Doctor Who: The Savages

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  • Words: 5,112
  • Pages: 14
Episode One The Doctor, Steven and Dodo stare up at the TARDIS scanner, eager for a glimpse of their next destination.The scanner pans across a desolate and rocky landscape. The Doctor confidently tells Dodo that they have arrived in the future, in 'an age of peace and prosperity.' Taking some surveillance equipment with him, the Doctor leads the way out of the TARDIS. The Doctor tells Steven and Dodo to stay near the Ship while he takes some readings. Sometime later, Steven becomes anxious at the Doctor's continued absence. 'You should have gone with him,' says Dodo.'You heard what he said,' Steven replies. 'You don't have to do everything he says,' Dodo teases. 'You're a grown man. Or are you?' Steven glares at her. 'It's just as I thought,' chuckles the Doctor. 'I think my young friends are in for quite a surprise.' He is unaware that he is being silently observed from the bushes. Steven starts to look for the Doctor. 'Doctor!' he cries as the wind howls around him. The Doctor hears him but remains engrossed in his research. Dodo is startled by a noise. When Steven returns she tells him that she has seen a man wearing animal skins and carrying an axe. 'The Doctor was wrong,'concludes Steven. 'We're not in the future at all.' Two savage-looking men quietly observe the Doctor. 'He's not one of our people,' says one of them. The Doctor is approached by two guards. 'We have come to welcome you,' says Captain Edal.'It is a great honour to have you visit our planet,' says his colleague Exorse. 'You are known to us as the Traveller From Beyond Time,' says Exorse. 'The Elders of our city have been plotting the course of your space-time ship for many light years.' Edal is surprised to see the Doctor carrying what he thinks is a weapon. 'This is my Reacting Vibrator,' the Doctor tells him. 'I'm able to do my calculations from this.'Exorse goes to look for the Doctor's travelling companions while the Doctor himself accompanies Edal to the city. A spear hits the ground by Steven's feet. Savages appear on the horizon and quickly descend the ravine, heading towards Steven and Dodo. Steven and Dodo are saved by the sudden appearance of Exorse. 'Welcome to the Traveller's companions.' Exorse tells them that the Doctor has gone to meet the Elders of their city. 'Our Elders wait to honour your Doctor. They will be very happy to welcome his friends.' The Doctor is shown into the city's council chamber, which is dominated by four Elders. Jano, leader of the Council of the Elders, greets the Doctor. 'We know you only as a record in our charts of space and time, yet you seem to us like an old friend.' 'We are honoured by your visit,' he continues. 'The whole city looks upon you with admiration.' 'We have charted your voyages from galaxy to galaxy, and from age to age. But we never thought we would meet you face-to-face.' Jano asks the Doctor to accept the office of a High Elder. Flower and another girl help the Doctor with his robes. The Doctor is overwhelmed by Jano's admiration and generosity. 'We recognise in you the greatest specialist

in space-time exploration. You have taken this branch of learning far beyond our elementary capabilities.' Steven and Dodo are shown in. Dodo is impressed by the Doctor's new robes. 'You're really with it now,' she smiles. 'With what, my dear?' asks a bemused Doctor. Dodo is delighted to receive a present from the Elders - a mirror and some genuine diamonds. Flower and Avon lead Steven and Dodo from the room as the Doctor sits down with the Elders. Edal and Exorse patrol the shrubland outside the city. 'Why should we treat this old Doctor as one of ourselves?' asks Edal. Chal and Tor, the two savages that observed the Doctor, watch from the bushes. They are accompanied by a girl called Nanina. Chal tells Nanina to go back to the caves and tell the families to hide, now the guards have started hunting. 'Take care in the craters,' he urges. As Nanina creeps through the undergrowth, Exorse brandishes his light gun. Flower and Avon praise their benevolent Elders as Steven and Dodo admire the city. 'What's the secret?' asks Steven. 'Other civilisations have failed to make this advance.' Flower begins to respond but Avon tells her to be quiet. 'Our scientists have made one simple discovery,' Avon tells Steven. 'And due to this they have found a way to give us all greater energy, greater intellect and greater talent.' 'If I accept your gifts I must endorse your life,' says the Doctor, 'but I can't do that without knowing something about you.' 'I know very well that you are far advanced from most planets,' continues the Doctor. 'But how you achieve this, I know not.' 'I would like to know more,' says the Doctor, as Jano listens. 'We have learned how to transfer the energy of life directly to ourselves,' reveals Jano. 'It is as though we were able to recharge ourselves with life's vital force.' 'The energy of life we accumulate we store in vats such as these,' says Jano, pointing to a model. 'Then, when the Elders decide that some member of the community needs new force, we can transfer that energy directly.' 'We absorb only a very special form of animal vitality,' adds Jano cryptically. Nanina hurries back to her people's caves. She hears a movement, and sees Exorse patrolling the ground above her. She dives behind a rock and keeps still, waiting for him to move on. Chal and Tor nervously monitor her progress. 'Can you see the hunter?' asks Tor. Exorse makes his way towards the floor of the ravine, convinced he heard a noise. Nanina crawls along the ground, unwittingly moving closer to Exorse. 'Not that way!' shouts Tor, but it is too late. Exorse fires his light gun. Nanina is enveloped in its searing energy field. Her body contracts, and she is held rigid in its beam. Exorse gestures with the gun and she staggers forward, powerless to resist. Chal begs Exorse to take him instead of the girl, but theguard ignores him and continues to herd his prisoner towards the city. Nanina's journey nears its end. While on her tour of the city, Dodo looks out a window and sees Exorse force Nanina through the entrance. Steven and Dodo's tour continues. Dodo is intrigued to discover that the land outside

