Doctor Who - Ice Time (script)

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  • Words: 9,071
  • Pages: 95
DOCTOR WHO ICE TIME BY WILL JOHNSON EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 0930 Regent's park, London. Yet there's no-one around.

It's completely empty, on a

beautiful day like this. No-one feeding the ducks or in the playground or anything. The grind of ancient engines is heard and... FX: ...the TARDIS materializes. The DOCTOR gets out, holding a picnic basket, with something under his arm.

REBECCA follows.


Regent's Park, Earth,

Present Day.

At last, a bit of

sanity. Nowhere like Earth for a

picnic. And have you noticed there's no-one around? REBECCA I don't like it. THE DOCTOR Why not? REBECCA It's too empty. THE DOCTOR Oh you know what it's like, working day, park gets empty. REBECCA Doctor, I know you're trying to relax but I really don't like this, it's too empty. THE DOCTOR Stop worrying!

Usually I'm the

one who worries.

Even if there

is no-one here, we just set down our picnic blanket wherever we want, pack up and zoom off to somewhere else, simple as that. REBECCA


You're not going to do

anything even if there is something wrong? THE DOCTOR No.

I promise.

But only if you

stop worrying. REBECCA Okay. THE DOCTOR Excellent!

Now, we need to find

a good spot for me to fly my kite REBECCA You've got a kite? THE DOCTOR Yep.

Want to see?

He reveals the thing under his arm. It is a kite, but with lots of advanced technological attachments on it. REBECCA That's a kite? THE DOCTOR

Yeah. REBECCA Looks more like a weather balloon to me. THE DOCTOR Well that's more or less what it is.

I need to check there's

nothing wrong with the atmosphere. REBECCA But I thought you said there was nothing wrong here.

You were

the one who told me to stop worrying. THE DOCTOR Well, I'm only checking. A sound of rotors is heard. They both look up as a couple of NEWS HELICOPTERS flies overhead. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Aha!

There is someone here.


Everything's okay.

spot should do.


The Doctor walks forward and places the picnic blanket down on an open space of grass where the sun is given full reign. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What do you think? REBECCA I like it. THE DOCTOR Okay then.

I'll just get my

kite ready... He adjusts some of the apparatus attached to the 'kite', and begins to unravel the string. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It'll only take a minute... Just get a nice gust of wind and... Let her go! The 'kite' soars up into the air. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Let's see what we've got here... The Doctor has a small screen attached to the thing he is using to hold the kite. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)


Well on first

impressions everything seems alright.

Ooh, that's new. REBECCA

(rolling eyes) What now? THE DOCTOR Nothing, slightly high ammonia concentration. REBECCA Well thank God for that! THE DOCTOR And what's this?



background radiation, nothing to worry about. REBECCA Okay, have you finished yet? THE DOCTOR Certainly. FX: suddenly, overhead, a huge meteorite appears, except it looks slightly strange. flying really low.

It is blue in colour, and

It smashes into the Doctor's 'kite'.

PRAC FX: the 'kite' smashes into the ground and explodes. FX: the meteorite continues its flight and suddenly crashes down somewhere off in the distance. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) My Kite! CUT TO TITLES CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 0933 Chaos. Controlled chaos.

Similar to when the Slitheen

spacecraft crashed into earth in 1.4. CRANE OUT: to reveal... FX: ...a huge, smoking, blue sphere of ice just sitting right in the middle of London. POLICE at barricades, trying to keep the people back. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS NEWS SCREEN:

NEWSREADER And as of yet there has been no explanation for the amazing phenomena witnessed today in London, from what we've heard an ice meteorite has just crashed straight into Kensington. Thanks to the early evacuations no-one was hurt or killed... PULL OUT: the DOCTOR and REBECCA watching. THE DOCTOR Just my luck, I try and take a day off and this happens! REBECCA It's put rather a dampener on our picnic. THE DOCTOR Question is, where did it come from?

Not everyday you get this

sort of thing coming to earth. REBECCA Maybe it's just a perfectly normal ice meteorite.

THE DOCTOR No, this sort of thing isn't common, not on earth anyway, usually only happens to planets on the edges of galaxies. NEWSREADER OOV ...And as we speak, a scientific team are approaching the meteorite, we're assured it's safe and yes, there they go... Hearing this, the Doctor crosses over to look at the screen. ON THE SCREEN: from a long distance away, a group of men in white bodysuits are seen approaching the huge Meteorite. THE DOCTOR Well this is new. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 0934 The bodysuited men approach, as the POLICE hold back the hordes of people. FX: REVERSE, the giant meteorite looming up in front of

them. The leader of the group takes out a sensor and attaches it to the meteorite.

A second man looks down at a box in

his hands. Suddenly the box bleeps, a series of short, rhythmic beats, like a heartbeat, the two men looks at each other. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS NEWS SCREEN: NEWSREADER touches his hand to his earpiece. NEWSREADER What's that?

I see...


just received news that the meteorite is in fact hollow, there is something alive inside. THE DOCTOR Alive?

What am I sitting round

here for then? The DOCTOR runs out of the TARDIS. REBECCA sighs and follows him.

CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 0935 The DOCTOR runs through the deserted park. REBECCA behind him. REBECCA (shouting) Wouldn't it be quicker to take the TARDIS? THE DOCTOR (shouting) Attracts to much attention! REBECCA (shouting) The TARDIS attracts too much attention?

A meteorite just

crashed into London! CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 0936 The DOCTOR, running, REBECCA in tow, reluctant. They weave their way through the crowd of people, jostling. A couple of people shout 'oi!' But they are not

genuinely disturbed. The Doctor and Rebecca reach the police barricade, a POLICEMAN stops them. POLICEMAN Sorry sir, you are not allowed any further. The Doctor shows his psychic paper to the Policeman, who studies it. POLICEMAN (CONT'D) Terribly sorry sir, step right through. The policeman steps back and allows the Doctor and Rebecca through the barricade. They approach the team of people working on the meteorite. THE DOCTOR Right, what have we got here then? MAN#1 Who are you? The Doctor holds up the psychic paper again, the man looks at it.

