Doctor Who - U.f.o (script)

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  • Words: 8,091
  • Pages: 88
DOCTOR WHO U.F.O BY WILL JOHNSON INT. HOUSE - NEW JERSEY Lying in bed is a young GIRL, her PARENTS standing over her. GIRL Good night Mommy, good night Daddy.

I love you. MUM

We love you too. She leans forward and kisses her daughter on the forehead, the dad follows suit. DAD Sleep well. They leave the room, switching off the light as they go. CLOSE ON the girl, she closes her eyes.

Stay on her for a beat. Suddenly her eyes SNAP OPEN. WHIP-PAN to see a TALL, SHADOWY FIGURE standing over her. CUT CLOSER, it can barely be seen, but the figure is lanky, unnatural and has an enormous GRIN on its face. The girl SCREAMS. SMASH CUT TO: INT. PARENT'S BEDROOM They hear the SCREAM, they run towards the door, but the girl has already run into the room, terrified. DAD What is it, what's wrong? GIRL Daddy, there's a man in my room! DAD What? GIRL He's there!

I just saw him!

DAD Stay with her!

And he runs out of the room.

The mother comforts her

distraught daughter. MUM It's alright, it's alright, it was just a bad dream. GIRL No!

I saw someone, he was...

grinning at me! The dad re-enters the room. DAD There's no-one there. GIRL But DAD I didn't find anyone, there's no-one else in the house. This statement hangs in the air for a moment and CUT TO TITLES CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NEW JERSEY - DAY

HIGH SHOT of the street, PEOPLE just walking aimlessly up and down, houses and shops on either side. Gradually, REBECCA comes into view, carrying a bag, she turns into one of the houses. CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE She enters. The interior of the house is dingy and more like a workshop than anything else, with bare concrete walls and a few dim bulbs providing the only light. This was obviously some kind of workshop as there are tools lying all around the place. THE DOCTOR is sitting behind a workbench at far end of the room, reading a newspaper. Rebecca crosses over and puts the bag down on the workbench. THE DOCTOR Ah!


He reaches into the bag and extracts a sandwich. just looks at him.

The Doctor looks up.


THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What? REBECCA Doctor, we've been here a week. THE DOCTOR And it looks like it's paid off. He shows her the front page of the newspaper.

It reads:

"Mysterious Figures Sighted in Local Neighbourhood Alien Invasion, or just a hoax?" REBECCA (sarcastic) Well that makes it all worth it. THE DOCTOR I think so. REBECCA Doctor, couldn't we do something more exciting? THE DOCTOR Yes, we're doing it now. REBECCA After the Radius IV this feels so... bland.

THE DOCTOR It's not as action packed.


seeing one of the most mysterious events of the twentieth century unfold that's what I call exciting.


haven't felt this way since Roswell. REBECCA Now you're telling me you were there as well? THE DOCTOR Well, I was about twenty thousand feet above it.


was a dog fight if ever there was one.

Reminds me of the

Battle of Britain. REBECCA I won't even get you started on that one. THE DOCTOR Very wise. REBECCA You still haven't told me

exactly what we're meant to be seeing here. THE DOCTOR The Grinning Man. REBECCA What is a Grinning Man?

I trust

it tastes better than it sounds. THE DOCTOR It's a legend, a myth, similar to the Loch Ness Monster, although far less famous. REBECCA I've never heard of... is it an 'it' or a 'he'. THE DOCTOR No-one knows.

Remember those

two boys I pointed out to you earlier this week? REBECCA Yes. THE DOCTOR They were the first to see one. Two days ago they were

interviewed by John A. Keel, a man who would go on to investigate the creature in greater detail. REBECCA This is the equivalent of bird watching for you isn't it? THE DOCTOR This is far more exciting than bird watching. element here!

I'm in my This what I

started travelling for! REBECCA I only wish I shared your excitement. Suddenly, there is a KNOCK on the door. THE DOCTOR Who could that be? He goes over to the door and opens it. A DELIVERY MAN is standing outside, brown work overalls, 30s. DELIVERY MAN

Sorry to disturb you sir, I believe you ordered several kilograms of plastic. THE DOCTOR No, not me.

Someone else.

DELIVERY MAN Are you Mister John Smith? THE DOCTOR Doctor John Smith. DELIVERY MAN Well I have this delivery signed to you.

It's for this address

and everything. THE DOCTOR Oh.

Well I suppose I'd better

take it then. The Delivery Man reaches down and hands him a CARDBOARD BOX. DELIVERY MAN Thank you.

If you'd just sign

for it. The Doctor signs the piece of paper.

THE DOCTOR Thank you.

By the way, what's

your name? DELIVERY MAN Cold.

Indrid Cold.

And he turns and leaves. The Doctor just stands there, completely non-plussed. REBECCA Doctor?

What's the matter? THE DOCTOR

Indrid Cold.

I know that name.

REBECCA I've never heard of Indrid Cold. THE DOCTOR Mothman.

He's one of the most

well known Grinning Men ever sighted. REBECCA Well if he's that, what's he doing delivering plastic to people? THE DOCTOR

I don't know.

I think someone

may have cottoned on to our location. REBECCA Maybe it's a different person. THE DOCTOR Maybe.

Let's see what's in this

box. And he opens the box. A large cube of PLASTIC slides out. The Doctor looks at Rebecca. REBECCA Who needs a lump of plastic? THE DOCTOR I don't know.

Very strange. CUT TO:

INT. WAREHOUSE The warehouse is nearly empty, only bits of metal and junk.

