E Commerce Online Shopping And Customer Satisfaction An Empirical Study On E Commerce System In Dhaka

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1 author: S M Feroj Mahmood Notre Dame University Bangladesh 9 PUBLICATIONS   0 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE

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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (IJEDS) 4(3) 2016, 323-338

E-COMMERCE, ONLINE SHOPPING AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON E-COMMERCE SYSTEM IN DHAKA S M FEROJ MAHMOOD Abstract: In this paper, the researchers investigated the attributes of several websites by finding out the possible elements that play a major role in a customer’s satisfaction on E-Commerce. In order to investigate the phenomenon, the researchers evaluate the possible website elements that determine the correlation between website attributes and customer's satisfaction in e-commerce. 10 items based on questionnaire method using 5-point Likert scale was used. A total of 50 people were used based on purposive sampling. The findings were demonstrated by charts on the basis of which interpretations were deduced. The entire study concludes with suggestions and customization instructions to improve customer satisfaction in the sector of e-commerce.

Keywords: Website attributes, Customer Satisfaction, E-Commerce, Online Shopping and Product Quality.

1.0 introduction The main edge for business these days is e-trade. Full form of E-Commerce is Electronic Commerce. It implies managing in stock and administrations through the electronic media and web. On the web, it identifies with a site of the merchant, who offers item or administrations on to the customer from the gateway utilizing an advanced truck or computerized crate framework and licenses installment through MasterCard, Debit Card or other installment frameworks. E-Commerce includes carrying on a business with the help of the web. Basically, E-Commerce is that the development of business in web. In business today electronic exchange is one of the ordinary purposes of talk (Daniel et. al, 2002). Kalakota and Whinston (1996) described e-exchange as "the buying and offering of information, things and organizations by method for PC frameworks" (p.3), the PC arranges essentially being the Internet. It is spilling business process, duplicating whole business endeavors and re-shaping of customer and supplier relationship (Daniel, Wilson and Myers, 2002). Using e-business structures affiliations can promote their things and organizations online and give an extent of organizations that customers themselves can perform without direct human help. Its licenses customers to coordinate a wide range works out, for instance, developing location, securing a Visa or credit, learning from customers, altering an organization assertion and purchases' without human help (Molla and Licker, 2001), Electronic Senior Lecturer In Marketing, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Notre Dame University Bangladesh 2 Arambag, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Email: [email protected]


S M Feroj

exchange is another technique for driving, administering and executing business trade using PC (Kalakota and Whinston, 1996). For creating nations like Bangladesh, e-business offers huge shot. There has been an expansion inside the scope of organizations' usurping e-trade inside the later past. At present, the legislature likewise utilizes destinations moved towards e-business. The web populace has been blasting in light of the critical force of the World Wide Web and worldwide e-business. The World Wide Web clients have been duplicating quickly and have generally spread into all kinds of different backgrounds. It has opened up gigantic business open doors for its clients (Ho and Wu. 1999) Associations offer their item and administrations on the web and create income from the real offer of those items and administrations to their clients (Molla and Licker, 2001). In the past individuals used to purchase merchandise, for example, garments, gems, nourishment and so forth from outside. In any case, because of the development of E-business individuals are currently ready to purchase those things specifically from online sites with no bother. Presently, neighborhood business people to new companies, everybody is purchasing from online sites and sparing their time. Web has turned into the most utilized media for looking, exploration and now it is giving individuals a chance to purchase and offer things without being available before the merchant, customers/client. In this report, we will think about the investigation of E-Commerce in the city of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. We will likewise see study results and discover the relationship between site qualities and consumer loyalty. 2.0 Theoretical Backgrounds In the most recent couple of years we have seen a generous development of web based administrations, both from unadulterated Internet business and from customary organizations that are creating online administrations (Khalifa and Liu. 2003). As per an Angusried bunch study (2004) of web clients in 34 nations about 120 million of the assessed 300 million overall Internet clients have effectively made a buy or exchange on the web. The extraordinary development of the Internet is changing the way enterprises conduct business with buyer (Slu and Mou, 2003). 2.1 Website Attributes: Given the huge number of conceivable characteristics and additionally the changing way of innovation that makes new qualities progressively conceivable, it is not shocking that there is an absence of agreement with respect to "must have" and "discretionary" traits. Utilizing Ghose and Dou's (1998) characterization of site qualities, Table 1 records potential characteristics crosswise over four diverse sorts of sites – correspondence, stimulation, data and exchange (online store). A "X" demonstrates that a particular credit will probably be incorporated into comparing type(s) of sites; in any case, a clear does not imply that the characteristic