MAN#1 (CONT'D) Project co-ordinator?


never seen you before. THE DOCTOR I'm new, only joined today, first assignment, investigating a meteorite, rather exciting isn't it? REBECCA You could say that. THE DOCTOR Sorry, this my er...


Rebecca. MAN#1 Pleased to meet you both. THE DOCTOR Right, so this thing's hollow and there's something alive inside. Let's see now... He takes out his sonic screwdriver and holds it up to the surface of the meteorite. It begins to whirr. down.

He waits a minute and then takes it

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Ah, that's interesting. interesting indeed.


In that

case I suggest we drill into it. MAN#1 We're doing that right now sir. He steps back and sure enough, there is a large machine all ready for drilling into the meteorite. THE DOCTOR Alright then, I'll just let you go ahead. The machine trundles forwards until the large drill is right up against the surface of the meteorite. The drill starts to turn. PRAC FX: it bores into the ice surface of the meteorite, sparks flying as it does. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (shouting) Is it supposed to do that? PRAC FX: the drill is turning even faster now, but doesn't seem to be making any dent on the ice surface. Sparks are now flying everywhere.

Suddenly there is a

small explosion. The drill stops turning. There is a deathly silence. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What happened? The OPERATOR climbs down from the machine. OPERATOR I don't know, it just stopped, ran out of power. MAN#1 We could try explosives. THE DOCTOR No.

We'd just be pointlessly

throwing things at a nut that won't crack. MAN#1 You're telling us to give up? THE DOCTOR No, just don't waste time or explosives on that thing.


it, find out what's inside, then just leave it.

MAN#1 Just leave it? THE DOCTOR There's not much you can do with a huge block of ice. MAN#1 Melt it. THE DOCTOR Something tells me that won't work, it's not ice as we know it. Have it cordoned off, then just leave it. The Doctor turns and begins to walk off, Rebecca following. REBECCA That's not like you, just to leave it. THE DOCTOR I don't want to disturb what I think's inside it. REBECCA What do you think's inside it?

THE DOCTOR Never mind. CAMERA pulls away from the Doctor and Rebecca and TRACKS towards the ice meteorite.

It comes right up against it

and... CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - CONTINUOUS ...continues through a corridor of a spaceship.

This is

obviously no ice meteorite. CAMERA TRACKS through the corridor with lots of buttons and control panels attached to the walls. CAMERA SETTLES on a lever. Silence. Beat. Another Beat. Then, suddenly, a reptilian pincer slams down on the lever. CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1030

The DOCTOR and REBECCA are finally enjoying their picnic, sprawled out on the picnic blanket in the sun. THE DOCTOR What did I tell you?


like Earth for a picnic. REBECCA At long last. THE DOCTOR Well, it's the least I could do, after we were rudely uprooted by that meteorite. REBECCA Are you really just going to leave it? THE DOCTOR Yes, for the last time. REBECCA You still haven't told me what you think's in there. THE DOCTOR Not necessary. REBECCA

I'd still like to know. THE DOCTOR I'll tell you when it's gone. REBECCA How's it going to leave? THE DOCTOR They'll get rid of it somehow. REBECCA Does that mean we can leave after this? THE DOCTOR Well... REBECCA What's wrong now? THE DOCTOR I'd really like to see that thing off the planet. REBECCA So we have to stay here until it's gone. THE DOCTOR I'm afraid so.

REBECCA (sighs) Oh well, better make the most of it.

I could visit my father I

suppose. THE DOCTOR That's an idea.

You know where

he is I presume. REBECCA Of course. THE DOCTOR Well you can go now then.


be back at the TARDIS by say... (checks watch) Noon. REBECCA Alright. Rebecca begins to walks off. THE DOCTOR (calling after her) And contact me if you need anything! And she is gone.

CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR enters the TARDIS and crosses to the console. He plugs the sonic screwdriver into a special console. He then walks around the console to one of the screens and taps the keyboard. GRAPHIC: A display similar to a life support machine, with a pulse beeping, but it's not a human pulse, it's much too slow. ON THE DOCTOR: Grim. CUT TO: EXT. HAMPSTEAD MENTAL ASYLUM - DAY 2 1045 Hampstead mental asylum is a grim, foreboding place, standing right in the middle of nowhere.

The kind of thing

you usually see in horror movies. REBECCA approaches, looking down at the piece of paper, checking the address. CUT TO: INT. HAMPSTEAD MENTAL ASYLUM - ENTRANCE

REBECCA enters. The inside is bare and concrete, really gloomy. She crosses over to a booth, where a GUARD - GRAHAM is sitting. Graham is in his 20s with a bored expression on his face. REVERSE: as Rebecca approaches, he is playing Tetris on his computer.

He looks up as Rebecca enters. GRAHAM Morning Miss, can I help you? REBECCA Yes, I'd like to visit one of the patients. GRAHAM I see, which one? REBECCA Roger Munorc. GRAHAM Okay.

He takes out a form. GRAHAM (CONT'D) Are you any relation to him?

REBECCA His daughter. GRAHAM Okay then. GRAPHIC: he brings a read out of names up on his computer. He frowns. GRAHAM (CONT'D) Hmmmmmm.

I'm sorry, there must be

some sort of a mix-up, Mr. Munorc is no longer a resident here. REBECCA What do you mean?

Has he been

transferred or what? GRAHAM No-one really knows, he just vanished. REBECCA He can't just vanish, he's a top security prisoner, haven't you done anything? GRAHAM I don't know anything, I'm just a security man.

I know there's a

search for him, but I don't think they've found him yet. REBECCA Alright, thanks for your help, is there anyone more senior I can speak to? GRAHAM Hang on a minute. He takes out his mobile, there is a pause while it rings. GRAHAM (CONT'D) Hello?

Yeah, this is Graham...

I've got Roger Munorc's daughter with me, she'd like to speak to you...


Okay fine, bye.

He rings off. GRAHAM (CONT'D) Mr. Stangerson will be here shortly. STANGERSON OOV I'm here now. Graham turns round. Rebecca's mouth drops open.

Standing behind him is JOSEPH STANGERSON! STANGERSON Hello Rebecca. She is lost for words. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR is working on some sort of robot, his workbench is mass of tangled wires and circuit boards.