is considered off-limits. Exorse switches off his light gun and the exhausted Nanina collapses against a metallic wall. 'Please let me go,' she begs her captor. Senta examines a savage who has recently undergone the energy transfer process. 'He'll recover,' he cynically concludes before releasing the prisoner, who feebly shuffles towards an exit. An electronic signal announces the arrival of a guard. 'I'm filing a complaint,' Senta tells Exorse. 'You're late.' Exorse hands over Nanina, who is prepared for the energy transfer process. 'No! No... please!' she implores. Dodo sees Exorse leaving and decides to creep away from the guided tour.By the time Flower, Avon and Steven realise she has gone, Dodo has made her way down a long corridor. A shambling figure appears in the distance, it is the recently released savage Wylda. His arms outstretch as he approaches her. Dodo shrinks away in terror. Episode Two Dodo has wandered off during a guided tour of the city, but is soon approached by a savage who makes his way towards her with his arms outstretched. Dodo lets out a terrified scream, but the savage staggers straight past her and crawls towards the end of the corridor. He trips a light beam, which activates a hidden door. Noticing that the man is too weak to crawl through the door, Dodo cautiously moves towards him. She helps him out of the city and ducks back into the corridor when the door begins to glide shut. In the laboratory Nanina is prepared for the energy transfer process. Nanina's outstretched body is enclosed in a large glass cubicle. A device is suspended over her body. Nanina's cries diminish to a terrified whimper as the laboratory assistants initiate the next stage of the process. The cubicle fills with gas and the transfer of energy begins. The vats behind Nanina begin to fill with black liquid. The transfer rate increases and Nanina falls silent.The machinery emits a loud hum as the liquid in the vats begins to bubble.Avon, Steven and Flower continue to search for Dodo. In a nearby corridor,Dodo listens outside the laboratory, intrigued by the sound of the machinery within. Inside the laboratory Senta operates the machinery while one of his assistants monitors the energy readings. Jano boasts that the energy transfer process means that 'intellectual workers find themselves able to accomplish more. Artists are able to create works of brilliance and beauty.'Steven rushes in to tell the Doctor that Dodo has disappeared. Much to Steven's frustration the Doctor concludes that Dodo is more than capable of looking after herself. Nanina weakens as the energy transfer draws to an end. One of the assistants notices Dodo watching them from the other end of the laboratory. Dodo struggles as she is taken prisoner. She is mistaken for a savage and prepared to undergo transference. 'No!' she cries. 'No... No!' Captain Edal retraces Flower and Avon's steps in an effort to locate Dodo. Edal operates a lever and a door opens, leading to a forbidden area. Steven decides to take a look and Edal tries to stop him. 'Are you one of the people from beyond time?'

