Crisis Communication

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  • Words: 2,888
  • Pages: 5
Book before 8 January 2010

One-day connected forum and workshops 28 - 29 January 2010, Rydges World Square, Sydney

to receive your early bird discount

Crisis Communication Protecting your organisation’s image by conveying the right messages to stakeholders

Connected forum

Post-forum workshops: F r i d a y, 2 9 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0

Learn from our expert event contributors:

eBay Australia and New Zealand Make-A-Wish Australia RSPCA

Workshop A: To safeguard reputation, stop thinking about image Facilitated by: Marie Najjar, Managing Director, Public City and; Katrina de Jersey, Director, KDJ Communiqué

Plum Communication Legal.consult Cato Counsel Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office

Workshop B: Your organisation and the media during a crisis Facilitated by: Geoffrey Stackhouse, Principal Trainer, Clarity Business Solutions Pty Ltd

mX Sydney

Official Event Report

Money Magazine

Crisis Command: Strategies for Managing Corporate Crises

Ambulance Victoria EMI Music Hear client case studies from:

Hear case study driven presentations from organisations in the spotlight in 2009

Clarity Business Solutions Pty Ltd

Participate in highly interactive sessions to further your expertise in media management

Supported by:

ww w. ar kgr m .a u

M e d i a Pa r t n e r s :

Crisis Communication Protecting your organisation’s image by conveying the right messages to stakeholders When a crisis strikes, the result can be disastrous. A crisis, no matter how severe can cause irreparable damage to an organisation’s reputation. Those who emerge from the aftermath are better armed with the tools to manage further crises. A crisis communication plan that considers all concerned stakeholders and communicates with community members can turn a volatile disaster into a positive reinvention opportunity. Strategic crisis communication and management is vital in ensuring all members of the organisation are well informed and prepared for a potentially negative media or public onslaught. Immediacy is a key element of a successful news story, and continual online news updates and social media technologies have allowed news to spread rapidly and potentially cause long

lasting damage. For a crisis communication plan to be successful, these new media technologies must be used to an organisation’s advantage to diffuse the situation before it gets out of hand. This connected forum will help you to prepare for the unthinkable as you learn how to anticipate threats, communicate effectively and diffuse potentially reputation damaging situations by exploring the following areas: ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Planning for a potential crisis Sending the right messages to your audience Communicating effectively with employees during a disaster Turning a public relations nightmare into a rebranding opportunity Communicating effectively and honestly with the media

Who should attend? ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

PR Managers Crisis Communication Managers Media Managers Public Affairs Managers Public Relations Managers Corporate Relations Managers

ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Corporate Communication Managers Heads of Communication Change Organisational Managers Corporate Affairs Managers External Affairs Manager

ƒƒ Reputation Managers ƒƒ Stakeholder Engagement Managers ƒƒ Marketing Managers

P o s t - f o r u m w o r k s h o p s : F r i d a y, 2 9 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 Workshop A: To safeguard reputation, stop thinking about image

Workshop B: Your organisation and the media during a crisis

Registration: 9.00 am Workshop starts: 9.30 am Workshop ends: 12.30 pm

Registration: 1.00 pm Workshop starts: 1.30 pm Workshop ends: 4.30 pm

Facilitated by: Marie Najjar, Managing Director, Public City and; Katrina de Jersey, Director, KDJ Communiqué

Facilitated by: Geoffrey Stackhouse, Principal Trainer, Clarity Business Solutions Pty Ltd

About the workshop: Before you look out, look in. You can assume that your organisation or event regardless of its size or public profile - is going to be in crisis at some point. You probably already know what it will be! So what have you done to mitigate this risk? Just how far can you go to avoid it altogether? And if you can’t, how do you know if you’ve managed it well? And what’s with social media? Will it help or destroy your attempts at communication control? Can you control anything anyway?

About the workshop: In a crisis the golden rule is to tell the truth, tell it early and tell it often. This interactive, case study driven workshop examines a crisis from the journalists’ perspective. You will learn what the media needs from you as a crisis breaks, as well as what you can and must say. The workshop includes tools and techniques to help your spokesperson deliver a safe and effective crisis message. This workshop will be an extension of Geoffrey’s forum session.

Welcome to crisis management today.

The following issues will be discussed with interactivity and in-depth analysis:

Marie Najjar and Katrina de Jersey will share their perspective on expecting, preparing for and then managing a crisis. They will look at a mix of communication factors, both internally and externally, share case studies and provide you with some essential thinking to apply to your own organisation.

