Coming Soon - Bte Episode Direction: Season One

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Before the Egyptians The first thirteen episodes of this ground-breaking series drive home several elemental points, taking the viewer back from the time of the first pharaohs to the sudden rising of the ocean levels signalling the catastrophic end of the last Ice Age. Basically, the shows each illustrate that humans who lived in the so-called Neolithic Era were definitely not bearskin-wearing, clubwielding thugs. The dynastic pharaohs worshipped Thoth, who was their god of wisdom. He was the oldest among a pantheon of gods. He apparently collected all knowledge that was lost and had it transcribed, which was eventually delivered to the ancient city of Heliopolis - City of the Sun - by Hathor, another god, who deposited the documents in the Hall of Records. Many years later, it was written, Khufu demanded to be told the contents of the hall and summoned magi from Heliopolis, and subsequently the first of the Giza pyramids was built. New scientific discoveries suggest ancestors of modern Egyptians built neither the famous pyramids nor ancient temples along the Nile, but long-forgotten survivors of a massive global catastrophe, whose ancestors ushered in what is now known as the 'list of suddenlies' in our human record during an era called the Neolithic or New Stone Age. This is a startling revelation about the true history of mankind tracking our evolution through clues left behind by advanced civilizations before us; extinct, almost. Take a visually stunning tour around the globe making discovery after discovery which leads to the ultimate conclusion that mankind made history in times that we do not recall. Our adventure begins in Toronto. First stop: Malta. Why are we here? There are megaliths on Malta that were built here that predate the Egyptian pyramids. We are here to see even further evidence of civilizations that predate the Egyptians in underwater ruins that are located in a watery grave almost 100 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. What does this prove? Western history that we teach our children in schools is not taking a lot of this recently discovered evidence into account. It seems no one has pieced together all of the modern scientific discoveries across many disciplines. Our discoveries aren’t a single story; until now. Are there other mysteries? The elongated skulls that were found and have disappeared – all but three. The cart tracks that go down the cliffs right into the water – more evidence that water levels rose. We need to fill in the gaps and go back as far as we can. Next stop: North Africa.

Graeme Boyce

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Episode 2 – North Africa As a follow-up to the pilot in Malta (which demonstrates in other parts of the world there are huge structures requiring great skill and knowledge that exist that were built long before the Egyptian pyramids were erected, and in fact that have other oddities surrounding them), North Africa is an excellent - yet huge - location to visit next. This would likely require the team to split up to illustrate our key points: • • • •

Traditional history: Roman and Carthaginian ruins (atop more ancient blocks) Legendary history: The Canaries' Guanches were descended from Atlantis Mythological history: Creationism and The Berbers (Kabyls), as well as the Osirians* Alternative history: Pre-Desert African migrations to The Americas

We know that the Sahara used to be entirely lush and fertile throughout the entire last Ice Age. However, the region quickly began to dry out and people began to move over 14,000 years ago. It is interesting to note that when the Ice Age covered the northern hemisphere the Atlantic Ocean flowed quickly in a great circle. As evidenced by the Aboriginal arrival in Australia 50,000 years ago, trans-Atlantic crossings were quite likely in these later pre-historic times. These theories are supported by (a) the Canaries' now-extinct "blonde-haired" pyramid builders, the Guanches, (b) archaeological similarities found in Lixus to those at Sacsahuaman in South America, (c) epigraphy, via Barry Fell**, (d) climatology - and Greenland's core samples, and (e) geology. * Emigrating and bringing knowledge from the East, the Osirians, an ancient colonizing civilization pre-dated dynastic Egypt, which explains the strange megalithic remains found throughout the Mediterranean, including the Sphinx. The Nile River came out of Africa back then, as it does today, and was called the River Styx. However, instead of flowing into the Mediterranean Sea at the Nile Delta in northern Egypt, it continued into the valley, and then turned westward to flow in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Valley. It was here the river had created a large lake before flowing out between Malta and Sicily, south of Sardinia and into the Atlantic at Gibraltar (the Pillars of Hercules). A final tragic global upheaval, enabled a catastrophic change in the water levels that eventually flooded the Mediterranean Basin to its present levels, destroying the Osirian's great cities and forcing them to move to higher ground. It is an archaeological fact that there are more than 200 known sunken cities in the Mediterranean. Egyptian civilization, along with the Minoan and Mycenaean in Crete and Greece are remnants of this great culture. These civilizations long ago built huge earthquake-proof megalithic structures. Some researchers believe the famed cart tracks of Malta, which go over cliffs and under water, may well be part of some ancient Osirian tramline, possibly taking quarried stone to now submerged cities. ** Harvard professor (the late) Barry Fell believed - based on epigraphic evidence - that the Polynesians were descended from Libyans in the service of Egypt, working as sailors to Egyptian gold mines in Sumatra, and even Australia and elsewhere. He also believed that many Melanesians are the descendants of Negro slaves used as workers in the gold mines. Fell even went on to call the dialect used by the Zuni Indians of the American south-west as Maori script and maintained the Maoris may be related to the Zuni Indians and their own "Maori" language.

