Disclaimer I Do Not Own Sailor Moon Or Pirates Of

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  • Pages: 9
Disclaimer I do not own sailor moon or Pirates of the Caribbean

Ages Elizabeth 16 Will 17 Serenity 22 Norrington 32 Governor Swann 43 Captain Jack sparrow 26 Captain Barbossa 45 Other pirate’s age varies from 26 to 45 (On the ship…….) Serenity was ringing out her dress; it was still wet and hung to all of her curves annoyingly. After she got out most of the water she laid down on the ship near wheel. “You do know its bad luck to have a woman on board?” Jack asked looking at Will before staring at Serenity. “Pftt, you and your superstitions, I honestly think they’re a load of crock. But if you care to believe them be my guest, either way there is no way I am getting off this boat.” Serenity stated flippantly, sitting on her knees and looking Jack in the eyes pointedly. “You really think that now do you?” Jack asked seriously. “Superstitions aren't meant to be taken lightly.” “Oh, did I just say my opinion on the silly fact or did you take me jokingly?” Serenity ground out annoyed. Her eyes sparkled brightly, highlighting her growing annoyance. “Did anyone ever tell you, you have amazing eyes.” Jack charmed staring deeply into her eyes. Jack saw Serenity blush and smirked and looked away nonchalantly. Will was sharpening his sword, dear lord. “When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself. After she died I came out here, looking for my father.” Jack gave him a sideways glance returning to the wheel. “Is that so?” he said in a dull tone. Will looked up from sharpening his sword, “My father, William Turner. ...At the jail, it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help. Since that’s what I wanted, I didn’t press the matter. I’m not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.” Jack didn’t even look at him, “I knew ‘im. Probably one the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill.” Serenity looked at Will’s sour face and knew this conversation could not be good. Men and their fights. “Bootstrap?” Will asked sharply and edge in his voice. “Good man, Good pirate. You look just like him.” Jack cheered giving Will a glance.

Will’s look turned from sour and began to darken in anger. “It’s not true. He was a merchant sailor. A good, respectable man who obeyed the law.” Will stated curtly, standing up. Jack smirked ever so lightly, “He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag.” Will stood up and took his sword into his hands. “My father was not a pirate.” Jack kept his head face forward. “Put it away, son. It’s not worth you getting beat again.” Will scowled, “You didn’t beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I’d kill you.” “Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?” Jack then moved the wheel so that one of the sails yard caught Will and swung him out the side over the boat leaving him hanging ready to fall into the sea. But Will clung to it and all through it Jack had a straight face. Serenity looked on worried but didn't interfere. This is not good, and she knew she really couldn’t do anything about it. She knew Jack was right and Will had to come face the facts… I knew the medallion meant as much... Poor Will. “Now, as long as you’re just hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that really matter are these – what a man can do and what a man can’t do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can’t. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you’ll have to square with that someday. Now, me, for example, I can let you drown but I can’t bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy, savvy? So…….” He swung Will back on board and took Will’s sword just as Will fell. Then flipped the sword and offered it back to him. “Can you sail under the command of a pirate? Or can you not?” Will took his sword with a scowl. “Tortuga?” Jack smirked and manned the wheel again. “Tortuga .” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When they arrived they headed quickly into the market. “More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga , savvy? What do you think?” “It’ll linger” Will said distantly. “I’ll tell you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted.” Jack stated suggestively, looking at the hoes that were standing or sitting across from where they stood. Serenity snorted with a look of disgust, how crude. “Scarlett!” Jack called to a very ugly lady. She came up and slapped him. “Not sure I deserved that. Giselle!” he asked to a blond lady that was covered in heavy makeup and was, fortunately less appalling then the last woman. “Who was she, and who is that!” she yelled at Jack, fuming. “What?” He asked trying to look confused. She slapped him. “I may have deserved that.” Serenity scuffed and smirked, “Obviously.”

