Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 5 (for Ranking).docx

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4

School: Laoang Elementary School

Grade Level: 4

Teacher: Lerry John A. Giray

Learning Area: Mathematics

Time & Date: 10:00 AM, March 13, 2019

Quarter: First Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES 1. represent and explain Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction (MDAS) correctly (LC) 2. realize the importance of following rules 3. follow the MDAS rule in solving series of operation II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Performing series of two or more operations using MDAS rule. B. Materials: Textbook, PowerPoint Presentation, Computer, charts and cards C. Reference: Realistic Math Scaling Greater Heights, Noel M. Menor, et al., SIBS Publishing Company, 2015 III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity A. Daily Routine

Learners’ Activity

1. Prayer In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Before we start, please stand up for the opening holy Spirit, Amen. prayer and give thanks to the Lord. (opening prayer will be recited) 2. Cleaning Ok class, before you sit down; please pick up the The learners will pick up the pieces of paper and pieces of paper and trash trash then the class will sit down.

3. Greetings Good morning everyone! Another wonderful day! Good morning teacher! We’re fine, thank you. How are you?

4. Checking of attendance Are there any absent today? Very good!


5. Review Now before we start, can anyone recall what was Teacher, it’s all about division of whole numbers. our previous lesson?

Very well said! And what are the 3 components of Sir, the three components of division are the division? following: quotient, dividend and divisor. Perfect!

B. Preliminary Activity 1. Motivation Today we will have a game that involves everyone! Listen carefully to the instruction.

The learners will listen to the instruction

MATH RUSH (8 minutes.) Direction: The class will be divided into groups and will be asked to form a line. Several simple The learners will group themselves properly and mathematical equations will be given and each will form a line. member standing in front of the line will have to go to the board to solve the given equation. The first one to answer the equation correctly will gain a point for the group. The next member on the line will have to do the Each member will have to answer the given same on the next round, until everyone gets to equations properly and will go to the back of the solve on the board. line after answering on the board.

This activity is composed of few rounds to make sure that everybody will have a chance to solve in front and the standards for proper behavior during the activity must be reminded to the learners. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

24x8 = ? 54 ÷ 6= ? 115 – 34 = ? 305 + 22 =? 11 x 11 = ?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

24x8 = 192 54 ÷ 6= 9 115 – 34 = 81 305 + 22 =327 11 x 11 = 121

After the final round, the winner of the activity will be announced and an extra credit or plus point will be given to each members of the group. Excellent! Congratulations everyone, all you did well! Did you all have fun?

Yes teacher! It was great.

That’s great!

2. Presentation of lesson and objectives. If you notice what you did earlier in the game, you solved the equations using the four mathematical operations. And our lesson for today has something to do with the operations. Can anyone guess what our lesson is?

Very nice! Correct.

Teacher, it is the equations with different operations in it and following the MDAS rule.

Our lesson is about MDAS which stands for Multiplication Division Addition and Subtraction. Today you will be able to:   

represent and explain Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction (MDAS) correctly realize the importance of following rules follow the MDAS rule in solving series of operation

C. Activity (8 minutes) To start with, you are going to discover something about the lesson today. Kindly gather with your groupmates for we will have an activity. Each group will have a work The pupils will group themselves. sheet and I’m looking forward that everyone will participate. Once finished, discuss on who will be your group representative. Do you understand?

Group 1 Activity. Use the number cards to fill in the blanks to make the equation correct. Stick the number cards using glue or a stick tape. 1. ___ + ____ - ____ x ____ = 1 Number cards: 2, 5, 3, 2, 2. ___ x ____ ÷ ___ + ___ = 15 Number Cards: 9, 3, 8, 4 3. ___ + ___ ÷ ___ – ___= 2 Number Cards: 2, 5, 8, 7 4. ___ x ___ - ____ ÷ ___= 5 Number Cards: 2, 3, 4, 9

Group 2 Activity. Answer the simple questions inside the box to get the correct number in order to solve the expression.

Yes teacher.

Group 3 Activity Solve the following expressions with series of operations. Cut out the numbers that will correspond to the correct answer from the printed jumbled random number. Use the scissors that has been provided to you. 1. 5 + 8 ÷ 2 – 7= ? 2. 4 ÷ 1 + 8 x 2 = ? 3. 2 x 4 – 9 ÷ 3 = ? 4. 22 ÷ 2 + 3 x 8 = ?

D. Analysis Time’s up! Alright everyone, settle down. Let’s call in the representative of group 1 to present their output

Group 1


2 +5 -3 x2 =1


8 x 3 ÷ 4 + 9 = 15


5 +8 ÷2 –7 =2


2 x4 -9 ÷3 =5

Group 1 did a great job! Let’s give them a round of applause

Next, the presentative of Group 2

Group 2

Good work group 2! Let’s clap everybody.

Last but not the least, Group 3!

Group 3 1. 5 + 8 ÷ 2 – 7=

2. 4 ÷ 1 + 8 x 2 =

3. 2 x 4 – 9 ÷ 3 =

4. 22 ÷ 2 + 3 x 8 =

Everyone did great and all of you followed the instructions. E. Abstraction In solving expression using the MDAS rule, The multiplication and division operations must be solved first. After that, Addition and subtraction should proceed. Example: 8 + 14 ÷ 7 x 3 – 5 = ? Solution:

As we can see in the solution, the first thing that happened, is we divided 14 by 7 and the quotient was multiplied by 3. After that, we added the 8 to 6 which is equal to 14 and finally we subtracted 14 from 5 and the result is 9.

So the answer is 9. Di you get it?

Yes teacher!

Alright! How about you try solving it yourself. Example: 2 + 30 – 5 x 4 =? Who wants to volunteer to solve the expression?

I teacher!

So the answer is 12 Very nice! Did everybody get the same answer?

Yes teacher we did.

Generalization Do you have any questions about our lesson today? Let’s have a recap. What does MDAS stand for?

Multiplication, Division, Subtraction and Addition

Great! What does DMAS rule state?

In solving expression using the MDAS rule, The multiplication and division operations must be solved first. After that, Addition and subtraction should proceed.

F. Application Let me ask you, why do you think that we need the follow the MDAS rule in solving series of mathematical expression?

Teacher, we need to follow the MDAs rule is solving series of mathematical expression so we can avoid confusion and get the correct answer.

That’s correct! Just like in life we need to follow rules in order to avoid confusion and chaos. Rules are made to keep us safe What are the rules that you know aside from the MDAS rule? That’s correct. Very well said!

Teacher, in crossing the road, we should walk across the pedestrian lane.

Teacher, we should always be on time in coming to school.

Assessment Now to check if you really understand our lesson, we will have a short quiz. Kindly get a sheet of paper. Please observe proper behavior during the quiz. No standing and running in the room. No one can The pupils will get their paper. talk to their seatmates during the quiz.

Listen carefully to my direction Solve the following expression that shows series of operations. Follow the MDAS rule, to get the correct answer. Correct Answers: 1. 4 x 6 ÷ 3 + 8 =?

1. 4 x 6 ÷ 3 + 8 =16

2. 17 x 3 + 2 =?

2. 17 x 3 + 2 = 53

3. 5 + 8 ÷ 2 -7 =?

3. 5 + 8 ÷ 2 -7 = 2

4. 12 x 5 – 42 + 20 =?

4. 12 x 5 – 42 + 20 = 38

5. 4 ÷ 1 + 8 x 2 =?

5. 4 ÷ 1 + 8 x 2 = 20

Assignment Please have an advance study about factors and how to get the factors of a number.

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