The robot is

obviously in the very early stages of production. THE DOCTOR I should really know how to do this off by heart now. Suddenly, as he is fusing two wires together... PRAC FX: ...a spark and the whole thing explodes. In frustration, the Doctor throws down his tools. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Dammit! He gets up and strides around the console, working off his anger.

He eventually sighs, and slumps down on a couch. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)

Oh well, better start again I suppose. He crosses over to his work bench. Tap!



Someone is knocking on the TARDIS door. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Now who could that be? He crosses to the TARDIS door. CUT TO: EXT. TARDIS - DAY 2 1050 The DOCTOR opens the door to the TARDIS, finding himself face-to-face with a machine gun.

He goes cross-eyed

looking down at it. THE DOCTOR Wasn't quite the greeting I was expecting. Four SOLDIERs face him. SOLDIER#1 You're coming with us. THE DOCTOR

I don't think so. He goes back into the TARDIS. The Soldiers look at each other.

One of the makes a hand

gesture. A pickup truck drives forward, towards the TARDIS. The crane is lowered and the Soldiers secure chains around the TARDIS.

The TARDIS is then lifted onto the back of the

truck and driven away. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR struggles to keep his balance as the TARDIS wobbles around. THE DOCTOR Oh what are they doing now? CUT TO: EXT. TARDIS - DAY 2 1051 The DOCTOR pokes his head out of the door, then double takes as he sees a road speeding past underneath him. THE DOCTOR

(getting quieter and further away) Hey!

You can't do this to me!

Who are you people, what's the meaning of this?

This is a free

country! This is cheating you know!

I could just dematerialise!

In fact that's what I'll do, dematerialise. (goes back into TARDIS. Beat. He reappears) Oh, so typical!

Lock the TARDIS

down! Like I haven't heard that one before, you could at least have come up with something a bit more original if you're just going to take me like this!

Why are you

even allowed to do this sort of thing?

Let alone how.

It's not

easy to lock down a TARDIS I can tell you that much.

Where did you

get the technology from?


from a Dalek spaceship no doubt. I want out I tell you out!

I can

get the police on you, you know. Do you hear me?

I said...

(fades away) CUT TO: INT. HAMPSTEAD MENTAL ASYLUM - RECORDS ROOM STANGERSON searches through a filing cabinet, REBECCA watching intently. REBECCA You still haven't told me how you ended up here. STANGERSON Well, you know I've been faithful to your family all my life, when your father was incarcerated, I was out of work, so I got a job here which meant I could be close to him.

Now you turn up, it's


It would be better if

your father was still here though. Ah!

Here it is.

He pulls a file out of the cabinet.

At the top it reads:

'R. Munorc: File'. STANGERSON (CONT'D) You can read it if you're


That has all the

details of his disappearance. Rebecca is already flicking through it.

She finds the

section and reads. REBECCA All it says is he disappeared under mysterious circumstances and they presume he escaped. STANGERSON It all happened a few weeks ago, we heard a noise from his cell in the night, but when we got there he was gone.

We searched

everywhere, but he'd disappeared. REBECCA Has anyone seen him? STANGERSON No reported sightings, everyone's forgetting about it slowly. REBECCA What do you think happened to him? STANGERSON Me?

I think someone's taken him.

Probably those Sontaron things getting revenge. REBECCA Maybe.

The Doctor might have an

idea. STANGERSON The Doctor's here? REBECCA Yeah, in Regent's Park. STANGERSON What does he think about the ice meteorite? REBECCA He's leaving it be, but there's something about it which he's refusing to tell me. STANGERSON Is he doing anything about it? REBECCA He's not doing anything. STANGERSON Is that why you came back to earth

then? REBECCA No, we were going to have a picnic funnily enough, then the ice meteorite came down. To be honest I should really be getting back to the Doctor, I promised I'd be there by noon. STANGERSON Okay.

If you've finished here

I'll drive you, I'd like to meet the Doctor again.

Where did you

say it was, Regent's Park? REBECCA That's right. STANGERSON Let's go then. CUT TO: EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY 2 1103 The pickup truck pulls up outside an old fashioned looking warehouse. The crane holding the TARDIS lifts it up and puts it back

on the ground.

Two SOLDIERs march forward and stand in

front of the TARDIS.

Another one knocks on the door. THE DOCTOR OOV

I'm not coming out and that's final! SOLDIER#1 It'll be worse for you if you don't. THE DOCTOR OOV What are you going to do now? Blow me up? SOLDIER#2 No, it's just there's someone here you might like to meet. THE DOCTOR OOV Oh no!

I'm not falling for that

one again, oldest trick in the book, wouldn't fool a five-yearold. One of the Soldiers nods to another who walks off towards the warehouse. THE DOCTOR OOV (CONT'D) What's that I hear?

Someone going

off to get explosives?

All I

expect from you really.

You find

a problem, just blow it up. The Soldier who went into the warehouse has now returned with a MAN whose face is obscured.

They both cross to the

TARDIS, the face of the man still cannot be seen. MAN OOV You can come out now Doctor. His voice sounds vaguely familiar. THE DOCTOR OOV Really?

Alright then.

If you

insist. The door to the TARDIS opens and the DOCTOR steps out. THE DOCTOR Alright, here I am, wait a minute... For the first time we see the face of the man-it is BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART! THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Brigadier! CUT TO:

INT. SPACESHIP This part of the Spaceship is much larger than the one from earlier, a huge wide open space, with an industrial sort of look. In the ceiling is a gigantic drill, enhancing the industrial look of the place. Suddenly something enters, something that cannot be seen, it is making a noise, a sort of hissing noise, like breathing. ON A CONTROL PANEL: as a pair of reptilian pincers slide into frame, pressing a button, and tapping in some instruction. The massive drill in the ceiling suddenly begins to turn and whirr and then descend towards the floor. going and passes through the floor.

