Declaration Of Martial Law

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 908
  • Pages: 2
Greetings citizens and allies of Dasaria, I am Brigadier Raeflyn E'Doras, commander of the Redboot Brigade, loyal and faithful Dasarian citizen and patriot, as are many of you. I'd like to first take the time to commend all of you who has fought Varana tooth and nail, never stopping to take more rest then you required, never stopping for matters of irrelevance or conflicts that you knew below you. You, who honour me with your presence. I am sure that I am not the only one to observe the recent problems that our quaint little village has been experiencing. I have served in the Brigade for a long time, nearly it's entire existence, and I have never seen our beloved town in such disarray. You cannot deny that fact. Things have changed from how we use to manage ourselves with regard to one another. I think that what I'm about to declare will give us all an opportunity to secure our Dasarian spirits, and change our village back to how it use to be. The Council is in disarray. We have tried to develop a degree of organization and efficiency, to create laws that needed to be created and to manage the town the way it needed to be managed. I can say with some truth that we have been doing that. But it is not enough, three [b]active[/b] lords sit on the council. Lord Palequine Callous, Lord Nobby Underfoot and myself. That is not enough to manage the entire town, let alone the entire nation. Changes need to be made, laws need to be amended, and with the current chaos settling on our land, we haven't the resources nor the time to make those changes with out current protocols in mind. I will not lie to any of you, I feel that a number of things need to be changed 'lest we lose control of this village hand it over to chaos’ hands. When Daris was settled, it had begun as a good and just society. A Temple of Ramman was erected, and soon following a Temple of Anu was also established. It had been the home to many a good follower, and the laws of the land and the way we had conducted ourselves was based on such morals and attitudes. This has changed. The Undead walk our streets, and I've seen the paleness in Sal’s cheeks, the suspicion and depression in the late Captain Ayloman, and now the Captain Notter. Our front lines tremble, our offensive line is all but destroyed, and even now we are recovering from a dreadful and terrible destruction of Daris. We are in a sad mess, my friends. I will get to the point, as you all are probably anticipating the decision I have made. I will begin with stating the Redboot Brigade's primary and most important, sacred objective: The protection of Daris, the safety of her citizens and the preservation of her existence. That one objective lies above laws, above our protocols, our procedures. Should any of us choose between anything at all, the maintenance of the safety of this town is top priority. It has been awhile since I have revisited that one important and crucial point, and now I have come to a decision. The Council is not fit to rule at this moment, therefore as of now the Redboot Brigade will be taking the reigns for awhile to insure a more efficient and just leadership in the interest of a just and good society. The newly created Senior Staff of the Brigade will

insure that the decisions are not for one man alone, and that opinions from different people will be offered in order to maintain an unbiased decision. The voice of the people will never be ignored, any concerns or questions are freely encouraged to be taken to myself or any member of the senior staff. We are here to serve you, and to do that we have to make sure that a few things are taken care of here. I ask for your patience and your support. Daris will change gradually, yet we will not tarry. I can tell you right now that as of now, the Undead in Daris are no longer welcome. I was told recently by a trusted comrade to visit the Crypts, and if I were to do so I would find myself alone. He speaks true, the undead that walk our streets are unearthed and disturbed Dasarian heroes and patriots who deserve their rest and peace, and to desecrate that honour is an affront to our integrity. No longer shall undeath linger in our village, if not for the sake of our honour, then for the sake of our children who cower in question and fear of these atrocities. I can guarantee that Daris will not outlaw evil altogether. I can understand that we have differences, yet we are allies against the coming tide that is Varana. We have tried hard to live together, but that isn't possible. Daris is a town of good morals rather then that of evil, and it shall remain so. It is my hope that people can understand my decisions, and that we can peacefully rebuild our defences and offences, and soon regain our feet against Varana. That is my primary concern. I bid you good night, and hope for a morning of peace and renewed focus, Signed, Brigadier Raeflyn E’doras Redboot Brigade, Daris

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