Dm B8 Team 6 Fdr- Fbi Document Request 1 483

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FBI DOCUMENT REQUEST No. 1 The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 'Commission") requests that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI or the 'respondent") provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than June 18, 2003 (the "production date"): Thomas H. Kean HAIR

1. The Manual of Investigative and Operational Guidelines, both a current version and the one in effect on September 11, 2001. .2. The Manual of Administrative and Operational Procedures, both a current version and the one in effect on September 11, 2001.

H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman

3. Any written communications from the National Security Council or the National Coordinator to the FBI or the Department of Justice containing counterterrorism policy guidance from January 1998 to September 20, 2001. 4. Policy directives or guidance from the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, or the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, to the FBI or to U.S. Attorneys Offices on counterterrorism matters from January 1998 to the present, except for those exclusively relating to particular investigations. 5. All versions of the Attorney General Guidelines for Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence Investigations from 1983 to the present.

Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson Philip D. Zelikow EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

6. The FBI's annual Congressional Budget Justification Books for fiscal years 1995 through 2004. 7. The FBI's annual budget requests to the Department of Justice for fiscal years 1995 through 2004. 8. The documents listed below from each of the following FBI Field Offices—Baltimore, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New York, Phoenix, San Diego, Tampa, and Washington Field Office: a. Each of the listed Field Offices' organizational charts, on at least an annual basis, from January 1998 to September 2001, and for the present, and documents sufficient to show, for the same time periods, the breakdown of the number of personnel (distinguishing between agents and support personnel) assigned to each Field Office squad, and a general description of each squad's areas of responsibility.

b. Documents sufficient to show annual statistics from 1998 to the present of the listed Field Offices' TURK rates, broken down by program classification. c. Memoranda of Understanding and any other documents reflecting agreements of coordination on counterterrorism matters between the listed FBI Field Offices and state and local law 6/4/03

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:nforcement authorities (including the Joint Terrorism Task Forces), both current versions and those n effect on September 11, 2001. d. Any Memoranda of Understanding between the listed FBI Field Offices and other ?ederal agencies regarding their cooperation and coordination on counterterrorism matters, both current versions and those in effect on September 11, 2001. e. FBI Annual Field Office Reports and any other documents, including program plans, outlining ach of the listed Field Offices'priorities and strategies from January 1998 to the present. This request includes any program plans or strategy documents prepared specifically for or by the listed "ield Offices' international terrorism squads. :.

Inspection Reports relating to counterterrorism or counterintelligence for the listed Field Offices Tom January 1998 to the present, including interrogatories, written responses, and program writeups. . Documents containing statistics from January 1998 to September 2001, as well as the most recently available statistics, regarding the number of counterterrorism intelligence (199 classification) and counterterrorism criminal investigations (265 classification) pending at each of the isted Field Offices, and records reflecting whether these investigations were Preliminary Inquiries or Full Field investigations, broken down by program classification. i' V

i. Documents containing statistics from January 1998 to September 2001, as well as the most recently available statistics, regarding the number of surveillance targets, authorized under FISA, argeting international terrorist groups for each of the listed Field Offices, and records indicating how many of these surveillance requests were targeting al-Qa'ida targets and how many were targeting other terrorist organization targets. i. Documents containing statistics from January 1998 to September 2001, and the most recently available statistics, regarding the number of "informational assets" and "operational assets" who were solely or primarily reporting on international terrorism matters for each listed Field Office. j. Documents sufficient to show the composition, both by agency and specific personnel, of the Joint Terrorism Task Forces for the listed Field Offices from January 1998 to the present. Any documents containing evaluations or comments by the Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters on the listed Field Offices' international terrorism priorities, from January 1998 to the present. 9. Any threat assessments and/or crime surveys by the San Diego Division from January 1998 to September 2001. 10. For all Field Offices, documents containing statistics from January 1998 to September 2001, and the most recently available statistics, regarding the FBI's total number of pending counterterrorism intelligence investigations (199 classification) and counterterrorism criminal investigations (265 classification), and records reflecting whether the investigations were Preliminary Inquiries or Full Field investigations, broken down by program classification. 11. Inspection Reports relating to counterterrorism or counterintelligence, including interrogatories, written responses, and program write-ups, from January 1998 to the present for Legats Riyadh, Paris, Bonn/Berlin, Madrid, London, and Singapore. 12. Inspection Reports, including interrogatories, written responses, and program write-ups, from January 1998 to the present for all of the FBI headquarters counterterrorism analytic units. 6/4/03


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13. Inspection Reports, including interrogatories, written responses, and program write-ups, from January 1998 to the present for all of the FBI headquarters counterterrorism operational units. 14. Any documents from January 1998 to September 2001 reflecting agreements relating to coordination and collaboration on counterterrorism matters between the FBI and intelligence and law enforcement agencies in Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, Yemen, and Pakistan. 15. Any briefing materials created by the FBI relating to counterterrorism-or foreign intelligence collection in the United States created for or prdvided to the Bush-Cheney Transition Team. 16. Written policy statements, directives, guidance, organization charts, and briefing materials issued by or used by the Director, the Deputy Director, the Executive Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, and the Assistant Director for Counterterrorism regarding post-September 11, 2001, FBI reforms, including but not limited to: a. the FBI headquarters counterterrorism reorganization; . the creation of the Office of Intelligence; c. the counterterrorism "flying squad;" d. the National Joint Terrorism Task Force and the expansion of the JTTF jrogram at the FBI Field Offices; :. the establishment of a Reports Officer program; I the efforts to upgrade the FBI's Intelligence Research Specialist and Intelligence Operations Specialist programs; and


. the efforts to centralize the FBI's counterterrorism program at FBI headquarters. The Commission requests that the documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through mean: of a "rolling" production. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. 6/4/03

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