Draft 9/11 Commission Questions For Clinton-era Nsc Official Martin Indyk

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Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 13:22:43-0400 From: Daniel Byman 4P' To: "" <[email protected]>4P,"" 4P Subject: Questions for Amb Indyk Are attached. Please pass me additional questions or add them directly to the d r a f t and return. Warren: do you want to run this interview? Obviously, I ' d chime in when appropriate, but I think it is useful to have one person take the lead to make sure we get through the most important questions we have.

Dan ifP] 2 Questions for Martin lndyk.doc application/msword 34.26 KB | | |

Questions for Ambassador Martin Indyk I.


Overall Importance of Terrorism A.

Was terrorism considered part of your portfolio?


How were events such as the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing or the 2000 attack on USS Cole managed?


How were regional priorities weighed with terrorism concerns?

Saudi Arabia (overall) A.

How close was the U.S.-Saudi relationship during your time in government?

B. What benefits did the Saudis derive from ties to the United States? C.

What benefits does/did the United States derive (for Iraq, Middle East peace, oil prices, overall voice of moderation, etc.)? 1.


How would your prioritize these?

Did the United States have a "Saudi policy"?


If so: a. What were our goals? b. Who prioritized?



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If not: a. Why not? b. Should we have one?

3. Who "played" in formulating policy toward Saudi Arabia? 4. E.


Did the FBI, particularly Director Freeh, make Saudi policy?

Critics have claimed that HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan "runs" U.S. policy toward Saudi Arabia 1.

Can you describe his access?


Is this a problem?

Saudi Arabia and Terrorism A.

Could you give your impression of the Saudi regime's support for radical Islamist activities 1.

What kind of radicalism?


Was Saudi support for radicalism seen as a problem?


How serious was the threat?


How closely did we follow this?

B. What was the Al Saud doing to stop al-Qa'ida? 1.

Efforts with Sudan?


Efforts in Afghanistan?


Did you try to press the regime on intelligence sharing and access to information about Saudi nationals?

C. What did the United States do to try to encourage Saudi support? 1.

Specific initiatives? a.


b. Any success? 2. Common problems? 3. D.

High level involvement

Did we ever consider punishments or withholding support?



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Problems today A.

What problems in the U.S.-Saudi relations have not been fixed in your judgment?


What recommendations would you make to fix them?

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