ƒƒ Communicating with your community ƒƒ Aiming your messages at your target audience ƒƒ Avoiding unwanted hostility

About your workshop leaders: Marie Najjar believes communication is at the crux of how we make sense of people and events. Passionate about PR, Marie is the founder of Public City, a member of the Public Relations Institute of Australia and the International Association of Business Communicators and she is completing her master’s degree in organisational communication. She has worked with organisations such as King Gee, Global Business Forum (including Bill Clinton), the Dalai Lama, Microsoft, Sony Computer Entertainment and Telstra Mobile. She was also the head of the Asia Pacific Global Media Office for Paris 2012 (Olympic bid), which is where she met her co-presenter, Katrina de Jersey.

About your workshop leaders: Geoffrey is the Principal Trainer at Clarity, a specialist training company working with boards and senior executives to equip them with the skills and techniques they need to face the media spotlight. He is a seasoned journalist with more than 25 years experience. Geoffrey reported on corporate Australia in publications like BRW, Company Director, The Sydney Morning Herald and many others. His practical and strategic approach to media has been honed by experience in internal corporate and public affairs roles with leading banks and financial institutions. He has also worked at director level for Hill and Knowlton and other consulting firms. Geoffrey works across Australia and throughout the region delivering media and crisis training to leading corporates as well as federal and state governments

Katrina de Jersey is the Managing Consultant at KDJ Communique. KDJ Communique specialise in large scale Games bidding, crisis communications, risk mitigation, PR and touring events. Recently KDJ Communique contributed to the successful PNG Pacific Games 2015 Bid, and project managed the Samsung Sponsor communication and activation during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games domestic Torch Relay. Katrina has also worked on the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games and Cricket Australia’s ICC Women’s World Cup Australia 2009, to name a few.

C o n n e c t e d f o r u m : T h u r s d a y, 2 8 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 8.45 Registration and refreshments 9.15 Chairperson’s opening remarks Rachael Edginton, Board Member IABC Victoria Chapter; Managing Director, PLUM Communication Planning for the crisis and dealing with the aftermath

9.30 Ensuring a crisis won’t go from bad to worse ƒƒ Preparing a crisis communication plan from scratch ƒƒ Simulating a crisis to prepare for the worst ƒƒ Informing key players of the crisis checklist James Howe, Manager Communication Projects, Ambulance Victoria 10.10 Dealing with crisis in the music industry ƒƒ Handling information leaks to the media and how to manage the situation ƒƒ Managing the snowball effect ƒƒ Understanding when to comment and when not to Valerie MacIver, National Publicity Manager, EMI Music 10.50 Morning refreshments and networking Dealing with the law during a crisis

11.10 Panel discussion: Making your organisation a liability free zone This is your chance to discuss issues of litigation and liability that can arise during a crisis. First you will hear from a public relations practitioner who has worked first hand with lawyers, then you will hear from a legal consultant who will run though some potential legal pitfalls. ƒƒ Public statements: what you can and can’t say ƒƒ Potential legal hurdles ƒƒ Working with lawyers Daniel Feiler, Head of Community and PR, eBay Australia and New Zealand; Andrew Perry, Director, Legal and Technology, Legal.consult Facilitated by: Rachael Edginton, Board Member IABC Victoria Chapter; Managing Director, PLUM Communication M a k e - A -W i s h a n d T h e C h a s e r s W a r o n E v e r y t h i n g

11.50 Getting the balance right In June 2009, ABC screened an episode of The Chaser’s War on Everything that started a national outpour of emotion when it lampooned children’s charity Make-A-Wish. The public made their position clear through talk back radio, blogs and television and even the Prime Minister gave his comments. Hundreds of media hits were recorded. In the immediate 48 hours after the episode screened, the four employees within the national communications team at Make-A-Wish along with the CEO had a delicate and crucial job of not only communicating with the media who unrelentingly put them under siege, but managing over 1000 volunteers, 40 national staff, corporate supports and hundreds of donors and wish families who all spoke out. In this session you will hear how the team managed the crisis as it unfolded; ƒƒ Communication with stakeholders: methods and messages ƒƒ Crisis strategy development on the run ƒƒ Getting the messages right ƒƒ The impact of the wish families and children ƒƒ Dealing with The Chaser supporters ƒƒ Mopping up: opinions on maximising exposure, community relations management ƒƒ Adherence with the governing bodies: Make-A-Wish America and Make-A-Wish International ƒƒ Six months on: what we would do differently next time Janita Friend, General Manager, Brand, PR and Communication, Make-A-Wish Australia

1.10 Networking lunch Meet the press

2.00 “Meet the press” panel discussion: an ethical minefield When an organisation faces meltdown due to a crisis, ethical lines can become blurred. The desire from the organisation to protect their reputation can clash with the desire of the journalist to get the scoop. This can create a potentially volatile situation where ethical boundaries are ignored and irreversible damage may be dealt to both sides. In this session you will have the opportunity to discuss the issue of ethics with prominent media figures. Come prepared with a range of questions for our expert panel who will provide you with valuable insights, opinions and perspectives.

