Disclaimer I Do Not Own Sailor Moon Or Pirates Of

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  • Words: 2,421
  • Pages: 9
Disclaimer I do not own sailor moon or Pirates of the Caribbean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as Barbossa saw Jack, he shouted, “How the blazes did you got off that island?” He took notice of the beautiful woman in his arms and stared at her. Jack glared at him slightly and spoke “When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow”

“Ah, well, I won’t be making that mistake again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow? Kill him.” Barbossa said pointing the guns at him. “The girls blood didn’t work did it?” jack said evenly. Shifting Serenity. She may have been very light but right now she kept slipping from his hold. Not to mention he’s been holding her for a while. “Hold your fire!” Barbossa shouted the pirates reluctantly lowered their weapons “You know whose blood we need”

“I know whose blood ye need.” “Well then, who is the woman?” Barbossa said noticing how he held her tighter. “Non of your concern” Jack said evenly though he gritted his teeth. “Oh” He said making a reach for the girl. But Jack pulled her away. Serenity groaned. And fluttered her eyes lashes till they finally opened. “Oh, my head hurts….” Serenity said “Is there a room I may lay her down?” Jack asked. “Use the captains cabin. There is an extra room, although you already know that don’t ye? I will talk to ye later” Barbossa said going to man the wheel. ~~~~~ Jack laid her on the bed and watched as her eyes opened again and she brought a hand to her head. Serenity looked at him “Where are we?” “On the black pearl” Jack said dully. “OH, I remember now… oh that that…. William Turner I am so going to kill him” Serenity said her eyes glaring at space.

Jack looked at her and noticed she still had her sword. Only because he refused to let anyone go near her. “So how long have I been out?” Serenity whispered. “A while” Jack said shortly. “What’s wrong? Minus we’re captured that is” Serenity said smirking at her own ignorance. Jack looked up at her and his eyes softened a bit, “You don’t really believe me and Anamaria….?” Jack started sitting on he bed near her. “I dunno” Serenity said softly. “I mean you know all these girls and they seem to have hate for you. One could only think… and if it were true there is bound to be one who has fallen-” Serenity was cut of by his gentle kiss. Serenity started to pull away when he grabbed her head gentle and spoke. “Don’t, I am not with anyone…. That is unless you want to be with me?” Jack said kissing her again. Serenity kissed him back tears in her eyes. He kissed her tears as they fell. He stopped to look at her to see if she had an answer. She looked at him her eyes shining with happiness and she nodded putting her arms around him and kissing him full on the lips. He pulled back breathing heavily “I guess that’s a yes.” He said smiling. He pulled her next to him as the both lied on the bed. “How can you breath in that?” Jack asked pulling a finger down along the line that held her corset from the point of her cleavage to the end of the corset. Serenity blushed prettily. “They usually pull these really tight on us. But I guess I am already skinny enough….” Serenity said looking away. “People love calling scrawny and such because I am so skinny I am like a twig.” She stated. “You don’t seem like a twig to me” Jack said looking at her. Serenity smiled as he kissed her again. He opened her mouth with his tongue and explored her chocolate strawberry mouth. He put a hand on her bare legs slowly raising his hand. Serenity caught the hand and smirked pulling away from the kiss. “Do you think it is such a smart idea to do this when we are on the enemy ship?” Serenity said her hand still over her his hand that rested on her thigh