Nothing too obtrusive.

The doors to warehouse slide open as a VAN drives in.

CUT CLOSER, it is being driven by INDRID COLD. He stops the van and gets out.

At the far end of the

warehouse is another MAN - MR. MOORE. MR. MOORE Good morning Mister Cold. INDRID COLD Mornin' Mister Moore.


delivered the package. MR. MOORE Good. INDRID COLD Hey, uh, all this crazy stuff in the newspapers.

That wouldn't

have anything to do with you would it? MR. MOORE I'm afraid so.

Our early

experiments were not so successful it would appear. INDRID COLD You ain't gonna do anything to cover it up?

MR. MOORE Why bother?

No-one really

believes these stories. INDRID COLD Okay.

Do I get my money now? MR. MOORE

When did I say anything about money? INDRID COLD You said I'd get paid. MR. MOORE Oh yes, but not in money. INDRID COLD Look, I don't know where you come from, but money's about the only thing that's worth anything these days. MR. MOORE We have something far greater than money prepared for you Mister Cold. be repaid.

Your services will Now, you still have

more deliveries to do.

INDRID COLD Yeah, okay, but I ain't doing this for free. MR. MOORE Of course not. INDRID COLD This, uh, plastic.

What does it

do? MR. MOORE Many amazing things.


which may not be appreciated now, but in the future, the possibilities are endless. CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE CLOSE ON the lump of plastic, being examined by THE DOCTOR. THE DOCTOR Well, it seems to be just an ordinary lump of plastic. REBECCA What a relief.

Will it help us

find the Grinning Man though? THE DOCTOR No.

It won't.

It seems the

Grinning Man found us. REBECCA You still think it's Indrid Cold? THE DOCTOR Why would he visit us?


obvious what he's doing, he's conducting a survey. REBECCA A survey?

Doctor, I've run into

two types of aliens with you and neither of them wanted to conduct a survey. THE DOCTOR Different aliens. motives.


Different times.


alien species, 1960s Earth was a fascinating time to study humans.

They had to be

tentative though.


wasn't quite ready to embrace

E.T. REBECCA I can see why. THE DOCTOR Are you referring to me?


about the only Time Lord interested in Earth. REBECCA Doctor, why do you think the Galaxy revolves around you?


was talking about the Sontarons. THE DOCTOR Oh, uh, yes of course.


REBECCA Doctor, couldn't we just fly up into space, contact the aliens and fly off again? THE DOCTOR Where's the fun in that? REBECCA Where's the fun in this? THE DOCTOR

If your heart's not in it I can drop you back home and pick you up afterwards. REBECCA What have I got back there? THE DOCTOR Exactly. REBECCA It's not fair not having a choice. THE DOCTOR Look, I'm sorry. REBECCA It's alright.

I did choose to

travel with you. THE DOCTOR Do you think you made the right choice? REBECCA I suppose so. THE DOCTOR Then stop complaining and just

sit back and watch everything unfold. CUT TO: EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY MR. MOORE exits the warehouse and looks up at the sky. FX: suddenly, a FLYING SAUCER comes into view, circling low over the skyline.

The flying saucer comes to a halt

above Mr. Moore, and a LIGHT comes down from it, into which he disappears. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - FX SHOT The FLYING SAUCER appears as the CAMERA PULLS AWAY, revealing A HUGE SPACESHIP, waiting to receive the smaller craft which flies into a docking bay. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE The MR. MOORE enters. Before him it is all dark.

Suddenly, lights SLAM ON, all around, revealing FX WIDE SHOT: a HUGE, PULSATING, GELATINOUS BLOB, swirling around below Mr. Moore.

It rises up and ROARS.

MR. MOORE The plastic has been delivered to his location.

All it

requires is activation. The CREATURE ROARS something. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) I quite agree.

With him out of

the way we will finally be able to complete our much postponed invasion. CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE CLOSE ON the lump of plastic. FX: suddenly, the plastic begins, to WARP and CHANGE, forming into something CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE - BACK ROOM

In the back room stands the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR is setting up a bulky telescope, there is no sign of REBECCA. Suddenly, the door to the room is pushed open slowly with a creak. The Doctor turns his head. THE DOCTOR That you, Rebecca? There is no reply. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Well don't be shy, come on in. I'm just setting up my telescope, I thought we could do some stargazing. He turns fully. Suddenly the door is pushed open violently. The Doctor reacts with horror to the thing on the other side. THE THING'S POV, a SHADOW falls over the Doctor and he begins to slowly back away. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)

Oh, um, well I was going to meet you personally but, um, it seems you found me yourself.


there's no need for violence, if you need to inspect me or anything, feel free.


that's highly unnecessary, I But an arm appears in frame, STRIKING the Doctor DOWN. He collapses. SMASH CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE REBECCA hears a THUD. REBECCA Doctor?

Doctor, are you

alright? She starts towards the door at the back of the room. CUT TO: INT. BACK ROOM REBECCA enters as "THE DOCTOR" stands up. REBECCA

Doctor, are you okay? "THE DOCTOR" Yeah.

I'm fine.

I just tripped

over something. REBECCA Are you hurt? "THE DOCTOR" No.

Not at all.

Rebecca points to the telescope. REBECCA Is that your telescope? "THE DOCTOR" I thought we could do some stargazing this evening. REBECCA That would be nice.

It would be

great to get out of this house after being cooped up in here for a week. "THE DOCTOR" Yes.