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Episode 3 – Akrotiri There have been many modern attempts to claim simply that the island(s) of Santorini was indeed the location of Atlantis. This theory is short-sighted, due to the fact "Atlantis" grew out of the remnants of an even more ancient civilization, commonly referred to as Lemuria, or just "Mu". Atlanteans enjoyed the benefits of their many towns, cities and seaports, and circumnavigated the world. Thus, in Episode #3 we'll jump across the Mediterranean to the Aegean Sea and look closely at the ruins of Akrotiri, and in particular at the evidence that pre-dates the Minoans and their fabulous culture. In this episode, we'll also (critically) introduce astro-archaeology, the processional cycle of 26,000 years and especially the various twelve "ages" of the Zodiac, eg Age of Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces, etc., each one approx 2160 years in length. Remaining consistent in our branded approach, we note Akrotiri is quite diverse, showing us: • • • •

Traditional history: Temple building, frescoes and Minoan bull veneration Legendary history: Atlantis, The Greeks and Plato Mythological history: Poseidon, King Minos and The Minotaur Alternative history: Edgar Cayce, ancient technology and energy crystals

We know that prior to being covered in volcanic ash, not to mention large chucks of the island being blown up and landing in the sea, Santorini was certainly inhabited by the late Neolithic era before the now-popular Minoans began to paint their lavish temples. The Minoans apparently arose during the Bronze Age (2000 BCish), and the late Neolithic people existed 2000 years prior to them - 1000 years before the Egyptians; thus in the same time frame that Malta's temples were erected. Fragmentary wall-paintings at Akrotiri, the famous Minoan frescoes, in fact depict prosperous "Saffron-Gatherers", who offer their crocus-stamens to a seated lady, perhaps a goddess; in another house two antelopes, painted with a kind of confident, flowing decorative, calligraphic line; the famous fresco of a fisherman with his double strings of fish strung by their gills; the flotilla of pleasure boats, accompanied by leaping dolphins, where ladies take their ease in the shade of light canopies. Of most importance to our own intrepid researchers, though, is the discovery of "Linear A", an undeciphered script used in ancient Crete, found on Minoan pottery at Akrotiri. Its decipherment is one of the "holy grails" of ancient scripts. A related script, Linear B, was deciphered in the 1950s by Michael Ventris as representing an ancient form of Greek. As the Minoan language itself is lost to the modern day, it is hard to be certain whether or not any given decipherment is the correct decipherment. It is clearly open to interpretation. One site that contains a large volume of ancient Linear A writings is found on Crete, at Agia Triada. It is nearby to where the (clay) Phaistos Disk was found in 1908, containing a curiously sophisticated pictographic writing. Its purpose and meaning, and even its original geographical place of manufacture, remain disputed, making it one of the most famous mysteries of history.

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Episode 4 – The Black Sea In this episode, we will ably demonstrate how our ancestors living recently in The Stone Age (notwithstanding having the expertise and technology to create and move massive blocks of granite) were actually quite advanced in metallurgy as well, despite existing millennia before the advent of iron. Today, the archaeological museum at Varna in Turkey displays a group of tombs from which were retrieved over 3,000 gold objects dating back nearly 8,000 years. They were not club-wielding thugs. Interestingly, in terms of recent history, the Bosporus Dam finally collapsed and flooded the Black Sea valley 8000 years ago, which leads to a very enlightening discussion concerning the "great" flood and Noah, for instance, not to mention his much earlier Sumerian predecessor, Utnapishtim, as contained in the inspirational Epic of Gilgamesh, who we find was the actual hero of mankind. Mixed into our particular story is, of course, ancient Troy and the Trojans of lore. Therefore, not only in the Black Sea but also on land surrounding it, we find plenty to discuss: • • • •

Traditional history: Hittites, the Anatolian plain and Catalhoyuk Legendary history: The Trojans, Aeneus and Brutus Mythological history: Dardanus, Zeus and Electra (daughter of Atlas) Alternative history: Arcadia, Poussin, and The Da Vinci Code

