Detailed Lesson Plan In Science And Health Vi.docx

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  • Pages: 10
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health VI (Integrated With Values Education)


Objectives At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the pupils should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

observe and identify constellations; make a star map to illustrate common constellations; and describe how constellations are useful to people. Appreciate the creations of God. Appreciation


Subject Matter Topic:

Patterns of Stars in the Sky

Science Concept:

constellations are group of stars that form patterns in the night sky. The Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopea, and Orion are some of the common constellations. Stars are used to determine direction, predict weather, and influence as birth signs as in horoscopes.


into the future: Science and Health Teacher’s Manual for Grade VI, pp. 159-161 Into the Future: Science and Health Grade VI, pp. 254-258


charts, pictures, improvised television and, flashcards.


Teaching Strategy

Teacher’s Activity A. Preparation 1. Performing Routinized Activities a. Greeting b. Praying c. Singing d. Checking of attendance 2. Drill I have here a set of flashcards, each card contains a word. As I flash each card, say “boom” if the written word is a star and say “panes” if it is not. Is it clear? Let’s begin.

Pupil’s Activity

Yes, it is. GALAXY






MILKY WAY(panes)

SPUTNIK 1 (panes)

METEORS (panes)


ANTARES (boom)

Very good. All of your answers are certainly correct. 3. Review What was our lesson yesterday? Girlie. Correct.

Our lesson yesterday was about stars’ colors and temperature.

I prepared an activity to test how well you understand our lesson yesterday. Will you read the direction, Rex. Direction: Arrange the stars from the hottest to the coolest, then write their color and temperature. Thank you.

Now I will divide you into four groups, with ten members for each group. The group, who will finish first the activity with the most correct answers, will be the winner. Are the directions clear?

Yes, they are.


(The pupils start doing the activity.)

STAR COLOR SIRIUS ANTARES BETELGEUSE SUN The winner is group ________. Let us give them a fireworks clap. Begin. 4. Motivation Who among you are fond of looking at the night sky? When you look at the night sky what do you see? Charles.


(The pupils do the fireworks clap.)

(The pupils raise their hands)

I see many stars in the night sky.

Good. What do you observe when you look at those stars for a long time? Ronald. Correct. And what figures can you imagine when you look at some of the stars at night? Kert. Thank you. Who else would like to answer? Yes, Megan.

When I look at the stars for a long time, I’ve noticed that they are forming some figures.

I saw a figure of a rosary.

I saw a figure of letter L.

Thank you Megan. B. Developmental Activities 1. Introduction I ask you those questions because they are related to our topic today. Will you read the title of our lesson today, Jan Carlo. Again what is the lesson that we are going to study class?

2. Presentation Class, look at this illustration.

Patterns Of Stars in the Night Sky The lesson that we are going to study for today is about pattern of stars in the night sky. (The pupils observe the illustration in the chart)

What do you see in the illustration? Brent. I see stars forming different groups or figures. Very good Brent. Stars is one of the wonderful creation of God , one way to appreciate those things is to study it. On a clear night you see thousands of stars in the sky. You would notice that some of them seem to form a group. Some ancient people who studied the stars imagined that each group of stars have patterns. They associated these pictures with animals such as bear, dog and a lot more. They also associated these group of stars with Gods and Goddesses and inanimate objects.

Those patterns of stars are called constellations.

Based on the illustration, will you describe what is constellation all about? Rosenell.

Based on the illustration, constellations are groups of stars that form patterns in the night sky.

Very good. 3. Discussion Everybody read these.

Constellations are group of stars that form patterns in the night sky; they seem to form outlines of animals, objects, or man.

Thank you class I have here a chart. I want you to tell something about the different patterns of the stars.

What do you observed in the picture? Allen. Correct. When we connect those stars a certain figure will be formed. ( the teacher connects the stars.) Again class look at the illustration. What figure do you see? Jan

I observed that there are seven stars that form a pattern.

Carlo. Right. Yes, its look like a kite but it is not exactly the figure that will be formed, this constellation is we called Big Dipper. Big Dipper is found in the constellation Ursa Major.

The patterns formed a figure of kite.

I have here another illustration.

How many stars do the illustration has? Rex.

The illustration has five stars.

Correct. When I connect those five stars, what figure I formed? Melvin.

When we connect the stars, a letter W will be formed.

Good observation, but that is not exactly the figure that will be formed. It is like a queen sitting on a chair, and we call this constellation, Cassiopeia the queen. Another well-known constellation is the Orion the great hunter. I will show you the picture of constellation Orion. What figure do you see? Monica. I see a man holding an archer. Right because of the figure formed they call it also as the great hunter. Another constellation is the ursa major.

What figure you see in the picture?


I see big bear.

Ursa major is also called as Big Bear. Are the star important to people?


Why it is important to us? Daniel

Because it help us in some way.

Right. What else? Joshua. Correct. Stars have different uses, first it is use to tell direction and time, it also use to predict weather and to serve as birth signs this signs are we called as zodiac signs. Who among you have known the zodiac signs? Will you give one zodiac sign you familiar with? Roberto. Right. How about you, what is your birth sign Joeanne. Thank you.

Because the stars have different uses.

One of the familiar zodiac sign is Leo.

My birth sign is Virgo.

That is only few of the zodiac sign, because we have twelve zodiac constellations they are the Aries (The Ram); Taurus (The Bull); Gemini (The Twins); Cancer (The Crab); Leo (The Lion); Virgo (The Virgin); Libra (The Balance); Scorpio (The Scorpion); Sagittarius (The Archer); Capricorn (The Goat); Aquarius (The Water carrier); and Pisces (The Fishes). C. Generalization What was the lesson that we have studied for today? Ely.

The lesson that we have studied for today is all about the patterns of stars in the night sky.

Right. Will you describe constellation, Kressel.

Good. Will you give one example of constellation? Charles. Correct. What else? CJ. Right. What are the different uses of stars? Megan.

Very good. Will you give one example of zodiac signs? Edison. Right. Another example? Mylene.

Constellations are groups of stars that form patterns in the night sky, they seem to form outlines of animals, objects, or man. One example of constellation is Ursa Major. Orion is another example of constellation. The different uses of stars are they are used to tell direction and time; they are also used to predict weather and to serve as birth signs.

One example of zodiac signs is Cancer. Another example of zodiac sign is Scorpio.


D. Application Locate the different constellation in the picture, and then trace their pattern.


Evaluation Give the name of the given picture of the different constellation.












Assignment Observe the night sky then write the name and draw the constellation you have seen.

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