Senta asks a furious Dodo before Edal marches her out of the laboratory. Nanina is removed from the gas-filled cubicle with moments to spare. 'It must be some considerable time before we extract any more life energy from this particular subject,' says Senta. Nanina stares blankly ahead as she is released from the operating trolley. Flower is alarmed when Dodo claims she has been attacked by a mad doctor. 'What did you see?' asks Edal. Steven reassures him that Dodo has a vivid imagination. Edal accuses Flower and Avon of negligence in letting Dodo wander off. He orders them to report to the Elders. 'Do not be afraid,' Avon tells Flower. 'They cannot harm us.' A semiconscious Nanina is carried from the laboratory by two assistants. The Doctor declares that he intends to return to the TARDIS to collect some papers detailing his investigations into time travel. He declines Jano's offer of a guard escort and leaves with Steven and Dodo. When they have gone, Jano tells Edal to follow them. On the way back to the TARDIS the Doctor listens to Dodo's story and reveals that he doesn't trust Jano or the Elders. Steven spots one of the savages and the Doctor decides to take a closer look. Dodo recognises the collapsed figure as the man she encountered in the corridor. 'They have discovered a way of extracting life's force,' explains the Doctor, 'and absorbing it into themselves.' 'Leaving the victim as you see, almost dead.' The Doctor hands his RV instrument to Steven and tells him to fetch some medicinal D403 capsules from the TARDIS. Dodo goes with him. As the Doctor ministers to the stricken savage he is approached by Edal. 'Why the concern?' he sneers. 'They're only savages.' The Doctor is furious. 'They're men,' he replies. 'Human beings � like you and me.' The Doctor insists on caring for the savage, but an angry Edal orders him to return to the city. When Steven and Dodo return with the D403 they are surprised to find the Doctor gone. Dodo gives the savage some of the capsules. 'I'll aim for the man, you kill the girl,' says Tor. 'Revenge is no good!' says Chal. 'If we wait too long he will die!' says Tor. 'They will not let him die,' says Chal. 'They take their strength from the living.' 'Don't let them see you're afraid,' says Steven as the savages come nearer. The feeble Wylda whispers, 'Do not kill them� they are friends.' The savages are bemused when Steven tells them he thought Wylda was sick. 'She helped me,' says Wylda, pointing to Dodo, 'and the old man spoke against it.' He reveals that the Doctor has been taken to the city. 'I am going to oppose you,' the Doctor tells Jano, 'just in the same way that I oppose the Daleks or any other menace to common humanity.' 'You are standing in the way of human progress,' says Jano. 'Do you not realise that all progress is based on exploitation?' 'Exploitation indeed!' shouts the Doctor. 'This, sir, is protracted murder!' Jano orders the Doctor to be taken away, adding that he has 'special instructions' for Senta... Steven and Dodo try to persuade the savages to help them rescue the Doctor. 'They have light guns,' says Chal, who predicts the Doctor will be subjected to the energy transfer process. 'So this

is the place where you carry out your foul experiments, hmm?' says the Doctor as he arrives in Senta's laboratory. The Doctor is horrified when Edal says that he will be the subject of the next energy transfer. Senta is similarly concerned. 'We can't transfer such a high form of life!' he protests. 'You have your orders,' says Jano. 'See that they are carried out.' 'I will not submit to your nauseating experiments,' says the Doctor, but he is prevented from leaving. The Doctor is strapped to the operating trolley. The assistants close the glass cubicle around the Doctor's body. The cubicle begins to fill with gas as vaporisation begins. The Doctor remains perfectly still and silent as the machines around him begin to hum. 'We've never done anything like this before,' says Senta as he nervously monitors the equipment. 'Point zero one,' calls out one of Senta's assistants. 'Point zero two...' 'It's impossible,' says the assistant as the readings continue to rise. 'He'll never stand it!' Episode Three '6.10... 6.70... 7.10' intones the assistant as the energy transfer continues. The machinery hums louder as Senta notices the Doctor's vitality readings begin to drop. Jano is delighted that the transfer appears to have been a success. He proposes that the Doctor's companions should also be subjected to the process. 'As it is they are a danger to us. But as a source of energy they could be of great value.' Chal leads Dodo and Steven through the scrubland, towards a nearby valley. Dodo is surprised that Chal's people live in caves. 'It is the one place the guards will not follow,' says Chal. 'Even they hesitate to go into the darkness of those passages.' Tor reports that the guards are now looking for Steven and Dodo. He adds that the Doctor will almost certainly have undergone an energy transfer. 'Steven,' asks Dodo, 'what are we going to do? 'Don't worry,' says Steven, 'We'll find him.' 'I must warn you,' says Chal, 'when you do find him he will not be as you remember. They leave us afterwards only a hollow shell of ourselves.' 'As a source of energy his power is remarkably high,' says an impressed Senta. Jano declares that he will be the sole beneficiary of the Doctor's energy. 'I shall be ready when you need me.' Edal patrols the scrubland, looking for Steven and Dodo. Edal tells Exorse to see if they have reached the Valley of Caves. One of the savages whispers to Chal, telling him that a patrol is heading in their direction. Chal decides to take Steven and Dodo to the caves. Tor is furious. 'No Chal! The guards would follow and then our last refuge would be gone.' Nanina and Wylda are in the cave when Steven and Dodo arrive. 'Beautiful!' says Dodo, looking around. 'Like a little temple!' Chal is justifiably proud. 'It is the one spot on this island which we can call our own.' 'Our ancestors were great artists,' says Chal, indicating the murals on the wall. 'Most of our talents have been taken from us. Only our faith remains.' Exorse approaches Tor and demands to know where the strangers are. Tor says