Jack coughed and moved on. Spitfire all-right. ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ When they arrived at a barn on the isle Serenity coughed and held her nose, there was a foul stench. There was a man sleeping in the mud and cuddled besides pigs and hay. Jack moved to a barrel of water and quickly threw it on the man. He woke up with a start and sputtered water, “Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot! ...Mother’s love! Jack! You should know better than to wake a man when he’s sleeping, ‘S bad luck.” Serenity rolled her eyes, “Is every man filled with such nonsense?” Jack stepped forward. “Ah, fortunately I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys, the man who was sleeping, a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the walking.” “Aye, that'll about do it.” The man stood up and faced Serenity, “Gibbs!” Serenity exclaimed giggling. “Ah nice to see you again Miss Swann, surprised you didn’t forget me.” Gibbs grinned. “Oh how can I forget you! The one who told my sister of countless silly superstitions.” Serenity exclaimed happily. Will threw another bucket of water at him. “Blast! I am already awake” he yelled grumpily. “That was for the smell.” Will said looking at him blankly. Serenity began to giggle lightly. “Sorry Gibbs, it was needed.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Together they entered the tavern. Serenity smiled at some of the people who nodded to her and moved to sit in a corner. Will was told by Jack to keep a sharp eye out. Jack and Gibbs headed to the back and sat at a table not far from Will and Serenity to talk. “Now, what’s the nature of this venture of yearn?” Gibbs whispered looking around cautiosuly. “I’m going after the Black Pearl.” Gibbs almost choked on his drink.. “I know where it’s going to be, and I’m going to take it.” Jack said seriously a bright gleam in his eye. Gibbs looked him straight in the eye. Crazy as ever, “Jack, it’s a fool’s errand. Why, you know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl!” “That’s why I know what Barbossa is up too.. all I need is a crew.” Jack asked, leaning back. “From what I hear tell of Captain Barbossa, he’s not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one.” Jack smirked, “Well, then I’d say it’s a very good thing I’m not a fool then, eh?”

