Design Of Rotary Dryer

  • Uploaded by: nizar ahmad
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 260
  • Pages: 2
Rotary Dryer (RD) Parameter Operasi : Laju alir massa kayu (Fs) Massa jenis kayu kering Diameter partikel kayu (Dp) Berat gas panas (Fg) Temperatur gas panas masuk Temperatur gas panas keluar

= = = = =

41754.2 33.1 20 44503.1501 1021 91.35483594

kg/jam lb/ft3 mm kg/jam oC = oC =

91859.24 531.3223345 20000 97906.93022 1294.15 364.50

Beban panas rotary dryer aktual (Qaktual) True Mean Temperature Difference Diameter Rotary dryer desain Volume Kayu Rasio Volume RD/Volume kayu Volume Rotary Dryer desain Luas Penampang Rotary dryer Kecepatan alir massa gas Beban panas rotary dryer desain (Qdesain) Panjang Rotary dryer desain

= = = = = = = = = =

288710443.5 929.65 1.899745738 78.58544106 6 471.5126464 2.833091587 3173.400893 273870726.7 166.4304283

kJ/hr K m m3

273870726.7 Btu/hr

Ditentukan: Jumlah putaran rotary dryer Slope (kemiringan) rotary dryer

= =

B (konstanta tergantung dg Dp) Kecepatan alir massa kayu Time of passage Jumlah flight Tinggi flight Estimasi berat kosong RD Berat kosong RD plus material Brake horse power (bhp) dari RD

= = = = = = = =

m3 m2 lb/jam ft2 Btu/hr m

6.269160936 2775.203625 6 16651.22175 30.85236739

lb/jam kg/m3 um lb/jam K K

ft ft3 ft3 ft2

539.7064525 ft

4 r/min 0.08 ft/ft 0.035355339 2977.380596 71.07748435 2 0.158312145 684757.2898 776616.5298 169.1177528

lb/jam ft2 +/-

12.20265838 min

m lb lb bhp

126.8383146 kW

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