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


can't be incorporated into a particular kind of site. For instance, the characteristic "recreations" will probably be incorporated into a stimulation site; in any case, some data sites, for example, www.electrolux.com additionally offer a few amusements that can be identified with the company's items, despite the fact that "diversions" is not a run of the mill trait for a data site. With such a large number of site credits to look over, Table 1 recommends that exchange (or online store) destinations will probably incorporate certain sorts of qualities. It likewise recommends that online stores are "quality rich" - conceivably containing the greatest number (16) of the 25 particular characteristics. It is additionally likely that online stores will contrast not just on the quantity of particular properties consolidated inside particular sites, additionally how a particular quality, for example, "client backing" is operationalized. These varieties make imperative difficulties for exploration on the impacts of individual qualities on consumer loyalty and reliability. 2.2 Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce: Consumer loyalty is a present issue in the accomplishment of any business framework, customary or online (Ho and Wu, 1999). In a disordered e-business environment, with a specific end goal to manage the development and piece of the overall industry. Web organizations need to see how to fulfill clients, since consumer loyalty or basic for setting up long haul customer connections (Patterson et al. 1997). It is confirmations by the way that in the course of the most recent five years, consumer loyalty reviews have gotten to be regular in numerous budgetary organizations. Accordingly, a principal comprehension of variables affecting Webconsumer loyalty is of extraordinary significance to e-business. Besides, the requirement for examination in Web-consumer loyalty has been emphasized by the expanding interest for the long haul gainfulness of dotcom organizations and conventional organizations that are "Net-improved" (Pather, Erwin and Remenyi, 2002). 2.3 Argument of the Problem: In a focused commercial center comprehension clients' needs turned into a critical element. Subsequently organizations have moved from an item arranged to a client situated position. Fulfillment is additionally of awesome enthusiasm to specialists as a result of itsessential impact on client maintenance (Patterson et al., 1997; Sedon, 1997). Maintenance is a noteworthy test especially in web based administrations as clients can without much of a stretch switch starting with one administration supplier then onto the next easily (Khalifa and Liu, 2003). Considering the high expenses of gaining new clients and the clearly high client turnover of numerous online administrations, it is essential to examine the determinants of consumer loyalty. Consumer loyalty is the real issue for the business that is working in Electronic Commerce (EC) framework. Great client administration quality is the primary


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component that will decide, later on, whether the business administration will survive or fall flat (Thompson, Green and Bokma, 2000). Maintaining compelling client administration fabricates and keep up client connections that are the way to achievement in e-business (Sing, 2002). Table 1: Types of Websites and Typical Website Attributes (Source: Effects of Online Store Attributes on Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty, Miao Zhao and Ruby Roy, 2005)

So as to fulfill clients' needs, numerous organizations need to set up sites that give quality data and administrations to clients. Better administration quality normally can get higher piece of the overall industry and better returns (Slu and Mou, 2003). It is alluring for online administration suppliers to reveal what characteristics shopper used in their appraisal of general administration quality and fulfillment and which traits are more essential (Yang and Fang, 2004).