nothing. Exorse raises his light gun and at point blank range squeezes the trigger. Tor is enveloped by the mesmerising beam. Powerless to resist, Tor moves his head to indicate the caves above him. Exorse shouts into the cave, demanding that the strangers come out. Nanina feebly protests, 'There are no strangers,' while Steven and Dodo listen. Steven weighs up the odds of taking on the guard. As the other savages nervously listen, Dodo realises they are trapped. Chal leads Steven and Dodo towards some tunnels at the back of the cave. Meanwhile Exorse walks through the entrance. Exorse angrily interrogates the timid savages. 'The strangers, girl � where are they?' he asks Nanina. 'Tell me or you will suffer.' Exorse points his light gun at another savage. 'I shall take you back in their place.' 'Don't talk!' pleads Nanina, but the savage panics. 'They have gone into the face of the rock,' he tells Exorse. Chal, Steven and Dodo continue their journey. Back in the cave Exorse asks, 'Which opening? Which opening?' The terrified savage points to the passageway. Exorse gingerly moves through the tunnel, listening for any sound ahead. Chal, Steven and Dodo keep moving, guided only by the light from Chal's torch. Hearing a noise ahead, Exorse breaks into a self-satisfied smile. Chal admits that there is very little of the passage left. Steven knows that if it gets any narrower they will have to stop. 'I know you're in there strangers,' shouts Exorse. 'It will be better for you if you turn back now.' Tor returns to the cave, and Nanina tells him what has happened. Steven whispers to Chal, asking him how the light gun works. Chal confirms that the rays of the light gun are still effective when reflected. 'I've seen it on the water of the lake,' he says. Steven asks Dodo for her mirror. 'The travellers from beyond time are indeed foolish people,' says Exorse before he turns a corner and closes in on the fugitives. Exorse activates his light gun and sweeps the walls of the passage. 'Don't let it shine on you,' Chal tells Dodo. 'Don't let it touch your eyes.' 'Hold him Dodo,' says Steven as Chal starts to panic. 'This might just work.' Steven holds up the mirror, reflecting the beam back at Exorse. Dazzled by the beam, Exorse drops his light gun and Steven grabs it. Steven activates the gun directly into Exorse's face. 'He has taken the guard prisoner,' mutters Chal. 'It is impossible.' Nanina is stunned to see the captive Exorse emerge from the tunnel. 'The strangers must be gods!' exclaims Tor. The assistants lift the unconscious Doctor from the operating trolley and prepare to take him to a guest apartment. Jano is ready to receive the Doctor's energy. 'It is most important we keep this intransference secret until we know the results,' he tells Senta. Senta leads Jano to a chair, and places a device over his head. Senta activates a control on an instrument panel and a glass screen descends. The vats start to bubble and jets of gas are released inside the cubicle The savages debate what to do with the captive Exorse. Steven asks them how to get back to the city. Chal offers

