Disclaimer I Do Not Own Sailor Moon Ages Elizabeth 16

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  • Words: 2,703
  • Pages: 11
Disclaimer I do not own sailor moon Ages Elizabeth 16 Will 17 Serenity 22 Norrington 32 Governor Swann 43 Captain Jack sparrow 30 Captain Barbossa 45 Other pirate’s age varies from 26 to 45 The senshi had left and now only Pluto Luna and Artemis were left with Serenity. They were watching all that was happening By now the cannon’s were going off by both sides.

Jack was in the jail and could hear all that was going on. “I know those guns” Jack said shocked he looked out the window and whispered “the pearl” “The black pearl? I’ve heard stories. She’s been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never heard of many survivors. “No survivors? Then where do all the stories come from? I wonder” jack said smirking slightly. The pirates were now coming ashore

Elizabeth climbed down the stairs to tell him not to open the door, “Don’t!” But it was to late. “Hello chum” a pirate said shooting his head off. Elizabeth gasped loudly and stared running up the stairs. “Girl!” another pirate besides him shouted, the two of them ran after her.

Estella and Elizabeth locked the doors. “Miss Swann they’ve come to kidnap you!” “What?” Liza asked confused “You’re the governors favorite daughter” Estella said “They haven’t seen you yet, hide and run to the fort the first chance you get” They broke through the door and Estella ran when they were in the room enough. Liza hit him in the face with the bed warmer. One of the pirates gram a hold f the bed warmer. “Gotcha” he said. She then released the ashes on his head and ran. “Ahh, it’s hot, it’s hot, you burned me!” The other pirate shouted at him “Come on!” Elizabeth runs into a room when the chandelier falls. She tried to get a sword free but was unable to. She quickly hid in the closet. The pirates then opened the door. “We know you’re here, Poppet.” “Poppet” “Come out, and we promise not to hurt you” the other pirate began to give him a funny look. “We will find you Poppet you’ve got something of ours. And it calls to us. The gold calls to us.

“Gold calls…..” The pirate saw the rug pulled up near the closet and he and the other pirate slowly crept up to the closet. Liza saw the shadow as it came to her. They opened the door and she shouted. “Parley!” “What?” “Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the code of the brethren, set down by pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you have to take me to your captain.” Liza said “I know the code” “If an adversary demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete,” “To blazes with the code” one pirate said “She wants to be taken to the captain. And she’ll go without a fuss. We must honor the code.”

Will was fighting with a big pirate and was loosing “Say goodbye” he said laughingly but then he was hit by a falling sign, “Goodbye” Will said moving onto another pirate. Elizabeth calls out to will. “WILL” Will sees them “Elizabeth”, he then sees the pirate he killed with his hatchet and becomes very confused, “Outa my way scum” a pirate said hitting him on the head with a bottle. Will gets knocked unconscious.

In the jail cell, a cannon is blasted on the jail cell next to Jack’s cell, freeing the prisoners.

“My sympathies, friend, you have no manner of luck at all” he said before leaving. Jack then picks up the bone and whistles. The dog started walking slowly, very slowly towards him “Come on doggy. It’s just you and me now. It’s just you and ol’ Jack. Come on. Come on, good boy. That’s a good boy come one! Bit closer, bit closer. That’s it, that’s it doggy. Come on you filthy slimy mangy cur” The dog ran right past him when a crash sounds. “No no no no no. I didn’t mean it…. I didn’t” a crash sounds and the prison guard is thrown down stairs. Two pirates come down stairs and one shouted disappointedly “this ain’t the armory.” The other pirate looks at Jack. “Well, well, well. Look what we got here Twigg. Captain Jack Sparrow.” Twigg spits on the ground next to Jack. “Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a godforsaken island, shrinking into the distance. His fortunes aren’t improved much.” “Worry about you own fortunes, gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers” Jack said evenly only their was some disgust in his voice. Koehler grabs jack by the throat, his arm hitting moonlight revealing his skeletal arm. “So there is a curse. That’s interesting.” Jack said smirking. Koehler said angrily “You know nothing of hell.” Then they leave Jack. “That’s very interesting” Jack said to himself.