Matthew Horan, Communication Advisor, Cato Counse Pam Walkley, Editor-in-Chief, Money Magazine; Melissa Stevens, Editor, mX Sydney Facilitated by: Rachael Edginton, Board member IABC Victoria Chapter; Managing Director, PLUM Communication Liaising with the media during a crisis

2.40 Managing the media in a crisis: the kangaroo cull of 2008 ƒƒ Reviewing the crisis ƒƒ Dealing with the fallout ƒƒ Exploring the outcomes Michael Linke, CEO, RSPCA ACT 3.20 Afternoon refreshments and networking 3.40 Putting your best foot forward: the crisis communication tango ƒƒ Selecting and briefing a spokesperson ƒƒ Sending carefully crafted messages ƒƒ Targeting and addressing the right audience ƒƒ Using traditional and new media effectively Dina Ross, Marketing and Communications Manager, Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office 4.20 Working with the media This case study driven presentation will incorporate highly interactive elements. ƒƒ Using the media to communicate with your community ƒƒ Getting the right information to the right people ƒƒ Sending the right messages to avoid backlash Geoffrey Stackhouse, Media Trainer, Clarity Business Solutions Pty Ltd 5.00 Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of connected forum

Official Event Report Crisis Command: Strategies for Managing Corporate Crises

This report provides practical and realistic advice on preparing for an organisational crisis. It is about how to take command, how to communicate and how to work as a team facing unprecedented pressure and scrutiny, particularly from stakeholders. The report incorporates words of wisdom from the frontline – where experienced practitioners offer insights into relevant areas of crisis communication. A series of case studies in relevant chapters reinforce the strategies, tactics and theory of crisis communication provided in this report. Case studies include:

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Save $300 on Ark Group’s Crisis Communication report!

Singapore Airlines (2000); Mercury Energy, Auckland (2007); Sizzler restaurants, Brisbane (2006); Domino’s Pizza (2009); Arnott‘s biscuits (1997); and Maleny v Woolworths (2006).

Standard Price: $695+ GST Delegate Price: $395+ GST For more information on this essential report or to enquire about our special delegate offer, please email [email protected] or call 1300 550 662

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Post: Send the completed registration form to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd, Main level, 83 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Crisis Communication 28 - 29 January 2010, Rydges World Square, Sydney


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o Save $100 $595 + GST = $654.50

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Group Discount When you bring a team of three, you can bring a 4th delegate for free!

o Payment enclosed (Cheques should be made payable to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd) o Please invoice me Booking conditions 1. Bookings can be submitted at any stage prior to the event, subject to availability. A limited allocation is being held and booking early is therefore recommended. In the event of the booking not being accepted by Ark Group Australia the total amount will be refunded. 2. Payment must be received in full prior to the course. 3. All speakers are correct at the time of printing, but are subject to variation without notice. 4. If the delegate cancels after the booking has been accepted, the delegate will be liable to the following cancellation charges: ƒƒ Cancellations notified over 45 days prior to the event will not incur a cancellation fee. ƒƒ In the event of a cancellation being between 45 and 30 days prior to the event, a 20% cancellation fee will be charged.

Event venue and accommodation Preferential rates are available at the Rydges World Square. Please contact the hotel directly to make your reservation, quoting ‘Ark Group Australia’ as your reference.

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ƒƒ For cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the event, the full delegate rate must be paid and no refunds will be available. All bookings submitted by e-mail, fax, or over the telephone are subject to these booking conditions. All cancellations must be received in writing. Ark Group Australia will not be held liable for circumstances beyond their control which lead to the cancellation or variation of the programme. All bookings, whether Australian or overseas will be charged Australian GST at the prevailing rate at the time of booking. Delegates are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and visa requirements.

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Can’t make the event? Connected forum CD is available! If you can’t take full advantage of this event, the connected forum CD gives you a useful record of the presentations made at the event for your reference. The CD is made available after the event at $595 plus GST. For more information contact Aimee Rootes Phone: 1300 550 662 Email: [email protected] Sponsorship or Exhibition Opportunities If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event please contact Michael Moorcraft:

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