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


3.0 Literature Review E-Commerce eludes the purchasing and offering of items or administrations over hardware framework through web or others PC systems. Step by step e-Commerce business in Bangladesh is becoming monstrously. E-Commerce consolidates few scopes of procedures, for example, Electronic information exchange (EDI), Electronic mail (Email), World Wide Web (WWW), Internet applications and Network applications. It does exclude exchange via phone or fax however internet managing an account framework can be worthy with visa or ace cards. There are additionally some others buy accessible in the around the world. E-Commerce enhances the productivity and adequacy of business, government and not benefit association offices. The capacity of this business conductance everywhere throughout the world is done day in and day out. Its real leverage is online and can spare a great deal of time and cash instead of go outside and spent some additional cash for shopping. However going online does not ensure 100% achievement and it absolutely relies on upon the association. E-trade is the best open door for a man. Because of its online installment framework individuals spare a ton of time. They likewise can offer things unused effectively just by a promotion. Leasing an office space has gotten to be less demanding because of E-Commerce and Online Websites. Individuals in the western nations can't think without E-Commerce since they are especially acquainted with that and they're creating step by step for better fulfillment. Raven et al (2007) analyzed China's methodologies in selection of e-business. Taking into account the writing overview and second, information, the study investigated different variables affecting the development of e-organizations. The elements analyzed included government arrangement and center, existing innovation framework administrative environment, experience and comprehension of business operations, and society, among others. The study infers that China is in front of numerous different nations in the framework. Further, it expresses that China is balanced for quickly expanding e-business. Be that as it may, issues of neediness and imbalance amongst urban and country availability must be set out to truly exploit ebusiness in China. Zhao, Huang and Zhuthat (2006) expressed around 70% of e-trade systems are really not fruitful by any means. Once more, what is exhibited is that - basically having an online organization that endeavors to connect the computerized separation is insufficient to make business progress as far as incomes and benefit. Rather the path in which e-business procedures that are intended to permit an online organization to interface with potential clients and really urge them to make buys depends on numerous different issues other than just making items or administrations accessible in a helpful way. A great many people who visit e-business locales really don't make buys. Rather, they are essentially scanning for data or for items, yet really have no


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yearning to make a buy. Actually, individuals may react to the data that they get by means of person to person communication destinations by going by an e-trade site, yet accepting the data and going to an e-trade site is not a surety of business achievement. A few analysts (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry 1988) expressed that shopper fulfillment or disappointment is as a progenitor of administration quality. On the other hand, advanced confirmation prescribes that it's a result of administration quality (Cronin and Taylor 1992). Early ideas of fulfillment exploration have commonly characterized fulfillment as a post decision evaluative judgment concerning a particular buy choice (Churchill and Sauprenant, 1992; Oliver, 1980). Most analysts concur that fulfillment is a disposition or assessment that is shaped by the client looking at their pre-buy desires of what they would get from the item to their subjective view of the execution they would get from the item to their subjective impression of the execution they really received (Oliver, 1980). Author Kotler (2000, p. 36)

Yi (1990) Hunt (1991, p. 100)

Definition “Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations”. Customer satisfaction is a collective outcome of perception, evaluation and psychological reaction to the consumption experiences with a product service”. “Satisfaction is a function of consumer’s belief that he or she was treated fairly”.

In promoting writing (e.g. Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Oliver, 1980) and additionally in late data framework concentrates on (e.g. McKinney et al., 2002), the disconfirmation hypothesis rises as the establishment for fulfillment models. As per this hypothesis, fulfillment is controlled by the error between saw execution and intellectual benchmarks, for example, desire and yearnings (Khalifa and Liu, 2003). Client desire can be characterized as clients' halfway convictions around an item (McKinny, Yoon and Zahedi, 2002). Desires are seen as expectations made by buyers about what is prone to happen amid looming exchange or trade (Zethaml and Berry, 1988). Seen execution is characterized as client's view of how item execution satisfies their necessities, needs and longing (Cadotte et al. 1987). Seen quality is the purchaser's judgment around a section general fabulousness or prevalence (Zeithaml, 1988). Oliver (1980) portrayed the procedure by which fulfillment judgments are come to in the hope disconfirmation system. Figure-1 indicates how fulfillment judgment is identified with anticipation disconfirmation approach. Purchasers structure desires of the particular item or administration before buy and saw quality level which impacted by desire.

