Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Sailor Moon And Pirates Of

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  • Words: 3,395
  • Pages: 6
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and Pirates of the Caribbean, nor do I own their actual plots and characters. I am but a mere author among many who use great works of others to make fantasies reality. No not like that sickos. As an author of fan based work that doesn't earn any profit from, I am there for allowed to tamper, toy with, alter, create and/or destroy anything of the original I please. Any comment against this, please, do say. Brief Notes by Nerf or Nothing: Thank you all so much and I am VERY sorry. I know it's been a bit too long of a wait for an update and to be honest I was lazy in getting this to you all. I admit that I would rather sleep, read and watch TV in my spare time then fix up and update the chapters. Hey, I deserve breaks after working so hard on my job! I'm working a lot and when I don't get a lot of hours it's still hard on me. Then I got home issues and my now declaration to never speak to my sisters again and refuse relation. They just seriously piss me off but since I'm a softy I keep forgiving them so I have to restrain myself to not care about 'em. I still can't believe she said I had a horrible attitude when she was the one, the ungrateful... okay. Anyway, I forced myself to do this. As I've said I hate every artistic thing I do recently so I chose to avoid it but since I'm merely reediting this and adding things it's a bit easier, however when I get to future chapters I'm gonna have to make new chapters, now that's the pain. PLOT PUZZLE As I mentioned last chapter there are various things in my story that lead to a greater picture. They are what I call puzzle pieces and have a great deal to do with my plot. Now if anyone sees a puzzle piece that you think has something to do with the bigger picture you can say so and I'll type it here. After every THREE chapters I'm going to post each puzzle piece for you to do with what you want to. Chapter 1: 1. Setsuna mentioned that when Usagi dies the “powers” will choose where she is born. 2. Hotaru is dead, for now. Chapter 2: 1. Norrington proposed to Serenity but she refused. Chapter 3: 1. Serenity started wearing her buns (As some call it “odangos”) at fifteen but first went to Japan at sixteen. (More to that in this chapter.) 2. Prophecies they believe about Serenity about a legend and Tsuki (I.E. Moon). 3. A demon. 4. Serenity knows an adventure is about to happen, (answer to that is in this chapter.) 5. BIG PLOT PUZZLE PIECE Serenity sensed the power of the medallion. Chapter 4. You can find 'em or look for them when I post them at the top in chapter 6. Summary: She loved them all dearly but she wanted to be free from duty... maybe this time around she will be. “Pirates are drunken fools.” “Yes but its so fun!” “Jack... are you drunk?” “Yes, intoxicated, drunk and in love. I'm in drunken love with you.”

Drunken Love Chapter Four: Gone. After Jack tricked the soldiers he rushed to a near by door that lead to a Black Smiths shop. When he entered he saw a drunken man in the corner sleeping. Hmm... Jack thought before poking the guy. He didn't wake up but he continued to poke him anyway, after a moment Jack turned away but jumped in front of the guy again quickly and shouted, “WHOA!” Very good then. Jack turned away again and headed to the hammer to disconnect his chains but was unsuccessful. A sound made Jack jump until he saw a donkey connected to a wheel. Looking back and forth he dropped the hammer and inspected the machine connected to the animal. Smirking he placed his chains correctly

and poked a heated metal rod to move the donkey. His chains came undone just as someone entered the shop. Will walked in the shop and saw the troubled donkey and tried to calm him. Smiling he turned to Mr. Brown and chuckled, “Right where I left you.” Turning to the hammer he frowned. “Not where I left you.” A hat was sitting not too far away and he reached for it when a sword was unsheathed and put a top the hat. Will scowled at the man holding a sword and stepped back, “You're the one they're hunting. The Pirate.” Will said nastily. Jack smirked, “You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?” he asked humorously, looking seriously thoughtful on the matter. “I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.” Will replied in annoyance and disgust. “Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So, if you'll excuse me…” Jack stated as he turned away and got ready to leave but Will had stepped in front of him with a sword.

