Coming Soon: Bimini Treatment & Malta Pilot (episode #1)

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Civilized Productions “Before the Egyptians” The purpose of this document is to illustrate the benefits of producing a television program called Before The Egyptians. Each weekly show will be one hour in length and feature a team of travelers who visit and showcase a new destination. The content of each show will surround four major topics of discussion and reach a conclusion as to the importance of the site in world history. There will always be a man-made stone structure drawing the team to each carefully selected site, and theories presented regarding who may have in fact erected it. Once on location, the team will firstly examine the site, from above and in 3D, and discuss the surrounding geographic elements; they’ll explain its recent historical background according to local experts, while also exploring myths and legends that connect even more ancient civilizations and then personally investigate the site physically. Each teammember, a unique personality, will offer substantiated opinion throughout the show as to why the location is considered key to understanding the migration of human civilizations before the Egyptians. The team will consist four multi-racial hosts, who will be able to easily trek through jungles, climb large hills and scuba dive around the world, as well as interact with each other (over the course of five seasons) and with the camera. They will be educated and communicate ideas effectively, and rationalize the respected opinions of others, while remaining constantly focussed on the mission: to prove western history books are simply wrong, that in fact there were many civilizations that preceded the Egyptians and who evolved rather quickly after the rapid melting of the last Ice Age between seventeen and ten thousand years ago. The show will address and describe the incredible list of post-Flood “suddenlies”, while also weighing sceptical perspectives and commonly held assumptions among new researchers and writers currently.

- Treatment Sample Show Title:

The Bimini Road.

Show Intro: A scholarly man – perhaps an archaeologist – is seen sitting comfortably in a high-backed chair with a fireplace and fire roaring in the background and an old notebook upon his lap, speaking in an English accent and with an “I remember when” manner and dressed accordingly – perhaps a country squire – to introduce each show’s subject. He speaks to the camera in a compelling yet animated tone, authoritative yet lively, aristocratic yet approachable. OM: I’ve sent the team this week to the Bahamas. They’re there to visit the Bimini Wall, which was discovered only a few short decades ago by an old colleague. Of course, he had to be guided there by Bonefish Sam, a local diver. Cut to: reefs.

Speaking into headsets while flying in a small seaplane, circling the islands and

AB: We’re over The Bimini Road in The Bahamas, a chain of islands formed over 65 million years a ago when an asteroid crashed about 100 miles that way, not only wiping out the dinosaurs when the dust settled but also creating this huge basin – the Caribbean Sea – that filled quickly with water and now surrounded by volcanic islands, some still very active today. DE: Did you know Ponce de Leon was looking for Bemene, his fabled fountain of youth? He was. But did you know they’ve indeed found a well here that supposedly helps arthritics? The water contains lithium and sulphur, known for their healing properties, and legend has it that Atlantis was located in this same area. 57 Kingston Road, Toronto, Canada M4C 1S5

FG: Speaking of water, when the oceans rose over 10,000 years ago, many cities were flooded and simply disappeared, in fact only recently – since the invention of Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, or SCUBA – are they now starting to be discovered. Many people certainly believe there was a city here and the so-called road we are about to visit is proof, they say. But others say the blocks of stone were carved by the waves, natural formations called beach rock by geologists. LM: While we’re here we should also check out the fish the carved into rock on one of the islands and is only visible from the air. Pilot: North Bimini is 110 degrees west of the Great Pyramid and shares this longitude with Quito, the former northern capital of the Inca Empire. So this is certainly an interesting location. According to Rand Flem-Ath, who has written excellent books on this subject, prior to the last displacement when the North Pole was situated at 60N 83W in the Hudson Bay, North Bimini was located at PHI distance between the equator and pole. Because North Bimini is linked to both the Giza Prime Meridian and because it, like Rosslyn Chapel today, was formerly located at PHI (considered a sacred latitude), he believes that this site could easily turn out to be connected with the survivors of Atlantis. Which, he cautions, is not the same as saying that North Bimini was part of Atlantis. Cut to: The team is whisked aboard a boat and skims quickly to their dive location where they descend and swim over the rock formations. Cut to: Now the team is watching their earlier dive at the local watering hole and commenting on the video images. AB: In the early 90s the Law of One Research Corporation conducted very extensive studies of this area after Dr Zink and Dr Edgerton completed a study in the 70s. This was called Project Alta and, according to William Donato, the side-scan returns revealed tall spires rising from the ocean floor, a hexagonal feature, an area with multiple right-angled features in association with two concentric circles and parallel lines, a number of rectangles, and a triangular sound shadow about 150 feet in extent in deep water. DE: The GAEA Project followed a few months later, with a longer duration side-scan and equally evocative results. Taken separately each would indicate that something is there, but taken together the evidence is far more persuasive especially when we consider that it is the same types of features (right-angled shapes, parallel lines, etc.) that keep showing up. FG: Significantly, the features that are not recent - sunken ships, airplanes, cars, and even more unusual items - very strongly resemble architectural remains. This is exactly what we would expect to find in an area rocked by a seismic upheaval and then covered by the sea. Most small artefacts would have been washed away. Consider what would remain of our civilization if a glacier covered all of North America or if Hawaii should experience a volcanic disaster such as that which occurred at Krakatoa! LM: The Sea level worldwide before the last melting of the glaciers at the end of the Pleistocene was at least 320 feet lower than it is today – part of the premise of the movie Water World was what might happen if all of the glaciers and the ice cap melted. This is a conservative estimate, with some scientists claiming a number more like 600 feet. The importance of finding ruins at greater depths is that they must be much older than those at shallower depths. Boat Captain: Looking for the remnants of a civilization that perished nearly 12,000 years ago in one of the greatest catastrophes of legend or history presents special challenges. Looking for it underwater and in mangrove swamps makes the search both difficult and dangerous. 57 Kingston Road, Toronto, Canada M4C 1S5