Very nice. REBECCA

Doctor are you sure you're okay? "THE DOCTOR" I already said twice that I was fine. REBECCA You seem distant. "THE DOCTOR" Probably the trauma of having my entire homeworld destroyed. REBECCA Your what?



I had no idea "THE DOCTOR" It's fine.

I live with it.

Just as all the countless other civilizations whose planets have been destroyed do. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE A wall ROTATES to reveal THE DOCTOR on the other side, strapped down.


What's the meaning of

all this? MR. MOORE approaches. MR. MOORE Ah.

Here he is.

FX: the Doctor looks down and sees the HUGE CREATURE from earlier.

It ROARS at him. THE DOCTOR Do I know you? MR. MOORE Come on Doctor, are we really so hard to recognise? THE DOCTOR I think anyone would find it hard to recognise that thing. MR. MOORE It would be unwise to insult 'that thing'. THE DOCTOR I'll insult it as much as I want.

Alright down there

blobby? The creature gives another roar. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Joking aside. doing here?

What are you Oh, and by the way,

when my friend realizes I'm gone she'll come looking for me. MR. MOORE She won't know you've gone anywhere. THE DOCTOR What's that supposed to mean? (suddenly realizing) What have you done to her? MR. MOORE She's safe.

And will be.


enough to see Earth used for its rightful purpose. THE DOCTOR Care to elaborate? MR. MOORE You're a smart fellow Doctor. I'll leave you to work it out.

He begins to move off THE DOCTOR That's sort of hard when I'm strapped down like this. (shouting) There's no point leaving me in the dark! Mr. Moore turns and walks back. MR. MOORE Whether you find out what we're up to or not is irrelevant. THE DOCTOR More riddles?

I thought you

could at least have the grace to do a monologue! Mr. Moore has disappeared CLOSE ON the Doctor's wrist as he slides his SONIC SCREWDRIVER out from under his sleeve. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NIGHT "THE DOCTOR" walks along with REBECCA.

There is barely

anyone in the Park. "THE DOCTOR" This will do. And he sets the telescope down. REBECCA Isn't it a bit public? "THE DOCTOR" There's no-one here, they won't notice. He looks down the lens. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) (surprised) Wow!

It's powerful! REBECCA

It's your telescope. "THE DOCTOR" Yes, I suppose it is. He looks through it again. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) That's some spaceship. REBECCA

Can I see? He passes the telescope over to her and she looks through it. HER POV, looking up, not into the night sky, but into space itself. FX: the HUGE SPACESHIP framed in the lens. REBECCA (CONT'D) Is that it's spaceship? "THE DOCTOR" Who's? REBECCA The Grinning Man's. "THE DOCTOR" Yes, it is. REBECCA Do you think we should take the TARDIS up and have a look? "THE DOCTOR" The TARDIS.

Ah, yes.

I think

that would be very advantageous. Come on, let's go.



We came out for

nothing. "THE DOCTOR" I suppose we did. And he walks off. Rebecca looks around. There is a shifty looking MAN sitting on a bench reading a newspaper which obscures his face. As Rebecca looks round she sees more of them.

More MEN

holding newspapers in front of their faces. "The Doctor" taps her on the shoulder.

She starts.

"THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) Are you coming? REBECCA Yes, I was just... there's a lot of newspapers. "THE DOCTOR" They're harmless. And they walk away. One of the Men begins to lower his newspaper and watch

them go, but as his face is about to be revealed CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE INDRID COLD is loading his van up with supplies. MOORE steps from the shadows. INDRID COLD Jesus!

You startled me! MR. MOORE

I have a new job for you. INDRID COLD More deliveries?

This van's

running low on gas. MR. MOORE No.

No more deliveries today.

Recently our experiments have been attracting attention.


want you to dissuade any witnesses that they saw anything unusual.

We can't afford to

have our cover blown so easily. INDRID COLD Well sure, but who's going to


listen to a delivery guy? MR. MOORE You won't be a delivery guy. And he produces a black suit from behind his back. INDRID COLD Look, I'm no government agent, why can't you do it?

You look

the part. MR. MOORE And so will you. help from us.

You will have

All we need is

for you to tell them they saw nothing. INDRID COLD I get the picture.

Okay, but

I'm warning you, I can't make any promises. MAN First, I want you to go to the Lilly household a few blocks away.

That's where the first

sighting was. INDRID COLD


I'll get onto it right

away. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE The front door is slowly pushed open to reveal INDRID COLD on the other side wearing a black suit. The Man who opened the door is the DAD from earlier - MR. Lilly. INDRID COLD Mr. Lilly?

Can I come in? MR. LILLY

What's this about? INDRID COLD Is your daughter in? MR. LILLY Look, no-one's allowed to see her.

She's under a lot of

stress, she's being looked after by a psyciatrist. INDRID COLD Mr. Lilly, I'm from the


I need to speak to

you and your wife at least. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - SITTING ROOM INDRID COLD is sitting on a sofa across from MR. and MRS. LILLY. INDRID COLD Look, I know that what happened to your daughter was deeply traumatic MRS. LILLY She can't even sleep alone anymore! it was!

That's how traumatic Do you know anything

about it?

Was it something to

do with the government? INDRID COLD Look I don't know anything about the thing your daughter saw, all I know is CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH: CUT TO:

INT. SPACESHIP MR. MOORE is sitting before a bank of computers monitoring the scene. He speaks and the words he says come out of INDRID COLD'S mouth. MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD - that you shouldn't know anything about it either. MR. LILLY What? MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD You are to forget everything you saw a few nights ago. MRS. LILLY Is this some sort of joke? MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD You will forget it ever happened! MR. LILLY I'm getting the cops! MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD Sit down!

