Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Discipline Teaching Experience
Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor Possible Incomes: Mpls/St.Paul = $40-65,000 Fargo = $30,000+, Mhd = $35,000+ Wahpeton = $37,000
Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor Job Responsibilities: •Teach various courses •Serve on committees •Advise students
Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor 5 Places I Could Teach: •Wahpeton, ND •Fargo, ND •Moorhead, MN •Duluth, MN •Bemidji or Brainerd, MN
Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor 5 Companies/Places to Work: •NDSCS & other community/tech colleges •CBF Group in Fargo (Editing Firm) •Publishing Companies in Mpls or Chicago •Target (Human Resources) •Freelance writing/editing (own my own business)
Job Title: Community and/or Technical College Instructor Rent
Breakdown of Monthly Spending on a $30,000/yr Salary in Wahpeton: •$400 = Rent •$300 = Car Pymnt & Insurance •$200 = Student Loan •$400 = Savings/Credit Card, etc.
Car Pym nt & Insurance Student Loan Other
Sources: *The Chronicle of Higher Education, *The Fargo Forum, *The NDSCS website, *General knowledge gained through college & grad school