Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Sailor Moon And Pirates Of

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  • Words: 4,493
  • Pages: 9
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and Pirates of the Caribbean, nor do I own their actual plots and characters. I am but a mere author among many who use great works of others to make fantasies reality. No not like that sickos. As an author of fan based work that doesn't earn any profit from, I am there for allowed to tamper, toy with, alter, create and/or destroy anything of the original I please. Any comment against this, please, do say. Brief Notes by Nerf or Nothing: Thank you to everyone who reviewed, it means a lot for you to take your time to share your opinions. However, as much as it makes me feel all warm and appreciated inside, you don't need to tell me or even ask me not to follow the script. For the past four chapters, all of them, I've had many express their concern about my story following the script of the movie too closely. In every note from the first post of this story, I've stated that this will follow the script closely until the big plot changes take place. It won't follow it exactly and as soon as the plot begins to differ from the original make of this story, it will stop following the script almost completely. It's kinda pointless to warn me of following the script when I've stated my plans in previous notes. SO while on this particular subject, I want to make sure your reading these notes because YES they DO deal with news on the ongoings in my story, THIS story. I'm not just rambling about me and what I like or having reality deluding conversations with characters. So to make sure I know at least SOME of you are reading these, I would like it if you plan on leaving a review, to type Tigerlily. On a rambling side note but is connected to the story even if pointless, I have yet to see the third sequence in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End and hope to see it soon. Meh, doubtful though. Ah well, till that time I guess. Some of the big changes occur in this chapter. Summary: She loved them all dearly but she wanted to be free from duty... maybe this time around she will be. “Pirates are drunken fools.” “Yes but its so fun!” “Jack... are you drunk?” “Yes, intoxicated, drunk and in love. I'm in drunken love with you.”

Drunken Love Chapter Five: Sailor Pluto's still figure stared out into the mists with a cloudy, preoccupied garnet gaze. She stood as if deep in thought. Haruka stood next to her with Michiru by her side, watching the sleeping figure of Serenity with a tender and protective gaze. “It has started.” Pluto suddenly spoke, startling the others from the deep silence. Rei looked at Serenity with a sad, longing gaze and held Serena closer. “She doesn't remember anything except that she had past lives. What went wrong? Why can't she remember anything other then she loved us and we were dear to her?” Pluto looked over to the large lavender gates which held secrets now locked. “I don't know. We can only assume that the powers are responsible.” Mamoru put an arm around Rei. “How much do we even know of these powers. All we know of them is when they came and told us that Usagi wanted to leave,and that they would take care of it.” “I am not sure that they are evil... but they are suspicious.” Pluto murmured. Haruka slammed her fist into her palm. “I don't like that she's over there, she has no one to protect her.”