“Prove me wrong. What makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship to you?” Gibbs questioned incredulously. “Let’s just say it’s a matter of leverage, eh.” Jack mentioned looking at Will. Gibbs didn’t get it so Jack nodded his head towards Will. “The kid?” Gibbs asked skeptically. “That is the kid of Bootstrap Bill Turner. His ‘only’ child, Savvy.” “Is he now. Leverage says you, I think I feel a change in the wind. Says I. I’ll find us a crew. There bound to be some sailors on this rock crazy as you.” Gibbs smiled, agreeing. “One can only hope. Take what you can…” Jack stated offering to toast. Gibbs clinks their drinks in a toast. “… Give nothing back.” “But what of the woman?” Gibbs asked looking at Serenity briefly. “She is merely in it to find her sister.” Jack stated as he glanced at Serenity who was surrounded by shouting men. Gibbs smiled secretly, “Shall we?” Jack stood without a word. Gibbs chuckled to himself. Seems like the mighty Captain Jack Sparrow found another one. ~~ Serenity was annoyed at that point, both Jack and Gibbs were catching up and Will stood around looking paranoid for some reason. Not to mention all the filthy men trying to gain her attention. She had tried to get Will to help her but he was concentrated on looking for anything he deemed suspicious, which was everything. He was also surrounded by woman of the same degree as before. Hoes and dirty men, is everyone here desperate? Serenity thought, scowling when a man grabbed her arm roughly. “Who the hell do you think you are hoe! No one ignores me. Do you job and entertain me, wench!” A big buff man yelled nastily. Serenity narrowed her eyes into cat like slits, “I am no hoe and I also advise you release me at once!” His grip tightened and she hissed in pain. “I don’t listen to what hoes have to say. Now do you're civic duty before I make you!” He barked out laughing. “Didn't anyone teach you how to treat a lady?” A voice suddenly asked from behind. But as soon as the man turned around his face met a fist. He let go of Serenity and gripped his bleeding nose. “Sorry to cut this conversation short but we must be on our way.” Jack bowed and grabbed Serenity's to pull her along with Gibbs, Will was following behind a bit slowly due to his own crowd. Serenity scowled, “I could have handled that!” Jack smirked, “Right, as you've said but time is precious, love.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elizabeth frowned in the cabin she was stowed within as she tried to look for an escape. Pintel came in suddenly and handed a fancy dark scarlet dress to her, “You’ll be dinin’ with the captain tonight. He requests you wear this.” Elizabeth looked disgusted and stuck her nose into the air, “well, you may tell the captain I disinclined to acquiesce to his request.” Pintel looked at her oddly and scratched his head. “He said you’d say that. He also said if that be the case, you'll be dinin' with the crew…… and you’ll be naked” Pintel said grinning a toothless grin Elizabeth grabbed the dress and huffed. “Fine” he pouted, leaving annoyed. In the captains cabin at the table food was spread everywhere and Elizabeth was eating heartily. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony, nor call to impress anyone. You must be hungry.” Barbossa said handing her a goblet with wine. “Try the wine. ...and the apples?” he said slowly, handing her one with a devious look. “One if those next?” “It’s poisoned.” Elizabeth suddenly cried frightened, she remembered when Serenity had told her of a fairytale that included a poison apple... No! “There would be no sense in killing yet, Miss Turner.” Barbossa joisted, smirking at his own trickery. “Then release me, you have your trinket. I’m of no further value to you.” Barbossa took out the medallion, “You don’t know what this is do ye?” “It’s a pirate medallion.” “This is Aztec gold… one of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Cortés himself. Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies. But the greed of Cortés was insatiable. So the heathen gods placed upon the gold…a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity.” Barbossa spoke, looking at the medallion in fascination. “I hardly believe in ghosts stories anymore captain Barbossa.” “Aye. That’s exactly what I thought when we were first told the tale. Buried on an Island of dead what cannot be found except for those who know where it is. Find it, we did. There be the chest. Inside be the gold. And we took ‘em all. We spent ‘em and traded ‘em and frittered ‘em away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave ‘em away, the more we came to realize…the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed, we were, but now we are consumed by it.” Elizabeth took a butter knife and hid it. “ere is one way we can end our curse. All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored and the blood repaid. Thanks to ye we have the final piece.” “And the blood to be repaid?” Elizabeth asked slowly. “That’s why there’s no sense to be killin’ ye…….. yet.” He offered her an apple “Apple? Arr.” She stabbed him with the knife but all he did was look at it before pulling it out. “I’m curious – after killin’ me what was it you plannin’ on doing next?” She ran out of the cabin and saw all of the pirates... but they were decaying skeletons.