The phrase "Et in Arcadia ego" goes back to a 1647 painting by Nicolas Poussin, also known as "The Arcadian shepherds", where it appears as an inscription on a tomb. This phrase is said to be an anagram which, when the letters are rearranged, spells out the message "I tego arcanum dei", which in English translates loosely to "I conceal the secrets of god". This is the meaning given in Baigent and Leigh's book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", which is the main inspiration for Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code". Arcadia, the home of Dardanus, is always depicted as an idyllic paradise. As well, one of the birth-places reported for Zeus is Mount Lycaeum in Arcadia. Though it remains an active subject of hotly contested debate among archaeologists, the Mediterranean's rising waters did spill over the Bosporus Straits to form the Black Sea, and some researchers believe this accounts for the ancient Near Eastern flood stories. The date of 8000 years ago was arrived at by testing fresh water molluscs (via core-drilling) which were found in a layer under salt water molluscs. In the continuing search for evidence, the ancient shoreline of the freshwater lake has been mapped and underwater archaeological sites 12 miles off the coast of Turkey have been located. This coincides with the dates historians say Europe was settled, and the introduction of "the list of suddenlies" into the human record. Long before the arrival of Alexander The Great and his documented tribute to Achilles - and according to his contemporary Greek historians - after Troy was sacked, its vanquished king, Aeneus, had a grandson, Brutus. He became the first King of The Britons. In Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, Brutus was himself exiled from Italy for the accidental killing of his biological father Silvius. Then, while In exile, he liberated a group of Trojans living in slavery in Greece and led his people westward - eventually settling on the island of Albion. This name is from the Proto-Indo-European root that denotes both "white" and "mountain", but the Romans took it as connected with albus (white), in reference to the chalk-white cliffs of Dover.

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Episode 5 – Great Britain Turkey and Brutus segues nicely into Great Britain. There is certainly quite a lot to look at and talk about in this vicinity of the world... from Skara Brae in the north to Stonehenge in the south, from The Isle of Man to the Mists of Avalon; not to mention Roslyn and the ancient globe-trotting jarls of Norway. Obviously, there is a lot of speculation concerning Britain's recent (since the retreat of the glaciers) origins and history. In this episode, we will introduce (sacred) geometry and the correlation between the various henges and the pyramids at Giza, as well as the megalithic yard and the intriguing leylines connecting Britain and Europe with Greece and Israel. As you might expect, the true history of Great Britain also compellingly intertwines England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. • • • •

Traditional history: Henge builders, sky watchers and remote coastal dwellers Legendary history: Grooved Ware people, their pottery and hallucigenens Mythological history: Genesis, giants and Land's End Alternative history: Manu, and Atlantis of the West

As BBC commentators constantly remind us, before the Romans landed 'Britain' was just a geographical entity and had no political meaning and no single cultural identity. The BBC would also have us believe that prior to the Romans, the land was inhabited by small tribes of no consequence. After all, people have been living on the islands since the lower Palaeolithic period, beginning nearly 750,000 years ago with Homo Erectus, and they all eventually came and went. The most recent glaciers covered Britain in fact. Then 8,500 years ago, the rising sea levels caused by their rapid melting separated Britain from continental Europe for the last time. Based on new discoveries, the Neolithic cave-dwelling inhabitants of Britain were highly mobile, roaming over wide distances and carrying 'toolkits' of flint blades with them rather than heavy, unworked flint nodules or improvising tools extemporaneously. Farming of both crops and domestic animals was adopted in Britain around 6,500 years ago. However, Stonehenge was an astrological observatory originally positioned ten thousand years ago, when two large wooden poles were first erected, and aligned east-west, that acted as equinox-sighting markers. When Skara Brae and Stonehenge, among others, were abandoned in 2655BC, the town of Giza in Egypt was founded - and the Great Pyramid was begun several years later in 2638BC. At Skara Brae the dwellings contain a number of stone-built pieces of furniture, including cupboards, dressers, seats, and box beds. A sophisticated drainage system was even incorporated into the village's design, one that may have included a primitive form of toilet in each dwelling. They also used Grooved Ware pots, but did not leave behind evidence of either metal or weapons, neither did they employ wood nor mortar in their construction. By all accounts, this points to a highly civilized society. Grooved Ware pots excavated at Balfarg in Fife have been chemically analysed to determine their contents. It appears that some of the vessels there may have been used to hold black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) which is a poison but also a powerful hallucinogen. This discovery is briefly explored by the Internet Archaeology Journal of the Council for British Archaeology in the article 'The use of henbane as a hallucinogen at Neolithic 'ritual' sites: a re-evaluation.'