Michiru looked out into the deep depths of the gates before turning to where Serenity's figure lay curled up to Luna, fast asleep. Everything around them was gray and misty. Behind them were the Gates of Time which had been locked since the day Mamoru and Usagi had broken off their engagement. “I don't think we should let her leave alone. Something is not right... I can feel it.” Makoto nodded. “I agree... but what can we do? In order to go there we have to die and be reborn.” Ami nodded and clasped her hands in a sort of prayer position. “Yes and we cannot be sure if we'll get our memories back in order to help her... or that we even arrive at the same time in Serenity's world that she lives in.” Sailor Pluto held her attention to the front of her. “It has been hard to manage this all. The powers that agreed to this all had promised we could meet with Serenity again but only allowed Luna and Artemis to pass through.” Gripping her staff tightly into her hands she frowned tightly, her gaze never straying. “We had to pull together to just get the time key to Serenity, without letting them know.” Minako nodded and knelt close to Serenity and ran her fingers through the girls long golden locks. Their princess was under a sleeping spell so they could talk without confusing her. Looking at the glowing of her henshin pen she turned to look at the Time Guardian. “How are you manging Setsuna-san?” Pluto let out a puff of air. “They don't suspect she has been gone yet. I've masked her aura and image into the area of Port Royal with the Lunar Pen. Queen Serenity's spirit has been melded into the moon and I can't ask her aid directly so I sent a message to the Pillar of Prayer in the ruins of the Palace. Until I can contact the queens spirit directly I have to rely on the Tower's powers.” “We can't send her back alone.” Artemis whispered. Luna was snuggled close to Serenity and only nodded her consent as she watched over Serenity. How could we even allow this to happen in the first place...why did we even agree. Luna thought miserably. “Then we have to set a plan. We can't all go at once and unfortunately we all can't go. We still have duties here to manage and with the new kingdom...” Haruka started solemnly. Rei and Mamoru shared a glance and frowned deeply. When they had married, their powers had strengthened greatly. It was odd but apparently Mamoru would have been King of earth either way. He was earth's guardian, like a senshi and was the true born prince. When they married, Queen Serenity had pleaded for them to built a kingdom. Her ghostly image urged them to make their empire and guide the people. So they built their utopia. They renamed Tokyo to Ruby Tokyo instead of Crystal Tokyo and the earth, their entire kingdom was called Ruby Earth. Their palace was made of golds, reds and browns. Earthen and Martian in tones and colors and technology. It was only after their kingdom was born did they realise why. Enemies were going to take earth but with a royal family of two planets united, they could fend off any enemies with their strengthened power and alliances. Earth couldn't be over ruled so easily now. However, this also means they won't be able to go to the new world. Haruka crossed her arms and turned to Michiru who shared a smile. “Michiru and I will definitely go.” Pluto nodded and turned to the remaining figures. “Ami must also go. This world is run mostly through the seas. Both her and Michiru would be helpful assets.” Minako looked at Serenity and then to Artemis. “Since both Artemis and Luna will be going I would also like to go.” Pluto nodded, she knew she also couldn't leave. She had to protect the gates. Makoto looked at Serenity sadly before turning to a tearful Rei and solemn Mamoru. “I will be staying here. Rei and Mamoru still need help with everything. Since the Starlights and Kakyuu lost Kinmoku and settled on earth, we'll be okay without you guys but we still need some of Earth's original protectors to ensure stability.” Pluto's head jerked and she barely managed to keep her gaze steady. “Queen Serenity has contacted me. She will give us passage to the new world through the moon.” Haruka smirked, “Then it's time to go soon?”

Pluto nodded, “Soon.”

Loud explosive booms were ringing across the land and shore. A large ship with black sails was stationed just outside of Port Royal and launching attacks as figures came ashore. In the jails, Jack was leaning against the wall when the attack began. As he listened to the terror going on outside, his face formed a thoughtful frown and he half pouted, “I know those guns.” Jack stated with a shocked and disbelievingly tone. He stood, walking to the window and looked out, “The Pearl...” He breathed. “The Black Pearl? I’ve heard stories. She’s been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never heard of many survivors.” One of the prisoners stated. They were all watching the attack by the windows. “No survivors? Then where do all the stories come from? I wonder...” Jack questioned with a cocky smirk and he continued to glance outside.

Elizabeth had been watching the chaos act out when a knocking suddenly began at the door. She quickly rushed to the stairs and froze, “Don't!!” she shouted at the doorman. But it was to late and the man opened the door. Pirates stood on the other side, smirking evily. “Hello chum” One of the pirates said lowly before shooting the man's head off. Elizabeth let out a sharp gasp and quickly ran to the stairs and away from the coming men. “Girl!” another pirate shouted beside him, the two of them quickly ran after her. ' Estella and Elizabeth quickly ran to a room and locked the doors, “Miss Swann they’ve come to kidnap you!” Elizabeth turned to her confused and shocked, “What?” “You’re the Governors favorite daughter.” Estella said softly with a hint of regret. The statement was true to a point. Many knew of his favoritism but Serenity, Elizabeth and even the Governor. He treated them differently and only few knew that Serenity had a different mother than Elizabeth. “They haven’t seen you yet, hide and run to the fort the first chance you get!” Estella whispered suddenly. The pirates broke through the door and rushed in, Estella was behind the door and quickly ran as the entered. Elizabeth managed to hit one in the face with the bed warmed. The other pirate grabbed a hold of the bed warmer. “Gotcha” he said mockingly. She smirked and released the clasp dropping ashed on his head and ran away quickly. “Ahh, it’s hot, it’s hot, you burned me!” The other pirate shook his head, “Come on!” Elizabeth continued to run and found a room just as chandelier fell. Sword were placed a top of chimney and she ran to get one but it wouldn't budge, looking around she chose to hide in a closet instead but tripped on the way. After she hid the pirates entered the room. “We know you’re here, Poppet.” “Poppet...” “Come out, and we promise not to hurt you.”