And he stays where he is. MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD (CONT'D) You are to forget everything that happened the night in question. Everything! MRS. LILLY We'll never forget it! MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD It never happened!

And you

would do well not to speak about it. And he gets up and leaves the room.

The two look at each

other. CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT INDRID COLD exits the house then rubs his forehead, freed from the influence. INDRID COLD Whoa!

What just happened? CUT TO:

INT. TARDIS "THE DOCTOR" is standing in front of the TARDIS console, at a loss of what to do. REBECCA Doctor, I thought you knew how to fly the TARDIS. "THE DOCTOR" Apparently not. REBECCA Doctor, are you sure you're alright? "THE DOCTOR" I'm fine, you needn't worry about me.

Let's see...

I think

I'm going to need the operation manual. And he moves off. REBECCA checks one of the screens on the console. looks over at "the Doctor".

Is he really - ?

"The Doctor" moves back over to the console. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) I suppose there isn't an


operation manual. REBECCA So we're stuck here? "THE DOCTOR" It would seem so. He looks at the console. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) There must be some way to jumpstart it. REBECCA If only it were that simple. CLOSE ON the screen doing a scan. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE THE DOCTOR is still strapped to the wall, he is fiddling with his sonic screwdriver. FX WIDE SHOT: the CREATURE below him, writhing around. The Doctor presses the button. One of the straps holding him comes undone.

FX: the creature doesn't notice anything. He presses the button again. Another strap comes undone. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS "THE DOCTOR" is still checking the console. REBECCA Doctor, I think you mentioned a manual once. "THE DOCTOR" Did I?

Where is it?

I seem to

have forgotten. REBECCA It's in that bookshelf over there.

Top shelf. "THE DOCTOR"

Okay. And he moves away. REBECCA checks the screen she was looking at. The screen reads: no organic matter located in subject.

She turns towards "the Doctor", then slowly edges round the TARDIS. In the corner is the Doctor's woodwork section, and she finds a large BOARD OF WOOD, holds it up, then moves towards "the Doctor" CLOSE ON "the Doctor", over his shoulder Rebecca approaching.

He slowly becomes aware of this as -

She SMASHES the board over his head, he goes down. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) What the hell? He gets to his feet. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) (shouting) What the hell do you think you're doing? REBECCA Where is he?

Where's the

Doctor? "THE DOCTOR" I'm the Doctor! REBECCA Nice try.

I scanned you.

You're nothing but plastic. "THE DOCTOR" Scans can be deceiving. REBECCA Solid evidence can't. place where I hit you:

That you're

not even bruised "THE DOCTOR" I'm a Time Lord!

I can take

that sort of thing! REBECCA Then let's see if you can take this! And she SMASHES him with the board again, this time in the torso. He reaches out for her, she BATTERS his arm, the SLAMS the board into his head, again and again One FINAL SMASH and his HEAD COMES CLEAN OFF! Then, the HEADLESS BODY gets to its feet and begins to lurch towards her! FX: out of the stump at the top of the neck begins to grow a NEW HEAD.

"THE DOCTOR" Nice try indeed. FX: and his hand STRETCHES OUT, GRABBING HOLD of the board, yanking it out of Rebecca's hands. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) Don't worry.

I won't kill you.

I'll let you live to see your world and your precious Doctor die! CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE THE DOCTOR has succeeded in finally getting most of the straps off. He presses the button one last time and the final strap falls away. FX WIDE SHOT: the CREATURE turns and roars. THE DOCTOR I'm guessing that was a goodbye! And he runs out of the room. CUT TO:

INT. SPACESHIP - CORRIDOR THE DOCTOR runs out into the corridor, looks around. THE DOCTOR No security?

Tut, tut.

And he runs off, finds the door he's looking for, goes inside. CUT TO: INT. COMPUTER SECTOR THE DOCTOR goes inside, again, no-one around. THE DOCTOR Right, let's see what they're up to. He goes over to the huge computer at the far end of the room, begins tapping away on the touch-pad. GRAPHIC: the computer screen shows earth, text flashes up, it's in some alien language but the Doctor seems to understand. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh no!

Those pesky Nestenes are

up to it again!

CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE "THE DOCTOR" is standing in the middle of the room, stationary.

He has REBECCA tied to one of the chairs. "THE DOCTOR"

Right, how do you pilot the TARDIS? REBECCA I don't know. "THE DOCTOR" Not good enough. REBECCA If you need to pilot it so badly why didn't you get the Doctor to do it? "THE DOCTOR" He will not break so easily. REBECCA What makes you think I will? "THE DOCTOR" Humans are weak.

REBECCA I've heard that before.


last person who said it got destroyed. "THE DOCTOR" The last person who said it was a blind idiot. REBECCA Well that makes two of you. "THE DOCTOR" You will tell me how to fly the TARDIS. REBECCA And if I don't? "THE DOCTOR" Your planet is dying.


trying to revitalise it. it into something new.

Turn Humans

may even thank me someday.


you help me, you'll be helping herald in a new era. REBECCA I'd rather die.

"THE DOCTOR" Fair enough. REBECCA If you've got some great big spaceship up in space can't you just scoop up the TARDIS yourself? "THE DOCTOR" I don't have that sort of technology.


REBECCA Why do you need it? "THE DOCTOR" We need it so the Doctor can't use it. REBECCA You've killed him haven't you? "THE DOCTOR" We haven't touched him. alive and well.


