Emmetts Awakening

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,815
  • Pages: 6
“Holy sh-!” My scream was cut short as the bear lunged at me. My father had told me that this was not the best place for hunting, that there were far too many bears in the area, and that I could get hurt. I, of course, had not listened. I prided myself on knowing what was best for me. Now, I wasn’t so sure. The bear’s claws tightened around my midriff as I thrashed and struggled to get free. A bloodcurdling scream escaped my lips. I was terrified. The bear growled in response and opened its jaws wide and sank its teeth into my right leg. I screamed in pain and the bear tightened its grip on my waist as my thrashing intensified.

This is it, I thought, what a way to go out – mauled by a bear. The bear batted my face with its paw and my boy became limp, like a rag doll. All hope of salvation had disappeared and I was slipping into unconsciousness. All I could see was thick forest and blood. An angry shriek issued from somewhere behind the bear. It sounded pained, like the owner was in danger. All I could hope was that they got away. My mind fogged up and filled with thought of my impending decapitation. “No!” A shriek came from behind the bear again. This sound was closer. The bear turned to face the sound. I felt the bear move and moaned as it caught my skin with its teeth. “No,” the voice commanded. The voice was female and familiar. A terrible ripping noise filled the air, and I felt no pain. I felt the jaws that held me loosen. I breathed a sigh of relief and pain – I was not dead, but I was dying. The ripping sound quietened and was replaced by a suckling sound and grunting noises. “Shh,” soothed the voice as a pair of sturdy arms gripped my limp body. “Everything will be right. Do not worry.” I felt a sudden cool breeze fly by my head. There was silence except for my struggled gasping breaths. The journey seemed an eternity. I was set down onto a cool surface and the breeze stopped.

“Carlisle, please,” pleaded the voice from the forest. “No,” protested another familiar voice, “Rosalie, its silly. He is almost dead. He may not even survive transformation.” “Be quiet Edward, you aren’t a part of this.”

Yes, Edward, you aren’t a part of this. Let her help me! I shouted into the confines of my mind. “He wants to live. But he doesn’t know what will happen. We are already on the brink of being exposed; we do not need a newborn to complicate matters.” “Just save him,” “Alright, Rosalie, prepare a space. Edward, tell Esme.” This voice was different, but I knew this voice anywhere. Carlisle Cullen, the town doctor. I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead; there was something not right about him. Carlisle was a nice man, he was a good doctor and the town was grateful to him, but there was something about him – his immaculate appearance, his eyes, his cold hands – that unnerved me, and made me uncomfortable. My brother Tom and I had discussed every possible explanation for the feeling we got from him but were no closer to discovering the truth. I felt a cold breath on my throat and shivered. I opened my eyes but all I saw was blood. Then I felt pain in my neck: a piercing, stabbing pain that spread for a few seconds and then lessened. The fire returned in a fiery explosion and encapsulated my entire body within a few seconds. I felt on the edge of death for an eternity, completely unaware of anything except the pain. The pain lessened sometimes, then intensified but mostly stayed stable. It felt like someone had cut open my chest, my legs, my arms, my face and set fire to them from the inside. And then the pain lessened for one on the merciful almost bearable moments. In that moment, I heard them, the people who had prolonged my life with pain. I didn’t know whether to be angry or grateful with them. They began to speak and I settled on grateful. “How is he?” asked the one voice I recognised – Carlisle.

“His heart, listen, it sounds weak. Is he in pain? Is he going to survive? Have I killed him?” asked the voice from the clearing. I wanted to say so many things, but I couldn’t move my face. I thought them instead.

There had better be something good after all of this – an explanation. And don’t worry, I won’t die, I’m a fighter! Someone chuckled, it was deep – a man. “Rosalie, calm down, he is fine. But he wants a decent explanation. He doesn’t want you to worry.” He added. “You can hear him? He can hear us?” She demanded of someone. I then felt cool breath on my cheek and a hand twine into mine. “You are going to pull through. We will explain it all later. Rest. Keep your heart beating.”

Yes, because I can control my heart when I can’t even control my face, stupid woman. I thought. The chuckle returned. “What’s so funny?” asked the woman. “Nothing.” The man replied. The woman growled.

