Dissertation Hendra Manurung

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САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Факультет международных отношений Кафедры европейскиx исcледований


Диссертация на соискание степени магистра по направлению 032300 “Регионоведение”, программа европейскиx исcледований

Научный руководитель – Доктор исторических наук, Профессор К. К. Худолей

Санкт-Петербург 2002

ВЛИЯНИЕ БАЛКАНСКИX КРИЗИСОВ НА ОТНОШЕНИЕ РОССИИ И НАТО ГЛАВА I ВВЕДЕНИЕ 1. 1. Об исторических науки и значении научного познания 1. 2. О предметной 1. 3. Методологической специфике гуманитарных 1. 4. Технических наук ГЛАВА II СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ МИР И ВНЕШНЯЯ ПОЛИТИКА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2. 1. НАТО и Балканы: доводы в пользу большей интеграции 2. 2. История Вопроса 2. 3. Смена Курса 2. 4. Колебания и Микроменеджмент 2. 5. Предстоящие трудности 2. 6. Региональное Сотрудничество 2. 7. Международные Организации ГЛАВА III ПРИОРИТЕТЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ В РЕШЕНИИ ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ ПРОБЛЕМ 3. 1. НАТО и Россия: отрезвляющие мысли и практические предложения 3. 2. Новый Старт 3. 3. Неопределенность 3. 4. Расширение НАТО 3. 5. Противоракетная Оборона 3. 6. Договор об ОВСЕ 3. 7. НАТО и США в Афганистане 3. 8. Формирование нового мироустройства 3. 9. Укрепление международной безопасности 3. 10. Международные экономические отношения 3. 11. Права человека и международные отношения 3. 12. Информационное сопровождение внешнеполитической деятельности ГЛАВА IV АНАЛИЗ : РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ПРИОРИТЕТЫ 4. 1. Приоритетным Направлением Внешней Политики России 4. 2. Партнерство Россия-НАТО 4. 3. НАТО на Балканах 4. 4. Как развивалась данная политика? 4. 5. Миротворчество ГЛАВА V ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЕ 5. 1. Первая военная операция в истории НАТО 5. 2. Первая миротворческая операция

5. 3. Деятельность НАТО в Косово “INFLUENCE OF BALKAN CRISES ON RUSSIAN AND NORTH ATLANTIC ALLIANCE RELATIONS” Thesis by Hendra Manurung The Saint-Petersburg State University Master of Arts in Area Studies of European Countries City of Saint-Petersburg 2002 Abstract The principle of engagement over indifference is guiding Russia and NATO larger vision for the future of South-Eastern Europe. A future in which South-Eastern European ceases to be a source of instability and conflict; a future in which this region enjoys stability and prosperity, at peace with itself and the rest of Europe. A future in which even Serbia embraces the values shared across the Euro-Atlantic area, such as democracy, respect for human rights and rejoins the European family. The international community is approaching this project in a coordinated and comprehensive way, rather than ad - hoc. Russia and NATO are finally looking at this area as a region, as South Eastern European. Russia and NATO will foster democracy and prosperity across the region. They will also foster Euro-Atlantic values across the region, such as: the values of tolerance, of multiculturalism, of peace, and of justice. Of course, NATO and Russia are not doing this alone. The European Union and the OSCE will play leadership roles in this project. NATO's efforts in the region are based on the same principle that regional cooperation can contribute significantly to enhanced security. At last year's Washington Summit 1999, NATO created a consultative forum on security matters on South Eastern Europe. NATO are also building on the existing mechanisms of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and the EuroAtlantic Partnership Council to give substance to their promise of assistance to Partners in the region. NATO is also making another long-term investment in European stability, through their ongoing enlargement process. Through Membership Action Plan, NATO will give advice, assistance and practical support to countries aspiring to membership. The relationship between Allies and membership aspirants will become more "interactive", and will work energetically with them to help them come closer to the Alliances. Finally, to be successful in South-Eastern Europe, the NATO Allies will continue to cooperate closely with Russian government. Russian diplomacy was crucial in helping them to end the Kosovo air campaign last June 1999 on terms acceptable to the international community. Combined NATO and Russia pressure are now equally acceptable to persuade both Serbs and Albanians to implement fully UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and to persuade Milosevic not to start any new adventures in a region that has already known four wars since 1991. The writer assumes, that NATO and Russian relationships much too

important for European security to ignore each other. The cooperation between the NATO and Russian forces on the ground in Kosovo has been exemplary since the beginning of Kosovo Force’s (KFOR's) mission, as it has been also since 1995 in Bosnia. At the same time, the Russia and NATO Permanent Joint Council has met every month since June 1999 to exchange and share views on the situation. This research is an analysis descriptive i.e. a description and analyses on all of symptoms, and the facts in this relationship between Russia and NATO after Balkan Crises. The approach method is empirical International Relations approach, i.e. to review and study phenomenon and empirical facts that related strategic partnership Russia and NATO to move the peace process in Kosovo. Based on this research and discussion, it is concluded and suggested that with new quality of cooperation, the writer believes that the better cooperation between Russia and NATO can now go beyond merely exchanging views towards developing the common approach and the common set of priorities that will allow both of them to use their political and diplomatic instruments in the most focussed, consistent way to move the peace process in Kosovo forward. A stable, democratic and integrating South-Eastern Europe is after all in the interests of both Russian and NATO.


City of the Saint-Petersburg The Saint-Petersburg State University

SUPPLEMENT TO THE DIPLOMA (Official version in English) No. DIM 0001816 2138 (Registration Number) June 28, 2002 year (Date of Issue) By the decision of the State Attestation Commission Of June 18, 2002 He / She is awarded the The degree


The State Attestation Commission




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