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


Figure 1: Satisfaction Formation (Source: Oliver referred to in Anderson & Sullivan, 1993 p.127)

The figure 1 clarifies the bolt attracted from desires to saw quality that demonstrates saw quality may increment or reduction straightforwardly with desires. Seen quality may either affirm or disconfirm pre-buy desire. The determination of the degree to which saw quality desires are disconfirmation is portrayed in figure 1 by bolt drawn from desire and saw quality to disconfirmation. Fulfillment is emphatically influenced by desire and the apparent level of disconfirmation that is likewise appeared by bolt in the figure 1. Disconfirmation and saw quality strongly affect fulfillment (Oliver, 1980). 4.0 Research Objective The principal objective of this research is to have an overall idea about website attributes and customer’s satisfaction and how they depend on each other. To support this objective, the study has focused on some secondary objectives also. They are

To analyze the customers perception about online websites.

To have an idea about the customer satisfaction and website attributes they prefer.

To explore the condition of e-ticketing, online shopping etc.

5.0 Research Design (Methodology) Here, every one of the information is gathered from our essential and optional sources. Sources incorporate web examination and criticism of individuals. 50 individuals went to the study and the quantity of male members was 58% and the quantity of female members was 42% Age was separated into 3 classes. The age difference between the respondents’were-15-30 years, 30-45 years and more than 45


S M Feroj

years of age. In all out 10 inquiries were given by we got a thought on what properties clients feel the most fulfilled and what ought to be the essential nature of a site that would draw in a client the most. We had likewise alternative so that our overview member could say his/her telephone number for further request. They likewise specified their occupations which were isolated into class. They are-Service Holder, Business Person and Other. We got criticisms from them and utilized the information to make diagrams and graphs to demonstrate the definite qualities on which the clients depend on. The poll was directed by the utilizing of Likert 5 point scale i.e. Emphatically Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. A quantitative outline utilizing the study strategy was utilized as a part of the observational portion of the study. In quantitative examination, information is measured to apply factual systems so as to increase important bits of knowledge about this study. The study technique was chosen since it effortlessly encourages the accumulation of information from expansive gatherings of respondents, is comprehensive in the quantity of variables that can be examined, requires least speculation to create and regulate and is moderately simple for making speculations. 6.0 Analysis & Interpretation A descriptive analysis and frequency distribution technique is used to analyses the respondents’ answer for the study purpose. Descriptive Analysis: It refers the transformation of raw data written into a form that will make them easy to understand and interpret; rearranging, ordering, manipulating data to provide descriptive information. Frequency Distribution: It refers a set of data organized by summarizing the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs. 6.1 Age of Respondents


15-20 31-45 45+ Total

Frequency 23 12 15 50

Age Percent Valid Percent 46.0 46.0 24.0 24.0 30.0 30.0 100.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 46.0 70.0 100.0

The age bunch divination of the respondent's into four distinctive classes. Among them 15-30 years of age were 19 individuals. 31-45 years of age were 13 persons. Over 45 years of age were 18 persons. So the accessible customers are between 1530 years of age.

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


6.2 Occupation of the Respondents Occupation


Service holder Business person Other Total



22 13 15 50

44.0 26.0 30.0 100.0

Valid Percent 44.0 26.0 30.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 44.0 70.0 100.0

Total sample size was 50. Among them the study found that there are 22 Service holder and 13 Business persons & 15 others occupation holder. We can also see that 44% Service holder and 26% Business persons & 30% others occupation holder includes Student, Housewife, Retried person etc. 6.3E-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any use


E-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any use Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Strongly 2 4.0 4.0 4.0 disagree Uncertainty 2 4.0 4.0 8.0 Agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0 Strongly agree 18 36.0 36.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0 100.0

The divination of the respondent’s into five different classes. After analyzing the statement of e-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any users or not, we find that 18 respondents were strongly agreed with the statement and 28 respondents agreed with the statement, whereas 2 respondents were strongly disagreed with the statement. Assumption: Most of the respondents find the e-ticketing process very convenient and time saving for most of the peoples and people find it very convenient rather than basic shopping.