She screamed and ran away from them and kept running, when she stopped she looked back and she saw the captain walking out of his cabin, he slowly started to decay when the moonlight touched him. “Look! The moonlight shows us for what we really are. We are not among the living, and so we cannot die, but neither are we dead. For too long I’ve been parched with thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I’ve been starving to death and haven’t died. I feel nothing – not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea, nor the warmth of a woman’s flesh.” He said trying to touch her but she backed up. “You best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner . You’re in one!” He drank some wine and as it went down she saw the blood colored alcohol merely drip over his ribs and to the ground. He laughed bitterly and the crew began to laugh with him. Elizabeth ran back to the cabin and hid, frightened. Barbossa stopped laughing suddenly, “What are ye looking at back to work!” A pirate spoke up, “You heard the captain back to work!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack stood at the front of the dock where some people were lined up and waiting. Serenity and Will stood next to him, looking on curiously. “Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast, every man worth salt, and crazy to boot.” Gibbs said, nodding the those lined up. “So this is your able bodied crew?” Will asked disbelievingly, looking at the odd and weird men lined up. “You, Sailor!” Jack asked, a slight twitch in his lip from Will's disappointment. He walking up to a man who held a parrot on his shoulder. “Cotton, sir.” Gibbs said, walking beside him. “Mr. Cotton … do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death? Mr. Cotton! Answer, Man!” Gibbs walked up to him and spoke, “He's a mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for him. No ones figure out how…” Jack turned to walk away but turned back to Mr. Cotton and then to his parrot “Mr. Cotton’s…… Parrot, Same question.” The parrot opened its mouth and spoke, “Wind in the sails, Wind in the sails!” “Mostly, we figure, that means yes.” Gibbs shrugged. “Of course it does.” Jack replied before turning to Will “Satisfied?” “Well, you’ve proved they’re mad.” Will snickered with a shrug. A woman’s voice spoke up suddenly from the end. “And what’s the benefit for us?” Jack walked up to the voice, 'he’ was wearing a big straw hat. Jack removed the hat to reveal a woman “Anamaria” he spoke happily. She slapped him. “I supposed you didn’t deserve that one either” Will deadpanned. Serenity rolled her eyes, “uh huh.”

Jack turned his head and rubbed his cheek. “No, that one I deserved.” “You stole my boat!” Anamaria shouted angrily. “Actually,” he was slapped again, “Borrowed. Borrowed with out permission. But with every intention of bringing it back to you.” Jack replied sincerely. “But you didn’t!” “You’ll get another one.” Jack said smiling. She pointed a finger at him curiously, “I will?” “A better one.” Serenity cheered, grinning deviously. Jack looked at her pointedly before turning back to Anamaria, “A better one!” “That one!” Will said pointing to the interceptor. “What one? That one?! Aye that one. What say you?” Jack asked. “AYE!” the crew yelled. “Anchors away!” the parrot spoke. ~~~~~~~~ A while after they had set sail a storm had begun brew nastily. Jack was steering the boat while Gibbs spoke to Will. Serenity was bored and sat next to Mr. Cotton trying to converse with the man. “Hello” Serenity chirped merrily. Sweat dropping she stood a bit, “Umm, I just wanted to say hello, is all.” she repeated before leaving. Mr. Cotton broke into the tiniest of smiles as she left. Jack had been watching her and smirked slightly. Wow, who would have thought that pirates were actually boring. I wonder if it's always like this before adventure and gold strikes. Sighing she walked over to Anamaria, “Are you a pirate?” She asked curiously. “What’s it to you girl?” Serenity sweat dropped, not one for chatter I guess. Never met a girl pirate before. “Oh well I was merely wondering, I had never heard of a woman pirate... hmm.” Serenity shrugged and moved to sit besides Jack as he steered. “Are you going to try and converse with me as well?” Jack asked, smirking. So curious she is. “Is that an insult?” Serenity huffed, What nerve! “No.” Jack answered curtly with a smile, not ever turning to look at her. Serenity frowned, “Well... so as long as it's not.” laying back she closed her eyes. “What a day... I havem't had an adventure like this in too long.” Jack frowned confused at her statement. I wonder... she does not seem as others. What adventures have you been experienced with before... I wonder.