Like you, he'll

live long enough to see this planet destroyed. REBECCA

I thought you said you were heralding in a new age. "THE DOCTOR" For my people. enough talk.

Not yours.


I need to know how

to fly the TARDIS. REBECCA Well you won't get anything out of me, I've already told you I don't know how to fly it. "THE DOCTOR" Very well. "The Doctor" goes still and rigid for a minute, then returns to normal. "THE DOCTOR" (CONT'D) Mister Cold is on his way. are my associates.


It appears

the Doctor has escaped.

But it

won't stay that way for long. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMPUTER SECTOR THE DOCTOR has obviously finished what he is doing at the

computer. He turns to leave, but finds THREE AUTONS standing behind him, guns out THE DOCTOR Oh no. The first Auton grabs him and twists his arm behind his back, marching him away. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND CENTRE THE DOCTOR is led in by the AUTONS. FX WIDE SHOT: the CREATURE roars at him MR. MOORE Nice try Doctor.

My master

would have you executed. THE DOCTOR So much for no security.


don't you execute me? MR. MOORE I want you to live to see our victory.

A race downtrodden in

the Time War finally come to the


And your precious planet

earth destroyed.

You'll be

pleased to hear that your companion is one her way up here as well. THE DOCTOR Is she safe? MR. MOORE Yes.


She won't tell

us how to fly the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR She doesn't know, that's why. MR. MOORE Mister Cold is on his way now. THE DOCTOR Indrid Cold?

He works for you?

MR. MOORE Of course.

Some humans are so

gullible, but he will be rewarded for his troubles. THE DOCTOR What's he been doing?


around in the dark telling

people there's no such thing as aliens? MR. MOORE looks surprised. MR. MOORE How did you know that? THE DOCTOR All part of history.

I didn't

even need your computer to tell me that. MR. MOORE You know our plan? THE DOCTOR Good old fashioned invasion. What's the Grinning Man all about? MR. MOORE You can always get a bit of scientific discovery out of an invasion.

We wanted to see the

fear with which people reacted to a new model of Auton.


of an invasion is provoking fear.

We succeeded.

Unfortunately, our ships are damaged.

When we attempted to

beam the Autons to earth, they ended up miles off target.


were seen before we were ready. THE DOCTOR (sarcastic) Oh dear. MR. MOORE It doesn't matter.

We will

still be victorious! CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE "The Doctor" is off in another room, REBECCA is on her own in the room. She sees a penknife on the nearby workbench and begins to edge towards it. She turns the chair round and reaches out with her hands towards the knife.

Getting hold of it, she begins to saw

away at the ropes binding her hands. They come loose and she gets to her feet, looking around the room again.

On the other side of the room are various tools stacked up in shelves. She runs over to it and begins rooting through, trying to find something to use as a weapon, she finds what she is looking for - a blow torch. "THE DOCTOR" enters the room to see Rebecca holding the blow torch. "THE DOCTOR" What? REBECCA Stay back. And she holds up the torch. PRAC FX: FLAMES shoot out. "The Doctor" laughs. "THE DOCTOR" Reinforcements are on the way. Even if you do destroy me, you'll have them to deal with. REBECCA It's a start. "The Doctor" approaches.

CLOSE ON his hand.

As the fingers fall away revealing a

gun! PRAC FX: he FIRES. Rebecca dodges out of the way.

She appears from behind

the bench holding the blow torch.

She thrusts it into

"the Doctor's" face. He SCREAMS and reels away. His FACE begins to MELT.

Molten plastic dripping away.

He stumbles blindly towards her, knocking over a table. The Doctor's toy ship falls on the floor and SHATTERS Rebecca thrust the blow torch into "the Doctor's" chest. PRAC FX (FX?): he CATCHES FIRE!

His entire body goes up

in flames and he begins to melt under the ire of the flames.

His empty plastic mass sinks to the ground and

just lays there, a useless blob. Rebecca throws down the blow torch There is a KNOCK on the door. Cautiously, she sneaks over and pulls it open On the other side are INDRID COLD, flanked by THREE MEN holding newspapers in front of their faces.

INDRID COLD Miss Munorc?

These Gentlemen

would like to speak with you. And they all lower their newspapers. Their faces are horrific.

Horrible, grinning plastic

masks, each of them over six feet tall, they stare down at her with lifeless eyes. CLOSE ON one of their hands, which flips down to reveal a GUN. Rebecca slams the door shut and runs for her life. PRAC FX: the door is THROWN OFF ITS HINGES by a MASSIVE EXPLOSION. Indrid Cold and the Grinning Men stride in. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS REBECCA runs into the TARDIS, she's safe here - or is she? CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE - BACK ROOM

INDRID COLD and the GRINNING MEN walk in. INDRID COLD What's this doing here? He looks at one of the Grinning Men, then attempts to push the door open. INDRID COLD (CONT'D) Locked. One of the Grinning Men raises his arm. PRAC FX: he fires. There is no effect, not even a dent. INDRID COLD (CONT'D) Look Missy, we only want to talk.

We're not here to cause

any trouble. There is no reply from within the TARDIS. INDRID COLD (CONT'D) Open the doors and we'll talk. CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH: CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP

As in Sc. 18, Indrid Cold is being monitored by MR. MOORE. MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD Open the doors now! Still nothing. MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD (CONT'D) Now! CUT TO: INT. TARDIS And as if gripped by some mysterious force REBECCA walks over to the TARDIS doors and opens them. CUT TO: INT. SAFEHOUSE - BACK ROOM REBECCA walks out of the TARDIS. INDRID COLD Whoa!