“Do you think this wise, boy – crossing blades with a pirate?” Jack sneered while looking to the exit with frustration. “You threatened Miss Swann.” Will said crossly, gripping his sword tighter. “ Only a little.” Jack mentioned before Will swung his sword. “You know what you’re doing. I’ll give you that. Excellent form. But how’s your footwork? If I step here,” Jack asked and stepped to the side, “very good. Now I step again. Ta.” Will frowned in aggravation. The man thought himself clever, he was toying with him. Jack sheathed his sword and walked to the door but Will threw his sword at the door narrowly missing Jack and barricading the exit. Jack turned to look at him, then the sword, back at Will and finally at the sword again. He tried to pull the sword free but it was jammed tight. After several more tries he even tried to place his feet on the door and pull but was still unsuccessful and turned to look back at Will. “That is a wonderful trick… except, once again you are between me and my way out. And now you have no weapon.” Will smirked and pulled another sword which was sitting in the fire and was heated at the tip. Quickly their swords clashed again. “Who makes all these?” Jack asked a bit tiredly, looking cross at the swords. He had work to do. “ I do! And I practice with them… three hours a day!” Will shouted angrily while blocking another attack. “You need to find yourself a girl, mate! Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch, are you?” Jack asked looking down mockingly at Will. Will sneered but inside winced as Serenity's earlier words stuck him, “I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!” he said heatedly. They continued their sword fight, jumping onto a cart that swayed under their feet. Will hooked a knife in the irons hanging from Jack’s left wrist and threw it up so it embedded in the beam above, in return Jack hit a loose board which ended up throwing Will off the cart.

While Will was distracted, Jack tried his body weight to get the knife out of the wood and fell back just as Will climbed back. Will was thrown up into the rafters and cut free a heavy sack of salt which vaulted Jack up into the rafters with him. They continued fighting and swinging their swords while jumping from one beam to the next. After Jack lost his sword he managed to blind Will with sand and took his pistol out at Will. “You cheated!” Will shouted almost childishly. Jack made a funny face and scuffed, “Pirate!” he mocked briefly before the door began to shake. The soldiers had found him. “Move away.” Jack stated, waving his gun with a solemn stance. Will stood firm, “No.” “Please move.” Jack pleaded, looking desperate. “No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape.” Will exclaimed as he shifted his sword to emphasize the point. “This shot is not meant for you.” Jack tried to reason, his voice set seriously. All of a sudden an alcohol bottle hit Jack's head and he fell to the floor unconscious. Will looked up and saw Mr. Brown and nodded his thanks with a small smile. “There he is. Over here.” Norrington’s soldiers yelled, breaking into shop and busting the door. Norrington followed after slowly. “Excellent work, Mr. Brown . You’ve assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive.” Norrington greeted the old drunk Mr. Brown while he ignored Will completely. Will looked cross for a moment before he shrugged it off. “Just doing my civic duty, sir.” Mr. Brown said as he saluted the soldiers and took a swing of some of his beer. Will looked at them both and let a slow smirk cross his features before shaking his head. “Well, I trust you will always remember this as the day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him away.” Norrington called to his soldiers before stepped out of the shop.

In the jail, the prisoners were shouting and whistling. They kept waving and calling the dog who held the keys hoping they could be freed. But the dog didn’t budge and merely eyed the prisoners curiously. Jack was resting against the wall of his lonely cell and shrugged a bit. His hat was tilted over his eyes and face. “You can keep doing that forever, the dog will never come.” He spoke to the men in the neighboring cell with a low mocking tone. A man from the other cell scowled and looked to Jack a bit offended, “Well, excuse us if we haven’t sold ourselves to the gallows just yet.” Jack tipped his hat further down and crossed his arms with a wide smirk touching his lips.