Serenity moved her hands to her stomach and stared at the stormy sky, the rain was pouring slightly and her dress was again becoming heavy and soaked. “I should have worn something more appropriate for travel. This dress is to hard to maneuver.” “You could always just, perhaps... lose the dress?” Jack suggested, raising his brows. “I think not. You seem to have a way with women as it would seem in Tortuga but unlike the many whores I am a woman of class and can not be swayed by your silly charms.” Serenity said, standing and walking to go the cabins. “Where are you going now, love?” Jack asked watching her. Serenity turned to him briefly. “I left my cats below deck. They don't enjoy the water. I should check on them.” “You mean those mangy cats that tried to kill me?” Jack asked amused. “It was justifiable. Besides, if they hadn't attacked... I would have.” Jack chuckled when she continued to the lower deck cabins without another word. “Feisty one you got there.” Gibbs jested, watching Jack stair at the entrance Serenity disappeared. “She ain’t mine...” Jack answered shortly. Gibbs nodded, “Aye, I imagine she wouldn't. When she was fifteen I had met her on a shipment boat. The now Commodore had proposed to the girl but she had refused. She's a spitfire is I ever seen one and she loves her freedom.” Jack looked at him, “How old is she, if you remember correctly. Gibbs smirked, “If I remember correctly... she would be 22 to this day. It surprised me how little she's changed in the time I had last seen her. She's does seem different though... happier, more complete but she different holds a strong sense of youth.” “I am healthy, is all” Jack and Gibbs turned to look at her, startled. She stood there with her cats perched on her should like a parrot would. It was amusing to all on the ship. Jack looked around and moved somewhat clumsily before inspecting the floor for trap doors. “How did you manage that?” Serenity smirked and tossed a loose tendril from the bun in her hair. “We all have our mysteries, Captain. I can be quite sneaky and to be honest, quite god at it as well.” Gibbs smirked slyly, “How long had ye stood there?” Jack turned his attention back to steering but listened closely. “You mean how much did I hear?” Serenity asked coyly. Both men were amused by her blunt words. “I heard you say I seem happier and I look younger the n most my age... I wonder why the importance of such questions.” Luna clawed at Serenity's shoulder, “Ouch! Luna!” The cat looked peeved and was staring at Serenity almost intelligently. Jack looked at the two cats, studying them slightly. Very odd felines... the cats were fairly small and one was pitch black but... seemed to have an odd fur that was tinted purple and the cats eyes were also unusual. They were a deep burgundy red. The other cat was a pristine white color with blues eyes resembling a spring sky.

Most odd about the cats were the marks on their foreheads. Crescent Moon marks that looked to be made out of gold. “What odd bald spots.” Jack questioned. Both Luna and Artemis let out hisses of displeasure at Jack. Jack looked at them oddly and backed away as if they carried the plague. Serenity let out a nervous laugh. “Well, it's late and I mus be getting some sleep for tomorrow.” She turned quickly and left. Gibbs chuckled. “Why don't I take over for a bit.” Jack merely stepped away and followed Serenity down the steps of the lower Cabin. Serenity was laying on the bed, she had taken her sword off and laid it down beside her. Luna and Artemis spotted him and began to hiss. Serenity turned and saw him. He was staring at her so intently that she blushed from the scrutiny. “What, pray tell, are you staring at?” Jack smirked and put a hand to her cheek as he sat down beside her. “You are very beautiful... I've never seen someone such as you.” Serenity sat up and stared at him baffled and flustered. Luna and Artemis went to the other side of the cabin giving their Princess privacy. Jack leaned close to her and kissed her, startling Serenity. She closed her eyes and placed her hands around his neck. She hadn't been kissed with such a feeling since she had still been with Mamoru... A spark filled her chest and she opened her mouth to deepen the kiss. After a moment longer she pulled back slightly, a bit breathless. “You are very good at that.” Jack smirked egotistically. “You're not so bad yourself, pet. I wonder where you learned of it.” Serenity smirked, “Well we all have our secrets and to be honest... you aren't the only pirate I've met let alone kissed.” A low chuckle escaped Jack's smirking lips as he eyes her amused. “Oh really and, do tell. Do you know this, other pirate's name that you've also kissed?” “I cannot say, he merely kissed and left. I had known him a short while... and he never spoke of his name.” Jack kissed her again, teasing her lips before handing his blue coat to her. She had been shivering. She smiled and closed her eyes. Jack left to the deck to steer once again, passing by Anamaria who had seen everything. ~~~~~~~~!!~~~!!!~~~!!~~~~~~~~ Love it like it hate it despise it? Just tell me what you think in your review ^-^

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