Dm B8 Team 4 Fdr- 8-1-03 Memo From State For Roth- Document Request 1- Response- Document Index 466

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S/S 200319502

XR 200317214

United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 August 1, 2 0 0 3 UNCLASSIFIED when separated from attachments) DECL: 1.6 XI, X5, X6 AiM/sMEMORANDUM FOR MR. JOHN ROTH NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES SUBJECT:

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States request for Documents (DOS Document Request No. 1)

This is in reply to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States' request for Department of State documents . Attached are the Department of State documents responding to your July 17 email request for copies of documents from the terrorist designation administrative records we made available for the Commission's review pursuant to item no. 6 in DOS Document Request No. 1. Most of this material is classified, and is marked accordingly. Please note that one of the documents you requested is missing, but we will forward it separately when we locate it. We hope this information is useful to you. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions .

Karl Hofmann Executive Secretary

Attachments: 1. State Department Documents, with Index 2. Incoming Requests

SECRET/NOFQRN— (UNCLASSIFIED when separated from attachments) Classified by: Karl Hofmann, Executive Secretary Reasons: E.O. 12958 1.5 (b), (c) & (d)

Index of Documents Provided to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Pursuant to DOS Document Request No. 1, Paragraph 6, as modified in email of July 17 from Mr. John Roth to Mr. Karl Hofmann

Al Qaida - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-5, 99-6, 99-7, 99-8, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14, 99-15, 99-16, 99-17, 99-18, 99-19, 99-20, 99-21, 99-23, 99-24, 99-25, 99-26, 99-27, 99-28, 99-29, 99-30, 99-31, 99-32, 99-40, 99-41, 99-43, 99-44. Al Qaida - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-02, 01-03, 01-05, 01-06, 01-08, 01-09, 01-10, 01-11, 01-12, 01-13, 01-15, 01-16, 01-17, 01-18 Abu Sayaf Group - 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-01, 97-02 Abu Sayyaf Group - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-07, 99-23 Abu Sayyaf Group - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-08, 01-15 Asbat al-Ansar (2002) Summary of Administrative Record, 03, 04, 05, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25 Gama'a al-Islamiyya -- 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-1, 97-6, 97-7, 97-8, 97-11, 97-24, 97-25, 97-29, 97-30, 97-31, 97-32, 97-44 and 97-64 Gama'a al-Islamiyya - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-2, 99-3, 99-5, 99-7, 99-8, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12 and 99-20 Gama'a al-Islamiyya -- 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-3, 01-6, 01-9, 01-10, 01-llw 0113, 01-19, 01-20, 01-21, 01-25, and 01-26 Harakat Summary 16, 17, 44, 45,

ul-Ansar (1997) of Administrative Record, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 (search ongoing), 30, 37, 42, 47, and 54.

Harakat ul-Mujahidin - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-1, 99-2, 99-7, 99-8, 99-9, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14, 99-15, 99-18, 99-19, 99-20, 99-21, 99-22, 99-25, 99-26, 99-28, 99-29, 99-30 and 99-31. Harakat ul-Mujahidin - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-4, 01-5, 01-9, 01-11, 01-12, 0116, 01-17. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan - 2000

Summary of Administrative Record, 00-2, 00-4, 00-5, 00-6, 00-7, 00-10, 00-13, 00-14, 00-16, 00-18, 00-19, 00-20, 00-22, 00-24, 00-25, 00-27, 00-34, 00-39. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan -- 2002 Summary of Administrative Record, 02-02, 02-05, 02-07, 02-09, 02-12, .02-14, 02-16, 02-17, 02-21, 02-22, 02-23, 02-24, 02-25, 02-26. Jaish-e Mohammed (2001) Summary of Administrative Record, 02, 03, 04, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19. Jemaah Islamiya (2002) Summary of Administrative 14, 15, 17, 18.

Record, 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13,

Al-Jihad (EIJ) - 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-1, 97-3, 97-6, 97-7, 97-9, 97-11, 97-13, 97-14, 97-15, 97-20, 97-21, 97-23, 97-25, 97-28, 97-31, 97-37, 97-39 and 97-41 Al-Jihad (EIJ) -- 1999 Summary of Administrative

Record, 99-2, 99-4, 99-17, 99-19 and 99-20

Al-Jihad (EIJ) -- 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-2, 01-3, 01-7, 01-8, 01-9, 01-10, 01-11, 01-12, 01-13, 01-14, 01-15 and 01-16 Lashkar-e Tayyiba (2001) Summary of Administrative Record, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26, 30, 32. Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (2003) Summary of Administrative

Record, 01, 06, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 27.

Salafist Group (2002) Summary of Administrative Record, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16.

