Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy : Squall Leonhart X Zidane Tribal

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  • Pages: 14
Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy “Don’t Leave Me Alone” A pleasant morning, birds chirping soundly and pleasantly, the raising sun emits light and reveals a certain academy called Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy, the Academy of Heroes. In a class which is called as Cosmos Class, 10 heroes are assembled, and they’re talking to each other, discussing about different topics. In one side, “Frioniel, how about if we play football for a min?”, said Tidus, the hero from Final Fantasy X. “No thanks, Tidus, I’m currently reading a Botany book on how to grow wild roses.” replied Frioniel, the hero from Final Fantasy II, without even giving a sight to Tidus who play his Blitz ball by his own. “Oh, come on, you’re boring.” said Tidus with a disappointing tone. But Frioniel sticks being a bookworm to his Botany book, and Tidus decided to sit down on his seat beside Frioniel’s with a boring face. In another part of the class, there are 2 guys with white hair sit side by side. Cecil Harvey, the hero from Final Fantasy IV start a conversation, “Hey, Light, don’t you think that Golbeza-sensei will come back this week? You know, he went for some research since last month and haven’t come back.”. “Yea.” replied Warrior Of Light, the hero of the shining light by keep writing something on his notebook. Cecil continues, “I hope Golbeza-sensei, my brother, will come back soon and teach us about Research Methodology again. I’m quite fond of that subject.”. “I see…” replied Warrior Of Light with toneless voice. “But, haha, I still got a D on that subject, I guess I should have a private teaching with him sometime. The Emperor’s explanation was not good though I know he is the teacher replacement for my brother’s subject.” said Cecil. “Hooo… I see.” replied Warrior Of Light with empty sight to Cecil’s expression who vigilantly talked about Golbeza-sensei, one of their teachers who is currently away for some research. Still in the same class, there is another sight at the other part of it. “Tina, may I borrow your book?” said Onion Knight, a hero kid from Final Fantasy III. “Sure, Onion, what book that you want to borrow from me?” replied Tina Branford, the heroine from Final Fantasy VI. “Umm… Math book.” said Onion Knight. Tina quickly picks her bag, and search for her Math book. “Here it is, Onion. Is this it that you want?” asked Tina by showing a book of Mathematics to the kid. “Yes, that’s the one.” replied Onion with cheerful tone as if he found a sack of Gils. Then, Tina say, “Okay, here, I’ll lend it to you.”. “Thanks so much, Tina. Now I can do the Math homework that we got yesterday.” said Onion happily. Tina just replied his cheerful act with a good

smile on her face. Onion quickly takes his seat beside Tina’s seat and start doing the Math homework. At other part of the class, there are 2 cheerful guys; one of them has a tail. “Yo, Butz, how about if we have a match on this game?” said Zidane, the hero from Final Fantasy IX, by showing a small mini disc. “Let me see that, hmmm….’DISSIDIA Final Fantasy’, huh? Sounds good to me. Just right that I’m bored and I brought my PSP with me.” replied Butz, the hero from Final Fantasy V. “Heh, you’ll see soon who is the real winner.” said Zidane with an intimidating voice. “Don’t look down on me.” replied Butz with a burning spirit tone. Then both of them sit on their seats, side by side, play a game titled ‘DISSIDIA Final Fantasy’ and held a match by using Ad Hoc feature in their PSPs. Surely that both of them are heroes who loves to play, cheerful, and sometimes noisy. Just front from Butz and Zidane’s seat where both of them are playing game vigilantly, there are 2 guys who sit side by side, one has brown hair with a scar on his forehead between the eyes, and one has a yellow spiky hair with glowing eyes. “Squall, can you lend me your iPod?” asked Cloud, the hero from Final Fantasy VII. “Sure.” replied Squall, the hero from Final Fantasy VIII, he then open his bag and look for his iPod. “Here it is.”, said Squall by giving Cloud an MP3 player called iPod, “Why you suddenly asked for it?”. “Those 2 on the back are so noisy, I can’t concentrate making my notes.” said Cloud with an emotion of irritated person. “Hmph, I see.” replied Squall. Both Squall and Cloud are currently making side notes for the previous class’s subject. Too bad that they sit quite near with 2 heroes who they say as noisy people and disturb one’s concentration. After about 20 mins, the bell rings, and the class starts. All of them sit tightly on their seats, and prepare to attend the class. The first period is Physics, not long after the bell rang, Ultimecia-sensei came in to the the class. “Good morning, class.” said Ultimecia. “Good morning, sensei~~.” All of the students replied. “Ok, today we’re going to study about Dilatation of Time, and the use of Haste and Slow magic.” said Ultimecia by writing the topic on the class’s whiteboard, “Any of you ever read or heard about Dilatation of Time before?”. “Me.” said Squall by pointing up his hand. “Ok, Squall, let us hear your answer.” said Ultimecia. “Uhm. Dilatation of Time is an occurrence where we feel that time runs slower than usual, but the fact is, it run normally. The main cause of this is our own psychological condition. A good example, is when you’re waiting alone by yourself. You might think it’s a long waiting while actually you’re not that long waiting.” Squall explained. “Ok, good answer, Squall.”, said Ultimecia, “And your answer is right. That is