It keeps

The whole room shakes. CUT TO:

EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1105 FX: Everything begins to shake, like an earthquake, people stumble in the street, others scream and run for cover as ground shakes ever more vigorously. CUT TO:

EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY 2 1105 FX: the DOCTOR, BRIGADIER and SOLDIERs are thrown all over the place by the earthquake. CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1105 FX: REBECCA and STANGERSON fall over as the ground begins to shake. STANGERSON (shouting) What's happening? REBECCA (shouting) I don't know! The ground stops shaking abruptly. STANGERSON That was odd. REBECCA That's understating it. STANGERSON What the hell just happened?

REBECCA I don't know.

But it can't be

good, and where's the TARDIS? STANGERSON I thought you said it was right here. REBECCA It was.

The Doctor must have

left. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1106 Everyone's completely shell shocked, picking themselves up off the ground. POLICE, FIRE BRIGADE, reassuring everyone, 'It's okay', but there doesn't seem to be much damage. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP The mighty drill has finished its job and is now retreating back into the ceiling. ON A CONTROL PANEL: the reptilian pincers are still there.

They begin to turn something. The drill retracts into the ceiling. In its place descends a metal tube with several objects inside. CLOSER: They are bombs, each one has timer set to 00:30 half an hour. The tube descends over the hole in the ground. PULL UP: to reveal the scaled reptilian head of Ice Warrior COMMANDER VAXAR. He wears the typical streamlined helmet of Ice Warrior Commander and his skin is green and scaly. A moist, forked tongue flickers in and out of his mouth once or twice. He smiles, or the nearest an Ice Warrior can come to smiling, revealing a row of sharp teeth. CUT TO: EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY 2 1107 The SOLDIERs who have fallen over begin to pick themselves up off the ground. BRIGADIER What the hell was that?

THE DOCTOR Don't know, but if I didn't know better I'd say the Eurasian and Nacza plate just swapped places. Somehow I don't think that was seismic activity. BRIGADIER Well what with all that Hoo-har we haven't been reintroduced properly. How are you Doctor? THE DOCTOR Shaken. BRIGADIER So am I.

I can't believe it, all

those visits to earth and I didn't catch you on one of them. THE DOCTOR You should be retired now. BRIGADIER Don't insult me Doctor, my place has always been with UNIT. THE DOCTOR Yes, they said you were in Peru at

some point. BRIGADIER Ah yes, that.

Rather not be

reminded. THE DOCTOR Anyway, we have work to do, we need to find out if that earthquake was caused naturally or if it's something else.

I think

two natural disasters in one day is slightly unlikely. BRIGADIER I thought that was why you'd be here. THE DOCTOR Well you'd be wrong, I didn't come here because of the meteorite, I actually just came here for a holiday and then it just crashed into the middle of London. BRIGADIER Not the first time either. THE DOCTOR

No, but unfortunately I think I know who's behind this. BRIGADIER Who? THE DOCTOR I'll tell you inside. CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE Inside, the warehouse is empty and cavernous. The DOCTOR, BRIGADIER and UNIT SOLDIERs enter. BRIGADIER This way Doctor. He leads the Doctor over to a section of floor.


soldiers follow suit. Suddenly, the floor begins to sink into the ground and... CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND ...continues in to an underground base of operations. The place is very brightly lit with UNIT SOLDIERs milling

around and UNIT SCIENTISTs studying things under microscopes. BRIGADIER Well, what do you think? THE DOCTOR Very UNIT. He walks further into the room to get a better look round. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) How long had this been here? BRIGADIER It's new.

Well if you call new

about five years old.

It was set

up to investigate activity in the earth's crust and beneath it.


usually use it to predict earthquakes. THE DOCTOR I see.

And what are you using it

for today? BRIGADIER You can't imagine the number of alien objects we've found in the earth's crust.

THE DOCTOR Like what? BRIGADIER I'll show you.

Follow me.

He leads the DOCTOR off. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP COMMANDER VAXAR is still in the drill room, he now moves over to another control panel and presses some buttons. The face of the Ice Warrior GRAND MARSHALL appears on the screen.

Vaxar speaks for the first time, in the all too

familiar hissing voice VAXAR The chargesssss are now in posssssition.

You are clear to

begin your dessssscent. CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1112 REBECCA and STANGERSON are still by the TARDIS. STANGERSON

Where can he have gone? REBECCA I don't know...

Wait a minute!

God, how can I have been so stupid? I've got his number! She takes out her phone and scrolls down to the Doctor's number. She holds the phone to her ear. Beat, then. CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH CUT TO: INT. UNDEGROUND BASE - CORRIDOR The DOCTOR's watch begins bleeping.

He presses the button,

the BRIGADIER turns. BRIGADIER What is it? THE DOCTOR My watch, I'm getting a call. it's Rebecca. BRIGADIER Who?


THE DOCTOR My companion.

Oh God, she must be

wondering where I am.







I can't get a


This thing

should work anywhere. The watch shuts down. THE DOCTOR What? REBECCA Doctor?

He just rang off! THE DOCTOR

What the hell did that? BRIGADIER I think I can answer that question. CUT TO: INT. UNDEGROUND BASE - CORRIDOR

The BRIGADIER leads the DOCTOR down a corridor until they reach a large steel door, labelled: Restricted Access. The Brigadier gets out a keycard and swipes it on the panel in the wall.

The door grinds open. CUT TO:

INT. RESTRICTED SECTION As the door opens, letting light into the previously dark room.

The DOCTOR and BRIGADIER standing on the other side.

ON THE DOCTOR: his eyes widen as the door opens. CUT TO: EXT. EARTH - FX SHOT FX: approaching the earth are a group of spaceships which look identical to the ice meteorite earlier. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP COMMANDER VAXAR marches along a corridor, followed by a group of ICE WARRIORS, clad in Ice Warrior armour, consisting of a shell-like green armour, with tufts of fur poking out through gaps and the helmet.

At regular intervals a forked tongue flicks in and out of their lips. FX: a holographic screen flicks on above them. GRAND MARSHALL The fleet is dessscending.


may proceed with your attack. CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1113 REBECCA and STANGERSON look up as a noise of engines is heard overhead. STANGERSON What now? CUT TO: INT. RESTRICTED SECTION The DOCTOR inspects the mountains of alien objects which UNIT has found.

The BRIGADIER follows.

