9/11 Commission Questions For Cia Official

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— She was GTenet's deputy at the NSC when PDD-35 was developed. — She was GTenet's community liaison point of contact when he was DDCI ~ She was Deputy EXDIR and drafted GT's Strategic Intent/Strategic Direction material ~ She was involved in the budget process from 1997 to 2000. -- She was D/FBIS from 2000 to 2002

QUESTIONS FOR GINA GENTON AS DEXDIR: What was the impact of the August 1998 East Africa bombings on design of the DCI's Strategic Intent document? What was your assessment of the leadership and management of CTC when you were DEXDIR? •

Did CTC have sufficient resources? 4 0(4(1 0(4(1

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What was the impact of the end of the Cold War on the CIA? How did CIA management respond to the rapid change of events of 1989 to 1991 and the end of the agency's traditional adversary?

What direction or guidance did the CIA receive from the NSC regarding changing priorities at the end of the Cold War?

How has the role of the DCI changed over time? How has the "dual hated" nature of the DCI's position worked? Can the DCI provide leadership to 1C while running the CIA, for example?

What would be your measures of effectiveness in judging the performance of the CTC in the war on terrorism?

What was the impact on CIA of moving NPIC to NEVIA? What have been the implications of this transfer on the military's use of intelligence assets?

Does attention to military priorities besides terrorism interfere with essential collection and analysis for NSC and the President?

Resources •

There has been a great deal of discussion about resource decisions made during the 1990s that allegedly weakened CIA prior to 9-1 1. Please give us your impression of the resource picture during the 1990s.

Please describe the investments made in the early 1990s referred to as "Boren's Billions." How were these investments made in HUMINT?

Was the budget process in the Intelligence Community effective?


What was the state of FBIS when you became Director/FBIS in 2001 ?

What did you perceive to be the role of OSINT in the collection and analytical process when you became D/FBIS? When you left FBIS?

What were FBIS'S collection activities targeting terrorism during your stint as D/FBIS?

What was the quality of coverage of Arab language TV and radio when you were D/FBIS?

How did you approach the challenge of the open source technology explosion (the internet) to produce reporting from sources other than the traditional media outlets?

How effective were DI analysts in exploiting OSINT during your stint as D/FBIS? o

Sen. DeWine, in the Joint Inquiry Report Annex, claims "the 1C is simply not accustomed to assessing the value of open sources nor is it used to integrating them into their work. In fact, the 1C is more inclined to use open source material as last resort, not as a primary source, no matter how compelling the information." Do you agree?

What was/should be the role of FBIS in dealing with transnational issues?

What is Fib's interaction with academia and the private sector? What role do you see for the private sector


What is the purpose of Congressional oversight of intelligence? How do you judge the performance of the congressional committees to perform oversight?

Do you believe that Congressional oversight has improved the performance of the intelligence community?

What influence, if any, do you believe congressional oversight has had on risk aversion in the DO?

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