indeed the definition and simple explanation of the Dilatation of Time.”. Ultimecia continues, “Dilatation of Time can be caused due to psychological condition thus cause misinterpretation of the time. This usually happen when you’re in waiting, in a bored condition, or having no activity. Dilatation of Time can make you feel that there are so much time left, but it actually just move as usual, the time itself doesn’t quicker nor slower.” Then, after that short explanation, Ultimecia continues to the next subject and throw a question, “Well, as for this Haste and Slow magic, I’m sure we’ve all know how they work, can anyone be a volunteer as to explain the basic of them?”. Cecil quickly pull his hand up. “Ok, Cecil. Explain.” said Ultimecia. “Ok. Haste is a White Magic which is categorized as Supportive Magic. Its main effect is to make the ATB bar refills 2 times faster thus cause the target to have more turns and do actions faster. As for Slow, it’s a Black Magic which is categorized as Status Magic, it has the effect to make the target’s ATB refills 2 times slower, thus cause them to have less turns and slower in actions. Mind that both of them are not acting as curative to each other, which means if you cast Slow over Haste, the target will have Slow status, not a normal status, and vice versa.” Cecil explained. “Thanks, Cecil.” said Ultimecia after hearing Cecil’s explanation. Ultimecia continues to her explanation, “Yes, what Cecil said was right. Haste and Slow are 2 different magics of time. What you must pay note is that they don’t act curative to each other. Remember that. One more thing, some strong enemies might immune to Slow but can be affected by Haste, so you should never cast Haste on enemies.” After some more explanation given by Ultimecia, the bell rings, and that is a sign that the first period of 2 hours have finished. “Ok, class, we’ll meet again in the next session.” said Ultimecia, and she go out from the class. Zidane start a talk to Squall from Squall’s back, “Wow, Squall, your previous explanation was great. That Dilatation of Time or such was news to my ear.”. “It’s within the 5th Chapter of our Physics book, Zidane, You’ll find the definition of it there.” said Squall by side-gazing at Zidane from Zidane’s front. “You surely never read your book, Zidane.” Butz added. “Like you read your book also.” replied Zidane with a kind of harsh tone to Butz. “Well…. Haha, at least I’ve read one chapter of it and memorized some of materials in that chapter.” said Butz by rubbing his head. And so, the 2nd period starts, their schedule says PE subject. They go out from the class and go into their private rooms to change their clothes. Quite fascinating that Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy provides them private rooms for each of them, so they can use it to store their private stuffs. It comes with a bed too, so they could stay there. After about 10 mins, all of them came

