Dewi Fitria C Kesimpulan Video Evolution Of Communication.docx

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: Dewi Fitria Cahyani

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Mata Kuliah : Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi CONCLUSION A VIDEO ABOUT EVOLUTION OF COMMUNICATION – STONE AGE TO MODERN AGE The whole journey of communication started with the caveman. The caveman used to gather around fire to discuss their day to day activities. We can compare this to modern day social networking sites such as facebook. The one sudden day they decided to record their activities or knowledge. The cavemen then started to inscribing on the caves. We can compare this to modern day blogging. The problem with this communication method was it was localised. When people started moving out of the caves, long distance communication became very important. History of how communication system envolved. It describes briefly the evolution of communication from stone age to modern age. It covers the mode of communication used in different ages. Although there were many communication techniques used in different ages. A few techniques which changed the way people communicated over a period of tme in history. From caveman to telephone. 1. Smoke signal This was the first long distance communication. It was used in Noethern America where is tribe its own signalling system. A smoke from top of the hill signified danger. The smoke signal is still used to indicate the selection of new Pope. 2. Pigeons Due to their natural homing ability pigeons were extensively used for long distance communication. In 19th century pigeons wer also used to transmit stock quotations from one city to another.

3. Pony express From ancent time kings have been using human messenger to relay messages. Pony express was a first of its kind mail service deliverng messages, mails, newspapers, and small packages by horseback using small relay stations. Its is regarded as the first courier service. It was used in the mid 19th century to communicate between East Coast and West Coast of America. 4. Semaphore Flags Semaphore flags was used in maritime durng the late 19th century. The word semaphore is derived from greek word sema meaning sign and phero meaning bearer. It is the telegraphy system conveying information at distance by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rod and disk. Acceptable mode of communication for emergency. 5. Telegraph Telegraphy was the greatest breakthrough in the field of communication. Although the smoke signal and semaphore flags were different from telegraphy but the harnessing of electricity gave birth to electric telegraphy. 6. Radio The terem radio in latin means beam of light. Early 20th century radio system transmitted message using continuous waves only. Amplitude modulation was demonstrated for the transmission of voice and music but with little success. 7. Telephone In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invited the telephone. At first, the benefits of a telephone exchange were not exploited. Each telephone was wired to a local telephone exchange, and the exchanges were wired together with trunks. Networks were connected in a hierarchcal manner until they spanned cities, countries, continents, and oceans. This was the beginning of the public Switch Telephone Network or PSTN.

CONCLUSION: Berdasarkan uraian di atas, dapat kita ketahui bahwa perkembangan komunikasi dimulai pada zaman purba yakni pada saat terdapat penghuni gua. Pada zaman itu komunikasi yang terjalin masih sangat sederhana dan tidak perlu adanya teknologi, yaitu dengan berkumpul di tengah-tengah api ungguh yang dibuat. Dengan begitu, antara penghuni gua terjadi interaksi yang menimbulkan terjadinya komunikasi. Semakin berkembangnya zaman, semakin maju pula cara manusia pada zaman itu untuk berkomunikasi, salah satunya yaitu menggunakan sinyal asap. Sinyal asap digunakan sebagai pertanda untuk menyiagakan adanya bahaya. Kemajuan komunikasi dari zaman ke zaman dilandasi oleh keperluan manusia pada zaman tersebut, seperti contoh menggunakan burung merpati dan kuda cepat (ditunggangi manusia) untuk sekadar mengirim kabar berupa surat maupun berita. Setelah itu, munculah sebuah teknik baru dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bendera semafor. Terdapat beberapa kode yang menyimbolkan huruf yang harus dipahami ketika menggunakan teknik ini. Lalu menggunakan telegrap. Alat komunikasi yang seringkali dipergunakan pada era ini yaitu telepon genggam. Dengan cara pakai yang praktis serta mudah untuk dibawa kemanamana, telepon genggam merupakan salah satu alat komunikasi yang efektif, cepat, dan efisien. Hampir seluruh manusia di muka bumi ini menggunakan telepon genggam untuk berkomunikasi lintas wilayah. Pada dasarnya manusia membutuhkan suatu teknologi komunikasi untuk mempermudah bersosialisai. Bisa dibilang penghuni gua pada zaman dahulu memiliki keterbatasan teknologi untuk berkomunikasi. Tetapi karena hakikat manusia itu sendiri yang merupakan makhluk sosial, maka berbagai cara ditempuh guna untuk memperlancar proses berkomunikasi.

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