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman

DOS DOCUMENT REQUEST NO. 1 The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that the Department of State (DOS or the "respondent") provide the Commission with an opportunity to inspect and copy the following documents no later than July 7, 2003 (the "production date"): 1) Memoranda, reports, and summaries received by the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, any Under Secretary, the Assistant Secretary of Economic and Business Affairs, the Assistant Secretary of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, or the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of the Department, concerning the time period from 1998 to the present:

Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


a) describing or discussing any effort prior to September 20, 2001, to secure cooperation of any foreign government in any effort to analyze, track or disrupt the activities, including financial activities, of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups; b) describing or discussing any actual or contemplated program, policy, or operation prior to September 20, 2001, designed to analyze, track or disrupt the activities, including financial activities, of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups; or c) identifying or discussing known or suspected assets prior to September 20, 2001 of al-Qaeda or Usama bin Laden. 2) All documents received from the National Security Council (NSC) or the Executive Office of the President containing strategy or policyguidance on efforts to analyze, track, or disrupt the financing of terrorist activities or the movement of money in support of terrorist activities or groups, from 1998 to September 20, 2001, and such documents presently in effect. 3) Memoranda, reports and summaries received by the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, any Under Secretary, the Assistant Secretary of Economic and Business Affairs, the Assistant Secretary of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, or the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of the Department, concerning the time, period from 1998 to September 20, 2001:

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DOS Document Request No. 1 Page 2 a) describing or discussing the cooperation with the United States of any foreign government in analyzing, tracking or disrupting the activities, including financial activities of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups (which would, for financial activities, include claims of assets frozen and statements promising to freeze assets as compared to actual assets frozen); b) describing or evaluating the efforts of any foreign government in analyzing, tracking or disrupting the activities, including financial activities, of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups; or c) summarizing lessons learned and progress made since September 11, 2001 in U.S. efforts to analyze, track, or disrupt the activities, including financial activities, of Usama bin Laden, alQaeda, or related groups. 4) Memoranda, reports, and summaries received by the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, any Under Secretary, the Assistant Secretary of Economic and Business Affairs, the Assistant Secretary of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, or the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of the Department, concerning the time period from 1996 to the present, discussing or describing the means or methods by which Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups raise funds, including, without limitation: a) any direct or indirect funding of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups by any foreign government (or persons or entities associated or related to any foreign government); b) the use of informal value transfer systems, such as hawala, for terrorist financing activities or the movement of money in support of terrorist activities or groups; c) the use or potential use of commodities, precious metals or stones, and trade-based value transfer systems for terrorist financing activities or the movement of money in support of terrorist activities or groups; d) the use or potential use of charities or other non-governmental organizations to raise funds for Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups; --•*». e) direct or indirect funding of al-Qaeda or related groups by any persons located within the United States; or f) the extent to which the financing activities of Usama bin Laden or al-Qaeda are linked or interrelated to the financing activities of any other Islamic extremist group. 5) All documents, concerning the period from 1998 to September 20, 2001: a) evaluating or analyzing the effectiveness of programs or policies of the Department of State specifically, or the U.S. government generally, to analyze, track or disrupt terrorist activities, including terrorist finance, including, but not limited to, all internal inspections reports, inspector general reports, and GAO evaluations;

DOS Document Request No. 1 PageS b) setting forth, describing or interpreting policies and procedures, including Memoranda of Understanding, for cooperation with any local, state, or federal government agency (or between or among components within the Department of State), to analyze, track or disrupt the financing activities of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or related groups; or c) setting forth, describing or interpreting policies and procedures for cooperation with foreign governments or multilateral organizations to analyze, track or disrupt the financing activities of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, or related groups. 6) Memoranda, reports, summaries and administrative records prepared in connection with the designations and re-designations, if any, as a "foreign terrorist organization" (FTO) and/or under Executive Order 13129, 13224, or 12947, as applicable, of the following: a) bin Laden b) al-Qaeda c) Taliban d) Al-Barakaat e) al-Taqua f) Al-Harimain Islamic Foundation g) Global Relief Foundation h) Benevolence International Foundation i) Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) j) Asbat al Ansar k) Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamis Group, IG) 1) Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) m) Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) n) Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) o) Jemaah Islamiya (JI) p) Al-Jihad (Eqyptian Islamic Jihad) q) Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT) r) Lashkar I Jhangvi (LJ) s) Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)


7) If not covered in earlier requests, memoranda, reports and summaries concerning efforts by the U.S. to encourage foreign governments, regional organizations, and multilateral organizations to take action against the entities listed in Item 6(d) - (h) above. 8) If not covered in earlier requests, memoranda, reports, summaries and communications with foreign governments, regional organizations, and multilateral organizations in connection with the designations of Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and related groups as an FTO and/or under Executive Order 13129, 13224, or 12947, as applicable, and efforts by the U.S. to encourage such foreign governments, regional organizations, and multi-lateral organizations to take similar actions. 9) Memoranda, reports and summaries discussing or assessing the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing laws, regulations, practices or capabilities of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan,

