Think Piece Martial Law

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 660
  • Pages: 2
Roxanne Therese O. Delay



Prof. Aries Arugay Proclamation 1081

Many people might not even know what this proclamation is all about. Some might even say that it is just one of the man laws created by the president through presidential decrees and memorandum. Some might even confused this as a republic act. Other might not even know that this proclamation existed. Little do they know that this was the legal weapon used by Marcos in his 20 years of reign. This piece of document gave Marcos unlimited powers by assuming the power of the congress in just one stroke of his pen on September 21, 1972. Under martial law, Ferdinand Marcos used his so called “constitutional power” to wipe all his enemies, all people he consider obstacle in his ambition for the Philippines to become a new society. Even those who have treated new society as a joke were arrested. Who wouldn’t forget Ariel Ureta who made a joke on New Society’s slogan “Sa ikauunlad ng Bayan, bisikleta ang kailangan, instead of displina ang kailangan”. Many people were arrested due to treason. Almost 30,000 detainees were kept on heavily guarded military compounds Lucky were those who hadn’t received any physical torture and reunited with their families since most, if not all were tortured and killed. Many children during this time lost their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Not only did Marcos wipe all his enemies, he also took advantage to accumulate wealth. The control of large companies such as media was surrendered by their respective owners like what Geny Lopez did to Marcos in the fear of being killed. All of Marcos’ friends and families benefited a lot since these companies were given to them for them to manage while the “masa” remain suffering due to economic backlash. Poverty increased from 20% to 40% and we fell out of the list of Asia’s tiger economies. And Marcos didn’t do this all alone; he had the military on his back like Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos. Though Enrile and Ramos helped Marcos’ downfall, they don’t deserve any respect coming from the people. They are the perfect example of “trapo” who pursue their

own interest. They left Marcos side since the saw that their personal interest is in jeopardy. And we Filipinos, whose love for underdogs are undeniable even voted them into position after martial law. Fidel Ramos became a president while Enrile became a senator. And we even gave position to Ferdinand Marcos’ daughter, Imee Marcos who is now serving in the House of Representative. When will we able to convict all of them from their sins? To whom shall we blame the bombing of Plaza Miranda of 1991 which almost cost the death of Jovito Salonga and the death of Ninoy Aquino and thousands of Filipinos who fought for the country’s freedom and democracy? Not a single Marcos was put behind the bars. Almost 20 years had passed and still, justice wasn’t given. Marcos’ still live a good life, far from the life of the families that suffered under their reign. And even up to now, PCCG hasn’t been able to reclaim all the stolen wealth/illgotten wealth of the Marcos. We Filipinos never learned. Though we have history in our class for us to learn the past and never commit those mistakes again, yet we can’t help it as history almost repeat itself, now under the GMA’s administration. And we are also confused of who shall we vote in the next election. Those brilliant minds like Marcos were too ambitious and their brilliance didn’t bring anything good to our country. Likewise, we had a taste of a country under an individual who is not so bright but is love by the masa. Yet still, nothing has changed. Martial days may be gone and only remains in our memory but nothing has changed. It haunts us even up to now with the country’s economic regression, NPA, corruption etc.

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