S M Feroj

6.4 Online transaction process is safe Online transaction process is safe Valid Frequency Percent Percent


Strongly disagree Disagree Uncertainty Agree Strongly agree Total

Cumulative Percent





7 8 14 15 50

14.0 16.0 28.0 30.0 100.0

14.0 16.0 28.0 30.0 100.0

26.0 42.0 70.0 100.0

The divination of the respondent’s into five different classes. After analyzing the statement of Online transaction process is safe or not, we find that 30% respondents were strongly agreed with the statement and 28% respondents were agreed with the statement, whereas just 12% respondents were strongly disagreed with the statement. Assumption: Most of the respondents find the e-Online transaction process is safe for most of the peoples and people find it very convenient rather than basic purchasing system and payment. 6.5 You had a good experience when you bought something from online You had a good experience when you bought something from online Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Strongly 3 6.0 6.0 6.0 disagree Disagree 3 6.0 6.0 12.0 6 12.0 12.0 24.0 Valid Uncertainty Agree 23 46.0 46.0 70.0 Strongly agree 15 30.0 30.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0 100.0 Customers’ who purchase from online show sincere interest on bought something from online. 23 respondents were agreed & 15 respondents were strongly agreed, 3 respondents were strongly disagreed with this comment. 3 respondents were disagreed. The rest of respondents were uncertain with this comment. Assumption: Consumers are really very happy and find the online shopping more interesting and their experiences on online shopping was impressive.

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


6.6 The quality promised online and the one you get should be same


The quality promised online and the one you get should be same Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Strongly 7 14.0 14.0 14.0 disagree Disagree 2 4.0 4.0 18.0 Uncertainty 7 14.0 14.0 32.0 Agree 11 22.0 22.0 54.0 Strongly agree 23 46.0 46.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0 100.0

The divination of the respondent’s into five different classes. After analyzing the statement of the quality promised online and the one you get should be same or not, we find that 46% respondents were strongly agreed with the statement and 22% respondents were agreed with the statement, whereas just 14% respondents were strongly disagreed with the statement. Assumption: Most of the respondents find the quality of the product are when they shop online. 6.7 Online shopping makes your life easier Online shopping makes your life easier Valid Frequency Percent Percent


Strongly disagree Disagree Uncertainty Agree Strongly agree Total

Cumulative Percent





3 9 17 17 50

6.0 18.0 34.0 34.0 100.0

6.0 18.0 34.0 34.0 100.0

14.0 32.0 66.0 100.0

Customers’ who purchase from online show sincere interest on bought something from online because it makes their life simpler and easier. 17 respondents were agreed & 17 respondents were strongly agreed, 4 respondents were strongly disagreed with this comment. 3 respondents were disagreed. The rest of respondents were uncertain with this comment. Assumption: Consumers are really thought that online shopping is making their life easier and convenient. So they are now diverting from tradition to online shopping.


S M Feroj

6.8 Correlation between two variables: Correlation between Good website designs has a good impact on you and emphasize on the displayed picture while buying something from online.Customers’ who purchase from online show though that good website can change the consumers mind and can influences to purchase from online. If website displayed the image very clear way than the customer feel more attract on the website for consume that product. After correlation analysis we find that: Correlations Good website design has a good impact on you Good website design has a good impact on you

Pearson 1 Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N 50 You emphasize on the Pearson .425** displayed picture while Correlation buying something from Sig. (2.002 online tailed) N 50 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

You emphasize on the displayed picture while buying something from online .425** .002 50 1


After the analysis we find that, correlation is moderately significant at the level of 0.01 and we find that the relations between two variables are moderately significant of .425. 6.9 Regression analysis: There is an inquiry emerge on account of the online exchange. At some point we find that the online exchange is mostly happens by the upper matured client instead of lower matured client. At whatever point it comes into our brain that, e-ticketing procedure is extremely advantageous and efficient for any utilization or not. So we contrast the relationship and two variables i.e. age and e-ticketing process. In factual demonstrating, relapse investigation is a measurable procedure for assessing the connections among variables. It incorporates numerous systems for demonstrating and investigating a few variables, when the attention is on the relationship between a predictor variable and one or more variables (or 'indicators').

E-commerce, Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction


A regression model relates Y to a function of X and β.