That's the second time

this evening. He sees Rebecca. INDRID COLD (CONT'D)

I'm glad you finally saw sense. He gestures to the GRINNING MEN. INDRID COLD (CONT'D) Take her. They nod and grab hold of Rebecca' arms, leading her away. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE MR. MOORE turns to THE DOCTOR, held by TWO AUTONS. MR. MOORE Your companion is on her way. THE DOCTOR How nice.

Sadly I won't be

here. And he LASHES out, kicking Mr. Moore, who REELS AWAY. The two autons let go of him, and their hands drop off revealing their guns. The Doctor is too quick, SHOVING one of them up against the wall, fending the other off. He presses his sonic screwdriver into the other's face

and it goes limp.

He then grabs hold of the other and

does the same. Mr. Moore has got back to his feet, but it is too late, the Doctor has run out of the room. SMASH CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR THE DOCTOR running along, behind him, an AUTON appears! PRAC FX: it FIRES But misses the Doctor by an inch as he goes hurtling along the corridor. CUT TO: INT. HANGAR THE DOCTOR runs in, sees something OOV. THE DOCTOR That's what I call an escape route! WHIP-PAN to see a FLYING SAUCER identical to the one in Sc. 7. CUT TO:

EXT. SPACE - FX SHOT The FLYING SAUCER SPEEDS ALONG, pursued by the BIGGER SPACESHIP, FIRING at it. The Flying Saucer speeds on, undaunted, towards the earth below. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NEW JERSEY - NIGHT FX: above the street, a STREAK OF BRILLIANT LIGHT. PEOPLE stare up as FX: the BRILLIANT LIGHT comes in to land. A RAMP extends and THE DOCTOR strides out. People stare. THE DOCTOR Ah.

Hi there. MAN



Don't mind that, just, uh, parking.

No one touch.

And he moves off, running. CUT TO, two GRINNING MEN, lowering their newspapers. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT THE DOCTOR, running, suddenly BANG! PRAC FX: a window nearby him shatters. A WOMAN SCREAMS. He looks behind him HIS POV: the two GRINNING MEN behind him. THE DOCTOR Company? He keeps running. CUT TO: EXT. SAFEHOUSE - NIGHT REBECCA, INDRID COLD and the two GRINNING MEN appear, as THE DOCTOR OOV

Stop! WHIP-PAN to see THE DOCTOR, RUNNING towards them. INDRID COLD Stop him! PRAC FX: the two Grinning Men FIRE. The Doctor dodges. THE DOCTOR What do I do now? FX: overhead, TWO MORE streaks of light. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) More company? PRAC FX: a Grinning Man fires And HITS the Doctor. FX (stunt?): the Doctor goes flying, CRASHING to the ground. REBECCA Doctor! She tries to run to him, but is restrained by the two Grinning Men. REBECCA (CONT'D)

Get off me you Grinning idiots! The Doctor raises his head. THE DOCTOR I'm okay. REBECCA Oh, thank God!

You had me

worried there. The Doctor gets to his feet. One of the Grinning Men grabs hold of him. THE DOCTOR Hey!

I just escaped to get

captured again. He raises his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Good night. He clicks it.

The Grinning Man collapses.

He points it at the others, they all collapse. MR. MOORE/INDRID COLD Put your weapon down. THE DOCTOR

Nice try.

Telepathy doesn't

work on me. (to Rebecca) Come on. They go inside the safehouse, leaving Indrid Cold standing there, fazed. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR enters with REBECCA. THE DOCTOR Are you alright?

What happened?

REBECCA I could ask you the same thing. THE DOCTOR Save it for later.

We have to

stop an invasion right now. ON A TARDIS SCREEN as it flickers into life revealing the face of MR. MOORE. MR. MOORE Doctor.

I am going to give you

one more chance.

We have more

Grinning Men on the way to your location.

If you surrender

freely no harm will come to your companion.

If not, we will kill

her as well. THE DOCTOR Oh, what a dilemma.

Thanks for

the info. And he pushes down a control on the TARDIS. The central column begins to rise and fall, signalling dematerialization. CUT TO: EXT. EARTH - FX SHOT The TARDIS materializes. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR switches off the screen. THE DOCTOR He can't get us now. REBECCA

So what do we do? THE DOCTOR I don't know. this.

I didn't plan for

I came to witness alien

sightings in the 1960s and this happens. REBECCA It seems we can't even have a normal holiday. THE DOCTOR Autons.

Who'd have thought?


believed the Nestenes were extinct.

But they're not.


they're looking for a new colony.

And I don't know how to

stop them. REBECCA They melt pretty easily.

If we

could get them near the sun THE DOCTOR That's horrific. REBECCA They're just bits of plastic.

THE DOCTOR Intelligent bits of plastic. I've got to somehow convince them that earth isn't the place for them. REBECCA Have fun with that. THE DOCTOR Do you have to shoot down all my plans?

Do you have a better

one? REBECCA Yes.

I've already told you. THE DOCTOR

And I've already told you it's abominable. REBECCA Sorry. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE MR. MOORE stands over the pit.

FX: the CREATURE roars up at him. MR. MOORE Very well, it will be done. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT INDRID COLD is walking down the street, PEOPLE staring at him in his strange black clothes. FX: suddenly one of the LIGHTS appears over him. INDRID COLD What the FX: but before he can say anything, he is enveloped by it. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR hears a BLEEPING from the console. THE DOCTOR What's that? He goes over to the console. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)

A flying saucer's leaving earth, with Indrid Cold on board. REBECCA Hardly surprising. THE DOCTOR What are they doing with him I wonder? REBECCA He's already tried to kill me. THE DOCTOR No.

