I receive for my job is at par with others doing similar work in our industry. We have good Training and Development infrastructure and facilities.


I am fully aware of what is expected from me and I am informed well in

14. 15. 16. 17.





advance. 20.

Besides salary, I expect the following additional benefits:

Sl. No. 21.

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.


There is no favoritism/biases during performance appraisals.


My Manager** communicate my weaknesses and help me in overcoming them. I feel, the salary and benefits are adequate to meet my needs and those of my family. My Manager** guides me and prepare me for future responsibilities.

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.






Management* shows genuine interest in the well being of all employees and even support them during personal emergencies. I would like to continue working in this orgnisation as the environment is conducive and work is challenging. Where I work, day-to-day decisions demonstrate that Quality is a top priority. I think I am capable of satisfying my internal / external customers during my interaction with them? External world (our customers/ other Company’s) have good perception about our brand products?

Overall Satisfaction Level: Considering all above questions, my overall satisfaction level with ………… is? * **

Highly Satisfied



Management here means Top Management. Manager here means your Immediate Boss .

Your department _________________________________________________ Years of experience in this Company (Mark  as appropriate) 0-5 Years

5-10 Years

10-15 Years

Above 15 Years

Anything else you would like to share :-

Thanks for your valuable inputs.

For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports visit

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