Some of the stuff is familiar. Empty and burnt out Daleks shells from 4.12 and 4.13, Sontaron helmets and armour from 4.4 and 4.5, bits of Cybermen from 2.12 and 2.13 and something which looks like

a dead Krillitane from 2.3. The place is like a less tidy and less orderly version of Van Statten's Museum in 1.6. THE DOCTOR I've seen some pretty impressive collections of alien objects in my time, but this beats them all.


doubt even Torchwood has a section this big. BRIGADIER We are UNIT, not some freelance operation. THE DOCTOR Do you realize how dangerous some of this stuff is though? BRIGADIER Of course, which is why only authorised personnel have access. THE DOCTOR And you're saying some of this came from the earth's crust? BRIGADIER Yes.

Not all alien of course.

We've found large quantities of Astatine as well. THE DOCTOR What's the most recent find? BRIGADIER Well, we found bits of the ice meteorite which landed a few hours ago.

Come and have a look.

He leads the Doctor over to a glass cabinet separate from the rest of the stuff.

He takes out a key and opens it.

BRIGADIER (CONT'D) We examined it a few hours ago. We didn't find much.

It's not ice

at any rate. THE DOCTOR I already knew. BRIGADIER But Doctor, if they are aliens, why crash a meteorite into London? THE DOCTOR Create chaos I suppose. BRIGADIER

But why? THE DOCTOR Try and cover up something else. CUT TO: OMITTED CUT TO: INT. RESTRICTED SECTION BRIGADIER Do you have any other thoughts? THE DOCTOR Well I know what's in there, if that's what you mean. BRIGADIER And what is in there? DANIELS OOV Sir! LIEUTENANT DANIELS runs into view. 20s, dressed in typical UNIT uniform with dark brown hair hidden beneath an officer's beret. BRIGADIER

What are you doing in here Daniels? You know only authorised personnel are allowed in! DANIELS Sorry sir, it's urgent. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND The DOCTOR, BRIGADIER and DANIELS run in. GRAPHIC: one of the huge screens on the ceiling flickers into life showing a large graphic of the earth. in on London.

A group of red dots appear. BRIGADIER

When did this come up? DANIELS A few minutes ago. BRIGADIER A few minutes ago?

Why didn't we

see this sooner? DANIELS I don't know sir, they just appeared.

It zooms

By this time, more or less the whole base is watching the screen. BRIGADIER They're heading for London? DANIELS Yes, they've locked onto some sort of radio beacon. BRIGADIER Where are they going to hit? THE DOCTOR They're not.

They're going to

sail right over London. BRIGADIER What? THE DOCTOR They're not meteorites, they're spaceships.

Just like the ice

meteorite. BRIGADIER Spaceships for what Doctor? THE DOCTOR Ice Warriors.

CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1115 REBECCA and STANGERSON watch in awe as... FX: ...overhead, shoot several ice meteorites. REBECCA Not again. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1115 PEOPLE hear the sound of approaching engines, they look up and... FX: ...the ice meteorites soar over them. They begin to scream and run for cover. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - COMMAND CENTRE BRIGADIER Come in C squad, what the hell is going on there? CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH -

CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1115 A group of grim UNIT SOLDIERS are standing, attempting to control the chaos. PEOPLE surge all around them, trying to get to cover. FX: they are standing in front of the original ice meteorite. MORRIS This is Morris. It's chaos, we're trying to keep control!

A load of

meteorites went overhead and everyone went mad! BRIGADIER Have the meteorites hit anywhere? MORRIS I don't know.

I can't see

anything here. FX: the same meteorites from earlier shoot overhead again. BRIGADIER What was that? MORRIS

Well if I didn't know better sir, I'd say the meteorites just circled round and came back. BRIGADIER They're not meteorites they're spaceships.

Is there any activity

from the one that crashed? MORRIS No, I can't see...

wait a minute!

FX: the front of the meteorite opens out to form a ramp. PEOPLE run to get out of the way as it hits the ground, crushing the barriers down. FX: WIDE SHOT of the meteorite.

Something stirring inside.

And a phalanx of ICE WARRIORS walks calmly down the ramp. MORRIS(CONT'D) There's something coming, something alien. THE DOCTOR It's them, they're coming.


your men to get out of there. People shrink back as the Ice Warriors march down the

street. Towards the Soldiers, the only people standing in the way. Most people are watching, one of them is videoing the scene on his phone! THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Brigadier!

Get them out of there,

they'll die! BRIGADIER Alright Morris, pull your men back! Over and out! MORRIS But sir, there are innocent lives at stake here! BRIGADIER Pull your men out Morris! send backup!

We can

That's an order!

Over and out! The receiver goes dead. MORRIS Alright men, fall back to base. The three of them climb into the jeep, the Ice Warriors have nearly reached them.

One of them raises its arm. It presses its pincers together. The Sonic exterminator on its arm begins to glow. FX: a vibrating

yellow pulse beam shoots out from the

sonic exterminator, engulfing and encircling the jeep.


jeep begins to vibrate too under the control of this weird occurrence, no not vibrate, warp. PRAC FX: the jeep explodes. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND Complete chaos, the BRIGADIER shouting orders to everyone. BRIGADIER We need everything, tanks, jet fighters, whatever we can get. As the Brigadier shouts orders the DOCTOR just stands there, watching the screen. GRAPHIC: as before, the same display of London, with the red dots just circling overhead. THE DOCTOR (slowly realizing) I have to find Rebecca.

He suddenly runs over to the pillar in the centre of the room which leads up to the warehouse. BRIGADIER Doctor!

Where are you going? THE DOCTOR

I have to find Rebecca! BRIGADIER Doctor!