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Episode 6 – Sumer No discussion about our collective ancient history would be complete without a mention of Sumer, Mesopotamia and of course the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - and their importance related to the evolution of our modern civilization today ... being our cradle. Abraham, the bible's own patriarch came from Ur - a fabled Sumerian city. From this fertile crescent, although not preceding the Egyptians, there are also the Hanging Gardens of Babylon - as well as the Tower of Babel - and Hammurabi's Code of Laws to consider and discuss... but most importantly the now-translated tablets found at Nippur and their vivid descriptions of Enki, Enlil and the Anunnaki. This is the sixth episode, and near the middle of our first season, and rests at the fulcrum of our programming - and at a crossroads too. It would be hard not to involve the ancient Iraqis' traditional contributions, given the previously mentioned "list of suddenlies" into the human record, in our series; and this episode will deliver quite an astounding punch, as we'll introduce a compelling alien intervention theory, while also visiting various museums to understand the complexity of the issue. • • • •

Traditional history: Agriculture, Engineering and The Bronze Age Legendary history: Religion, Literature and Gilgamesh Mythological history: Enki, Enlil and The Tablets Alternative history: Anunnaki, Nibiru and Zechariah Sitchin

According to archaeologists, the advent of civilization in Sumer is associated with the beginning of the Bronze Age, which quickly spread to Egypt, Europe, and Asia. Over 5,000 years ago Sumer's Neolithic farmers were apparently feeding an army of metal workers who had discovered bronze by adding tin to their copper (which had been extracted from oxide ores), resulting in sharper cutting edges. Sumer's actual history is one continual strife and despite the advanced nature of their culture, their various city-states were first conquered by Sargon of Akkad, and then by Babylon's Hammurabi. Copper itself predates ancient Egypt by several millennia, and it is now known that the growing Sumerian civilization along the Euphrates utilized well-developed copper smelting techniques. The earliest known artefacts made from smelted metal were copper, and excavations at Catal Huyuk near Konya in Southern Anatolia, have yielded slags derived from the smelting of copper that have been dated to as early as 7,000 BC. This is all "normal" and only mildly debateable compared to Zechariah Sitchin and his theories about Nibiru, the alleged 12th planet - the subject of an extensive line of his own very popular books. In a nutshell, there is another planet that circles the Sun every 3600 years, and thus occasionally comes into contact with Earth. The people from this particular planet need gold, and long ago decided to (create and) utilize humans to mine and refine it for them. All of this is documented in the clay tablets found at Nippur. There are a hundred thousand tablets and, after translating them, Sitchin says the Anunnaki also built spaceports and were aware of the impending deluge that occurred 13,000 years ago. In fact, one of these aliens (Enki) informed a fellow named Ziusudra to build a submersible ship. This is all history - as it is written down - and not myth. After surviving the deluge, Enlil gives mankind seeds and tools, among other things, and Enki offers domesticated animals ... beginning the "list of suddenlies" that appear in the human record.

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Episode 7 – The Indus Valley Continuing the colourful argument as to who influenced who, in the realm of diffusionism we need to explore not only within India but the entire sub-continent, and especially the ancient Vedic and Jain writings before examining the complex history of the Indus river system - and the Harrapans specifically. Wonderfully, the Indus passes through two aggressively competing countries, India and Pakistan, who are both attempting to claim the honour of truly cradling civilization today. Of the 1400 ancient sites discovered in northern India and Pakistan, nearly 80% are located on the vast plain between the Indus and Ganges rivers. • • • •

Traditional history: Vedas, Hindus and The Aryans Legendary history: Taxila, Music, Art and Poetry Mythological history: Time, Creation and Brahma Alternative history: Vimanas, Astrology and The Ramans

The Vedas and their civilization flourished along the river Saraswati, in a region that now consists of the modern Indian states of Haryana and Punjab. Their ancient texts have astronomical dates that recent scholars claim go back to the 5th millennium BC. We'll examine Dholavira on the Indian side of the border, and its more famous cousins in Pakistan, Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa, to understand more completely the passages contained in the Rig Veda, the world's oldest literary record, which explains their valuable contributions, among its millions of pages of script. These cities had large and complex hill citadels, housing palaces, granaries, and baths that were probably used for sacred ablutions; the great bath at Mohenjo-Daro was 40 ft long and 23 ft wide. Beyond the citadels were well-planned towns, laid out in rectangular patterns. Houses, often two-storied and spacious, lined the town streets; they had drainage systems that led into brick-lined sewers. The arts flourished, and many objects of copper, bronze, and pottery, including a large collection of terra-cotta toys, have been uncovered. Most notable, however, are the steatite seals, exquisitely engraved with animal figures and often bearing a line of pictographic script. On some seals are depicted a bo tree or, as some researchers suggest, a Babylonian tree of life. The writing, still a riddle to archaeologists, has yet to be satisfactorily deciphered; yet the language appears to be structurally related to the Dravidian languages. The origin, rise, and decline of the Indus valley civilization remains a mystery. It is complicated by the Dravidian race. Dravidian refers to the peoples of southern and central India and Sri Lanka who speak Dravidian languages, the best known of which is Tamil. Notably one Dravidian language, Brahui, is spoken in Pakistan, perhaps hinting at the language family's wider distribution prior to the spread of the Indo-Aryan languages. Graham Hancock, who has always maintained there once was a lost civilization "destroyed in the cataclysmic global floods that brought the last Ice Age to an end." In his book Underworld, he went to great pains to explore the lands of the Tamil - and those underwater, where he found evidence of very ancient structures offshore, indicating these people existed long before either the Vedas or Aryans.