Jack groaned and was about to kiss her again when the door opened. “Oh! Little Jackles is getting lucky” Pintel said nudging Ragetti Jack glared at them and spoke evenly pulling Serenity’s already short dress down so they could not see anymore. “What?” “The captain wants a word with ye both” Pintel said slightly scared at the look in Jacks eyes. Jack and Serenity stood and were about to walk out when Bo’sun walked in and grabbed Serenity’s arm. “Let go” Serenity said deadly. “Not without your sword” Serenity put her hand on the sheath of the sword and gave it to him… only the sword was not there “Where is the sword?” Bo’san said gripping her arm tighter. Jack was about to step in when Serenity spoke. “I truly do not know what you are talking about I only had a sheath it was a last resource I guess?” Serenity said dully. “Hnn” he said telling them to follow him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “What sort of man trades his life for a ship” Liza said bandaging her hand. “Pirate. Here. Let me” Will said taking her hand. “You said you gave Barbossa’s name as mine. Why?” “I don’t know” Liza said wincing and pulling her hand back. “I’m sorry. Blacksmiths hands- I know they’re rough.” Will said pulling his hand back. “No. I mean yes, they are rough. But, please don’t stop” Liza said Will brought his face closer “Elizabeth.” Liza took out the medallion “Here, it’s yours.” “I thought I’d lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me. Why did you take it?” Will said annoyed but trying to hide it.

“Because I was afraid you were a pirate. That would have been awful” “It wasn’t your blood they needed. It was my father’s blood…my blood…the blood of a pirate.”

“Will, I’m so sorry, please forgive me” he slams his hand down on the table and makes liza gasp she leaves after that. ~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!~!~!!!!!!~!~!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~ Barbossa and Jack were conversing about leaving each other on an island and something like that. Meanwhile Serenity was bored to bloody hell. She then sees a ship in the distance. Serenity hears Bo’sun tell Barbossa about them coming up to the interceptor.

Serenity saw Jack get in the view of the interceptor and Barbossa tell Bo’sun to lock her and Jack into the brig. When Bo’sun walked over to her with Jack in his arms he made a grab for her but she kicked him in the shin. “You Hoe! How dare you hit me” Serenity glared at him. Jack was watching on amused while another pirate had a hold of him. She sure was a feisty one. Every time a pirate mad a grab at her she would either dodge or slap them silly. Someone came up behind her and grabbed her. “LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD” Serenity screamed she tried swinging her arms and legs but she couldn’t.. After that she was locked in the brig with Jack. “Nice try luv” Jack said Serenity kept quiet listening to what was happening. “What did you do with the sword” Serenity shrugged at his question. “I do have a fairly big dagger.” Serenity said she reached down into her corset and pulled up a dagger that was finely crafted and was at least 8 inches long. It was in a small sheath. “How the bloody hell did you fit that down their.” Jack asked awed.

“When we went to Tortuga I bought it.” Serenity said smirking. “You weren’t taking off your corset when I first kissed you, were you?” It was more of a statement then a question. Serenity smiled at him secretly. “Maybe, now shh I want to listen” Serenity said shushing him he only smirked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “What’s going on?” Elizabeth said watching everyone run around “The black pearl she’s gaining on us” Anamaria said looking at the ship. “This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean.” Liza said “You can tell them that after they have caught up with us” Maria said annoyed “We’re shallow on the draft, right?” Liza said “Aye” Maria said “Well, Then can’t we loose them amongst those shoals?” “We don’t have to out run them long, just long enough.” “Lighten the ship, stern to stern!” Anamaria yelled. “Anything we can afford to lose…… see to it that its lost” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Water started filling the brig “Apparently there’s a leak” Jack said grinning. Serenity raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head. “No you think?” Jack just smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ships started to fire at each other. “FIRE” Barbossa yelled.

“Fire all!” Liza yelled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A whole was blown in the ship and barely missed Jack. “Stop blowing holes in my ship!” Jack yelled. He then picked up a canteen and tried to drink some realizing it’s empty. Serenity coughed at him from outside the brig. “Oh” Jack said grinning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The pirates were ready to board a ship. Jack got his stuff and grabbed a rope noticing Serenity already had one in her grasp. They both swung to the interceptor. They came aboard and Jack handed Gibbs his canteen. “Bloody empty” he said he looked around and saw Serenity fighting a pirate away from her cats. He sighed and shook his head. He noticed Elizabeth about to be stabbed and hits him in the back of the head. “That’s not very nice” he said to the now unconscious pirate. “Where’s the medallion?” Jack said to Elizabeth “Wretch!” she was about to slap him when he caught her wrist and looked at her. “Ahh. Where is dear William” he said letting go of her wrist. “Will!” Liza said she ran over to him and saw him under a grate below ship.. Jake saw the monkey with the medallion “Monkey!” and ran after it. Barbossa gets the medallion and says “Why, thank you Jack” Jack looked up and says “Your welcome” “Not you. We named the monkey. ‘Jack’.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “If any of you so much as thinks the word “parley,” I’ll have your guts for garters” Pintel shouted.