In Elizabeth’s room, her hand maid Estella was placing a bed warmer underneath the bed, working to make everything perfect for the young heiress. “There you go miss, it was a difficult day for you.” Estella said softly in her slightly slang accented voice while moving away to fix the sheets. Elizabeth laid back slightly and frowned thoughtfully. “I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose but I must admit, I wasn’t entirely prepared for it.” Elizabeth said with a frown and a gentle sigh. I blame Serenity for this. If she married him I wouldn't have too. “Well, I meant you being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying.” Estella corrected, smiling with mirth. She found it funny how both the daughters of the richest and highest ranking man in the area found such things to be so trivial. “ Oh, yes, it was terrifying.” Elizabeth started quickly with an embarrassed flush, “But Serenity was the one captured, he hadn't really hurt me.” Estella nodded and smiled happily, “But the Commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now, that’s a smart match, Miss, if it’s not too bold to say.” Estella stated softly. Most often that was to be okay, both sisters were very kind and rarely used power against any soul less fortunate then them. “ It is a smart match. He’s a fine man; he’s what any woman should dream of marrying.” Elizabeth said flippantly, thinking to herself as she stated the fact, He's not my match however, and I am not just any woman. I love Will Turner... “ Well, that Will Turner, he’s a fine man, too.” Estella murmured softly almost reading her mind as she glanced at Elizabeth shortly. “That is too bold.” Elizabeth dead panned with a sharp look. She tried to cover the small blush and frowned. A new voice spoke from the entrance way, “Oh please dear sister, everyone knows the little crushes you two have on each other. Stella you may go now and no need to apologize either.” Serenity said firmly with a kind smile before stepping into the room. She was dressed in her night clothes covered with a simple dark violet wrap. Not appropriate to be walking in at such a time as it was. The night was filled with questionable characters. “Please dear sister I don’t need your comments either.” Elizabeth scowled, not in the mood to be teased. Crossing her arms she huffed with a childish pout. Serenity gave her sister an amused look before her face softened into a tender expression. “Well then, I must be going. I promise not to comment about your undying love for your dear, charming and might I say handsome Will and his unmatched devotion for you and your...” “Usagi... I am warning you.” Elizabeth screeched with an annoyed twitch. Her face was entirely red. She says she won't comment but sneakily includes her comment so she doesn't seem like she did, Ugh! Serenity giggled at her sisters flushed form before clasping her hands in front of her and became somber quickly. “I wanted to tell you I'll be leaving for a short while, out into the west of the woods. I don't know how long I'll be gone... I was left only of a message to arrive. I might be gone a few hours or a weeks worth but I'll be back. Just...” Serenity looked into Elizabeth eyes and frowned slightly. “Just be careful.”

Before Elizabeth could reply Serenity had left. Elizabeth didn't follow and only frowned thoughtfully. Serenity often disappeared since her fifteenth birthday and had become a bit more solitary after the day. She became evasive and Elizabeth knew Serenity wouldn't tell her...she just let it be and worried until then.

Serenity sat still in her room, fingering a tiny golden key in her hands. The key was made of pure gold and held a small glowing pink jewel.

