Staff Questionnaire

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 375
  • Pages: 4
Colleague Questionnaire

Colleagues' views regarding pupil attendance. Research tool for MRes.

This questionnaire is intended to inform a research project investigating pupil attendance and attitudes towards absence. Your participation is purely voluntary and you may chose to terminate your involvement at any time. I would welcome any comments that you would like to make and would happily discuss pupil attendance and this project in greater depth if you would be interested.

continue. . .


In which of the following capacities are you involved in dealing with pupil attendance?

Form Tutor Assistant Progress Coordinator Attendance Officer Administrator


Class Teacher Progress Coordinator Assistant Head Other (Please Specify)

In a 'typical week' how long might you spend dealing with pupil absence?

I don't spend any time dealing with absence 0-15 minutes 15-30 minutes 30-60 minutes More than one hour


Which of the following would you consider a barrier to dealing with pupil absence? (You may choses as many as applicable) Add any additional barriers in the space provided.

Lack of time Lack of inclination Fear of conflict with parent(s) Parentally condoned unauthorised absences Colleagues Local Authority External Agencies Clarity of codes for absence Language Availability of parents Administration staff


What intervention strategies have you implemented to improve (or attempt to improve) pupil attendance.

Rewards Phone-call home Letter home Postcard home Form competition Inter-form competition Traffic light half termly tracking In-school incentives (Eg DVD afternoon etc) Badges Detentions Report card


How significant would you consider the issue of pupil attendance? Please think in a broader context rather than in reference to your form / year / Trinity.

Very important Important Unimportant Insignificant


Which of the following types of common reasons given for absence do you find most challenging to tackle? (Add an alternative reason if your reason is not listed.)

Holiday in school time Persistent repeated illness Medical appointments Parentally condoned unauthorised absences Pupil reluctance to attend

continue. . .

7. If you feel appropriate, please make a comment that you feel may assist my project researching pupil attendance.

continue. . .


What is your name?


What is your role in school?

Thank you for taking the time to assist in this project. Your views are valued.

Finished! Submit. . .

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