The Awakening

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 336
  • Pages: 25
Buddhism The Awakening

Three Jewels Buddha, Dharma, & Sangha

The Awakened One

• “Are you a god?” - No • “An angel?” - No • “A saint?” - No • “Then what are you?” • “I am awake.”

The Legend

Historical Facts • Born in 563 B.C. in modern day Nepal

• His full name was Siddhartha Guatama

• He seemed to have everything: family, appearance, wealth, a model wife and a beautiful son.

The Four Passing Signs

• The old man • The diseased man • The decaying corpse • The ascetic

The Great Going Forth

• At 29, Guatama leaves his palace. • Shaved his head, put on raggedy clothes

• Entered the forest in search of enlightenment.

The Awakening

Under the Tree

Under the Tree • During intense meditation he realized....

• Self-mortification was not the way • Source of suffering was 1) birth and 2) the law of karma

• Happiness is not possible, only Nirvana

Buddha’s Teaching • Purely ethical, cared only about conduct

• Cared nothing for ritual or worship • He never questioned Samsara or the Law of Karma

Buddha’s Teachings • Teaches in the vernacular • Revolt against tradition • Preached a religion of intense selfeffort

• Revolt against the Brahmins

The Four Noble Truths • Dukkha • Tanha • Nirvana • Magga

The Eightfold Path

The Prerequisites • Before one can get started....

• Intentional Living vs. Random Living

• Right Association

• 1) Right Views • Setting up a blueprint for the future

• 2) Right Intent • What are your intentions?

• 3. Right Speech • Never tell a lie. • 4. Right Conduct • Observe behavior, check your motives

• 5. Right Livelihood • 6. Right Effort • Steady pull over heavy spurt

• 7) Right Mindfulness • “All we are is the result of what we have thought.”

• 8) Right Concentration • Similar to Raja Yoga • Control over one’s body - to teach one’s mind to be still


The Lotus

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