Ecosusta In En Erg Y Sys Te Ms P Vt. Ltd. , P Une

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  • Words: 914
  • Pages: 18
Ecosusta in En erg y Sys te ms P vt. Ltd. , P une Wholl y Own ed by of Tra nspa re nt En erg y System s Pvt. Lt d.

1 st Floor, Pushp a He ights, Bi bwew adi Corn er, Pun e – 411037 Ph No. 020 24211347 / 24215665 Fa x No. – 020 24212533 Email : sales @ec osus tai nenerg Webs ite: www .e cosus tai nenerg y.c om 1


Fla gs hip compa ny of Tra nspa ren t Gr oup The tec hnol ogy lea ders in the fie ld of Co- gen era tion Sys tem s. Am mon ia Ab sorpt ion Re fri ger ation pla nts. Wa te r re cy cl in g Pla nts.  Super Ef ficie nt Boil ers and He ater s. Wa ste Heat Rec ove ry Syste ms . Ai r Coo led Con de nsers . Biom ass Gasific ation . En erg y and Water Con sult ancy 2


Busin ess

Transparent Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Energy Conservation

Transparent Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Process Equipments

Ecokleen Pollution Control Pvt. Ltd.

Air Pollution Control

Decimin Control Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Noise Abatement

Ecosustain Energy Systems Pvt Ltd.

Energy Audits, Carbon Credit services Steam Turbines

Ecosustain Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Water Consultancy

Peerless Technologies Services Pvt. Ltd.

Intellectual Services


Ecosusta in En erg y Sys te ms P vt. Ltd. , P une

Ye ar of Est ab lish me nt : 7 th Sept ember 20 06 Sha re holdi ng Pat te rn : 10 0% su bsid iar y of TES PL. Boar d of Dir ecto rs Ch air man - M. D.

: Mr . S. L. Kas tu re


Mr . B. G. Kulk ar ni Mr . Ajit Ap te


Ecosusta in En erg y Sys te ms P vt. Ltd. , P une

Pre se nt Bus ine ss Act iv it ies : • Steam Turb ine Ge nerat ors • Steam Turb ine Dri ves For Pump s / Blowe rs / Co mpre ss ors • Steam Con dense rs • Ene rg y Au dits • Carb on Cre dit Se rv ices

New Divers ifica tion : Energy , Wat er Conse rv ation, E nergy eff icie nc y imp rovem en t, Co ge nerat ion, Was te he at re cov ery proj ect Pla nnin g and Exe cution wit h CE CP & CE CI C Con cepts. 5

Waste H eat R eco very P ower Plan ts in Cemen t In du stry Pr oject P lan ning a nd E xecu ti on wi th CEPC a nd CECI C Co ncept 6

Pr oject Pl an ning & Exe cut ion

CEP C C – Conceptualization (Feasibility) E – Engineering P – Procurement C – Construction

CECIC C – Conceptualization (Feasibility) E – Engineering C – Co-ordination I – Inspection C – Commissioning In this concept, the commercial part of the procurement activity is handled by the customer.


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Ideal for Projects having following specific characteristic –   

Integration with process plant Execution in a running factory Multiple Expertise Required (Cement Process, Steam Engineering, Power Plant Engineering, Electrical Engineering) Each project needs plant specific engineering

Stand alone projects like –  

Green Field Cement Plant Green Field Power Plant

Can be much simple and handled conventionally.


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Benefits for the Customer


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

The concept of CECIC Conceptualization (Feasibility) Engineering Co-ordination Inspection Commissioning


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Conceptualization Understanding Process Flow. Identifying & Quantifying sources of Waste Heat. Optimized configuration of W.H.R.S. Integration with process plant. Locations and layouts. Estimation of Project cost. Project Scheduling. Financial Projections.


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Engineering Basic Engineering – Pre Order

Basic Engineering – Post Order


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Detailed Engineering


Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t



Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t



Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t



Proje ct Plan ni ng and Exe cu tion with CE PC an d CECI C Concep t

Post - Commissioning


Ecosusta in En erg y Sys te ms P vt. Ltd. , P une

1 st Floor, Pushp a He ights, Bi bwew adi Corn er, Pun e – 411037 Ph No. 020 24211347 / 24215665 Fa x No. – 020 24212533 Email : sales @ec osus tai nenerg Webs ite: www .e cosus tai nenerg y.c om 18

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