The pirate next to him gave his partner an odd look. “We will find you Poppet, you’ve got something of ours. And it calls to us. The gold calls to us.” “Gold calls…..” the other pirate mimicked. One of them noticed the rug where Elizabeth had tripped and turned to the closet close by. He grinned and mentioned to the other ma beside him. Elizabeth saw the shadows as they nears and when the door opened she stepped forward, “Parley!” she shouted. “What?” the pirates stopped questonably. “Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the code of the brethren, set down by pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you have to take me to your captain.” Elizabeth tried to reason. Come on, come on! “I know the code.” The pirate sneered. “If an adversary demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete,” Elizabeth braved with a frown. “To blazes with the code!” the other pirate stated but the man besides him shook his head. “She wants to be taken to the captain. And she’ll go without a fuss. We must honor the code.”

Will was fighting a large pirate was was currently losing, badly. “Say goodbye.” The large man stated arrogantly but was struck by a falling sign and knocked out. “Goodbye” Will said with a smirk before moving to the next pirate. Will turned suddenly as he head Elizabeth shout to him for help. He ran to catch them, “Elizabeth!” The pirate who had been killed with a hatchet stood and was leaving with the rest of them making Will pause briefly. “Outa my way scum,” and was hit on the head with a bottle. Will fell down unconscious.

In the jail cell a cannon had blasted the cell wall of the prisoners next to Jacks confinement, freeing all but him. “My sympathies, friend, you have no manner of luck at all.” A man stated before rushing away. Jack frowned and tried to get to the other cell with no success. Picking up a bone he whistled, the dog turned to him and was slowly walking to him, “Come on doggy. It’s just you and me now. It’s just you and ol’ Jack. Come on. Come on, good boy. That’s a good boy come one! Bit closer, bit closer. That’s it, that’s it doggy. Come on you filthy slimy mangy cur.” The dog ran right past him when a crash sounded from the stairs. “No no no no no. I didn’t mean it…. I didn’t.” Another crash sounded followed by a dead prison guard falling from the stairs. Two pirates headed down after him and shouted disappointedly. “This ain’t the armory.” The other pirate looked around briefly and noticed Jack. “Well, well, well. Look what we got here Twigg. Captain Jack Sparrow.” Twigg spit on the ground next to Jack and Jack moved disgusted. “Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a godforsaken island, shrinking into the distance. His fortunes aren’t improved much.” “Worry about your own fortunes, gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.” Jack stated evenly with his face set firmly.

Koehler, the larger pirate grabbed Jack by the throat, his arm hitting moonlight and revealing his arm as only bones and skeletal. “So there is a curse. That’s interesting.” Jack awes, smirking at the news. Koehler sneered angrily, “You know nothing of hell.” he hissed before the two pirates left. “That’s interesting,” Jack whispered to himself, “That’s very interesting.”

As they watched Pluto stood suddenly and turned to Luna and Artemis. “You will go as Serenity's advisors and find out what you can as you alias as cats. I am sorry that your sister was taken Serenity but you could not save her as it was her destiny, but do all in your power to have Will take you to find her.” Pluto stated as she lifted her staff. Serenity smiled appreciatively, “It's alright, I know now that destiny is to never be toyed with, unless in the right circumstance that is.” Pluto smirked and shook her head, “Go now Serenity, it will be morning soon. We will meet again.”