Background: Aaron Du Val, president of the Miami-based Egyptology Society, over a decade ago announced that a team of underwater explorers has found the ruins of 12,000-year-old temples off the coast of Bimini. Du Val claimed the structures bear markings and architectural specifications that match well-known megaliths in Egypt, South America and other parts of the world. The noted similarities to Egyptian ruins included distinctive quarry marks on the rocks and the same geometric angles present in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Other markings were said to match the Altamira cave paintings of Spain. To make his claims even more fantastic, Du Val said the Bimini ruins contained "exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors." In the initial press release, dated July 6, 1997, Du Val made no specific reference to Atlantis. Later, in an interview conducted by a new age organization called New Heaven New Earth, he stopped short of claiming that these ruins were evidence of the legendary sunken city, although he seemed to relish the possibility. "Atlantis is a pretty touchy subject," Du Val said. "Maybe this will be the trigger to bring more people forth to explore ideas that have been taboo in the past. Megalithic structures are not supposed to be in the Bahamas. These are closer to what you would find at Giza than what you would find in Mexico or Peru, which is very strange. People are saying unbelievable things like it could force the re-interpretation of the course of human history." Du Val was quick to agree when the interviewer noted how his announcement seemed to fulfill the predictions of alleged prophet Edgar Cayce, one of the top Atlantis advocates of all time. "This discovery fits right with his predictions," Du Val said. "Now we are not saying it is Atlantis, but it sure is strange how these findings not only match Cayce's predictions but Plato's writings as well, even to the metal-coated walls." In fact, Cayce actually prophesied -- among other things -- that Atlantis would rise again to the surface in 1968 or 1969, which is when divers discovered the Bimini Road.

57 Kingston Road, Toronto, Canada M4C 1S5

“Before the Egyptians” The intent of this entertaining television show is to prove that ancient civilizations existed many thousands of years prior to Pharoahic Egypt arising along the Nile Valley 5,000 years ago, and that the mystery of Atlantis is no mystery at all. Western history books are simply wrong. Initially, there will be two 13-part series produced. The first will deal with the many civilizations that emerged over the past 10,000 years after mile-high glaciers had melted and ocean levels quickly rose several hundred feet – those that directly impacted the Egyptians. The next will explore the astonishing post-Neanderthal Stone Age and what had actually been learned before the earth and its inhabitants were thrown into ultimate chaos. An intelligent, adventurous and well-spoken character will host the show, which will be shot on land, and both on and in water. A “home base” will report to the on-board crew the latest news and factual reasons for dispatching them to specific regions of the world. The additional members of the team will add their own viewpoints, given their own backgrounds and expertise. Episode 1: Malta & The Mediterranean Valley Introduction - The mysterious cart tracks of Malta, which go over cliffs and disappear under water, are theorized to be an ancient civilization’s tramline, taking quarried stone to now submerged cities. On the islands of Malta and Gozo, with a total surface area of just 316 square kilometres, there is a unique concentration of prehistoric sites - magnificent edifices, both above and below ground, monumental temples, elaborate stone carvings, enigmatic cart ruts, Neolithic and Bronze Age artefacts and implements. The megalithic temples are conservatively estimated to be at least one thousand years older than the pyramids at Giza. They are, in fact, the earliest freestanding stone buildings known to mankind and the oldest space-enclosing architecture still in existence, predating England's Stonehenge, the palaces of Crete and King Solomon's Temple. These and many more make the Maltese archipelago an archaeological museum of unique proportions. Malta’s ancient temples and prehistoric monuments are an official UNESCO World Heritage site. Show Summary – Our team will land on Malta to explain (1) the effects of the rising ocean levels due to the melting ice age and (2) the discovery of lost civilizations underwater, providing an effective link between those that are commonly known today and those unknown. Other scientific explanations include (1) comets referred to as “Extinction Level Events” apparently hitting the earth 4,000 years apart, and their catastrophic impact, and (2) the dating of the man-made structures and historic artefacts found on Malta, including: who were these ancient inhabitants and why did they build temples, where did they come from and where did they go? Background – It is an archaeological fact that there are more than 200 known sunken cities located in the Mediterranean. Sunken structures of megalithic proportions are located in waters off Morocco, and the Balearic Islands and Cadiz in Spain augmenting many land-based discoveries of recent years, such as the Carnac menhirs in Brittany running into the Atlantic.

57 Kingston Road, Toronto, Canada M4C 1S5

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