They need him for something


But what? REBECCA

Doctor, are we just going to sit up here and watch as the planet gets invaded by plastic blobs with stupid grins on their faces? THE DOCTOR No!

I'll have to try and reason

with them. REBECCA You can't reason with them!



Open your eyes!

There's not

always a non-violent solution to everything! THE DOCTOR You're barabric!

I thought you

were supposed to be intelligent! You humans are all the same. Even the nerds. And that hurts. REBECCA goes silent. The Doctor goes over to the console, angry. atmosphere's still tense. REBECCA (quietly) I broke your toy ship. The Doctor doesn't answer. REBECCA (CONT'D) I was trying to stop the Duplicate Doctor.

There was a


bit of a struggle. She bends down and picks up the pieces REBECCA (CONT'D) I guess you could fix it. THE DOCTOR (quietly) That's why I don't like using violence.

Someone else, someone

innocent, always gets hurt. REBECCA If you do speak to this consciousness, what will you do? THE DOCTOR Tell it go somewhere else. This hangs in the air - that's a pretty lame solution and the Doctor knows it. REBECCA You've tried that before haven't you? THE DOCTOR Three times. REBECCA

What happened? THE DOCTOR I failed.

Obviously. REBECCA

How did you defeat them? THE DOCTOR I killed them.

Three times.


can't do it again. He suddenly turns to her. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) They're the last of their people. mine.

I'm all that's left of My people all died and so

did theirs.

I can't commit

genocide. REBECCA Doctor, what did these Nestenes do when there were lots of them? The Doctor doesn't reply. REBECCA (CONT'D) I'll bet they bullied and killed anyone who got in their way.

Doctor, there are some people out there... She pauses - can she say this? REBECCA (CONT'D) Doctor, I'm not saying they deserve to die.

But they've

destroyed entire cultures, entire ways of life.


are dead because of them. (pause) And from what I saw.

When we

were on earth, with those two Grinning Men, you seemed quite happy deactivating them.


let you decide. And she moves off. ON THE DOCTOR.

These words affect him. CUT TO:


MR. MOORE approaches. INDRID COLD Care to translate for me?


don't speak roaring. MR. MOORE He's congratulating you. INDRID COLD Alright, alright, I get the picture, now I've done my job, can I get my money now? MR. MOORE Money?

We have no money. INDRID COLD

But, you said I'd be rewarded. MR. MOORE You shall.

But not with money. INDRID COLD

I ain't accepting anything except money. MR. MOORE You're not being asked to accept it.

Just take it.

And a panel opens up above Indrid Cold revealing a chute. INDRID COLD What is this? HIGH SHOT.

Looking down from inside the chute, down on

Indrid Cold. INDRID COLD (CONT'D) What the hell are you playing at? And then, a HORRIBLE, ORANGE-RED SLUDGE, come POURING down the chute. Indrid Cold lifts up his arms, YELLS, as the SLUDGE TUMBLES DOWN ON HIM. He is completely ENGULFED by the sludge now.


the floor, covered in the stuff. FX: CLOSE ON HIS FACE, his mouth wide open as the sludge, now ALIVE, begins to MOVE and WARP.


begins to CHANGE SHAPE as the sludge begins to REFORM, change colour.

Indrid Cold now STANDS, the sludge

clinging to him as his entire body changes and REFORMS into A HUGE, MONSTROUS THING. It has glowing RED EYES, HUGE WINGS, and the FACE of an


It is at least EIGHT FEET TALL - MOTHMAN. MR. MOORE We still have work for you. now.


Finish it.

Mothman utters a HORRIFIC CRY (this will now be his trademark). CUT TO: INT. TARDIS The console BLEEPS again. THE DOCTOR What's that? He checks the screen. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It's not a saucer. something else.


It's humanoid!

And he suddenly realizes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh no! And he begins running round the console, slamming down levers.

REBECCA They've started haven't they? THE DOCTOR Cold's on his way to earth.


have to stop him! REBECCA Have you made up your mind? He turns to her, his face shows that he hasn't. THE DOCTOR This isn't the time.

We have to

get to earth. REBECCA You just made up your mind. The central column is already rising and falling. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NIGHT FX: MOTHMAN streaks into view, uttering his CRY. PAN DOWN to see MEN holding newspapers. The men lower their newspapers, revealing they are in fact GRINNING MEN.

They stand and follow Mothman's cry. CLOSE ON one of the Grinning Men's hand as it folds away revealing the GUN. A PARK SWEEPER turns and sees them approaching. He SCREAMS. PRAC FX: the Grinning Men all FIRE, gunning him down. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT The GRINNING MEN advance down the street. FX: MOTHMAN shoots past overhead. PRAC FX: the Grinning Men are FIRING, everywhere. PEOPLE run, SCREAMING, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN.


stumble and fall as they are mowed down by the devastating fire of the Grinning Men. PRAC FX: one the Grinning Men hits a CAR.


a bright BALL OF FLAME. FX: Mothman comes in to land. He begins to chase the CROWD OF PEOPLE, uttering his CRY, they scream as he approaches, RED EYES FLASHING.

FX: suddenly, amidst all the chaos, the GRIND OF ANCIENT ENGINES as the TARDIS MATERIALIZES. The door opens and THE DOCTOR steps out THE DOCTOR Look, I'm giving you one chance. Stop this! The Grinning Men all raise their guns at once and PRAC FX: gun down the Doctor.