DOS Document Request No. 1 Page 4 Bahrain, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait, from 1998 to September 20, 2001, along with any general analyses of how the laws or practices have been changed by these countries since the 9/11 attacks. This includes assessments done as part of any training or technical assistance proposals. 10) Memoranda, reports and summaries discussing the consideration or implementation of the FATF Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing in the United States and abroad. 11) If not covered in earlier requests, memoranda, reports and summaries received by the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, any Under Secretary, the Assistant Secretary of Economic and Business Affairs, the Assistant Secretary of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, or the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of the Department relating to U.N. Security Council resolutions 1373, 1390, and 1455 and preparation of the U.S. report (and any follow-up thereto) to the Counter-Terrorism Committee required by UNSCR 1373. 12) Memoranda, reports and summaries used in preparing the discussion of terrorist financing in the annual Patterns of Global Terrorism for the years 1998 - 2002. 13) Documents summarizing or analyzing distinctions between U.S. designations (FTO, EO 13129, EO 13224, and EO 12947) and designations by foreign governments, regional organizations, and multilateral organizations. The Commission requests that the documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a "rolling" production. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested docunTents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. June 23, 2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

jvratil, Thomas J From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

McCray, I. Jean Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:48 PM Navratil, Thomas J Sarkis, Saadia E; Whitaker, Elizabeth A; Peppe, Margaret G(A/RPS/IPS/PP); Fox, Stephen R; Elliott, Susan M Addendum to Document Request No. 1- 9-11 commission document request


The Department received a request from the Commission to copy certain S/CT documents in the Reading Room. Please see message below. S/CT will not receive a formal tasker. This email should be considered as an addendum to Document Request No. 1. S/CT should proceed along the lines of my earlier message. Due: Wednesday, July 23. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. Original Message From: Hofmann, Karl W Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:38 PM To: McCray, I. Jean Subject: RE: 9-11 commission document request yes; please proceed; thanks! Original Message From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:23 AM To: [email protected]; mccrayij©; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: 9-11 commission document request Karl: We have completed the review of the FTO designation administrative records. At the bottom of this e-mail is a list of the materials we would like copied. They should all be marked by post-it notes, but in the event that they are not, this list should control. Thank you very much, and extend my thanks to--«Jean McCray, for this. Do you have a sense of the status of the remaining of the documents we agreed to at our June 30 meeting? Thanks. John Roth Al Qaida - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-5, 99-6, 99-7, 99-8, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14, 99-15, 99-16, 99-17, 99-18, 99-19, 99-20, 99-21, 99-23, 99-24, 9925, 99-26, 99-27, 99-28, 99-29, 99-30, 99-31, 99-32, 99-40, 99-41, 99-43, 99-44. Al Qaida - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-02, 01-03, 01-05, 01-06, 01-08, 01-09, 0110, 01-11, 01-12, 01-13, 01-15, 01-16, 01-17, 01-18 Abu Sayaf Group - 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-01, 97-02 1

Sayyaf Group - 1999 ammary of Administrative Record, 99-07, 99-23 Abu Sayyaf Group - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-08, 01-15 Asbat al-Ansar (2002) Summary of Administrative Record, 03, 04, 05, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25 Gama'a al-Islamiyya -- 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-1, 97-6, 97-7, 97-8, 97-11, 97-24, 97-25, 97-29, 97-30, 97-31, 97-32, 97-44 and 97-64 Gama'a al-Islamiyya - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-2, 99-3, 99-5, 99-7, 99-8, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12 and 99-20 Gama'a al-Islamiyya -- 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-3, 01-20, 01-21, 01-25, and 01-26



01-10, 01-11, 01-13, 01-19,

Harakat ul-Ansar (1997) Summary of Administrative Record, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 37, 42, 44, 45, 47, and 54. Harakat ul-Mujahidin - 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-1, 99-2, 99-7, 99-8, 99-9, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14, 99-15, 99-18, 99-19, 99-20, 99-21, 99-22, 99-25, 99-26, 9928, 99-29, 99-30 and 99-31. Harakat ul-Mujahidin - 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-4, 01-5, 01-9, 01-11, 01-12, 01-16, 01-17. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan - 2000 Summary of Administrative Record, 00-2, 00-4, 00-5, 00-6, 00-7, 00-10, 00-13, 00-14, 00-16, 00-18, 00-19, 00-20, 00-22, 00-24, 00-25, 00-27, 00-34, 00-39. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan -- 2002 Summary of Administrative Record, 02-02, 02-05, 02-07, 02-09, 02-12, 02-14, 0216, 02-17, 02-21, 02-22, 02-23, 02-24, 02-25, 02-26. Jaish-e Mohammed (2001) Summary of Administrative Record, 02, 03, 04, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19. Jemaah Islamiya (2002) Summary of Administrative Record, 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. -1Al-Jihad (EIJ) - 1997 Summary of Administrative Record, 97-1, 97-3, 97-6, 97-7, 97-9, 97-14, 97-15, 9720, 97-21, 97-23, 97-25, 97-28, 97-31, 97-37, 97-39 and 97-41

97-11, 97-13,

Al-Jihad (EIJ) -- 1999 Summary of Administrative Record, 99-2, 99-4, 99-17, 99-19 and 99-20 Al-Jihad (EIJ) -- 2001 Summary of Administrative Record, 01-2, 01-3, 01-7, 01-8, 01-9, 01-10, 01-11, 01-12, 01-13, 01-14, 01-15 and 01-16 Lashkar-e Tayyiba (2001) Summary of Administrative Record, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26, 30, 32. Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (2003) Summary of Administrative Record, 01, 06, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 27.

j.afist Group ( 2 0 0 2 ) nummary of Administrative Record, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16,

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