But the Doctor is already disappearing. THE DOCTOR I'll come back! He disappears from sight. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR yanks open the door and runs over to the console, jabbing controls. THE DOCTOR Now then, where are you? CUT TO:

INT. STANGERSON'S CAR REBECCA Is this really wise? STANGERSON Look, I think I know where the Doctor is. REBECCA But the military are everywhere and everyone's going mad, there'll be an accident. STANGERSON We seem to be okay so far. Up ahead, they suddenly see an ICE WARRIOR. It is still some way away. STANGERSON (CONT'D) What the hell is that? REBECCA It looks like some sort of... well I don't know what. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1117

The ICE WARRIOR watches the car slowly approaching. It slowly raises its arm. CUT TO: INT. STANGERSON'S CAR STANGERSON Why isn't he moving?


standing right in the middle of the road. REBECCA Um, I think that's... CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1117 The ICE WARRIOR begins to press its pincers together. The grind of ancient engines is heard. CUT TO: INT. STANGERSON'S CAR FX: through the window, REBECCA sees the outline of the TARDIS beginning to form.

REBECCA Stop! CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1117 Two things happen at once. FX: the car skids to a halt right in front of the materializing TARDIS, which is almost fully formed now. The ICE WARRIOR fires.

The beam of sonic energy hits the

TARDIS and seems to ripple around it. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR slams a lever down. THE DOCTOR No you don't! CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1118 FX: the ICE WARRIOR'S sonic beam begins to ripple and then it shoots back at the Ice Warrior. PRAC FX: there is an explosion.

The Ice Warrior pitches forwards and hits the ground. The door to the TARDIS opens and the DOCTOR gets out. THE DOCTOR Oh dear, what happened there? REBECCA gets out of the car and runs to the Doctor. They hug. REBECCA Where did you go? THE DOCTOR I'm afraid I was dragged off kicking and screaming by UNIT. REBECCA UNIT?

They're here? THE DOCTOR

Of course. STANGERSON gets out of the car. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Good lord!

Is that Joseph

Stangerson? STANGERSON Yes!

Good to see you again

Doctor. They shake hands. STANGERSON (CONT'D) What are you doing here?


what's going on? THE DOCTOR It looks like we've got an invasion on our hands. TARDIS!

Quick, into the

We need to get back to

UNIT HQ! They all get in the TARDIS. FX: the TARDIS dematerializes. A group of ICE WARRIORS appear round the corner as the TARDIS dematerializes. REVERSE: a group of SOLDIERs run down the street. SOLDIER#1 On my command, fire! PRAC FX: the soldiers begin firing on the approaching Ice Warriors. PRAC FX: the bullets ricochet off the Ice Warriors' armour.

They all raise their arms and press their pincers together. FX: beams of sonic energy shoot out and engulf the soldiers. They all begin to warp under the influence of the beams of energy. They all fall to the ground. On another street in London a tank rumbles into position and takes careful aim on a group of approaching Ice Warriors.

It is about to fire...

FX: ...when one of the ice meteorites soars overhead, unleashing a large beam of sonic energy which engulfs the tank.

The tank warps, and then when the sonic beam

clears... PRAC FX: ...the tank explodes. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND FX: The TARDIS materializes. The three of them step out, STANGERSON running round the TARDIS putting his hands all over it and saying 'how the hell did he do that?'. The base is still in uproar.



What's wrong now?


question, everything's wrong. BRIGADIER We've sent huge squads of soldiers into London, but they don't seem to be doing any good. THE DOCTOR Are any of these units armed with flamethrowers? BRIGADIER No. THE DOCTOR That's why.

Ice Warriors can't

stand heat.

Someone needs to go

out there with a flamethrower. How are the tanks doing? BRIGADIER We keep losing them.

The other

spaceships are destroying our heavy weaponry.

THE DOCTOR Yes they are rather annoying. Question is: what's wrong with Mars? BRIGADIER Mars? THE DOCTOR Mars is the home planet of the Ice Warriors, but why attack earth? Last time I checked, Mars was a peace-loving society. BRIGADIER I see.

I'm afraid you've lost me. THE DOCTOR

Oh come on Brigadier!

You've seen

things like this before!

It was

only a few years ago the earth was transported to another part of the Universe. BRIGADIER Well I suppose these people are less intelligent than the Daleks. THE DOCTOR

No, these are Ice Warriors, they're cleverer than Daleks. They tried to take earth's oxygen away once. Well, something tells me they're not trying that this time otherwise we'd have seed pods everywhere.

No, they're doing

something else. GRAPHIC: The screen on the ceiling suddenly fizzles out. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Eh? BRIGADIER What's happened?

Technical fault?

GRAPHIC: The face of VAXAR suddenly appears on the screen. THE DOCTOR Wasn't expecting that. VAXAR I ssssseek an audience with the leader of earth. CUT TO: INT. DOWNING STREET

GRAPHIC: The image of VAXAR is on a screen in Downing street. A crowd of people are gathered round it. They consist of PAs, CIVIL SERVANTS, everyone you expect to find in this sort of place. PRIME MINISTER GREGSON enters flanked by his PA who is already talking to him. PA ...and it just came up on the screen, no explanation, it just appeared. GREGSON waves her away and faces the screen. GREGSON Whatever it is you want, alien, I'm sure we can come to a peaceful compromise.

Earth welcomes any

alien life with open arms. VAXAR Are you the leader of earth? GREGSON I shall speak on behalf of the whole earth, yes.

VAXAR I am Ice Warrior Commander Vaxar. I ssssspeak, on behalf of Grand Marshall Sssserac.

I present to

you a list of termsss.

You will

agree to our termsss or be desssssstroyed. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND The BRIGADIER has his hand to his earpiece. The DOCTOR watches the screen grimly. BRIGADIER Sorry about that.

I just received

a report that the Prime Minister is speaking with them. THE DOCTOR It doesn't matter who speaks to them, they won't deviate from their course of action. CUT TO: INT. DOWNING STREET

GRAPHIC: the image of VAXAR leers down at the Prime Minister. VAXAR We have placed a number of chargesssss beneath the crusssst of the earth.

In exactly

sssssixteen earth minutessssss the chargesss will destroy your planet.

There issss nothing you

can do to sssstop them. However, if you agree to sssssurrender, we will at leassst take earth's people into slavery. The will sssstill ssssurive.


you refussssse, then every human on the planet will be dessstroyed.

GREGSON and his staff remain silent for a few beats. GREGSON I see.

We shall consider your

demands... VAXAR No consssideration issss required. Posssitive or Negative will

sssssuffice. GREGSON Very well.