Will awoke on the street, feeling something hitting him in the face gently. “Elizabeth!” Will shouted as he sat up sharply. “I am sorry but you seem to have confused me with my sister.” Serenity said crossly with a teasing smile. Serenity was sitting before him in a dress that was somewhat plain and did not billow and was not made of fluffy, frilly skirts. The dress fell to her ankles loosely and was made of a dark midnight blue cotton with a corset colored a dark crimson red. Short off the shoulder sleeves hung from the corset and made of pure white satin with a white satin ribbon bow hanging from the back of the skirt. She wore her black leather heeled ankle boots and her head was piled in a giant bun on her head with curls and tendrils spiraling around it. On her side was the sword he made her, hidden in her skirts so that he almost didn't notice and the bladed fans she had received from Japan were styled into her bun. “Elizabeth, they’ve taken her!” Will shouted frantically. Serenity frowned with a deep sadness before standing determinedly. “I know, I was informed what happened last night while I was away.” “Where were you” Will asked startled. “I had gone on a trip but had rushed back as soon as I heard of the commotion, I had been healing some animals in the woods. I found to cats that came in a close call with a hungry bear. They follow me everywhere now.” Serenity stated smiling at the two cats that hoped onto her shoulder. “I named the black one Luna and the white one Artemis.” Serenity said as they began walking, “Now lets go see what they are going to do about my sister.”

Will rushed into the office where Commodore and the Governor were conversing with soldiers. “They've have taken Elizabeth!” Serenity followed shaking her head. “Mr. Murtogg, remove this man.” “We have to hunt them down. We must save her.” Will continued, ignoring his comment.

“And were do you suppose we start? If you have any information concerning my daughter, please let’s hear it” the Governor argued. “That Jack Sparrow. He talked about the Black Pearl” Murtogg started. “Mentioned it. Is more what he did.” Mullroy scuffed. “Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. And maybe he’ll lead us to it.” Will asked. “No…. the pirates left Jack Sparrow in his cell. They are not allies. Governor we will establish a course……” Will buried a hatchet in the table and shook with anger. “That’s not good enough.” Serenity placed a hand on his shoulder and shook her head to calm him. “Mr. Turner you are not a military man, you are not even a soldier. You are a blacksmith and this is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Elizabeth.” He stared at him strictly before handing him his hatchet back. “Yes that fact may be true commodore but I am sure that not even you know where her affections lie. So don’t go around think that is you. Come on Mr. Turner.” Serenity stated as she pulled Will with her. Norrington glared at Serenity before turning away.

Serenity had come up with an idea and Will reluctantly agreed. They were approaching Jack's cell in hopes to barter with him to save Elizabeth. Jack heard them coming while he was trying to pick the lock with a bone. He quickly dropped it and lied down nonchalantly. “You Sparrow.” Will shouted as he entered the Jail. Jack looked at Serenity and smirked before turning to Will. “Aye” Jack asked coolly. “You familiar with that ship, the Black Pearl?” Will asked breifly. “I’ve heard of it.” Jack stated carelessly. “Where does it make berth?” Will questioned with a dark glare. “Where does it make berth? Haven’t you heard the stories? Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded isle de Muerta. It’s an isle that cannot be found except for those who already know where it is.” Jack stated as a matter of fact and leaned up on his elbows from the ground. “The ships real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?” Will damened hanging on the bars. Jack studied his nails a bit, “Why ask me?” “Because your a pirate.” Will said as if Jack were stupid. No doubt he must be, he thought. “And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?” Jack said mockingly with a false sense of curiosity. “Never. They took Miss Swann.” Will said fiercely. Jack raised and eyebrow and looked and Serenity, “She is right there.” “My sister Elizabeth, the one who almost drown.” Serenity spoke softly. Jack looked at Will, “Oh, so is it you’ve found a girl. I see. Well, if your intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady’s heart you’ll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me.” Jack said and lied back down.

Serenity frowned, “We can get you out of here.” “How’s that, the keys have run off.” Jack said as he sat up again. “I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges.” He spoke as he took a look around and saw a table, he laced it at the bottom of the cell. “With the right leverage and the proper application of strength…… the door will lift free.” Jack stood up. “What’s your name?” “Will Turner.” “That short for William, I imagine. Good strong name. No doubt named for your father, eh?” Jack asked cautiously. “Yes.” Will said suspiciously. “Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner , I’ve changed my mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?” Jack asked offering his hand. “Agreed” Will nodded as he shook his hand. “Agreed now get me out.” the door listed of it’s hinge’s and Jack quickly came out of the cell. “Hurry someone will have heard that.” Serenity stated as she rushed away. “Not with out my effects.” Jack said getting his things before the escaped.