to show him and Dodo the way. When they have gone, Tor takes a club and brutally strikes Exorse. Nanina stops him from beating the guard further, and cleans Exorse's wound. Exorse is confused, but touched by her compassion. 'The entrance is there,' says Chal, pointing ahead. 'It opens into a passage which leads to the laboratory.' A guard steps through the entrance. Steven, Dodo and Chal watch as the guard retrieves some food from his pocket. Steven confidently steps out and activates his light gun. The guard slumps to the ground, unconscious. 'The light must have hit his eyes,' says Chal. 'He will be like this for a long time.' Steven tells Chal to take the guard into the bushes while he and Dodo go inside. 'Intransference completed,' announces Senta. 'Pressure restored.' Jano steps out of the cubicle and begins acting strangely. 'Are you all right, Jano?' asks Senta. 'Hmm?' says Jano, who now sounds uncannily like the Doctor. 'What's all the fuss about? Hmm? I'm quite all right.' Jano becomes manic, fluctuating between his own personality and the Doctor's. Senta leaves Jano, who once more assumes the personality of the Doctor. He raises a metal bar above his head, preparing to smash the equipment. Changing personalities again, Jano drops the bar. 'What's happened to me?' he asks himself. Steven and Dodo's progress is carefully monitored by Edal and Senta. 'They're not going to give us much trouble,' says Edal. 'A little bit further and they'll have no chance to get back.' Dodo feels uneasy and tells Steven she is reluctant to go on. 'Doctor!' gasps Dodo, as they approach a familiar figure slumped against a wall. 'Oh it's wonderful to see you!' 'Are you all right Doctor?' asks Steven. But the dishevelled Doctor makes no sound and remains rooted to the spot. As Steven and Dodo begin to help the Doctor along, Edal presses a button and the door at the end of the passage begins to close. Steven and Dodo struggle to hold the door open but the Doctor is too weak to cross the corridor. The door closes and they are trapped inside the city. A dense gas fills the corridor. Steven activates the light gun but its beam fails to penetrate the advancing fog. Two masked guards stride through the gas as Steven frantically hammers on the door. Dodo begins to choke on the fumes. The Doctor dazed remains oblivious to the approaching danger. Episode Four The Doctor remains oblivious to the danger as Dodo begins choking on the gas. 'It's no good,' says Steven, struggling with the door. 'I'm sorry.' Jano watches events unfold on a monitor. The guards demand that Steven throws the remaining light gun into the vapour. 'No,' says the watching Jano, speaking with the Doctor's voice. 'Don't give it to them.' The door at the end of the passage suddenly glides open. Dodo carries the Doctor through while Steven opens fire on the advancing Edal. Jano continues to watch, his finger pressed firmly on the button that activates the door. Still brandishing his light gun, Steven steps backwards just as the door begins to close.

Senta and Edal rush forwards but it is too late, Steven, Dodo and the Doctor have escaped. Edal demands to know why Jano facilitated the strangers' escape. Jano furiously denies the allegation, before his own personality reasserts itself. He says the strangers are to be found, and he will personally lead a patrol to catch them. Dodo and Steven haul the stricken Doctor through the scrubland. 'I've seen many of our people like that,' says Chal, observing the Doctor. Chal, Dodo and the Doctor head for the safety of the caves while Steven prepares to stave off the patrol. Two guards are sent to watch over the TARDIS while Jano leads the others towards the Valley of Caves. 'I will come with you,' a slightly suspicious Edal tells Jano. 'I think you may need my help.' Steven hears a noise and ducks behind a rock. Edal and Jano approach Steven's hiding place. Edal pulls Jano to the ground as Steven activates his gun. There is an exchange of fire and Steven hits a guard. Edal and one of the remaining guards attempt to surround Steven. Beams of light pass overhead as Steven crawls through the undergrowth. 'If only the Doctor would move faster,' says a frustrated Dodo. 'Help him,' says Chal. 'Do not be angry with him.' Edal approaches Steven's hiding place while the other guard closes in from the opposite side. They converge on the spot only to find that Steven has gone. Jano is baffled by his disappearance until another beam of light from Steven's gun sears the air overhead. Inside the cave, Narinda ministers to the wounded Exorse with a jar of herbal medicine. 'Nanina protects our enemies!' mocks Tor. 'This is a dangerous man. What do we do? Let him go so he may attack us again?' Fearing for Exorse's safety, Nanina grabs a spear. 'You would fight for this man, Nanina?' asks an incredulous Tor. 'How can an enemy mean so much?' They are interrupted when Chal, Dodo and the Doctor arrive at the cave. Steven runs towards the cave, stopping only to return Edal's fire. Steven spots the frail figure of the Doctor at the mouth of the cave. 'Get him inside, quick!' he shouts. 'They're right behind me!' Edal and his guards open fire as Steven runs towards the cave. Steven tells Dodo to take the Doctor to the back of the cave and give him some of the medicinal capsules she gave to Wylda. As the Doctor is guided through the cave Steven hears a movement outside. 'It's their leader, Jano,' says Chal. Steven takes aim and prepares to fire. The Doctor suddenly grabs Steven's arm. 'You must not harm Jano,' he insists. 'Please carry out my instructions and do not harm Jano.' 'Take him down,' says Chal, as the Doctor is led further into the cave. Steven hesitates for a moment before handing the light gun to Tor. 'Don't use it unless you have to.' 'I am going to destroy the power that they hold over you,' proclaims a weary but indignant Doctor. 'All we need is one friend from the other side.' Jano insists that Edal and the guards return to the city without him. On their return, Senta is furious to learn that Jano has been left alone. Edal tells two of the Elders that he believes Jano is about to betray them. 'Don't