Standing swiftly, she lifted the key above her hand and basked in the ever growing light of the jewel. “Crystal Key, show me the path to which you have been brought to me... and lead me to the place of stillness. The Gates of Time!” The light engulfed the room and when her vision cleared she smiled and teared at the sight before her. A small sound escaped her throat before a soft, tear filled but joyful laugh erupted from her lips. Across from where she stood in the murky and dreadful mists of the gates were figures of a past she barely remembered but still held dear. They were all shaking and smiling and some were even crying. At once all of them stepped hesitantly towards her but Serenity was quicker and rushed them in a flurry of tears and hugs. A small hand tugged at her night dress and robes and caused her to still and glance down. At her feet was a little girl no older then four with dark violet hair, nearly pitch black with only the sheen of it's true violet color. The small shoulder length strands were in a familiar oriental style, two buns on either side of her head. Unlike Serenity though, the girl only had two buns but no hair falling from them. Thick bangs fell over her forehead and parted in the middle. Her eyes were very sharp and mirrored the oceans of earth reflecting the evening sky. A startling midnight blue. At once, Serenity could tell the girls parents. “Rei... Mamoru, she's beautiful. What is her name?” Serenity whispered hoarsely before picking the small child up and hugging her close with a happy and proud look at them all. It was the first time since her fifteenth birthday that she had seen them all. Even back then though, it wasn't as great as this. Back then she had only seen a vision from her scattered memories. When she had arrived to Japan that day and saved the princess, Luna and Artemis had approached her and given her memories back but it had gone differently then they expected. Serenity remembered people but not events. Pieces of her past were eluding to her. Still... she had waited a long time for this moment and even if she couldn't remember the events she spent with these people she knew she loved them dearly. Rei smiled gently and shared a glance with her husband, Mamoru. “Her name is Serena.” Serenity knew what the name implied and quickly hugged them both while holding onto Serena. “Thank you so much, my dear friends.” Setsuna smiled slightly and raised her staff. “Serenity-Hime, you do not have much time here but I can't let you go back just yet. A battle is raging and you are not meant to interfere at this point.” Serenity scowled childishly and crossed her arms. “I knew once I spotted the key that I was going to miss something big. That's why I made sure to make Will and Liza promise.” Makoto and Minako looked at Serenity with grins while Ami shook her head a bit apprehensively and edged away from the two. Makoto leaned to Serenity, “Is this Will guy hott?” Serenity looked at Makoto confused and placed a hand to her chin, “Hot? Why would he be... he seems healthy. I doubt he has a fever.” Everyone sweat dropped.

“No no... like is he,” Minako started and racked through her mind to find the right would, knowing more about Serenity's situation then the rest. Artemis informed her more thoroughly of Serenity's predicament, “Handsome?” Serenity smiled with a nod, “Yes, quite striking. Although... he's not my type perse. Well I suppose his type could be, however... I love him as a brother,“ her smile turned into a devious smirk. “Which would be appropriate since he is struck with my sister Elizabeth and vis versa.” “Well have you met any potential suiters?” Rei asked curiously. She missed Usagi so much, she needed to know more. This Serenity isn't like the Princess Serenity or Usagi... yet she seems like them at the same time. Like Serenity and Usagi blended better. Must be because now she is a Governors daughter which is like a princess, but doesn't have as much to do as a princess and has freedom like she experienced as Usagi in her second life. Serenity gained a small blush and a far off look. “Well...” she began in her British accent, “I had been proposed to before. He seems so wonderful but I was only fifteen and everything was confusing.” Holding her heated face Serenity sighed, “he seems a bit bitter I refused. I do like him... he is quite dashing but recently...” another darker blush stained her features. Haruka's eye twitched slightly, “Fifteen? And recently what?” Michiru took her lovers arm and chuckled softly, “Serenity dear, how old are you now?” Haruka sent Michiru a pout mixed with a glare. “I'm twenty-five, of course.” Ami looked confused and a bit amazed, “Time must flow very different there. We are all the same age as we were before. It's been only a year since you initially left.” Mamoru nodded, “Very interesting. This new world seems like ours back centuries ago. I studied American and British history.” Minako and Makoto looked at them blankly. Rei shook her head and sweat dropped. “So... recently what?” Serenity blushed again, “A charming looking man indeed. ...However, he's a pirate. Good looking and charming as he is... he is still quite rude.” An annoyed frown fell to her lips. Setsuna gained a small ghost of a smile. “You have grown so much my Hime. Shall we sit before your leave?” Serenity smiled and hugged little Serena closer, “I'm glad I can stay just a little longer, now that I think of it.” End Chapter Thank you for reading, I'll be back as soon as I can, hopefully sooner. I've just been busy with work and home stuff. I work horrible hours and have failing health apparently. I sleep all the time and cause I honestly feel crappy I am admittedly to lazy to even attempt writing or as I'm doing now, reediting. I'll try to fix it up faster though and definitely promise to eventually finish this completely.

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