Criteria Rubric For Assessment

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 603
  • Pages: 2
Marking Rubric for Advertising Poster Task: Design and create an advertising poster to persuade young people to make sustainable choices. You will be assessed on your ability to use persuasive techniques such as language, image choices and presentation and how these work together to create a centralised message or argument that appeals to the target audience. Marks out of 100.


Marks allocated


Very good




Overall effectiveness and presentation.


Creates a well presented and thought out advertisement incorporating various creative elements and persuasive techniques to effectively communicate a central message with a meaningful effect on the target audience.

Creates an effective advertisement utilising some elements and persuasive techniques to communicate a central message directed at the target audience.

Creates an advertisement with limited or no use of persuasive techniques and contains only a few elements for a very limited effect with no thought of target audience.

Does not meet requirements.

Use of persuasive language


Uses appropriate persuasive language that effectively communicates an overall message or argument, with some thought given to the effect on target audience. Uses relevant and appropriate imagery with relevance to the argument, assisting the

Does not meet requirements.


Uses appropriate and persuasive language in creative ways that effectively communicate an impactful overall message or argument with specific thought given to overall tone and target audience. Deliberate and selective use of relevant imagery that effectively supports the text to make a direct and powerful point.

Uses limited persuasive language with minimal effect.

Use of imagery

Creates an imaginative and innovative advertisement creatively utilising a variety of elements and persuasive techniques that purposefully communicate with each other to send a single engaging, entertaining or thoughtprovoking message that effectively persuades the target audience to take action. Imaginative and innovative use of persuasive language and language techniques to clearly present an effective message. It communicates a clear and deliberate tone with a profound effect on the specific target audience. Imaginative and innovative use of imagery that effectively compliments the text to send a powerful and convincing message

Uses basic imagery with some relevance to topic for minimal effect.

Does not meet requirements.

with direct appeal to the target audience. Engaging the target audience


Effective communication – literacy and formatting.




Creative choices directly appeal to the unique characteristics of the specific target audience to create an engaging and effective argument. Uses creative and innovative language choices for maximum effect within the chosen format. Uses correct and appropriate use of spelling and grammar. Effectively describes how they manipulated advertising conventions to create an effective persuasive text and evaluates own process and results in a clear and constructive manner.

communication of the overall message. Creative persuasive techniques are used specific to the interests and characteristics of the target audience.

Advertisement engages target audience with selective use of persuasive techniques.

Limited thought given to the effect of advertising on target audiences.

Does not meet requirements.

Uses creative language choices that work well with the chosen format and target audience. Uses correct and appropriate spelling and grammar.

Language is chosen based on format of advertisement and appeal to audience. Spells most words correctly and uses some appropriate grammar. Effectively outlines their process and choices and the intended effect on the target audience with some evaluation on effectiveness.

Limited thought put into language choices and format. Spells some familiar words incorrectly with some limited grammar.

Does not meet requirements.

Limited reflection on own techniques and process.

Does not meet requirements.

Demonstrates effective evaluation of own processes with specific reference to persuasive techniques used and their effect on audience.

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