out from their rooms and gathered at the front yard, and Jecht-sensei is already there before they came. “Now, now. Isn’t this a good day to play football?”, said Jecht by gazing at all of them, “Ok, all 10 of you, divide into 2 groups.”. “How do we supposed to divide ourselves?” asked Tidus. “You foolish brat! Just use the Paper-Rock-Scissor (Jankenpo), the loser goes to Red Team, while the winner goes to White Team.” replied Jecht with harsh tone. Not long, they managed to form 2 teams, Red and White Team. Red Team consists of Warrior of Light as the Goal Keeper, Frioniel on the Defender position, Onion Knight on the Middle position, and Cloud and Tidus as the Attacker. While the White Team consists of Cecil as the Goal Keeper, Tina on the Defender position, Butz on the Middle position, while Zidane and Squall as the Attacker. “Let the show begin!” said Zidane happily by jumping around like a monkey and not even stand on the right position that he’s been assigned on. Seeing that, Squall just make a facepalm, in his mind, he wonders whether Zidane knows what is happening and wish that Zidane could read the situation more. Then, the Kick Off started with the Red Team’s as soon as Jecht blows his whistle hardly. Cloud quickly passes the ball to Tidus, and Tidus quickly try to approach the White Team’s Goal Keeper. “Not so fast, Tidus.” said Butz by trying to block Tidus’s way. But Tidus is an Ace of a certain sport called Blitz Ball, and he managed to avoid Butz swiftly. Then, he sees now Tina is the one who is on his way to reach White Team’s goal. “NO! GET AWAY!!” said Tina with frightened tone as if Tidus want to crash her soon and she quickly cast a Blizzara to Tidus. “Wow!”, said Tidus by dodging the Blizzara attack, “Calm down, lady.”. Suddenly, Jecht blows his whistle hardly to pause the match. “STOP!!” shout Jecht. He then approaches Tina, “Lady, no magic allowed during class time, right? Don’t you read the general Rules of the Academy?” said Jecht emphasizing Tina’s wrong deed. “I-I’m sorry, I was frightened.” said Tina softly. “And, look what you’ve done.” said Jecht by pointing his finger to one direction. And on the direction that Jecht pointed, there is a block of ice with Zidane in it. Butz also managed to avoid the Blizzara attack, but Zidane, who is not far after Butz, didn’t managed to dodge it and now he is frozen within an ice block. “Zidane! Hey! Can you hear me!?” said Butz to a frozen Zidane. Tina approaches the ice block, “I-I’m really sorry. I’ll crush the ice by using Meltdown.” she said. “No.”, Squall objected, “That’ll crush the ice along with the person within it.”. “Then, what should we do to save him?” asked Butz. “I’ll take care of him later by using some magics. We are still within class, and no magic allowed during class time.” said Squall. Jecht approaches Squall and Butz, “He is your friend, right? Ok, I’ll leave it to you.”, he said, “Does everyone still want to

continue the match?”. “Sure, I’m on it” replied Tidus. “I’m not interested on trying to melt that ice.” replied Cloud. And the others still want the match to go on. Squall and Butz move the ice block out from the field. Then, after Squall and Butz came back to the field, Jecht says, “Ok, let’s continue the match.”. He then blows his whistle again and the football match is starting again, with a disadvantage on the White team due to Zidane being frozen and moved out from the field. As expected, the result is the White team’s loss with a good 0 - 2. After another blow from Jecht’s whistle, it’s a sign that the PE period has over. They now enter the Lunch break time The cloud on the sky is getting darker and rain will pour soon. Squall and Butz brought the ice block to Squall’s room. “There, we somewhat managed to move him.” said Butz. “Thanks for the help, Butz. You can go ahead change your clothes and have your lunch, I’ll catch up later.” said Squall to Butz. “I’ll be waiting.” replied Butz, and he goes out from Squall’s room. “I should change my clothes first.” thought Squall. Then, after about 3 mins, he is back on his Academy uniform. He then pick a book of magics from his drawer, and read it. “Hmm…. Seems like two times of Fira magic should do the job.” thought Squall. He quickly put the book aside, and casts Fira to the ice block. The first cast shows a fascinating result that the ice is melting. And the second one managed to release Zidane from the ice block safely. After being released from the ice block, Zidane is unconscious and quickly fell due to having no balance to stand. Squall quickly grabs him before he hits the floor, and try to wake him up. “Zidane, hey, Zidane, wake up.” said Squall to an unconscious Zidane by touching Zidane’s cheek. “Hmmmmm…. I…. Squall….” said Zidane softly, regaining consciousness. “Good to see that you’re awake.” said Squall. “Squall….” said Zidane softly and he quickly hugs Squall as if he is frightened of something and make Squall as his savior. “Zidane…” said Squall softly and hugging Zidane as well. From Squall’s back, he could hear Zidane sobbing, and he thought to himself, “Is he crying?”. “Zidane”, said Squall by releasing Zidane’s hug and face him, when he see Zidane’s face, he could see Zidane’s eyes are sparkling due to tears, “Let’s just go back to the class. Butz is waiting for you.”. “Uh… okay.” said Zidane by wiping his tears. “Better get back on your uniform now, Zidane.” said Squall with soft tone. Zidane stands up, goes out from Squall’s room and enter his room to change his clothes. The other students are having their lunch in the canteen, while Squall goes to the class to have his lunch. He just bought milk and bread from the canteen, and he enjoy that alone in an empty class. While enjoying his lunch, Squall see Zidane enters the empty class and go towards him. “Umm… Squall…” said Zidane softly. “What is it, Zidane?” said Squall by still holding the bread in one of his hand. “I… thank