Then the answer is no. PA#1

What? PA#2 Sir! GREGSON The answer is no! VAXAR You realisssse that you are causssing the dessstruction of your race. GREGSON Oh no.

Because we're going to

fight you, and we're going to win! I'm not going to sit back and just let you destroy our planet, I'm going to fight you! He turns to his staff. GREGSON (CONT'D) Does anyone want to stop me?

No-one replies. GREGSON (CONT'D) That's what I thought. He gestures to one of his PAs. GREGSON (CONT'D) Curtis!

Get the army, airforce,


We've got to hit them

with everything we've got and we need to find those charges! CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND GRAPHIC: the image of VAXAR fades from the screen. BRIGADIER The Prime Minister just refused to surrender. THE DOCTOR Good!

Means the humans are

standing up for themselves for once. BRIGADIER We need to find those charges.

THE DOCTOR It doesn't matter, Vaxar was right, we still won't be able to deactivate them. BRIGADIER Why not? THE DOCTOR We won't be able to deactivate them with anything on earth, but I have an idea.

If we find the

charges it might just work. BRIGADIER I'll get right onto it. STANGERSON What's happening Doctor? THE DOCTOR Well, not to worry you, but right now we're sitting on a load of explosives which will blow the planet to kingdom come in about fifteen minutes. REBECCA So everything's good then?

THE DOCTOR More or less. understand.

I still don't Why would the Ice

Warriors pointlessly blow up a planet?

Not like them at all. REBECCA

Isn't it just a typical invasion of earth?

And isn't it enough of

a worry that the charges are under the earth's crust at all?

And if

they've got charges under the earth's crust capable of destroying us, why are they attacking? THE DOCTOR The Ice Warriors are, well, warriors, might as well get in a bit of killing before the planet explodes.

Anyway, last time the

Ice Warriors were trying to invade earth they were looking for a new planet.

Mars was dying so...

what if it still is.

What if they

need something from us?


Charges in the earth's crust.

What do they need them for? BRIGADIER Doctor, we've been able to pinpoint the locations of the charges. GRAPHIC: A schematic of the inside of the earth flashes up, red dots flashing at strategic intervals.

A timer to the

top left of the screen shows them how long they have until the charges explode-eleven minutes. BRIGADIER (CONT'D) Question is, how do we remove them? THE DOCTOR Better hurry, we haven't got long. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP FX: A hologram of the GRAND MARSHALL is in the middle of the room VAXAR is standing in. VAXAR The humans are refussssing to ssssurrender.


The chargessss are our

top priority they mussssst be protected. VAXAR The chargesss cannot be moved or deactivated.

Even if the humansss

find them there will be nothing they can do. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND GRAPHIC: the screen still showing the images of the inside of the earth. The DOCTOR just staring.

The BRIGADIER in the b/g.

BRIGADIER Doctor, I need a solution. THE DOCTOR Haven't you thought of one? BRIGADIER Doctor, we've got ten minutes left, I need something!

THE DOCTOR Well, I've only got a suggestion. BRIGADIER Anything's welcome I suppose. THE DOCTOR Well in that case I suggest we rewrite the laws of magnetism.


need to have a look in that restricted section of yours, there may be something there that can help me.

Rebecca, I need your

help. REBECCA Okay. THE DOCTOR Stangerson, you too.


you said you found some alien objects in the earth's crust... BRIGADIER That's right, we've got a shaft leading down there. THE DOCTOR Excellent!

CUT TO: INT. RESTRICTED SECTION The DOCTOR strides in, followed by the BRIGADIER, REBECCA and STANGERSON. The Doctor picks up some sort of alien object from a pile. Turns it over in his hands. THE DOCTOR Perfect! FAST CUTS The Doctor working circuits. Being handed things by Rebecca. Stangerson chucks him an object, Doctor tuns it over in his hands, chucks it away. Something beginning to take shape in his hands.


it. Switches it on. FX: an object flies from across the room, attaches itself to the metal plate on the front of the device. ON THE DOCTOR: grinning CUT TO:

INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CORRIDOR The DOCTOR carrying the rather bulky device, the BRIGADIER leading, STANGERSON and REBECCA following. THE DOCTOR So Brigadier, where's this shaft of yours? BRIGADIER It's just down here.

What's that

machine of yours anyway? THE DOCTOR It's an extremely powerful electromagnet.

The Ice Warriors

may be clever, but even they can't stop the power of magnetism.

If I

can tune this it into the right frequency it might just be able to pull the charges out of the earth's crust. STANGERSON Then what? THE DOCTOR Then we're stuck with a load of explosives which need disposing

of. BRIGADIER And here's the shaft room. There is a door at the far end of the corridor. A sign on it reads: CAUTION: SHAFT AHEAD. pushes open the door.

The Brigadier

The others follow. CUT TO:

INT. SHAFT ROOM The shaft room is dark before the BRIGADIER pushes open the door.

When he does, lights flicker on revealing a huge

room with a massive pit in the middle similar to the one in 3.X, except with a railing around it. BRIGADIER Here it is. The DOCTOR crosses over to the railing.

He looks down the

shaft and whistles. THE DOCTOR And somewhere down there is our target.

Just tune this thing into

the right frequency... He twiddles a knob on the side of the machine.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ...and we're good to go. He sets the machine down. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You might want to stand back, who knows what this thing could pick up. The Doctor flicks a switch and runs back to stand with the others.

The device begins to emit a strange humming noise. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Just warming itself up.

The humming noise the device is emitting begins to get louder and louder.

REBECCA covers her ears.

Suddenly, the cracking of rocks is heard. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (shouting) Sounds like we've got something! And sure enough... FX: ...twelve large spheres shoot out of the shaft and are held by the device in a sort of forcefield. The Doctor walks forward and picks up the device.

The bombs hovering in front of him.

The timers on the side

showing 00:07 - seven minutes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Gotcha! CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP VAXAR slams his pincers down on a control panel, furious. FX: a hologram of the GRAND MARSHALL appears. VAXAR The humanssss have removed the chargessss. GRAND MARSHALL Then desssssstroy them! FX: the hologram fades. VAXAR crosses to a control panel. VAXAR All craft.