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Episode 8 – Indonesia One of the interesting theories about the rapid meltdown of the glaciers involves Indonesia - and an absolutely massive volcanic explosion that deposited a layer of soot across the ice surface, effectively trapping the heat from the sun, as well as suffocating many animal species overnight while also killing off plant life. This catastrophic event could have been precipitated by a tectonic shifting of the crust, and a shifting of the poles, or an impact event. According to anthropologists, and various other scientists and scholars today, the Sunda Shelf was once a continent. Adding to their dry observations are the various researchers and theorists who speculate that a civilization evolved on the shelf - but, when the shelf collapsed long ago, was eventually submerged and lost. In the wake of recent events, geologists are clearly supporting catastrophe theories as a way to explain migrating populations across the Pacific over time. • • • •

Traditional history: Phoenicians, Egyptians and Barry Fell Legendary history: Lemuria, Atlantis and 2012 Mythological history: Cosmology, Seven Heavens and Two Birds Alternative history: The Aroi, Shangri La and The White Brotherhood

According to modern explorer and author David Hatcher Childress, the continent of Mu was lost forever over 26,000 years ago during a pole shift, and a racial mixture later repopulated the Pacific - coming from Rama, China, Africa and the Americas. Thereafter an advanced island nation, with much larger land areas to cultivate than are currently in the Pacific, grew up and evolved further (see to become known as Poseid, or Atlantis. Legends abound across Polynesia that actually attribute this civilization to the mysterious Aroi Kingdom that existed many thousands of years before the later western European “discovery” of the Pacific islands, and was they who built the megalithic pyramids, platforms, arches, roads and statues throughout the Pacific, such as those at the base of newer temples on Easter Island. Significantly, it was claimed by the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu that the Elders of Lemuria, also known as the Thirteenth School of Mu, moved their headquarters prior to the cataclysm to the uninhabited plateau of Central Asia that we now call Tibet. Here they supposedly established a library and school known as The Great White Brotherhood. Lao Tzu, born in 604 B.C., talked frequently of Ancient Masters and their profound wisdom. When he finally left China near the close of his very long life, he journeyed to the west to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu, the headquarters of the Ancient Ones; indeed the Great White Brotherhood and the Thirteenth School of Mu. Ancient China, known as Han China, is said to have come, like all civilizations, from the Pacific continent Mu. The ancient Chinese are known for the sky-chariots, geomancy, and the jade manufacture that they shared with the Mayas. (Indeed, the ancient histories of the Chinese and the Mayas seem indelibly linked.) The ancient Chinese are often said to be the originators of every invention from toilet paper, earthquake detectors, paper money, cannons, rocket technology, printing methods, and thousands of other clever and high-tech items. In 1959, archaeologists in China discovered belt buckles made thousands of years ago out of aluminium. Aluminium is generally processed from bauxite with electricity!

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As in Mu and Atlantis, ancient construction in South America was also on megalithic scale where innovative polygonal stone-shaping techniques were designed and used to make their massive walls earthquake-proof.

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Episode 9 – Japan One of the more contentious discoveries in recent years is found underwater at Yonaguni, where an ancient temple was located a decade ago offshore by divers that - if artificial - could only have been built prior to the rise of ocean levels! Supporting this hotly debated discovery and theory has been the other apparently man-made ruins also found off the Ryukyu Islands between Japan and Taiwan, the largest of which is Okinawa. Respected shamans on these islands still talk about their ancestors and the lost continent of Mu. In Japanese, the word mu means, that which does not exist or no longer exists, just as it does in Korean. These sunken structures cover the ocean bottom (although not continuously) from the small island of Yonaguni in the southwest to Okinawa and its neighbouring islands, Kerama and Aguni, some 311 miles. The locations vary at depths from 100 to only 20 feet, but are all stylistically linked, despite the great variety of their architectural details. They comprise paved streets and crossroads, huge altar-like formations, grand staircases leading to broad plazas and processional ways surmounted by pairs of towering features resembling pylons. • • • •

Traditional history: The Anui, Samurai and Shoguns Legendary history: Jimmu, Temmu and Kamu Mythological history: Kojiki, The Nihongi and Kami Alternative history: The Pure Land, Mount Fuji and the Seven Generations of the Age of The Gods