you for the earlier stuff… “said Zidane with an expression of an embarrassing face. “Don’t mention it. It’s just fine.” replied Squall with a calm sight to Zidane. Then, after finished with his lunch, Squall moved from his seat and goes out from the class without saying another word to Zidane. Zidane just stay quiet, as if he want to say something but it’s like his mouth became as hard as a brick and forgot all the things that he wanted to say. The rain is pouring heavily outside the building, one sight on it could surely tell that it’ll be a long and heavy rain. “Zidane? Are you alone?” said Butz from Zidane’s behind. “Oh, it’s you Butz. Squall was here a moment ago, but he went out.” replied Zidane. “I see. Anyway, have you gathered all the things we needed for Chemisty’s lab experiment today?” asked Butz. “What? Experiment?” Zidane questioned Butz back. “How can you forgot? We’re going to have an experiment on making Megalixir for today’s Chemistry Lab Lesson.” said Butz explaining the situation. “I guess I remember that. So, what’s this ‘all things we needed’?” asked Zidane. “We need 5 Potions, 2 HiPotions, and 1 Elixir to conduct the experiment. Every one of us must bring all of them.” said Butz. “Hmmm… I guess I have some Potions and an Elixir in my room. But it seems like I’m out of Hi-Potion. Do you happen to have any extra, Butz?” asked Zidane whether Butz have some extra of Hi-Potion so that he could just get it from him. “Unfortunately, I don’t have any extra for anyone. But you can buy them in the Moogle shop near here.” replied Butz. “I see. It’s raining heavily outside but seems like I can’t help it but to run under the rain.” said Zidane. “You better get going and get the stuff. We all know that Sephiroth-sensei is quite strict. You still have time before the Lunch Break ends.” Butz suggested. “Ok, I’ll be back soon. Thanks for the reminding, Butz.” said Zidane by going out from the classroom. “Not a problem. I’ll meet you in the Chemistry lab.” replied Butz. Zidane quickly goes to the front main door of the building to go out and reach the Moogle shop. He meets Squall by the front door, carrying an umbrella, and wearing his black jacket over his uniform. “Squall!” shout Zidane from one direction by keep approaching towards Squall. “Zidane, why are you here?” asked Squall to Zidane. “I want to go to the Moogle shop outside to buy some stuffs for today’s Chemistry Lab Lesson.” said Zidane. “I want to go there too, to buy some stuffs for the Chemistry Lab Lesson.” said Squall. “Then let’s go together. We have the same purpose and destination.” Zidane suggested. “Sounds fine with me.” said Squall with low tone. “And….” said Zidane with an embarrassing face and swaying his foot like a child. “What is it, Zidane?” asked Squall. “I don’t have an umbrella….” Zidane answered. “(sigh) Can’t help it, let’s go together with one umbrella.” said

Squall by walking to the front door and opens his umbrella. “Thank you so much, Squall.” said Zidane happily. The sound of the rain became louder as Squall opened the front door, and it’s surely raining cats and dogs. Squall move his umbrella up to cover his head, and Zidane is beside him. Zidane quickly holds onto Squall’s left hand, as if he doesn’t want to get wet by even a drip of the rain. Squall takes a sight on him and he see smile in Zidane’s face as if his hand is a soft plushie that give warmth and fluffy feeling, but Squall doesn’t say a word upon that. Then, both of them make their walk to the Moogle shop which is located outside the Academy. In their walk, “Hihihi.” Zidane giggles by clinging onto Squall. “What? You’re too near.” said Squall. “But it’s cold, Squall. And I don’t want to get wet. I may become sick.” replied Zidane by keep clinging onto Squall as if he just want to hug him. Zidane’s tail is wet due to left unprotected by the umbrella since it’s quite long. “Suit yourself.” said Squall with a toneless voice by putting his hand on Zidane’s left shoulder. Zidane smiles again when he feel Squall’s hand on his shoulder, as if he found one warmness that could against the cold of the rain. After about 15 mins of walk, they reached the Moogle shop. Squall closes his umbrella, drying it by shaking it, and enters the shop, while Zidane is before him. Inside the shop, Zidane meet with Stitzkin, the Merchant Moogle who sells stuff and the one in charge of the shop. “May I help you?” asked Stitzkin to Zidane. “Umm… 2 Hi-Potions please.” replied Zidane. “Make it 4.” said Squall suddenly from Zidane’s back. Zidane quickly turn his face to his back and he saw Squall already standing there. “Ok, 4 Hi-Potions. Please wait.” said Stitzkin. He then pick some bottles from a big cupboard. After picked 4 bottles, Stitzkin move to the front desk again, “Here you are, that’ll be 600 Gil.”. “One more, a Potion, please.” asked Squall. “Sure.” replied Stitzkin. He picked another bottle from a certain drawer, the one that he picked is different from the 4 bottles that he picked before, it’s smaller and has blue-ish color. “Here it is”, said Stitzkin after picked the Potion bottle and put it on the front desk, “The total is 650 Gil.”. “I’ll pay.” said Squall. “Huh?” Zidane questioned Squall’s act. “Don’t worry”, said Squall, “I just got my salary from Balamb Garden.”. “I see. Well, if it’s ok with you, go ahead.” said Zidane. Then, Squall pull out some money from his wallet to pay the items. “Thank you so much. Please come again when you need something.” said Stitzkin. Zidane put his HiPotions into a pocket on his Academy uniform, so does Squall, but he put the Potion that he bought in the pocket on his black jacket. Then, both of them walk in the rain again to reach back the Academy’s building. As expected that Zidane is clinging again onto Squall all along the way back. Squall doesn’t mind that anymore, and again, he put his hand on Zidane’s shoulder