I am ssssending you

these co-ordiantesss.


the attack and go to thisssss location.

CUT TO: EXT. LONDON SKYLINE - DAY 2 1132 FX: sure enough, the ice meteorites turn in mid-flight and begin flying back across London. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2 1132 FX: the ice meteorite begins to rise up in the air. PRAC WIND: people start shielding themselves from the downthrust. FX: the ice meteorite rises fully off the ground and flies off, leaving only a large crater with a hole in the middle from the drilling. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND Everyone stares as the BRIGADIER, REBECCA, STANGERSON and finally the DOCTOR appears holding the device with FX: the bombs floating in front of him. (NB: FX continues throughout scenes 67-68)

THE DOCTOR Don't mind me. PRIVATE ANDERSON rushes over to the Brigadier. ANDERSON Sir!

The meteorites have stopped

attacking London, they're coming here! THE DOCTOR Brilliant! stone!

Two birds with one


He rushes over to the surface lift. BRIGADIER Doctor, where are you going? THE DOCTOR Outside! The lift descends. BRIGADIER Why? THE DOCTOR The boomerang effect! The Doctor stands on the lift.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Coming? The Brigadier sighs and goes over to the lift.

Rebecca and

Stangerson are already on it. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (gleefully) You don't want to miss this! CUT TO: EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY 2 1133 The DOCTOR, BRIGADIER, STANGERSON and RACHEL rush out. FX: in the sky above, the meteorites are getting nearer. THE DOCTOR Just reconfigure the setting and... FX: the bombs shoot away from the device, rocketing up into the sky and attaching themselves to the meteorites. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) And just to speed things up a bit. He presses a button on his sonic screwdriver. FX: the meteorites explode.

But there is one left-the

original one.

It begins to descend.

They all stare up in awe as the thing casts a shadow over them as it descends. FX: the meteorite stands before them.

It opens.

VAXAR strides out. VAXAR It ssssseemsss that you humansss are cleverer then we anticipated. THE DOCTOR Indeed. now?

What are you going to do

Blast us?


You've been

Your invasion fleet is

gone, along with your Grand Marshall.

You might as well go

back to Mars. VAXAR I cannot return. THE DOCTOR Why not? VAXAR I cannot return. THE DOCTOR

Is there a reason?

Is that why

you attacked earth? VAXAR Marssss issss no longer sssafe. And as he says this, a UNIT trooper jumps out of nowhere holding a flamethrower. PRAC FX: the flamethrower spews a huge tongue of flame, engulfing Vaxar.

Vaxar, on fire screams and begins to

slowly melt until only a pool of green sludge is left on the ground. The Doctor turns angrily to the UNIT trooper. THE DOCTOR What the hell did you do that for? He was surrendering!

Can't you

see that? He turns to the Brigadier. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I thought you would have improved by now. The Doctor turns and walks away.

The others watch him.

FX: behind them, the ice meteorite takes off for one last time, soaring up into the sky and out of sight.

CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - CENTRAL COMMAND The lift descends. The DOCTOR standing on it. Alone. Silent. He carries the device over to the TARDIS and goes inside. There is a beat. Then the lift descends.


STANGERSON on it. All so silent. BRIGADIER I suppose you'll be going now. REBECCA Yes. She looks at him. REBECCA (CONT'D) Aren't you going to say goodbye to him?

BRIGADIER He won't talk to me now. always like this.

He was

You just go.

Rebecca looks at Stangerson. REBECCA Do you want to come along? STANGERSON No.

My place is here.

I need to

continue searching for your father. I'm afraid a life with the Doctor is not for me. REBECCA Okay. She takes something out of her pocket. REBECCA (CONT'D) The Doctor gave me one of these. Plug it into your phone and it'll let you call me wherever I am. STANGERSON Excellent. They hug. STANGERSON (CONT'D)

Take care. REBECCA You too.

Goodbye Brigadier. BRIGADIER


Tell the Doctor I wish

him good fortune on his travels. Rebecca enters the TARDIS. FX: the TARDIS dematerializes. Stangerson and the Brigadier watch it go. STANGERSON Wonderful chap, the Doctor. BRIGADIER Yes.

Every single one of them. CUT TO:

INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR is quietly watching a scanner. THE DOCTOR Every cloud. REBECCA What?

THE DOCTOR Every cloud has a silver lining. It's snowing. REBECCA Really? THE DOCTOR Yep.

I should have known.

were ice bombs.


They were going

to blow away the earth's crust and freeze the core.

Then drag it

back to their own planet. REBECCA Why do that? THE DOCTOR If you think global warming's bad on earth you should see Mars.


imagine an artificial ice moon would have helped cool it down. The Ice Warriors are probably dying out now. Unless...


that's brilliant! He flicks a lever. CUT TO:

EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1137 FX: the TARDIS materializes. Sure enough, it is snowing. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR Now, just get the grav scoop and... CUT TO: EXT. REGENT'S PARK - DAY 2 1137 FX: all the snow is suddenly sucked into the lamp at the top of the TARDIS.

The TARDIS dematerializes. CUT TO:

INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR is feverishly moving round the console. THE DOCTOR Next destination: Mars. REBECCA

Oh I can guess what you're going to do. CUT TO: EXT. MARS - FX SHOT FX: the TARDIS hovering above Mars. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR at the console. THE DOCTOR Now just set the grav scoop to reverse and...

let it snow! CUT TO:

EXT. MARS - FX SHOT FX: the snow the TARDIS has collected shoots down towards Mars. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The DOCTOR is now grinning.

THE DOCTOR That ought to cool them down a bit. REBECCA Well done Doctor. She crosses over to the Doctor's workbench, seeing the mess from earlier. REBECCA (CONT'D) Doctor, what's this?

The Doctor is suddenly alert. THE DOCTOR That?

Oh, uh...

He throws a sheet over the workbench. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ...that's nothing, just a little pet project I've been working on. REBECCA Okay, if you say so. She walks off. When she has gone, the Doctor checks under the sheet.

THE DOCTOR You stay quiet now. And then a voice is heard.

Very faint, but vaguely

familiar, although very low and raspy. VOICE OOV Affirmative Master. END OF EPISODE 8.3

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