On land, there are gusukus that are remains of ancient castles that dot the islands. The underwater structures resemble ancient buildings on Okinawa itself, such as Nakagusuku Castle, dated to the early centuries of the first millennium BC, although its identity as a religious site is older still. Its builders and their culture remain unknown today. Okinawa's oldest sacred buildings are found near Noro, where burial vaults designed in the same rectilinear style are still venerated as repositories for the islanders' ancestral dead. Very remarkably, the Okinawan term for these vaults is moai, the same word that Polynesians of Easter Island, more than 6,000 miles away, used to describe their famous, large-headed and long-eared statues dedicated to their ancestors! Some of the sunken features bear even closer comparison to heiau found in the distant Hawaiian Islands. These are linear temples of long stone ramparts leading to great staircases surmounted by broad plazas, where wooden shrines and carved idols were placed. Many heiau still exist and continue to be venerated by native Hawaiians. In terms of construction, the Okinawan examples comprise enormous, single blocks, while the heiau are made up of far more numerous, smaller stones. They were first built, according to Hawaiian tradition, by the Menehune, a red-haired race of master masons who occupied the islands long before the arrival of the Polynesians. Okinawa's drowned structures find possible counterparts at the eastern limits of the Pacific Ocean, along Peruvian coasts. The most striking similarities occur at ancient Pachacamac, a sprawling religious city a few miles south of the modern capital at Lima. Although functioning into Inca times, as late as the sixteenth century, it pre-dated the Incas by at least 1,500 years and was the seat of South America's foremost oracle. A provocative architectural theme linking South America to Japan through Polynesia and suggesting a lost intermediary culture is the sacred gate. Tiahuanaco, for instance, has two massive ritual gates. On the Polynesian island of Tonga stands the Burden of Maui, a 15-foot-high stone gate weighing some 109 tons and aligned with sunrise of the summer solstice. Japan is covered by many thousands of such gates, most of them wooden, but all used to define a sacred space, known as

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Torii. This word appears in proto Indo-European languages and still survives in the German word for gate: Tor.

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Episode 10 – Tiahuanacu It is this remote region, high up in the Andes, aside Lake Titicaca, yet at 13,000 feet, we will find a very plausible explanation with respect to the rapid meltdown of the recent Ice Age. A calendar is found intricately carved into The Gate of the Sun that indicates the ancient and advanced people who built this megalithic structure in fact lived on an Earth that spun around the Sun once every 290 days, not 365, and had not yet enjoyed the company of our present moon, which at that time was still a planet, called Luna, but in fact another celestial object much closer and rotating more quickly. At this time in antiquity, Tiahuanacan scientists certainly knew, for instance, the earth was a globe that rotated on its axis (not that the sun moved over a flat earth), because they calculated exactly the times of eclipses not visible at Tiahuanaco but in fact visible in the opposite hemisphere. Unfortunately, as the new moon approached, eventually settling into its own orbit, the aforementioned satellite simply disintegrated and smashed into Earth with naturally disastrous consequences for this mysterious culture and their so-called prehistoric civilization, and any other in fact. • • • •

Traditional history: Paleo-Indians crossed the Bering Bridge built the structures Legendary history: Viracocha arrived upon the area after a cataclysm Mythological history: Atlantis, The Flood and Extinction-level events Alternative history: Arthur Posnansky, Carvings and the Cuvieronius

The theory of a falling moon has recently been substantiated by Dr. John O'Keefe, a scientist at the Coddard Laboratory for Astronomy in Maryland. Dr. O'Keefe claims that the fragments of a moon's collision formed a ring around our planet that could have kept the sun's rays from penetrating to earth, thus causing world-wide decline of temperatures, until eventually impacting individually as tektites. Survivors arrived to settle one day. Known by other names including Kon Tiki and Tunupa, Viracocha was said to have been a bearded, blue-eyed, white man of large stature. A teacher and a healer, a miracle worker and an astronomer, he is also credited with introducing agriculture, writing, and metallurgy, while bringing civilization and peace wherever he went. Tiahuanacu is a very ancient ruined city. In the area known as Puma Punka, enormous stone blocks weighing between 100 and 150 tons now lie scattered. One of the construction blocks from which the pier was fashioned weighs an estimated 440 tons. It is a site that lay in ruins when the first Incans came upon it. Arthur Posnansky of the University of La Paz, Bolivia excavated Tiahuanacu extensively between 1900 and 1940. He made a careful study of the principal alignments of the site and, after applying the accepted astronomical formula for calculating regular slow changes in the earth's obliquity, concluded that the megalithic corner-stones of the Kalasasaya enclosure were originally set up to mark the points of sunrise and sunset on the winter and summer solstices as far back as 17,000 years ago. Such a date would explain the depiction of cuvieronius and toxodons - extinct for 12,000 years. Some scientists theorize that the area of Lake Titicaca was at one time at sea level because of the profusion of fossilized marine life that can be found in the region, adding the area was lifted with the Andean upheaval and a basin created which filled in to form the lake. No many has suggested the marine life might have been brought to the altiplano by sea waters at flood stage. If a flourishing civilization existed on the Peruvian altiplano many thousands of years ago and was Graeme Boyce

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indeed reached by flood waters, many problems would be solved, such as the existence of Tiahuanacu's ruins under 6 feet of earth, the presence of stone structures under the lake's waters and the existence of marine life at an impossible altitude.