The interceptor gets blown up “WILL!” Liza shouted in anger she started to attack Barbossa. “You’ve got to stop it. STOP IT!” Liza shouted “Welcome back, Miss. You took advantage of our hospitality last time. It holds fair now that you return the favor” he said pushing her back to the crew. Serenity shouted from her hold. “Hey bozo! Yea you captain clown! Why don’t you shut up for once and go drown like the fucking rat you are” serenity said glaring full force. Barbossa stepped up to her and slapped her.

Serenity kicked him in the shin. “Bastard” she was slapped again. Will leaped on to the deck “Barbossa” Serenity said under her breath, “Bozo the clown bastard.” The pirate put I tighter hold on her making her wince, “Will!” Liza said happily “She goes free” Will said to Barbossa holding a pistol. “You’ve only got one shot. And we don’t die” Barbossa said smiling evilly. Jack spoke up “Don’t do anything stupid.” He said slowly. “You can’t. I can” Will said pointing the gun to himself on the side of the ship. “Like that” Jack said sighing “Who are you?” Barbossa asked curiously. “No one. He’s no one. A distant cousin of my aunt’s nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice though- eunuch.”

“My name is Will Turner. My father was bootstrap bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins.” Will said pointing the gun close to him. “He’s the spitting image of ol’ bootstrap bill come to haunt us” Ragetti said “On my word do as I say, or I’ll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones’ locker” Will said

“Name your terms Mr. turner” Barbossa said calmly “Elizabeth and Serenity go free”

“Yes we no that one, anything else?” Barbossa said sarcastically. Jack started to point at himself “And the crew” “the crew are not to be harmed,”

“Agreed,” Barbossa said, !!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Serenity and Elizabeth were on the edge of the plank. Serenity’s hands were tied so she didn’t attack anybody again she almost ripped off Barbossa’s face before. Luna and Artemis were in Elizabeth’s arms. “Go on poppet go on walk the plank, you to fiery poppet.” Pintel said Will pushed his way though to Barbossa his hands tied. “Barbossa you bastard you swore they’d go free.” “Don’t dare impugn me honor, boy. I agreed they’d go free, but it was you who failed to specify when or where.” A pirate gagged Will pulling him back. “Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, doesn’t it lads.”

“Aye!” the pirates yelled. “So I’ll be haven that dress back before you go” Elizabeth took of the dark maroon dress and threw it him, “Here it goes with your black heart” She said as they whistled. Barbossa pressed it to his face “Ohh, it’s still warm” A pirate yelled “Off you go, come on” Serenity looked back at them and glared “Go fuck yourselves because that’s the only action you’ll ever get” as soon as she said that she dived into the water expertly. “To long” bo’sun said to Elizabeth and shook the plank. She then fell. But she held a firm grip in the cats. Jack was pulled up to the plank. “I rather hoped we were past all this” “Jack…. Jack . Did ya not notice? That be the same little island that we made you governor of on our last little trip” Barbossa said pointing out to the little island.

“I did notice” Jack said dully “Perhaps you’ll be able to conjure up another miraculous escape…but I doubt it” he unsheathed his sword “Off you go”

“Last time you left me a pistol with one shot” Jack said “By the powers, you’re right. Where be Jack ’s pistol? Bring it forward” “Seeing as there’s two of us, a gentlemen…… would give us a pair of pistols” “It’ll be one pistol as before, and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady and starve to death yourself.” He then threw Jacks things in the water. And Jack dived in after it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yey!!! Another chapter, well review and tell me what you think ^-^

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