be alarmed,' calls out Jano as he enters the cave. 'Is the Doctor there?' The savages cower as the Doctor tells the confused Jano, 'You wanted my intellect. You got it, and along with it a little conscience. Hmm?' Jano replies: 'I have grown aware of the evil that we have done and I am determined to end it.' Exorse escapes his bonds and dashes out of the cave. Nanina runs after him. 'If you betray Jano what will become of us?' she asks him. 'It is Jano who is the traitor,' says Exorse. Nanina looks him in the eye and says, 'You owe me your life, Exorse. I have a right to ask you.' 'If you are against us now you condemn us forever,' says Nanina. Exorse turns away without a word. 'It appears that Jano has absorbed dangerous ideas from the Doctor,' says Senta. Edal assumes command and warns, 'We must be ready for Jano.' While Jano and the Doctor confer over their plan, Exorse returns to the city and denies having seen the former leader. Jano strides into the room, bringing the Doctor, Cha, Tor and some other 'prisoners' with him. Senta tells Jano that Edal claimed he was a traitor and tried to assume command. As the prisoners file through Jano orders Edal to be arrested. Jano seals the doors of the laboratory and tells Senta: 'I want you to destroy all this... all the machinery which we have used to destroy our fellows.' Senta is appalled, but Jano is adamant. 'If you will not destroy all this, then I must.' Senta triggers the emergency alarm. 'This is our one chance to start life afresh on this planet!' shouts Jano above the din of the alarm. 'Help me!' Senta begs Exorse to stop them, but Exorse simply lowers his gun and watches as the equipment and generators are smashed. The savages smash everything in sight, as the laboratory descends into chaos. The energy vats shatter, and the black liquid they contained begins to engulf the broken machinery. 'You know, my dear?' the Doctor tells Dodo. 'There's something rather satisfying about destroying something that's evil.' 'This is only the beginning Chal,' says Jano. 'After this destruction our people must learn to build a world that they can both live in.' 'Make sure the strangers don't escape!' screams Edal from outside the laboratory. 'It is they who have done this to us! Kill the Doctor on sight!' The door gives way, allowing Edal and his guards to enter the room. 'What can you do now?' asks Steven. 'The place is destroyed. Your power's gone.' 'Edal,' says Jano solemnly, 'you have no more authority here.' 'I do not take orders from traitors,' says Edal, who aims his gun at Jano. Steven snatches it from him and Edal is caught in the ensuing blast. He drops to the ground. Jano asks the Doctor to mediate between his people and the savages, but he humbly declines. 'There is the leader we want, Jano,' says Chal, pointing to Steven. Steven is stunned, and claims he could never leave the Doctor and Dodo. 'Think of the challenge,' says the Doctor, 'to be able to set up the people on this planet for a new life. You're quite ready for this task.' 'You would give us new hope,' says Chal. Steven considers his words carefully. 'Very well,' he says. 'I will stay.' As Dodo begins crying, Jano turns to the Doctor. 'For many light years we looked forward to your arrival on this planet. We always

knew of your wisdom, but we never dreamed of the miracle it would bring us.' 'We shall await you in the council chamber,' Jano tells Steven, before he leaves the room with Chal. Steven, Dodo and the Doctor are alone. 'Goodbye Doctor,' says Steven. 'Goodbye Steven,' he replies. 'And good luck.' Steven hurries away, but pauses when he reaches the door. He turns around and waves farewell to his friends. Dodo hugs the Doctor and asks him if they'll ever see Steven again. 'Who knows, my dear?' he says. 'In this strange complex of time and space anything could happen.' Dodo continues sobbing as the Doctor tells her, 'We mustn't look back.' With their arms around each other they walk away from the devastated laboratory. The remnants of the energy vats bear silent witness to an era of cruel exploitation. The Doctor and Dodo return to the TARDIS. The sound of the howling wind is soon joined by the grating noise of the Ship dematerialising. The TARDIS fades from view, leaving former occupant Steven Taylor to begin a new life.

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