In the time gates Pluto looked at Luna and Artemis. “You will go as Serenity’s cats and will find out all that you can… I am sorry that your sister was taken Serenity but you could not save her as it was her destiny, but do all in your power to have Will take you to find her” Pluto said “It is alright, I know enough not to mess with destiny…. to much” Serenity said smirking Luna and Artemis on her shoulders “Go now Serenity it will be morning soon….”

Will awoke on the street by someone slapping him in the face gently. “Elizabeth!” Will shouted the slapping stopped. “I am sorry you confused me with my sister.” Serenity said crossly but really was only teasing him. Serenity was dressed in a dark violet dress with light azure designs on the dress. The dress did not billow out but instead it fell to her ankles just above the grounds. She wore a corset with satin short sleeves that fell of the shoulders. It showed her womanly figure nicely she also wore dark black ankle boots with a 2-inch heel. And lots of mascara and eyeliner. Her hair was in a giant bun, curls falling from the bun reaching her shoulders. “Elizabeth they’ve taken her!” Serenity frowned. “I know I was informed what happened last night” “Where were you” Will asked “I was in the woods I found two cat’s that came in a close call with a bear. I stayed there the whole night. I was to afraid to move them, I think I am going to keep them” Serenity said smiling showing him two small cats. “I named the black one Luna and the white one Artemis” Serenity said smiling “Now lets go see what they are going to do about my sister” Serenity said seriously.

Will came shouting at the commodore and governor and the soldiers. “They have taken Elizabeth” behind him Serenity was shaking her head amused. “Mr. Murtogg remove this man” Serenity glared at him heatedly. “We have to hunt them down. We must save her.” Will shouted. “And were do you suppose we start? If you have any information concerning my daughter, please let’s hear it” the governor said

“That Jack Sparrow. He talked about the black pearl” Murtogg said. “Mentioned it. Is more what he did.” Mullroy said “Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. And maybe he’ll lead us to it.” Will said “No…. the pirates left Jack Sparrow in his cell. They are not allies. Governor we will establish a course……” Will buried a hatchet in the table. “That’s not good enough” Serenity placed a hand on his shoulder and he calmed down a bit. “Mr. Turner you are not a military man, you are not even a soldier. You are a blacksmith and this is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Elizabeth.” He then handed him back his hatchet. “Yes that fact may be true commodore but I am sure that not even you know where her affections lie. So don’t go around think that is you. Come on Mr. Turner.” Serenity said coldly matching her glare with his. Then they left.

Serenity and Will were making there way to Jacks cell, Serenity’s idea but Will thought it was for the best so they agreed on having them help find her. And Serenity made him promise to take her along.

Jack was trying to pick the lock with the bone when he heard footsteps. He left the bone in the lock and lied down. “You sparrow” Will shouted. But he was looking at Serenity. Then he turned his attention to Will. “Aye” Jack said “You familiar with that ship, the black pearl?” Will said.

“I’ve heard of it.” Jack said in a careless way. “Where does it make berth?” Will asked “Where does it make berth? Haven’t you heard the stories? Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sailor from the dreaded isle de Muerta. It’s an isle that can not be found except for those who already know where it is.” Jack said leaning on his arms still lying down. “The ships real enough. There fore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?” Will asked Jack studied his nails a bit “Why ask me?” “Because your a pirate” Will stated clearly. “And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?” jack said mockingly but still curious. “Never. They took Miss Swann” Will said. Jack raised an eyebrow “But she is right here” Jack said pointing to Serenity. “My sister Elizabeth the one who almost drown” Serenity said softly. Jack looked at Will, “Oh, so is it you’ve found a girl. I see. Well, if your intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady’s heart you’ll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me” jack said lying back down. “We can get you out of here” Serenity spoke up. “How’s that the keys have run off” Jack said sitting up again, Will took a look around. “I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges” he spoke he took a look around and saw a table, he laced it at the bottom of the cell. “With the right leverage and the proper application of strength…… the door will lift free” he said

Jack stood up. “What’s your name?” “Will Turner.” “That short for William, I imagine. Good strong name. No doubt named for your father, eh?” Jack said “Yes” Will said suspiciously

“Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner , I’ve changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?” Jack said offering his hand “Agreed” Will said shaking his hand. “Agreed now get me out” the door listed of it’s hinge’s and Jack quickly came out of the cell. “Hurry someone will have heard that” Serenity said “Not with out my effects” Jack said getting his things and then they escaped. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The three of them were at the edge of the sea behind a dock. “We are going to steal the ship, that ship?” Will said glancing at the dauntless. “Commandeer. We’re going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there’s no use going. This girl – how far are you willing to go to save her,” jack said looking at Will, Serenity glared at them both for ignoring her. “I’d die for her” Will said determined. “Oh, good no worries then.” Jack said to will then turned to serenity. “You cannot come with us” Jack said trying to ignore her glare that intensified. “I am going and no one will stop me! I hope you know I can fight, Will taught me how to use a sword since he started. Not to mention I am pretty good at taking care of myself thank you” serenity said stubbornly Jack smirked. “Did a fine job of that before” he said “Maybe I let you” serenity said glaring at him “Oh really?” Jack said getting closer to her. She blushed and looked away. “May we please go now?” Will said annoyed.

~~~~~ They were under an upturned boat traveling into the water. “This is either madness or brilliance” Will said, then his foot got trapped in a crab cage.

Serenity stayed silent. Silently fuming that her new dress was wet. “It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.” Jack said. They began to climb the ships side.

“Alright every one stay calm we are taking over the ship” Jack said Will and Serenity behind him. Both Serenity and Will had swords. “Aye Avast” Will shouted, the men laughed and Jack looked at him funny. Serenity was giggling softly. “This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You’ll never make it out of the bay” Gillette said Serenity got even madder “Excuse me I am with them you know!” Serenity shouted. The crew looked at her shocked “Miss. Swann?” Gillette said “That’s right” she gloated

Jack took out his pistol and pointed it at Gillette. “Son..… I’m Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The crew from the dauntless were on a boat and heading back to shore, “Commodore!!” Groves spoke out. “Sir, they’ve taken the Dauntless. Sparrow and Turner- they’ve taken the ship with Ms. Swann” Gillette screamed from the small boat waving his arms up and down.

Norrington looked at the shop through his eye glass and saw the three “Rash Turner very rash. Serenity I would’ve expected more from. That has got to be the worst pirate I have ever laid eyes on.” ~~~~ Will said noticing the Interceptor set sail said. “Here they come.” Gillette and his crew “Bring her around! Bring her around!” Norrington and his men board the dauntless Norrington began to give orders “Search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges.” Jack was holding onto Serenity and him and Will swung over to the interceptor and started to take the ship out of the bay.

Norrington gave the orders to get them back to the interceptor but it was to late. The ship set sail and was too far away. “Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way. We’d have had a hard time of it by ourselves.” Jack said grinning. Serenity stuck her tongue out at them. But they were to far away for them to see it. ~~~ “Set up top sails and clear up this mess” Norrington said

“With the wind a quarter astern, we won’t catch them.” Groves said. “We don’t need to catch them we just need to get them in the range of the long nines” Norrington said looking at the ship. “Hands, come about. Run out the guns.” Groves said to the sailors he then looked at Norrington. “We open fire on our own ship?” “I would rather see it at the bottom of the sea then in the hands of a pirate”

“What about Ms Swann?” Norrington didn’t say anything. A sailor came up and interrupted them. “Commodore he’s disabled the rudder chain, sir” The interceptor was about to run over the boat that held Gillette and his crew in. “Abandon ship!” Gillette yelled. They all jumped into the water just as the interceptor crashed through the boat. “That has got to be the best pirate I have ever seen” Groves said shocked. “So it would seem” Norrington said disgusted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry if I am adding little detail in chapters, I am trying to go by the movie and it’s hard. I have seen the movie twice and I love it, but I don’t have the best memory.-__- but there will be more detail and I am going to make a sequel!! YEY! Anyway tell me what you think of this chapter and I will be working on the next right now. Hehe wow 5 chapters out in only two days. ^-^ I am trying to get the story done so I can concentrate on the sequel and my other two stories.

Well review!! ^_^

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