as Zidane clinging onto him. And so, they reached back the Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy’s building safe and sound. After they reached back the Dissidia Final Fantasy Academy’s building, Squall closed the front door, and the sound of the rain became less loud. Squall then drying his umbrella again by shaking it softly, while Zidane is swinging his tail here and there to dry it. “Hey! Watch it! I’ll get wet.” said Squall since he got some drip of the water from Zidane’s wet tail. “Oops, sorry, Squall.” said Zidane and he quickly stop swinging his tail so that no more water splashing all over. “Here, use this, Squall.” said Zidane by giving a handkerchief to Squall. “Thanks.” said Squall, and he quickly wipe the water on his face and forehead, after he finished drying himself, he give the handkerchief back to Zidane. But then Squall grab something from his jacket’s pocket, and give a blue bottle to Zidane. “Isn’t this…” Zidane questioned. “A Potion. For you.”, replied Squall, “Just take it. As a simple friendship gift.”. “(blushing) Th-thanks, Squall.” said Zidane with a deep red face. Then, Squall leaves no more word to him and make his move to his room to get the required items for Chemistry Lab Lesson and pick his lab coat. After Squall left the front door area, Zidane stayed on a corner near the front door, “I’ll keep this Potion. I won’t use it for myself alone. There must be a time where it could be of to more use than a simple healing item.”, he thought to himself, “Squall…. I….. I don’t know how to say it, but I’m sure you’ll understand it soon.”. Without his realize that he holds the Potion with both of his hands and tight it on his chest, as if the Potion is a precious jewel from a most precious treasure in the world where he couldn’t let go and love it to his deepest. After finished thinking by himself, Zidane make his move to his room to pick the items for the Chemistry Lab Lesson and pick his lab coat. He somewhat didn’t meet with Squall during his way. Then, he reached the Chemistry Lab, and all of the students are already there, including Squall. He quickly take his seat beside Butz’s. “Hey, Zidane.”, said Butz, “so you managed to get all of the stuffs.”. “Surely. I just bought the Hi-Potions.” said Zidane. Then, just right after Zidane put the items on his desk, Sephiroth-sensei come into the lab, and the Chemistry Lab Lesson is about to start. With cold face and smile, Sephiroth write the experiment’s procedure on the white board. “All right, you all know what to do.”, said Sephiroth after he finished writing the stuffs on the white board, “Let’s start.”. Then, all of the students of Cosmos class start doing the experiment on making the Megalixir. All of them looks so focused and serious, except 2 people, Zidane and Butz who looks so happy doing the experiment, it’s like they’re on an activity of making a juice or so. Though both of them looks like slacking and