The three of them were at the edge of the sea behind a dock, looking at the ships while the planned. “We are going to steal the ship, that ship?” Will asked glancing at the dauntless. “Commandeer. We’re going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there’s no use going. This girl – how far are you willing to go to save her,” Jack asked looking at Will, Serenity glared at them both for ignoring her. She's my sister, I'm here to save her too! “I’d die for her” Will demanded. “Oh, good no worries then.” Jack stated coolly as he turned to Serenity, “You cannot come with us” Jack finished, smirking when Serenity glared at him sharply. “I am going and no one will stop me! I hope you know I can fight, Will taught me how to use a sword since he started. Not to mention I am pretty good at taking care of myself thank you.” Serenity replied stubbornly Jack smirked. “Did a fine job of that before.” he mocked. “Maybe I let you,” Serenity huffed, glaring at him further. “Oh really?” Jack questioned with a grin and leaned closer to her. Luna and Artemis mewed on her shoulders and Serenity blushed and leaned away. “May we please go now?” Will interrupted annoyed. They had found a small row boat and decided to use is as a cover. They were underneath the boat, walking under water. “This is either madness or brilliance” Will awed just as his foot got trapped in a crab cage. Serenity stayed silent. She was silently fuming that her new dress had gotten wet, and Luna and Artemis were clinging with there claws trying to stay above the water.

“It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.” Jack replied casually. After they found the anchor they began to climb the side of the boat. “Alright every one stay calm we are taking over the ship.” Jack called out evenly with Will and Serenity behind him. Both Serenity and Will had there swords out and ready. “Aye Avast!” Will shouted passionately. The men aboard laughed and joked. Jack turned to look at him, eying will oddly and Serenity giggled behind her hand, smiling when he glared at her. “This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You’ll never make it out of the bay.” Gillette mocked, not even glancing at Serenity. “Excuse me I am with them you know!” Serenity shouted, fuming that they still acted as if she weren't there. The crew quickly looked at her in shock and Gillette rose his eyebrow confused, “Miss Swann?” “That’s right.” Serenity gloated, glad to finally have their attention. Jack took out his pistol and pointed it at Gillette. “Son..… I’m Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The crew from the dauntless had been piled on small row boats and were headed back to shore.” “Commodore!!” Groves spoke out. “Sir, they’ve taken the Dauntless. Sparrow and Turner- they’ve taken the ship with Ms. Swann” Gillette screamed from the small boat waving his arms up and down. Norrington looked at the shop through his eye glass and saw the three. “Rash Turner very rash. Serenity I would’ve expected more from. That has got to be the worst pirate I have ever laid eyes on.” ~~~~ Will turned his head, noticing the Interceptor set sail. “Here they come.” Gillette and his crew saw the ship and headed for it, “Bring her around! Bring her around!” Norrington and his men docked by the Interceptor and quickly boarded the dauntless. They began to search as Norrington shouted his orders. “Search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges.” Serenity held onto Luna and Artemis as she, Jack and Will swung to the Interceptor and started to take the ship out of the bay. Norrington noticed to late and the ship set sail with the three fugitives on board. “Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way. We’d have had a hard time of it by ourselves.” Jack called, mockingly saluting the Commodore. Serenity stuck her tongue out at them and smiled sweetly. ~~~ “Set up top sails and clear up this mess.” Norrington barked, angered at their misfortune. “With the wind a quarter astern, we won’t catch them.” Groves said sheepishly, not read to anger the Commodore.

“We don’t need to catch them we just need to get them in the range of the long nines.” Norrington sneered, looking at the ship. “Hands, come about. Run out the guns.” Groves called to the sailors, he looked at Norrinton cautiously, “We open fire on our own ship?” “I would rather see it at the bottom of the sea then in the hands of a pirate.” “What about Ms. Swann?” Norrington frowned and didn't reply. A sailor came up and interrupted them. “Commodore he’s disabled the rudder chain, sir” The interceptor was about to run over the boat that held Gillette and his crew in. “Abandon ship!” Gillette yelled frantically as he spotted the Interceptor. They all jumped into the water just as the ship crashed through the boat. “That has got to be the best pirate I have ever seen.” Groves awed, shocked. “So it would seem.” Norrington scuffed, slightly disgusted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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