Please! I just want to sleep. Go away! Let me sleep! I thought “That’s never going to happen, sorry.” The man chuckled. “What’s he thinking?” “He wants you to go away and let him sleep.” The woman growled and leaned towards my face again. “He is right. I am not leaving your side until you wake up.” I silently pleaded to wake up, hoping the man couldn’t tell. It was silent for a long time. And then after another immeasurable moment, the pain retracted from my body and left me feeling whole. The fire disappeared and I seized the opportunity to open my eyes. I surveyed the room for the first time.

The room was small, with dark walls and a dark ceiling. Then something obstructed my view. I refocused to look at the thing and was awestruck. I felt my mouth drop open as I saw her face. Her skin was white as snow and her eyes were dull gold. Her face was breathtakingly beautiful. She had long, flowing golden blonde hair. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She saw my face change and smiled, revealing rows of little straight white teeth. We were in silence, but she broke it. “Hello. I’m Rosalie. I believe you are called Emmett?” “Um, yes, I suppose. Um, hello?” was all I could stammer out. “How do you feel, Emmett?” “Fine. Good. Better.” I then remembered the time when the pain lifted, when I wanted an explanation. “Explanation please, now if you don’t mind.” Her face changed into outrage for a brief second, then to understanding. “Yes, of course. Carlisle?” she called. Carlisle. A shudder flew down my spine. He swept into the room, still wearing the dull grey jacket that doctors at the town surgery wore. His pale face was exactly the same shade as Rosalie’s and his hair a little whiter. He was just a beautiful, but not in the same way. “Ah, Emmett, hello. I’m Carlisle, as you already know.” “Yes, I do,” I said, hostility rolling off my skin in thick waves. Carlisle looked taken aback for a second and then composed himself. “Yes, and what were you in need of?” “Explanation,” interjected Rosalie, still stood at my side with her hand twined with mine. “He wants an explanation,” “Ah, yes, you were thinking about that before Edward has told me.” Confused as to who Edward was and why he said ‘thinking about’ rather than ‘said’, I merely nodded.

Someone chuckled behind me and I turned to see a man stood in the doorway. He was tall and pale and beautiful too. I began to feel a pattern forming. Were they a family? “Yes, a family of sorts. And hello, Emmett. I am Edward.” said the man at the door. I was sure I didn’t say that out loud, what can Edward read minds or something? “Yes I can in fact, Emmett.” “Edward, if you wouldn’t mind just letting me explain the situation to Emmett.” Edward nodded and disappeared. “Well, Emmett,” Carlisle continued, “we are, to put it simply, vampires.” Rosalie was frowning. Carlisle’s face betrayed no emotion. I smiled hugely. This was surely come sort of sick joke? Surely this man was not trying to tell me he was a mythical being? “You’re kidding, right?” I laughed. “No,” whispered Rosalie, looking hurt and shocked at my reaction. “We are vampires. And so are you.” “What?” I demanded. “It’s true,” said Edward, reappearing in the doorway. “Everything you thought in your transformation, about Carlisle not being quite human? You were right.” “No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “No!” I said louder and turned to the door. I sprinted to their front door. When I got there, Rosalie was stood in front of it. “Emmett,” she sighed. “Emmett, I wish what we were saying was not true, but it is.” Her eyes gleamed with sincerity. I believed her. Rosalie took my hand and led me back to the room from before. Carlisle was now sat in a chair, his legs crossed and a calm composed expression. He sat me down and explained the basic mechanics of vampirism. “Wow,” I said when he had finished demonstrating his ability to go indefinitely without oxygen.

“Yes, it is rather amazing,” he said, gulping air back into his lungs. Rosalie took my face between her hands when he had finished and looked into my eyes. I looked deep into hers too. “Do you want to see yourself?” she asked suddenly. I nodded – I would do anything for her. She grasped my hand again and pulled me off the surface I was still sat on. She pulled my towards a small wall mounted mirror. I looked at the man in the mirror and gasped. He was pale, and beautiful with blood red eyes. He was not me. I recoiled and looked at Rosalie. She looked shocked and hurt. “Is that me?” I stammered. “Yes.” I looked back at the man. He was smiling now, and I realised I was too. I liked this look, he was beautiful. I could also picture Rosalie perched on this man’s’ arm. She looked as if this was what she was thinking too. I reached down and pulled her hand up to her face. I kissed her hand gently and her face lit up. She suddenly wound her arms around my chest and embraced me. I was smiling again. This was going to be interesting. Vampire. “Cool.” I breathed to nobody in particular, still smiling.

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