playing, but they know their stuffs in today’s experiment. Just by simple glance, everyone can tell that Butz and Zidane are doing the experiment well, they even did the dose of the mixing just right by perfect calculation. In front of them, there is still a face of an irritated person, it’s Cloud, he can’t concentrate due to Zidane and Butz being noisy from his back, but poor him that he can do nothing about that. Sephiroth wanders the classroom to see each one’s progress, and still with his cold smile and thrusting eye. After about 30 mins, all of them managed to make their Megalixirs. “Seems like you’re all doing well.” , said Sephiroth, “Put your Megalixir within one bottle, the silver one, and write your name on the bottle.”. All of them quickly do what Sephiroth told them to. After all of them managed to put each of their Megalixir into a silver bottle, Sephiroth give another order, “Huhuhu…. Now… for the interesting part…. Choose a friend, exchange your Megalixir with him, and drink it together in one gulp.”. All of the Cosmos class’s students are statued for a few moments when Sephiroth said that, but Sephiroth sticks with his cold face, and quickly all of them exchanging their Megalixirs to each other. For the first pair, it’s Tina and Onion Knight. Tina drinks Onion Knight’s Megalixir, and…. “Wow, so refreshing. It’s so good, Onion.” said Tina with a bright face like she was being casted by a Curaga magic. “Th-thanks, Tina. I’ll try yours now.” replied Onion Knight, and he quickly drink Tina’s Megalixir, the result…..”…. It has… such a lovely taste. I like this, Tina…”. Tina just smiled upon that and that is a sign that her experiment is also successful. Another pair, is Cecil and Warrior Of Light. Cecil drinks Warrior Of Light’s Megalixir, then…. “BOKU WA HIKARI NO CHIKARA TO TOMO NI ARU!!”(The power of light is always with me!!!) shout Cecil after drinking Warrior Of Light’s Megalixir and he is shining brightly. “It’s so good, Light. A success.” said Cecil after being calm again. Warrior Of Light just reply Cecil’s word with a simple smile, and he quickly drink Cecil’s Megalixir, then…. “Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos, Cosmos.” said Warrior of Light repeatedly with same tone. After he is back to his usual self, Warrior Of Light state the comment, “It’s good.”. Then, another pair, is Tidus and Frioniel. Tidus drink Froniel’s Megalixir then he say his comment, “Ah, it has such rosy smell, with rosy taste, and give rosy feeling to the heart. Good job, Frioniel.”. Frioniel replied Tidus’s comment with just a slight smile, then he quickly drink Tidus’s Megalixir, and…. “Hmm…. Kore wa…. oishii su yo.”(Hmm… this is delicious) he said with Tidus’s dialect. Move to another pair, it’s Butz and Cloud. They drink their Megalixirs together in one time after the exchange, then, as the result….. “I love Boko!” said Cloud with a cheerful tone which is somewhat different from his usual voice after he drink Butz’s Megalixir. “Kyouminai ne.”

(I’m not interested) replied Butz with a deep voice and expression of denial after he drink Cloud’s Megalixir. As the last pair, it’s Zidane and Squall. At first, Zidane wanted to do the exchange with Butz, but when he saw Butz already approached Cloud to make the exchange, now he has to do it with Squall instead. With a cheerful smile, Zidane give his Megalixir to Squall, and Squall also give his to Zidane. Just like Butz and Cloud they drink it together in one time. Then, as the result, “Kyou no e mono wa…. omae da.”(Today’s victim…. Is you.) said Squall with his deep voice and his eyes points to Zidane. As for Zidane, he say, “Mondainai, ore mo moto moto hitori de ikiteiru.” (Not a problem, I also used to live alone) with his deep voice as if he is replying Squall’s word of reaction. After all of them do the exchange and drink the Megalixir, and also regained their usual self back after the effect of the Megalixir, Sephiroth says his comment, “Huhuhu….Very good. I’ll see you all again in the next session which should be more interesting than this. Good bye”. Just right after Sephiroth say his comment, the bell rang, which is a sign that Chemistry’s period has ended and that also ends their academic schedule for the day. The rain is still pouring heavily, all of the Cosmos class’s students are packing their stuffs in the Chemistry lab to go back home. Warrior Of Light goes out from the lab first and still with his serious face, and not even saying a word to the other students. Then, Cecil is after him, but he stop by the door and say, “I take my leave, I have something to do. Bye all.”. After he said that, Cecil take his leave. Not long after Cecil’s leave, Frioniel and Tidus also make their leave, they’re just vigilantly talking to each other as they goes out from the lab, and say no words to the other students. Then, Onion and Tina also make their leave, and from their talk, same with Frioniel and Tidus, both of them are talking to each other as they goes out from the lab. Butz say some word to Cloud, “Cloud, can I visit your home?”. “Why is that?” ask Cloud to Butz. “I want to borrow the Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core game that you ever said yesterday. You said you have a copy of it.” said Butz. “Yea, but-“ said Cloud. “Oh, come on, let’s just go, I really want to play that game right away.” said Butz by quickly holding Cloud’s hand and drag him out of the lab without even giving a chance to Cloud for saying all his words. All that’s left in the Chemistry lab are only laboratory equipments, and 2 students, Zidane and Squall. Squall is tidying his table, and Zidane is looking at him, but Squall doesn’t mind his gaze. When Squall finished tidying his table, and make a move to the door, Zidane say something to him, “Squall!”. “What is it, Zidane?” asked Squall. “Umm… can we go home together? I don’t have an umbrella.” said Zidane. “I’m staying here for tonight. Tomorrow morning is my turn for doing the class cleaning along with Butz.”

