Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 3.docx

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 668
  • Pages: 5
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: a. Interpret data presented in different kinds of bar graph b. Solve routine and non-routine problems using data presented in a single bar graph c. Draw inferences based on data presented in a single bar graph II. Subject Matter Topic: Organizing and Presenting Data in Tables and Bar Graphs Reference: PELC Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics III Materials: Visual aids, calendar, Flash Cards III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Everybody Stand! Let us pray Class my name is Gerald A. Degano your new teacher in Mathematics 3 and you can call me teacher Degano. Good morning Class. Alright before you take your seats, kindly pick up Some pieces of papers under your chairs and arrange your chairs properly. You may now take your seats. Before we start, Since I am your new teacher in Mathematics 3, I have some rules and regulations to be followed. First, RESPECT, I want you to respect me as your teacher as well as your classmate as you respect yourself. Do you understand class? Second, If someone talking here in front, you must Listen attentively And lastly, participate during class discussion. Is that clear class?

Pupils Activity (AMEN) Good morning teacher Degano, Good morning classmates, good morning.

Done teacher

Yes teacher

Yes teacher

B. Drill 1. Find twice the sum of 10 and 5? 2. What is 240 more than 22? 3. Deduct 150 from 380 4. What is the product of 12 and 50? 5. What is 335 decreased by 135? C. Review What was your last lesson class 1. 3 hours = ___minutes 2. 2 minutes= ___ seconds

Converting time measure involving seconds, minutes, hours and days

3. 1 day = ___ hour

D. Motivation (showing some pictures) Ask: How do you go to school? How long does it take you to reach the school id you walk? E. Lesson Proper

Ways of Coming to school

Number of pupils 12 10 8 6

Number of pupils

4 2 0 walk

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.




What does this graph show? What information is in the horizontal axis? Vertical axis? Which way/means of coming to school is used the most? Which way/means of coming to school is the least used? How many pupils ride a bus to school? How many pupils ride a jeep to school? How many pupils ride a tricycle to school? How many pupils walk to school? How many pupils are in this class?

Another example

August weather kinds of weather 14 12 10 8 kinds of weather

6 4 2 0 rainy

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



What does this bar graph show? Which type of weather occurred most often? Which type of weather occurred least? How many partly cloudy days were there in August? How many sunny days were there> How many days were there with no rains.

F. Group Activity I will divide you into 2. We will have a group Activity. But first, What should we do If we will have a group activity? Standards to be followed in a group activity 1. Read and follow directions carefully 2. Work quietly 3. Cooperate with your group 4. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness In your working area.

partly cloudy

Group 1. Interpret the information in the graph and answer the following question.

number of lanzones 2500


1500 number of lanzones 1000


0 2009




1. How many lanzones were harvested in 2011? 2. In which year was the greatest harvest? 3. What was the difference between the harvest in 2009 – 2013?

Group 2. Interpret the information in the graph and answer the following question.

Number of Rambotan 2500


1500 Rambotan 1000


0 2011




1. How many Rambotan were harvested in 2011? 2. In which year was the greatest harvest? 3. What was the difference between the harvest in 2011 – 2014?

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