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Episode 11 – Mexico The Mayan civilization is an obvious target when contemplating the historical significance of this region, while requiring us realistically to extend the show into Belize, Guatemala and Honduras to examine several other important structures located throughout Central America. More importantly, we will examine the Moctezuma and his revenge - and, a cornerstone in our on-going search, the Mayan Calendar that utilizes the Long Count - and its implications - minimally. Furthermore, we will look at the Olmecs. Well, not in the traditional sense, but take a look at who they might have been... relative to our earlier segment on North Africa. Notwithstanding, these queries, we'll puzzle ourselves with the nagging question of jade - why was it so precious to the Shang Dynasty? In terms of one country, other than Egypt, that really needs help defining itself in terms of an incredibly rich but misunderstood history, it's Mexico. Keep in mind, it was here that the slate was wiped clean 65 million years ago when an asteroid upon impact created the Gulf of Mexico and snuffed the dinosaurs. • • • •

Traditional history: Pagans, Magicians and The Spaniards Legendary history: Quetzalcóatl, Kukulkán and The Popol Vul Mythological history: Jade, Prophecy and The Crystal Skull Alternative history: Astronomy, Olmecs and The Long Count

The most famous and most tested crystal skull in the Americas is the skull previously owned by Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges. This skull is thought to be over 100,000 years old. This figure (100,000) was given by a Mayan priest, who said that the skull could talk. The Mayan said that it was a healing skull and thought to have come from Lubaantan, Belize. These skulls are mentioned in the Popol Vul. The legend says that there were originally thirteen life-size human skulls of solid crystal with movable jaws that were said to speak and sing. There are thirteen Mayan gods of the upper world. These skulls held the greatest mysteries of life and the universe. Apparently, they told the past history of this planet and the evolution of mankind. The legend says that at a time of great crisis, for humanity, that the skulls will be rediscovered and brought back together to reveal their knowledge. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 24, 2012. It uses three different dating systems in parallel, the Long Count, the Tzolkin, and the Haab. Of these, only the Haab (civil calendar) has a direct relationship to the length of the year. Although they are not part of the Long Count, the Mayan priests had names for larger time spans: • • • •

1 pictun = 20 baktun = 2,880,000 days = approx. 7885 years 1 calabtun = 20 pictun = 57,600,000 days = approx. 158,000 years 1 kinchiltun = 20 calabtun = 1,152,000,000 days = approx. 3 million years 1 alautun = 20 kinchiltun = 23,040,000,000 days = approx. 63 million years

The alautun is probably the longest named period in any calendar. After all, even a cycle of catur yugas lasts for only 12,000 deva years or 4,320,000 human years.

Graeme Boyce

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Episode 12 – Polynesia Across its thousands of miles of open sea, the South Pacific - in particular the islands of Polynesia - presents some real quandaries for the average archaeologist today. Archaeologists will typically point out that prior to the rise of the Pharaohs 5000 years ago, man lived in caves and given his condition could not have possibly sailed the ocean blue before Columbus. Although our team has rounded the final corner of our first season, and are into the home stretch, Polynesia represents the icing on the cake. Here we will hear the vivid stories of both creation and the deluge, and see the mysteries of history unfold one by one. The islands of Polynesia are contained in a rough triangle whose points lie in Hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island. Samoa, Tonga, Marquesas and French Polynesia are the other main island groups located within the massive Polynesian triangle. In addition to examples found from ancient Egypt, India and South America, here we find yet more references to ... early flight! In fact local legends support the Nepalese Yavanas talk of a fair skinned people who arrived from the west aboard "shining boats" that "flew above the sea". Other island groups of the Pacific have similar legends of "flying canoes" that bring people from afar. • • • •

Traditional history: Koreans, Chinese and wind-blown fishers Legendary history: Sunda, Diffusion and The Phoenicians Mythological history: The Old Spider, Snail and Papa Alternative history: Lemuria, Catastrophe and Thor Heyerdahl