replied Squall. “Oh…. I see.” said Zidane with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. Then, Squall continues his walk, and he goes out from the lab, leaving Zidane alone in the Chemistry lab. Zidane just stand in front of his seat in the lab, alone, then he pull out a blue-ish bottle from his lab coat’s pocket, while looking at it, he thought to himself, “Squall…. I… I’ll make it tonight, it’s now or never.”. After that short thought of him to himself, he put the bottle back to his pocket, and leave the Chemistry lab. Zidane make his walk to reach his room. Along the corridors he found no one, and only the sound of the falling rain which is with him, he realized that the other Cosmos Class students already left the academy, except Squall. After about some mins of walking, he reaches his room. He put off his lab coat, and changes his clothes to his usual clothes that all people know of its vest and white clothes within it. He sit on his bed, but his thought is going elsewhere, “Squall….I…. I want you to be by my side. You’re my savior and my hero. I want to be with you.”. Finished with that simple thought, he reached his lab coat and pull out the Potion that he got from Squall. He make a sad glance upon it as if that blue bottle is one precious memento, but he knew that he actually can’t hold of his feeling of wanting Squall to be by his side. Though he can’t do anything directly for the time being, that Potion acts like a messenger for him so he could indirectly send his feeling to Squall. Still, he only put glance upon it, not even opening it. He then lay himself on his bed, and still with the wandering thought. Surely no one could assure the limit of one’s fantasy when one is within it. Time pass quickly, It’s already night of 7 PM, Zidane came out from his room and went to the canteen within the Academy. Very fascinating that the canteen is open for 24 hours for the students. He bought some foods, and bring it to his room. The rain is still pouring heavily outside, but it became darker and lightning struck several times, which one could say as it became into a storm. Zidane sit on his desk in his room, and eat the food. While eating, he is reading a book of DISSIDIA Final Fantasy’s Complete Guide. He is quite passionate on that game since he and Butz are rivals in that game, and made them quite neglecting their studies and stuffs. His previous thoughts about Squall is like a blowing wind, gone without a trace when he read that book seriously and having his dinner. But every time he took a sight to Squall’s Potion, he makes a good smile on his face. And then, after about 2 hours reading, he is yawning which is a sign that he should sleep. He wore off the vest and goes to bed. But, it seems like his brain is not letting him to sleep just like that, and he start thought to himself again, “I guess…. This is it… I can’t sleep…. I keep thinking about him. Come on, Zidane, you know you can’t keep lying to

yourself.”. He then wake up from his bed, pick the Potion, goes out from his room, and stand in front of the door of Squall’s room. Zidane knocks the door twice, and he hear a reply from inside, “Who is it?”. “Umm… it’s me, Zidane.” replied Zidane from outside. Shortly, the door opened and Squall appeared in front of him. “What is it, Zidane?” asked Squall to the boy with the tail. “Umm… Squall… can we… sleep together? I’m scared by myself….” replied Zidane with a soft blush on his face. “I don’t see a problem on that, come in.” said Squall by permitting Zidane to enter his room. “Th-thanks, Squall.” said Zidane and he enters Squall’s room. Inside, Squall is just being silent to him, and reading a book, while Zidane just sit on Squall’s bed. Again, Zidane thought to himself, “Come on, Zidane, now is the time.”. Then, he say something, “Squall… i…”. “What is it, Zidane?” asked Squall by putting his book aside and put his sight to Zidane. When Squall faced him, Zidane quickly hugs Squall tightly. Squall makes a good surprised expression on his face, and Zidane say, “I… love you, Squall, please don’t leave me alone. I want to be by your side.”. Upon hearing that, Squall became calmed and hugs Zidane as well. Within his hug, Squall carry Zidane to the bed, and when he put Zidane on bed, Zidane quickly pull him so that Squall’s face is so close to him. “Come, Squall, you can have me as well…. do anything that you want…. I’m yours…” said Zidane with soft tone. Squall is being silent, but he replied Zidane’s word by kissing him. Zidane’s face shows a pleasant feeling, and he seems like really enjoy Squall’s kiss. Then, Zidane say something again, “Let me have your dick, Squall….. make me entertained….”. Squall quickly put off his shorts, and when his dick is shown, Zidane quickly pull Squall again. Squall understands Zidane’s deed and he put his dick to Zidane’s ass. “Ahh… Squall… that’s….so good….” said Zidane with a strange tone of mix between pleasant and hurt. Zidane went into Trance as he is so pleased with Squall’s treat. “Squall… will you still love me though I’m like this?” asked Zidane. “Not a problem,” said Squall, “You still look good in that pink fur.”. Zidane is blushing, makes his face as red as his hair and fur. Then, Squall say, “Let me entertain you more, Zidane. I’ll give you a suck.”. Upon hearing that, Zidane quickly pull his dick to Squall, and Squall suck it. Squall thought to himself, “It’s so tasty…. “ as he doesn’t mind Zidane’s pink fur and keep sucking the dick. They change position again, now it’s Squall’s turn who lay on the bed. And now, Zidane is playing with Squall’s dick, “You sure have a nice dick, Squall.” said Zidane by playing with it with his red tail, and he put it into his ass. Zidane put himself above Squall’s body, and his tail is wrinkling Squall’s dick and both of them feel a very pleasant feeling as Squall’s dick erected maximally within Zidane’s ass, and he also has pleasant feeling since his dick is wrinkled by Zidane’s tail at