He is thrown back.

FX: CLOSE ON THE DOCTOR, as he FLICKERS, then FADES. Mothman slowly approaches. Suddenly he goes wild, attacking the door of the TARDIS. FX: he is thrown back by A BUBBLE surrounding the TARDIS. He SCREAMS at it. The Grinning Men hang back, waiting for orders, then THE DOCTOR (V.O.) (CONT'D) This is the Doctor, the real Doctor. CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH: CUT TO:

INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR is speaking into a microphone hanging from the ceiling. His face is set, dangerous. THE DOCTOR Okay, I lied, I'm not really giving you a choice.


going to leave earth now.

Now I

know you can't talk, but I know old blobby up there's listening to every word I'm saying.


you're going to leave earth, deactivate all autons immediately. The Grinning Men raise their hands and PRAC FX: FIRE on the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Right, you've made your position clear. He reaches forward and presses a button on the console. FX: a PULSE spreads out from the TARDIS. The Grinning Men fall to the ground, deactivated.

MOTHMAN screams and FX: TAKES OFF, heading for the sky. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) That takes care of the immediate threat. He smiles at REBECCA. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Good thing you got the right frequency otherwise I'd never have cut them off. REBECCA Are you sure you're happy with this? THE DOCTOR I should have done this a long time ago. And he slams a lever on the TARDIS down. CUT TO: INT. SPACESHIP - COMMAND CENTRE MOTHMAN strides in and begins squawking.

MR. MOORE The Doctor!

I never thought him

capable of doing something like this! Mothman screeches again. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) What are you talking about? Actually come to mention it, it is rather hot. FX: suddenly, a large chunk of MR. MOORE'S face melts into sludge. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) What - ? FX WIDE SHOT: the CREATURE below ROARS. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) Our co-ordinates have changed! We're next to the sun! THE DOCTOR OOV Well observed. WHIP PAN to see THE DOCTOR standing in a doorway. MR. MOORE You!

And his hand falls away to reveal a GUN. THE DOCTOR Get out of here. MR. MOORE We will.

And we will attack

Earth with renewed vigor! THE DOCTOR I mean get out of this solar system.

There's a whole galaxy

out there.

Why Earth? MR. MOORE

You can bargain all you want. We're getting out of here. Nothing happens. FX WIDE SHOT: the creature roars in fury. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) You've trapped us! THE DOCTOR And I really don't want to have to tow you away. FX WIDE SHOT: the creature roars again.

MR. MOORE We shall stay, attempt to break through.

My master says that he

would rather stay and die than live with being humiliated by a Time Lord. THE DOCTOR Very well. MR. MOORE What happened to you Doctor?


thought you were the merciful type. THE DOCTOR I changed.

To stop people like

you. And he turns away and disappears. MR. MOORE It seems he has finally beaten us. Mothman utters his CRY. MR. MOORE (CONT'D) Go.

Mothman turns and leaves. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR watches on a screen as the SPACESHIP dissolves away into the SUN. THE DOCTOR They're gone. REBECCA Are you okay?

I didn't mean for

you to destroy them. THE DOCTOR It was necessary.

You made me

realise what had to be done. Thank you.

And I apologize for

the way I behaved earlier. REBECCA "Nerd".

Couldn't you have done

better than that? The Doctor bursts out laughing. The console BLEEPS. THE DOCTOR

What's this?

We've got

something approaching. REBECCA Escape pod? THE DOCTOR No.

It's Mothman! REBECCA

Oh no. CUT TO: EXT. TARDIS - FX SHOT MOTHMAN flies towards the TARDIS and knocks on the door. CONTINUED, INTERCUT WITH: CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR If I didn't know better I'd say he just knocked. Beat. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)

Alright. THE DOCTOR crosses over to the door and opens it. MOTHMAN steps in. He utters his CRY. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You want asylum? Mothman cries again. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) On Earth? REBECCA Why? THE DOCTOR (grinning) That sounds like Indrid Cold seeping back through. He turns to REBECCA. REBECCA What does my counsellor think I should do? Rebecca smiles. CUT TO:

EXT. TNT PLANT - WEST VIRGINIA - NIGHT FX: the TARDIS materializes. The doors open and MOTHMAN walks out and FX: flies up into the sky. CUT TO: INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR closes the door. THE DOCTOR I think I've done enough killing for one day. REBECCA Doctor, why West Virginia and why of all places a TNT factory? THE DOCTOR Something to do with History. No point shooting my mouth off too loud.

Although it might

curb some serious adrenaline. REBECCA I don't know what you mean.

THE DOCTOR Good. Suddenly the console starts BLEEPING again. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh no.

He's probably decided he

doesn't like West Virginia after all. He checks the console. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh no! He begins slamming down levers. REBECCA runs over and checks the screen. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) A little run in I had with Area 51 has finally caught up with me - and at exactly the wrong time! CUT TO: EXT. TARDIS - NIGHT A group of MEN in BLACK CLOTHING are running towards the TARDIS, all of them carrying guns.

The seeming COMMANDER begins to shout orders. COMMANDER Get the field set up.

We can't

let him escape! Two of the men begin wrestling with a BULKY PIECE of EQUIPMENT, when FX: the TARDIS dematerializes. COMMANDER (CONT'D) No!



The TARDIS is gone. COMMANDER (CONT'D) All that for nothing.


have to catch him another day men. And they turn and depart. FX: high above, unnoticed to them, MOTHMAN circles, RED EYES glowing in the dark. END OF EPISODE TWO

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