Spanning the Pacific, ancient Polynesians believed "genesis" was the work of an omniscient creator who brought matter into existence, gave form to the formless and set all in an established order. The two elements became an earth mother and a sky father. Accordingly, they were the progenitors of the gods, the elements, the land and all living things. Those first born to this primal pair played an active part in creation, by separating their parents, raising the sky and creating lands, plants and man. The names and attributes of these gods were known throughout all of Polynesia long before Captain Cook arrived in his leaky sailing ships. Recent digs indicate that Homo Sapiens reached New Guinea as early as 50,000 BC. After the Ice Age melted, newcomers mixed with black-skinned Papuan-speaking aborigines to give rise to the Melanesian people that later spread eastward toward the modern Fiji Islands. A particularly advanced group of seafaring Austronesians, recognised by their pottery of "Lapita" style, continued their expansion to further populate Polynesia in the east and Micronesia in the north. In 1947, Thor Heyerdahl and five companions left Callio, Peru and crossed 8000 km (4300 miles) in 101 days to reach Polynesia (Raroia atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago). Despite scepticism, the seaworthiness of the aboriginal raft was thus proven and showed ancient Peruvians could have reached Polynesia in this manner. In the mid-50s, leading an expedition to Easter Island, the team's excavations indicated that the ancient stone carvings on the Island (not the famed heads) were similar to those in Peru. The elder Easter Islanders concurred and claimed that according to their legends, their ancestors had originally arrived from the far away lands to the East. Rongorongo, the hieroglyphic script of Easter Island, has remained a mystery since its discovery. For over a hundred years, controversy has raged over the meaning and source of these enigmatic characters. Some researchers are convinced that the tablets represented a vestige of the once magnificent library of the lost continent of Lemuria. Quite seriously, the investigation continues - notwithstanding Kevin Costner's film called Rapa Nui.

Graeme Boyce

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Episode 13 – Cuba In 2002 I visited a Canadian company in Cuba operating from Havana called Advanced Digital Communications (ADC) who were/are searching for sunken galleons. A year earlier, however, they announced they had located a city underwater, Atlantis they speculated, on the sea bottom. To this day, the debate rages. After all, the ruins were located at a depth of nearly 2000 feet, and the oceans only rose a maximum of 600 feet 12,000 years ago - so if it is a city, then it is a very old city indeed. • • • •

Traditional history: The Taino, Columbus and genocide Legendary history: Isle of Youth, petroglyphs and buried treasure Mythological history: Deminán Caracaracol, a female turtle and the twins Alternative history: Bahamas, Charles Berlitz and Crystals

In September 1972 American oceanic explorer J. Manson Valentine, flying over the Bahamas in a light aircraft with and his associate Jim Richardson, noticed a mass of rectilinear and curvilinear features in shallow waters on the south-western edge of the former Bahaman landmass (now the Great Bahama Bank). They faced out across the Old Bahama Channel, like some kind of ancient port serving the Cuban mainland, they reported. As early as the 1950s light-aircraft pilots reported seeing what they described as underwater 'stonework' which was 'well within Cuban waters'. Similar sightings 'north of Cuba' of an alleged 'submerged building complex covering over ten acres' might even convince the Cuban government that a veritable city awaited discovery in its vigorously defended waters. Among those who also felt they had glimpsed the remains of a lost citadel in Cuban waters was Leicester Hemingway, brother of the writer Ernest Hemingway. During a flight into the country, Leicester noticed, beyond its northern coast, 'an expanse of stone ruins, several acres in area and apparently white, as if they were marble'. The exact location of these underwater features remains unclear. In Andrew Collins' book Gateway To Atlantis, he proposed that the mechanism behind Atlantis' destruction was a comet impact which devastated the eastern Atlantic coast of America, causing literally 500,000 elliptical craters, known today as the Carolina Bays, sometime around 8500 BC (+/- 500 years). Fragments of the comet falling in the Western Atlantic basin, north of the Bahamas, would have created tsunami tidal-waves perhaps hundreds of metres high. Myths and legends told by the indigenous peoples of the Bahaman and Caribbean archipelagos, when the Spanish first reached the New World, spoke of just such a cataclysm. The old Taino language name for Turtle Island was once called Amikekia (The People's Island Land of the Great Lord). Today they call it America. He who made the sun and the moon warned the Tainos to watch out for the dead. (In the daytime the dead hid themselves and ate guavas, but at night they went out for a stroll and challenged the living. Dead men offered duels and dead women, love. In the duels they vanished at will; and at the climax of love the lover found himself with nothing in his arms.) Before accepting a duel with a man or lying down with a woman, one should feel the belly with one's hand, because the dead have no navels. The lord of the sky warned the Tainos to watch out even more for people with clothes on. Chief Caicihu fasted for a week and was worthy of his words. "Brief shall be the enjoyment of life," announced the invisible one, he who has a mother but no beginning. "Men wearing clothes shall come, dominate, and kill." A recent book called "Atlanticu" (The Origin of El Tajin) is based upon Mesoamerican Amerindian legends and the origins of the advanced forms of Central American

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ancient civilizations that came from, according to oral history, a race of tall white people from an island to the east which sank in a cataclysmic earthquake.

Graeme Boyce

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