so-right force. “Uh… Zidane… I…” said Squall with low tone. “Squall….I… I….” said Zidane as if he want to say something but he can’t say it. Zidane say a word with a panting voice, “Ha... ha… ha… Squall… I’ve been wanting this. Let me pour this Potion, and let’s make this the most useful Potion ever.”. Then, Zidane pick the Potion near the bed, back on Squall’s body, and pour it onto himself like he take a bath by using it. When seeing that, Squall quickly get up, hugs Zidane, and lick the body. Like a defenseless person, Zidane just say, “Ahh…. Squall… you surely know…. How to… entertain to the deepest….”. Squall keeps licking Zidane’s body and doesn’t mind the fur on Zidane’s body. Then, Squall say a word, “This… Potion… is the most tasteful Potion…. Ever….” after licking Zidane’s body which was been poured by the Potion. “Let me…. Pour this… for you too… Squall” said Zidane with panting voice. Squall then put off his clothes and let Zidane pour the Potion onto him, then, Zidane quickly hug Squall’s body and lick it. “You’re…. so…. Tasty… also… Squall…” said Zidane while licking Squall’s body. Finished with that, Zidane put Squall to lay down again, “Now… Squall…. Let us… show our…manly… soul.” he said. Zidane insert his furry dick into Squall’s ass. “Zidane… that’s-” said Squall. Squall can’t take it anymore as Zidane’s dick turn erected maximally within his ass, and Zidane shouts loudly as his dick got a good force from Squall’s ass, “AHHH!!! SQUALL!!”. So do Squall, “UHH!! ZIDANE!!!” shout him as his ass is contracting due to Zidane’s dick within it. It surely was a precious night for them. And, as the result, they sleep together in Squall’s room. Zidane is still in his Trance form while sleeping with wet fur and body, while Squall is sleeping beside him, naked, and also with wet body. They sleep together on one bed covered with the blanket, and Squall is hugging Zidane. The morning came, with a bright light from the sun, and no more sound of the rain can be heard. Zidane woke up and back to his normal form, and he found Squall is no longer beside him. He then came out from Squall’s room, take a bath, and back to his room to get dressed. While dressing, he thought to himself, “Last night… was so precious. Squall should be already in the class. He said that he has the cleaning duty this morning.”. Finished with that, Zidane came out from his room and reached the class. He found every students is already there, talking to each other. He quickly take a seat on his usual seat, beside Butz. Butz is busy playing with his PSP as he even doesn’t greet Zidane. And then, Zidane open his bag and pull out a blue bottle from it, and he give it to the guy in front of him, Squall. Squall just receive it, but he found a piece of paper tagged on the upper part of the bottle, he opens it, and there is a writing, “Thank you for last night. It was so entertaining. This is as a simple present from me. With Love : Zidane Tribal.”. Squall quickly

grab a pen and a paper, and write something, luckily Cloud doesn’t mind too much on that. He throw the paper backward, to Zidane. Zidane opens the paper, and there is a writing, “Not a problem. I was so entertained also. Love : Squall Leonhart.”. Zidane is blushing when he read that writing and took a glance to Squall’s back. He looks so happy, and Squall is just make a smirk, knowing that Zidane is looking at him, and pleased with the stuffs that they had last night.

THE END Author : Tiruvee Trivial All Characters and Dissidia Final Fantasy are copyrights of SquareEnix

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