Phoenix Elementary Lesson Plan Discrete Skills Inventory Parts of Speech
Grammar Skills Standards Link (circle one)
Date: Time Frame Conversation:
Vocabulary: Grammar:
Population Description:
SEI Classroom
Theme: Frontloading:
What do students need to know to do this lesson? Preparation AZ Content Standards:
AZ ELP Standards: .
Language Objectives:
*Key Vocabulary: (Lexicon)
Content Objectives:
Learning Strategies:
Higher Order Questions:
Comprehensible Input: What things do I need to consider to be understood by my students?
Instruction: To include listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking Building Background: Links to Experience & Learning: Building Background: Key Vocabulary Activities:
“Presentation: Lesson Delivery: (Modeling)
Practice/Application: Activities: (Guided Practice)
Review and Assessment
*Vocabulary Instruction: Phonology: Students will pronounce sounds of words Morphology: Students will be able to recognize morphemes, or parts within a word. Syntax: Students will be able to identify the word functions in the sentence. Semantics: Students will know the various meanings of the word; traditional vernacular and slang as Well as synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Pragmatics: Students will use words appropriate in social context.