In this case we are using simple regression, the formulas for the least squares estimates are: and the standard errors of the parameter estimates are given by ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 2.014 1 2.014 2.845 .098a Residual 33.986 48 .708 Total 36.000 49 a. Predictors: (Constant), Age b. Dependent Variable: E-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any use.

Model 1

(Constant) Age

Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 3.769 .282 .234 .139 .237



13.372 1.687

.000 .098

a. Dependent Variable: E-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any use

After regression analysis we find that (B= 0234, Std. Error= .139, Sig= .098) significance level is between 1-10% and its comparative significant. If age increases 1 unit then the antecedents’ level will increase 23% or not it will keep constant. 7.0 Findings After legitimate investigation, the analyst find that the respondents find that eticketing procedure is exceptionally helpful and efficient for a large portion of the people groups and individuals think that it’s extremely advantageous as opposed to fundamental shopping. In any case, the examination shows that the web based learning is additionally vital here. Since, it's unrealistic without legitimate learning of web based shopping and online exchange. The majority of the respondents discover


S M Feroj

the e-Online exchange process is safes and individuals think that it’s extremely advantageous instead of fundamental buying framework and installment. Customers are truly exceptionally cheerful and locate the internet shopping additionally fascinating and their encounters on web based shopping was great. It's truly a decent catch that the exploration find that the nature of the items are contrast from online store to disconnected store. Customers suspected that internet shopping is making their life less demanding and advantageous. So they are currently occupying from custom to internet shopping. 7.0 Conclusion Different factors are associated with E-Commerce. It has brought a massive change in our country and is changing the way businesses used to be. Every day new technology is brought and is also evolving. E-Commerce is the future of shopping and services. With the development of internet communication technologies, users of internet are growing in a massive way in Bangladesh. In the next 5 to 10 years, Digital Bangladesh surely will be established if this pace and progress of ECommerce is maintained. Bangladesh would also surpass various countries. Internet economy will grow day by day with the rapid expansion of internet. E-commerce plays a very important role in this era and it is introducing new methods. If these technologies and methods are accessible to large and small companies, the economy of Bangladesh will boom. Government should take necessary steps to help the young entrepreneurs and provide internet even in the rural areas of Bangladesh. We have seen clearly in this research that if websites have well attributes, customers are affected in a positive way. References: [1] Daniel, E., Walson, H and Myers, A. (2002) “Adoption of E-Commerce by SMEs in the UK”. International Small Business Journal, Vol 20(3): 253-270 [2] Molla, A., and Licker, P.S., (2001) “E-Commerce System Success: An attempts to extend and respect the [3] Delone and McLean Models of IS Success” Journal of Electronic commerce Research, Vol. 2, No. 4. [4] Kalakota, R., Whinston, A.B., (1996) “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addison-wisley publishing company, Inc. [5] Khalifa, M. and Liu, V. (2003) “Determinant of Satisfaction at Different Adoption Stages of Internet[6] Based Service” Journal of the association for information system, Vol. 4, No. 5, PP. 206232/October. [7] Slu, N. Y.M. &Mou, J.C.W., (2003) “A Study of Service quality in Internet Banking”, BRC Working papers May 2003, Hong Kong Baptist University. [8] Peterson, R.A., Balasubramanian, S. and Bronnenberg., B.J. (1997) “Exploring the Implications of the the Internet for consumer marketing”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 25, No. 4, PP. 329-46

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S M Feroj

Appendix: Questionnaire on – E-COMMERCE, ONLINE SHOPPING AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON E-COMMERCE SYSTEM IN DHAKA Please put the tick (√) marks in the appropriate box. 1. Name: ………………………………………………………. 2. Gender

: □Male □Female

3. Age

: □15-30 years

□31-45 years

□45+ years

4. Occupation : □Service holder □Business person □Other…………………………

Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Statements E-ticketing process is very convenient and time saving for any use Online transaction process is safe You had a good experience when you bought something from online The quality promised online and the one you get should be same Online shopping makes your life easier Good website design has a good impact on you You emphasize on the displayed picture while buying something from online Online shopping is better than real life shopping People should buy from online often Consumer should acquainted with online shopping

Strongly Agree 5







Strongly Disagree 1

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